View Full Version : Assassins Creed

11-12-2006, 14:19
Has anyone seen the X06 demo for this? I don't really know anything about this before I saw the demo and think it looks great.

A side question to everyone. Should we collect the game threads in one thread or start separate ones? Just don't want to be classed as a spammer ;D

11-12-2006, 15:02
I remember this was an xbox title only, but they are now bringing it to the pc \o/
Not sure how it would work, as it can't really be a console port.

Don't worry about the game threads, its handy to keep them seperate

11-12-2006, 15:33
Ok cool,

Here (http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=13658&type=mov&pl=game) is the video i watched.

Admiral Huddy
11-12-2006, 17:11
It is due on the PC but no firm date has been announced.. only 2007 :(

Ye Game Looks pretty darn good..