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19-12-2006, 22:37
Two people from work rushed to Tesco yesterday when they heard that they had Wiis in stock, they bought one each. One is keeping it for his kid for Christmas and the other put it on eBay.

Because it didn't go for as much as she hoped it would, she put a huge fake bid on it at right at the end of the auction from an old account she has but hasn't used in years. She's going to report herself to eBay to avoid the fee and she's letting me have it at cost :D :D

Am I a happy Feek or what?

19-12-2006, 22:38

BRING BEER!!!!!!!!


19-12-2006, 22:39
Meh, I got one today too... but its my bros for xmas :(

Damn you Feek ;)

19-12-2006, 22:40

19-12-2006, 22:45



Corrected slightly :)

19-12-2006, 22:46
BAH :(
Lucky soandso :p

19-12-2006, 22:46
BRING BEER!!!!!!!!

19-12-2006, 22:47

Quoted to show your slowness, but reduced in size so as not to embarrass you too much :)

19-12-2006, 22:49
Aren't you a gent.


( :embarassed: )

19-12-2006, 22:52
Birch Beer

Put 1 gallon of Birch twigs, chopped very fine, in a crock.

Now boil together 1 gallon honey and 4-1/2 gallons of the birch sap for 12 minutes, and pour this over the twigs.

Let it cool and strain out the twigs, then add a package of yeast.

Give it a week, then strain it into bottles, capping them tightly.

20-12-2006, 09:41
Meh, I got one today too... but its my bros for xmas :(

Damn you Feek ;)

i keep trying to convince her no one will notice if we test it !! ;) :cool:

20-12-2006, 10:20
i keep trying to convince her no one will notice if we test it !! ;) :cool:

DO IT! They look fun! :D

BB x

20-12-2006, 10:23
I don't know how I'm going to cope with it still in the box, I don't intend to open it until Christmas day!

20-12-2006, 10:53
Make sure you post your friends code (i think it's called that), i'm still waiting for someone to swap Mii's with. You could have the whole 'G family arriving on yours!

20-12-2006, 14:14
DO IT! They look fun! :D

BB x

i tried, but shes wrapped it now ! :( have to steam it open me thinks !!

20-12-2006, 16:28
2 of Janet's brothers got one this week, they were both sat round her mums last night complaining of sore shoulders after playing Red Steel. :D

20-12-2006, 16:55
I've only got Wii Sports so far but I'm trying to get hold of Wii Play and possibly something else in time for Christmas - Advice accepted on what to get......

20-12-2006, 17:02
I've only got Wii Sports so far but I'm trying to get hold of Wii Play and possibly something else in time for Christmas - Advice accepted on what to get......

ask betty and the only reply you'll get is

ZELDA !!!!!!!! ;)

20-12-2006, 17:18
I've just had Red Steel arrive, will give it a go and let you know what i think.

20-12-2006, 19:44
I would get Zelda over Red Steel. Out of the four games I have played (Zelda, Red Steel, Sports and Play) I would say Zelda is the most finished and easily the longest with the most playability (Can't stop playing Sports as well tho). Nintendo are good at making epic games and the Zelda series continues to blow me away. Red Steel is great fun and has a very comfortable control system but unfortunitly has an unfinished and rushed feel about it. If you ask me, get Zelda now, you will stay hooked til the very end (I hope) and then decide what else to get once that is done.

If you are looking for multiplayer games look no further than Sports and Play.Kept me and my friends entertained for hours. Haven't played Red Steel multiplayer as I am still waiting on a second chuk.

20-12-2006, 21:55
Sports I obviously will have, trying to get Play and buy a second nunchuk. One of the guys at work was 'doing' Colchester last night and is looking to pick them up for me.

Guess it's a walk to Game tomorrow for Zelda :)

20-12-2006, 22:26
I want one :(

20-12-2006, 23:24
Red Steel is a very poor looking game but once you get used to controls it's actually quite decent, still struggling with stopping my turning at the right point though :D. If it were a choice between Zelda and RS then i wouldnt hesitate to get Zelda, cracking game with hours and hours of game play.

21-12-2006, 23:17
Mic was wondering if there is want way we can convince you to maybe bring it along to the NYEeve gathering? Alcofrollic bribery is always an option

21-12-2006, 23:19
It's a possibility, if I can prize it out of the mitts of the kids.

21-12-2006, 23:21
so you get it out of the mitts of one set of kids only to put it into the hands of another set ;D

21-12-2006, 23:21
It's a possibility, if I can prize it out of the mitts of the kids.

Just yank hard and their mittens should come off :D

21-12-2006, 23:23
so you get it out of the mitts of one set of kids only to put it into the hands of another set ;D

When Mrs. Feek is asked how many kids she has, she often says "three"

So I then introduce her as "My first wife" :evil:

21-12-2006, 23:31
hehe. cheek!

i put 7 hours on mine today. just finished the 6th temple on Zelda! :D

got my component cable yesterday and it's surprising the change from composite to 480p! very happy :)

23-12-2006, 14:25
is red steel any good then ? the advert maeks it look dead easy, but could imagine it could be quite hard to control.

anyone played it ??

23-12-2006, 14:34
Damnit, I want a Wii! The game in town apparently had some come in this morning but funnily enough they're all gone now. They may be getting some more in on Thursday but I'll be heading off to New York then.

23-12-2006, 14:47
is red steel any good then ? the advert maeks it look dead easy, but could imagine it could be quite hard to control.

anyone played it ??

Controls are very hard to start off with but does get easier quite quickly, i still can't stop my turn at the right place though :(. The rest of it is fine really, sword fighting is pretty easy to master.

23-12-2006, 14:48
Guy at work reckons Red Steel is the best game ever and that Zelda is rubbish.

But he always was a bit of a knob.

23-12-2006, 14:58
Guy at work reckons Red Steel is the best game ever and that Zelda is rubbish.

But he always was a bit of a knob.

dont let betty hear that, shell go nuts !

(well even more so ! :p ) hehe (only kiddin hun) /runs away.......

23-12-2006, 15:05
dont let betty hear that, shell go nuts !

(well even more so ! :p ) hehe (only kiddin hun) /runs away.......

Only kidding? Yeah right ;)

24-12-2006, 14:44
Guy at work reckons Red Steel is the best game ever and that Zelda is rubbish.

But he always was a bit of a knob.

he sounds it! i'd quite like to have a bash on it. a mate's got it and i can't wait to make an excuse to go round and play it! :p

25-12-2006, 15:53
Oh my, this is fun and we've only played with the Wii Sports so far. I managed to get it talking to my router by turning off all security, can't make it talk with WEP and hidden SSID but if I remove the key and make the SSID public then it works fine :(

Cliffy, how do I add people to my friends list? It goes on about registering numbers and stuff like that and I may or may not have had a few too many beers to do complicated things.

25-12-2006, 16:51
Watched Paul plying on his for a bit. He's made a Me if I want to play. It's me with plaits and a fetching orange dress.

25-12-2006, 19:52
Well guess what...


25-12-2006, 20:49
Cool :D

25-12-2006, 21:06
Well guess what...



Post your console code in the thread here (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2601) and add mii ;)

25-12-2006, 21:34
Will do once I figure out how to use it ;)

26-12-2006, 12:46
The thing I like best about the bowling is when you throw the ball backwards and everybody jumps!

I made Paul do that because one of the first times we went out we went bowling and he accidentally threw it backwards twice due to nerves - so it makes the experience more real if he does it occasionally!

26-12-2006, 13:49
Zelda is awesome. It really brings you into the game doing the actions with the wiimotes.

29-12-2006, 01:41
How cool is this? DRZ and I were playing the bowling game and guess who I spotted waiting for a go in the background? Feek!

29-12-2006, 09:19
Excellent, and I bet you could tell it was me even without the name!

02-01-2007, 13:08
Well Mr Feek, what did you think of the bowling? It has gone down really well with 2 out of 3 sets of parents so far, but my mum doesn't think it's realistic as she was doing well ;).

I'll answer this now that I've had more time to play it. I think it's very realistic indeed. I used to bowl regularly, two or three times a week and the action as the ball hits the pins has been very well simulated. My average when I used to league bowl was around 170 and I'm on the same average on the Wii.

I get the same feeling of disapointment when I see what looks like a perfect pocket ball go in, but leaving a big split as I do when it happens for real, and I do the same 'pulling the chain' movement when I get a strike. It's just natural.

Perhaps because I used to bowl so often and took it so seriously, all the old actions have come back and I imagine I look a bit of a tit! I don't just stand there and swing my arm but take a step and do it as I would do.

It's especially good as I can't bowl for real any more due to my knackered shoulder.

02-01-2007, 15:42
I really want a wii but I bought a PSP instead ;) ahh well the mrs wont mind ill let her have a go....maybe :D anyone know of any place with any in stock or is it still first come first get told to bugger off we aint got any.

02-01-2007, 20:46
I've got a Wii too :D

Kate went into town to do a bit of shopping last week and Game had a couple in stock so she bought one for me, sorry, us :)

02-01-2007, 21:08
So get it online and post your code :)

02-01-2007, 21:24
Tomorrow :) I'm too tired to contemplate playing with electrical sockets today.

Von Smallhausen
02-01-2007, 21:38
Two people from work rushed to Tesco yesterday when they heard that they had Wiis in stock, they bought one each. One is keeping it for his kid for Christmas and the other put it on eBay.

Because it didn't go for as much as she hoped it would, she put a huge fake bid on it at right at the end of the auction from an old account she has but hasn't used in years. She's going to report herself to eBay to avoid the fee and she's letting me have it at cost :D :D

Am I a happy Feek or what?

Obtaining a percuniary advantage eh ???

I will have to seize it Feek. :D

02-01-2007, 21:44
I'd like to see you try. I'll lock it inside my cabinet :p

05-01-2007, 13:43
My component cable arrived this morning. The image is now a lot sharper than it was when I used composite. Slight snag for now is that the TV and Amp are far enough apart that I need to get some extension cables for the audio.

05-01-2007, 14:15
I think it's time to go on a Wii hunt!

05-01-2007, 14:16
They're still pretty hard to get hold of. A couple of friends have been looking without any luck. One of them resorted to paying £280 on eBay for one.

05-01-2007, 14:23
Im not that desperate! If I happen across one in my far reaching and extensive travels (ie when I pop into town next) then all good.

06-01-2007, 13:37
My girlfriend rawks, she arrived a short while ago with Wii Play & Red Steel :)

06-01-2007, 23:15
Jarp is threatening to get a wii for the new place....

Could be fun, can I borrow some games?

07-01-2007, 21:06
I'm sure that can be arranged. I picked up Zelda, Red Steel & Super Monkey Ball today. All I need now is some time to play them!

07-01-2007, 21:24
Are extra wiimotes still difficult to find? Tried a couple of places but they're sold out atm :/

07-01-2007, 21:28
No probs getting them around here dude. Went into the local Game and they had at least 10 in stock (plus the elusive component cables).

07-01-2007, 21:54
I'm going to be looking for a Wii Play tomorrow. I've got a second nunchuck but I want the extra crap games and the Wiimote.

07-01-2007, 22:00
Wii Play is okay, I can't see me playing it all that often.

07-01-2007, 23:23
Remember, there are two kids in this house.

Well, three actually!

08-01-2007, 11:08
I'm on a list for a Wii :D They reckon this week, which is good as my parents' money is MOCKING me!

08-01-2007, 11:44
Excellent :)

08-01-2007, 13:08
I'm on a list for a Wii :D They reckon this week, which is good as my parents' money is MOCKING me!

do you still want this PS2?


08-01-2007, 13:23
do you still want this PS2?


Yes please if thats still OK?

Superstar by Jamelia has taken over from YMCA. Pheebs has got it down pat so that she is a lead singer ever time now. I'm losing the will to live! Please tell me there are other versions of singstar!

08-01-2007, 13:24
I don't have it, so you'll have to buy another version anyway :thumbsup:


10-01-2007, 21:23
I have a Wii and I have a Mii! Go me! I mean Mii....er.... :D

10-01-2007, 21:39
I hope your Mii is identifyable, far too many Miis on my Wii with names that mean I don't know who they are so I won't move them into my parade thing. Or is it plaza. Can't remember.

Even a creator name would help!

But go post your number in the thread, get it online and be careful not to get Wii arm :D

10-01-2007, 22:32
Anyone spotted my Jules (from Pulp Fiction) Mii yet?

11-01-2007, 10:21
My field service engineer (kids dad) was muttering about bringing a wireless server? or router? of something. I dunno. All I do know is my shoulder hurts :/

11-01-2007, 15:05
I got Wii Play today! Means the kids can batter me at boxing tonight!

11-01-2007, 15:08
I got it for Dee today, get to play it tomorrow \o/

13-01-2007, 01:28
I can't see me using the Wii web browser allay that much, the res is too low to make it anything other than a gimmick. Plus it takes sodding ages to enter text into it.

14-01-2007, 16:58
Well after last night's shenanigans we decided we would be a little bit previous and whap a wii on the CC rather than waiting until March/April when our loans etc finished.

But we can't find one :( .. Anyone have any idea where to get one ??

14-01-2007, 17:45
They're still a sod to get hold of. My brother has been trying for a couple of weeks to get one and he eventually manged to get hold of one today.

Ordering them online is a right pain, very few places are even taking pre-orders at the moment. Best bet is to phone your local computer game shops and see what they say.

They're fantastic little machines aren't they? I'm going to miss mine this coming week as I've just started playing Zelda.

14-01-2007, 18:39
Thanks both, looks like I'll be hounding our local GAME store ;D

They really are awesome, hours and hours of fun with them and I think well worth the money :)

14-01-2007, 18:47
I got it for Dee today, get to play it tomorrow \o/

Didnt you just, us laydees didnt get a look in ;)

14-01-2007, 20:10
Hey, just because someone needed help on a dungeon ;)

15-01-2007, 00:08
On the subject of the Wii, I really can't believe how desperate people can get for a games console. Camping outside stores for days and now this...


I'm obviously missing something.

15-01-2007, 19:13
Phoned Game this morning and they said they are getting a delivery tomorrow but won't know until the get it what they'll have so I'm gonna phone them in the morning

*prays they have a Wii for Mii * :D

15-01-2007, 19:17
Wii will be getting a Wii too but not for a couple of months :)


15-01-2007, 19:18
Wii mini meet ! :D

15-01-2007, 19:25
Wii mini meet ! :D

Regularly ;)

When we get it we'll set it so our Mii's can visit even if we can't :)


16-01-2007, 19:09
Phoned Game today, they had 15 in last sat and 3 in today but they have all gone to people on a list - I asked to be added to the list and they said no :(

They have 30 people on there at the moment and aren't allowed to add any more :/

Phoned Woolies and they've only had 3 in since the launch date !!


16-01-2007, 19:15
Try Tesco. Seriously, ring your local one and ask them first if they've had any at all as not all branches were stocking them. Then if the answer is yes you call them every day mid morning and be prepared to drop everything and rush down if they say they've got them in as they won't reserve them.

16-01-2007, 19:19
We went into ours on Sunday but I'll try ringing them - thanks Feeky :)

16-01-2007, 19:24
Yeah Supermarkets are a good bet :) Try Asda too, I know they had a fair amount in at launch.
Also heard that play.com had some in stock earlier but not sure if they've gone now.

16-01-2007, 19:34
Just had a look on Play - sold out :/

Thanks though Jen :)

16-01-2007, 19:56
I'll keep an eye out :)

16-01-2007, 20:01
This help at all? (http://www.wiifind.co.uk/buywii.html?gclid=CILy1JHP5YkCFRMOZwodd0tXbQ)

16-01-2007, 20:07
Oooh the little fibbers !

The ones that say they're in stock have either got 12 weeks delivery or have an update saying they are out of stock .. little buggers !

Thanks Sam - Will bookmark it and keep an eye :)

I think we're going to try and get one in person though to avoid paying for one and then waiting weeks :/

17-01-2007, 01:36
www.wiistock.co.uk is worth a look too.

There were some in stock at the Game on Oxford Street today. I'll be heading past there tomorrow, want me to pop in and grab one for you if they have any?

I've got to head over to Stansted Airport on Saturday (not sure on time though) to drop a friend off so could swing past Braintree on the way home.

Edit - If you do want me to have a look, SMS me :) I doubt I'll have time to check BD tomorrow.

17-01-2007, 02:25
Or if that doesn't work for any reason one of us going into London today can pass messages along. Either is good. :)

17-01-2007, 13:21
theres a woolies, a tesco and an independent games shop in cosham - I can pop in tomorrow for you (the independent can be pretty expensive so it may be worth giving me a max amount just in case)

17-01-2007, 13:28
Thanks for all the offers people :)

I've been in touch with Burble and he'll be looking for one for us :D
Hopefully he'll come up trumps. If not then I guess we'll just keep on searching.

17-01-2007, 14:02

Thanks to the LEGEND that is Burbleflop, we have a Wii reserved :cool:

Cheers mate :)

17-01-2007, 14:02
Yay :D

17-01-2007, 14:02
Hurrah :D

17-01-2007, 14:54
The Legend is collecting the Wii tonight :cool:

Just gotta wait till the weekend now :/ ;D

17-01-2007, 18:51
I've seen my Wii in a box :D ;D

17-01-2007, 20:00
I've seen my Wii in a box :D ;D

When my boss asked what I had when I had my brothers delivered to work, I said Ive got a wii in a box...

Her reaction? :huh:

17-01-2007, 20:19
I've seen my Wii in a box :D ;D

OUR Wii !! :angry: :p

18-01-2007, 18:21
OUR Wii !! :angry: :p

You tell him :)

18-01-2007, 18:26
After trawling the shops today in this horrible wind to get a game & control & nunchuck I want to play with it first ! ;D

18-01-2007, 18:27
I've seen my Wii in a box :D ;D

Did it look something like this?


18-01-2007, 18:27
*waves to the Pigmo Wii* :D

18-01-2007, 18:28
I thought that being with Jamie would mean that you're used to horrible wind!

18-01-2007, 18:46
She always runs for cover mate. Doesn't get enough practice in.

19-01-2007, 11:04
Am I sad for unpacking the remote, nunchuck and super monkeyball and sitting there randomly pressing buttons last night?

19-01-2007, 11:05
..........yes :D

I assume there'll be another Super Smash Bros. coming out, dont suppose anyone knows when?

19-01-2007, 16:59
According to Amazon Super Smash Bros. Brawl is due out 30th June.

Link (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Super-Smash-Bros-Brawl-Wii/dp/B000E6BVOE/sr=1-2/qid=1169222285/ref=sr_1_2/026-7749584-7110020?ie=UTF8&s=videogames)

19-01-2007, 17:41
Nice one :)

Big fan of those games, 4 player carnage back in college :D

20-01-2007, 10:52
It's Wii Day !! :D

20-01-2007, 10:59
You're going for a Wii!

20-01-2007, 11:05
Wii Wii Wii all the way home :D

20-01-2007, 11:21
It's Wii Day !! :D

In a few short hours :D

20-01-2007, 11:45
Short for you...long for us ;D

20-01-2007, 12:27
Janet's just text me saying Josh is nagging her for a go on the Wii. Again.

20-01-2007, 12:28
Awww .. It's good exercise !

The boxing is going to be my morning cardio workout :D

20-01-2007, 12:36
Awww .. It's good exercise !

The boxing is going to be my morning cardio workout :D
One night I was staying up for working nights the next night so I had a "quick" game on Sports. I got a bit hot boxing so I took my shirt off. Then I had an attack of the just-one-more-go-s.

Cut to, a slightly tipsy Iain, in his pants, bobbing and weaving round the lounge like a tubby George Formby. I was glad I was alone...:embarassed:

20-01-2007, 18:31
Our Wii is 15 mins away .. WOOOT !!! :D :D :D

We wubs Burble :)

20-01-2007, 19:54
Monkeyball rocks ..

That is all :cool:

20-01-2007, 20:04
Our Wii is 15 mins away .. WOOOT !!! :D :D :D

*gets in car to come and have fun* ;)

20-01-2007, 23:48
There was a Burble in Essex and I didnt get a hug?? *cries*

21-01-2007, 10:26
There still is a Burble in Essex ;)

21-01-2007, 11:28
Monkeyball rocks ..

That is all :cool:

Janet, Josh and I are currently looking like prats in front of the Wii playing Wario, Smooth Moves.

When there's a BD Wii meet involving beer, this must be played.

21-01-2007, 11:45
When there's a BD Wii meet involving beer, this must be played.

And I must be there with my camera ;D ;D ;D

21-01-2007, 16:47
I'm currently hunting for one for my folks, we've had a Wii here all weekend and they love it ;D

21-01-2007, 17:43
We got a Feeky !!! :D :D

21-01-2007, 17:44
We got a Feeky !!! :D :D

*Sulks and pouts* :p

21-01-2007, 17:45
Piggy Ill add your code later, some people are crowding round the TV watching the Man U game atm :p

21-01-2007, 18:29
I got a Piggy, a Desmo and a Lynnie! Lynnie was the most recognisable of the trio :D :D

21-01-2007, 19:52

[edit]Oh, and on topic, I'm really liking Zelda. Classic stuff, cant go wrong :)

21-01-2007, 20:26
I got a Piggy, a Desmo and a Lynnie! Lynnie was the most recognisable of the trio :D :D

:D :D

21-01-2007, 20:35
I see Lynnie :D:D:D Very recognisable :D

21-01-2007, 20:40
Have you got us ?? :D

21-01-2007, 20:41
I wanna get Zelda too :/
Maybe in a couple of months time :)

21-01-2007, 20:46
Have you got us ?? :D
I was kicked off it by the brothers missus before I could get that far :O

You'll be on later though no worries, and I'll send us over to visit :D

21-01-2007, 20:55
YAY ! :D

We did make one of you, but will delete it once the real one comes along ... you're wearing a very fetching pink top ;)

21-01-2007, 21:30
I was going to put my own one in pink for comedy value, but Dee refused ;D;D

I look like a cross between David Dickinson and the rolleyes smilie :D

21-01-2007, 21:45
Piggy Ill add your code later, some people are crowding round the TV watching the Man U game atm :p

Add me while you're at it :)

21-01-2007, 21:52
YAY ! :D

We did make one of you, but will delete it once the real one comes along ... you're wearing a very fetching pink top ;)

Are you guilty for the Fake Feek as well? :( :p ;D

21-01-2007, 21:54
Are you guilty for the Fake Feek as well? :( :p ;D

Guiltier I would assume! The Fake Feek didn't look like you, but the Fake Daz is a pretty good likeness.

21-01-2007, 21:55
oh no, i feel left out now. I got a bloody DS and now everyone's having a Wii.

Swap the 360 for a Wii when Leo's not looking ;) ;D

21-01-2007, 22:23
Just grabbed a photo of our Daz, will upload it in a tick :D

21-01-2007, 22:25
Here he is ;D


21-01-2007, 23:14
Like I said, a pretty good likeness even if I do say so myself :)

21-01-2007, 23:49
Add me while you're at it :)
Done you both :) Showing as greyed out though, I presume it needs to sort itself out somehow

Like the Mii ;D;D

21-01-2007, 23:56
I think I have the real Daz, he's got a slightly lopsided grin!

The Fake Feek was pretty good, but not a patch on the real one ;) and Daz, it takes a few hours to handshake and pass Miis around.

21-01-2007, 23:57
I think I have the real Daz, he's got a slightly lopsided grin!
I was once told I smirk a lot, that's why ;D

Sent him over earlier :)

22-01-2007, 00:03
Aye, but I already had him :) It's great when they just go walkabout by themselves. If you look in your parade you'll find lots. Mrs. Feek and the Feekletts should be there, and my dad as well (Lenny)!

22-01-2007, 00:04
Yeah, the parade got rather large after putting it back on the web yesterday (it's been offline since new year really) :)

22-01-2007, 00:04
I knew who Mrs. Feek was, but I didn't know who Lenny was! Are the Feeklets there under their own names?

22-01-2007, 00:08
I knew who Mrs. Feek was, but I didn't know who Lenny was! Are the Feeklets there under their own names?

Near enough, you can see from the creator ID. YMF has started calling himself "master feek" on games and such like *bless* :D

22-01-2007, 00:14
In which case the unknown Mii's I have on mine aren't the Feeklets - there's no creator ID set. Mind you, there wasn't one set for Mrs. Feek either.

22-01-2007, 11:48
I posted off our Mii's to Paul and Betty this morning :)

22-01-2007, 12:03
Sent Daz & Betty to you and Burble last night :)

The Wii is with me (mii?) this week, though she took Zelda back with her so I couldn't play it. It's a collaborative effort so far, and I'd probably finish it on my own if it was here ;D

Plus my folks can play Wii Sports and Wii play until they manage to find a Wii of their own :D

22-01-2007, 12:37
Aye, we had you, Betty & Paul jump in this morning :D

22-01-2007, 12:44
I only realised after I sent Mii last night that someone had shrunk me a bit. Not sure if you've got the tall mii or short mii, but meh :D

What games did you guys get in the end? Just Monkey Ball?

22-01-2007, 12:47
Yep, just Monkey Ball at the moment. I'd like to get Zelda but can't afford to right now so I'll either grab it in a couple of months time, maybe second hand. Or possibly see if I can borrow it off somebody :)

22-01-2007, 12:54
.... hint? ;D

I'm hoping my folks will get Smooth Moves so I can see what that's like. My mum will never get into anything like Zelda, but simple mini games will suit her great. And my Dad could Wii box all day I think :D

22-01-2007, 13:00
Monkey Ball is good then, not just a kiddies game?

22-01-2007, 13:02
.... hint? ;D

I'm hoping my folks will get Smooth Moves so I can see what that's like.
It's a scream.

Only played it with Janet and Josh. I imagine it's even more fun when beer and silliness is involved.

22-01-2007, 13:06
Just the ticket then :D

Ever since the N64 Nintendo have done great multiplayer games. Multiplayer as in crowding round a telly, rather than over the web.

22-01-2007, 13:09
.... hint? ;D
No, it wasn't Honest :p
I'd be more than happy to buy it....just not right now.

Monkey Ball is good then, not just a kiddies game?
Monkey Ball rocks. It is a bit silly at times and some of the 50 party games are a bit crap and others will have a limited shelf life. But there are some corkers on there and SMB will have a long term shelf life. We still play SMB from the Gamecube quite often and that's a good few years old.

The main SMB game is also good and I'll be gradually working my way through that too :)

22-01-2007, 13:12
I wonder if it is just a coincidence that my Wii crashed after the Jamie Mii arrived?

SMB is fantastic! I've not played it all that much (apart from the several hours with Pigmo) as Zelda has been chewing up what little free time I have.

Did anyone get the 'mofidied' Sinead Wii arrive?

22-01-2007, 13:19
GRRRR !!! :angry: :p

22-01-2007, 13:20
I'll check the parade later ;D

22-01-2007, 13:22
GRRRR !!! :angry: :p

Jamie made me do it!

22-01-2007, 13:22
I wonder if it is just a coincidence that my Wii crashed after the Jamie Mii arrived?
You mean the JaMii :D

I have a habit of making things crash :/

22-01-2007, 13:22
You mean the JaMii :D


22-01-2007, 19:26
Got a JaMii, Burble and little Sinead arrive in our clan :D

22-01-2007, 19:29
With or without beard ? :p

22-01-2007, 19:30
Without ;D

Had a look in our parade to see if I could find a custom Piggy but didnt see one, least now I know what to look for :D

22-01-2007, 19:32
Thank god for that ! ;D

22-01-2007, 20:04
OK, there's going to be a really obvious way to connect to everyone else isnt there. I clicked everything last night and couldnt figure it out :(

22-01-2007, 20:07
Feek explains in the first post here (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2601) :)

22-01-2007, 20:10
Feek explains in the first post here (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2601) :)


I knew that but was just testing. No...really! :embarassed:

Thanks :)

22-01-2007, 21:50
The fake Feek and Daz appeared in our Plaza this evening :eek:
Kill them, kill them all.

22-01-2007, 21:53
There's a fake Daz :eek:

22-01-2007, 22:01
That's the one we posted ! ;D

In pink ;)

23-01-2007, 20:37
My console number is 5655 8639 6970 3752

There's a Mii for each of us plus a Mike one too (Kids dad) :)

24-01-2007, 00:51
Is there no end to my n00bness. I'll repost this in the stickied thread :(

24-01-2007, 00:53
Someone lovely already has :) I give up, Im going to bed

24-01-2007, 00:53
Guilty :)

24-01-2007, 11:28
We had lomster jump in too :D

Still no sign of Karyn and the crew though :/

24-01-2007, 11:58
I got some Pigmos just now :)

24-01-2007, 12:36
We posted them to you :D

Click on the envelope on the right hand side and you can drop Mii's into there and post them to people ;D

24-01-2007, 14:34
I've picked up a few more tips and tricks :)

Hold down 2 just after you've selected your players in tennis and whilst the screen is black. You'll be able to play on the practice court.

As the screen is fading black for bowling hold the D-pad in different directions to get different coloured balls.

Also, you can email a Wii. Just email to : w1234123412341234@wii.com (obviously using the proper Wii number).


24-01-2007, 14:39
I've not tried the messaging yet, does it actually pop up a proper alert? I know you can see unread message from the home screen in the bottom corner, but I tend not to notice as it's normally just medal info.

24-01-2007, 14:43
Don't know mate, only just tried it so will let you know when I get home :)
I'd guess it just shows as another message like normal. I blue disc hole would be good though :D

24-01-2007, 17:47
I got mine today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went into Virgin Mega store in Hereford at about 4pm, there was a sign outside saying they have 4 in stock. So picked one up for £161.99 (student 10% off) :D

24-01-2007, 18:05
Don't forget to add you Wii number to the sticky :)

24-01-2007, 18:31
Don't forget to add you Wii number to the sticky :)

I am still unpacking it:) but Will do !

Love the packaging, 2 layers, very neat.

25-01-2007, 09:55
Pebbles and her gang still haven't arrived with me. Anyone else seen them?

/me suspects that she has travel and mingle turned off :(

25-01-2007, 10:21
Nothing here either :(
I manually post ours when somebody adds us :D

25-01-2007, 10:25
Nothing here either :(
I manually post ours when somebody adds us :D

I send out Feek and let the others mingle.

25-01-2007, 10:34
Pebbles and her gang still haven't arrived with me. Anyone else seen them?

/me suspects that she has travel and mingle turned off :(

No I have travel on, I know I do! Mingle however.....I'll go look

25-01-2007, 10:52
Sorted...I think ;)

25-01-2007, 13:37
Got one on pre-order :)


25-01-2007, 13:37

25-01-2007, 13:51
Yay, go team MB :D

Ooooh, I've learnt a new bowling trick today. Gonna try it out tonight and post my results :D

25-01-2007, 14:04
Obviously it will depend on when they get stock but they say there are only 3-4 people on the list and I put down a £20 deposit, its Gamestation so I would have thought we wouldn't be waiting toooooooo long. Might buy Wii Play and a Nunchuck tonight so we have it ready ;)


25-01-2007, 14:10
Wii Play really is rubbish, I know you effectively get a Wiimote with it for a tenner but you're better off buying a Wiimote by itself and using the rest of the cash towards another game.

25-01-2007, 14:22
Yay, go team MB :D

Ooooh, I've learnt a new bowling trick today. Gonna try it out tonight and post my results :D
You tried the power shots training yet? Bumpers up, 10 rounds, every round another row of pins is added. Last one is something like 92 pins, great fun :D

25-01-2007, 14:35
Wii Play really is rubbish, I know you effectively get a Wiimote with it for a tenner but you're better off buying a Wiimote by itself and using the rest of the cash towards another game.
Thought it was a fiver? (29.99/34.99)

The shooting, laser hockey and find the mii (or whatever it is) has gone done well in our place. Think I probably spent more on Toe Jam and Early on virtual console :embarassed:

25-01-2007, 14:36
Yep, last one is 91 pins and my best score is something 425 or something.
That's the game my new trick is on :D

25-01-2007, 14:37
I've managed to break 500, getting a lucky strike on a high level. Been trying out different techniques which have as yet been largely crap :D

25-01-2007, 14:37
Toe Jam and Earl? :D
That's the problem with the wii, if I had it, I'd just be playing games on the virtual console all the time ;D

25-01-2007, 14:38
Ahh yes, could be a fiver.

Jamie, was that the 'strike' trick? ;)

25-01-2007, 14:39
Hmmmmm yes, I'd like to forget about that bowling variant, I managed to turn it off whilst someone was playing it and made them cry :(


25-01-2007, 15:47
My high score is 548 *smug*

Strangely (or not) its greatly improved my real bowling abilities too. I got three strikes in one game last night and broke 100 for the first time EVER!

25-01-2007, 16:13
I got 3 strikes in a row last night too :D
Sinead wasn't impressed with my victory dancing though :/

25-01-2007, 16:19
Groin thrusting/Wang waving? I did that the other day and she wasn't impressed either ;D

25-01-2007, 16:43
Now look what you've done. You've only gone and got me wanting a Wii. :/

Finding lots of empty space to crash around in might however be a problem.

25-01-2007, 21:33
Well here it is in video (10MB).
The WiiSports Bowling Easter Egg ;)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v112/piggymon/Odds%20and%20Ends/th_WiiSportsEasterEgg.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v112/piggymon/Odds%20and%20Ends/?action=view&current=WiiSportsEasterEgg.flv)

Apologies for the poor quality...it was taken with our camera :)

25-01-2007, 21:49
How does that work then. Looks like the lord almighty just reached down and smacked the lot of em. :)

25-01-2007, 22:02
Easter egg, you bowl off the side and it counts as a strike.

25-01-2007, 22:03
Early on in the game at the end of the lane there are two red lights. Well, they're actually buttons :)

As the game goes on, the barriers down the side get wider to accomodate more pins. On the last round, with 91 pins, the barriers are level with the buttons.

You need to pop the ball up onto the barrier and give it just enough spin to stay on.
The ball will hit the button, there's then an explosion and all the pins fall down into the shape of a heart :D

25-01-2007, 23:37
You cheating ****er!

Quite disappointed that there were no farts, whoops or Sinead giggles on the video though :(

26-01-2007, 08:26
I just had joshua and daisy arrive. Daisy I can identify, but is Joshua the Fayshlett?

26-01-2007, 09:18
You cheating ****er!

Quite disappointed that there were no farts, whoops or Sinead giggles on the video though :(

I was at the gym !

I did film a few attempts before I left though but he cocked it up and also ordered me to be quiet :p

27-01-2007, 10:40
I just had joshua and daisy arrive. Daisy I can identify, but is Joshua the Fayshlett?

He is (if he's the one with shades and spiky hair)

27-01-2007, 11:45
Do you ever think you'll have this (http://www.destructoid.com/1-007-mii-parade--29469.phtml) many Miis?

27-01-2007, 12:10
Too many, you'd never find the one you wanted to play with :(

27-01-2007, 20:06
I just hit myself in the head playing the hammer throw on monkeyball :/

27-01-2007, 20:53

What on earth or elsewhere was that alien thing you sent over?

27-01-2007, 21:02
It's our alien friend :D

MB made him !

27-01-2007, 21:09
LMF wants to play with him!

27-01-2007, 21:18
Awwww ... he's made friends !

27-01-2007, 21:31
LMF wants to play with him!



27-01-2007, 22:01
I've got a Feek and a MB now :)

28-01-2007, 12:28
Sinead has got a sore head this morning after smacking herself in the head last night ;D

28-01-2007, 13:23
I got myself in the knackers yesterday. Josh thought it was hilarious.

30-01-2007, 15:04
anyone know how do you find our your own email address on the wii?

30-01-2007, 15:07
Isn't it just your Wii number @ wii.com?

30-01-2007, 15:07
Also, you can email a Wii. Just email to : w1234123412341234@wii.com (obviously using the proper Wii number).

Ta da :p

30-01-2007, 15:13
so you have to add the letter w before the number ?

30-01-2007, 15:15
Can't you email yourself to check?
That's what I'd do.

30-01-2007, 15:16
Doh !

30-01-2007, 15:23
Yep, you need the "w" :)

Apperently though they are VERY picky about what mail goes through, to help fight spam.
Anything using an alias will probably not get through. e.g. I can't use my desmo.plus.com account as it is based on aliases and not one specific account.

30-01-2007, 15:31
Where do you create emails on the wii ? I can't see it under messages. Am I being stupid again ?

31-01-2007, 19:20
3046 2310 6962 5905 ;)


31-01-2007, 19:23

31-01-2007, 19:59
WOOT Youth Work is cancelled \o/

I have returned home.....

but have no friends :(


31-01-2007, 21:17
You will soon :D

Oh, found out about that Rayman game not working properly the other day. Set the Wii to 60hz and it should work fine. Small glitch in the game it seems.

Glad I didn't lob the remote across the room now ;D