View Full Version : Transformers trailer!

21-12-2006, 14:58
Fear my HTML skills, but here's the link:

Since there isnt a licking lips smilie, imagine one here:

21-12-2006, 15:11
watched it last night. the trailer makes it look really good, alot more darker than i imagined, but i have this horrible feeling its going to be a PG and become all lovey dovey.

Considering that most of the people who remember and appreciate transformers are now over 18, they should make it so, and with everything an 18 film has in it ! now that would rock ! ;D

21-12-2006, 16:14
Looks very good :)

21-12-2006, 16:18
Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPYatiU6Xko) link if anyone wants it and 720p (http://www.mediafire.com/?eywmzynawny) quicktime version too.

21-12-2006, 16:26
Considering that most of the people who remember and appreciate transformers are now over 18, they should make it so, and with everything an 18 film has in it ! now that would rock ! ;D

You want to see robot porn?

21-12-2006, 16:33
..... you can help him?

21-12-2006, 16:40
The trailer makes it look really good, alot more darker than i imagined, but i have this horrible feeling its going to be a PG and become all lovey dovey.

Just what I was thinking.

Don't think i'll go pay to watch it but might get one of the boys to get it for me :)

21-12-2006, 17:18
watched it last night. the trailer makes it look really good, alot more darker than i imagined, but i have this horrible feeling its going to be a PG and become all lovey dovey.

Considering that most of the people who remember and appreciate transformers are now over 18, they should make it so, and with everything an 18 film has in it ! now that would rock ! ;D

Exactly what i was thinking, think i detected a touch of horror

21-12-2006, 18:03
lol, no, no robot pron ! but a bit more action that doesnt cut as soon as its starts getting intense would be alot better than,

cut.. oh look kids they all survived by some devine miracle, and even though thousand bullets/lasers were fired no one got hurt to bad, and if they did, dont worry they will recover and be up dancing in a second.....

18-05-2007, 15:37
There's a new trailer out (http://movies.yahoo.com/feature/transformers.html). Gotta say there's one teeny tiny moment where I went "OMG" and this movie could be fantastic. Shame the toys I've seen are all plastic crap.

19-05-2007, 09:19
Shame the toys I've seen are all plastic crap.

Yep very disappointing, i wanted to get some for my kids but havent bothered after seeing the state of some of them. They don't even look like the originals :(.

On a + note i'm looking forward to the film :).

19-05-2007, 13:49
There's a Shame the toys I've seen are all plastic crap.

Some of them are pretty good actually, Ratchet, Blackout, Barricade and the more expensive versions of Prime in particular. There are also some more detailed figures coming out later in the year.


The lesser, smaller figures are a bit poor though.

I'll still buy them :D

(Oh, and the latest trailer is awesome)