View Full Version : I heard that the Sontarans are going to be in the next series of Doctor Who.
"Sontarans are humanoid, with a squat build and distinctive dome-shaped head." (
Hmmm. (
You appear to have put the same pic in twice. :confused:
27-12-2006, 13:34
You appear to have put the same pic in twice. :confused:
Cwazy man!
On a slightly related note, was anyone else a bit dissapointed by the Xmas Dr Who?
Yes, I thought it was OKish, but nothing special. Played for comedy which is always going to give die-hard DW geeks a bit of a heart attack.
The worst bit was the TARDIS chasing the car, and then the final launch upwards.
Did chuckle at the reaction to the inside/outside thing though and the throwaway line about his pockets.
27-12-2006, 13:58
I missed Billy Piper i think she is HAWT in a dirty can do anything you like to me kind of way and i Like that. ( to much info :embarassed: )
I don't like that Doris's voice either it grates on me like, well like a grater of course. Nice Norks though :D
27-12-2006, 13:59 (
Yes, I thought it was OKish, but nothing special. Played for comedy which is always going to give die-hard DW geeks a bit of a heart attack.
The worst bit was the TARDIS chasing the car, and then the final launch upwards.
Did chuckle at the reaction to the inside/outside thing though and the throwaway line about his pockets.
It was very much a childrens Xmas special. Chasing the car, the OTT bad guy/girl/thing, etc. I found it enjoyable for the most part though. However it did annoy me when they had the more serious tones spliced in and I kept thinking "Grrrr make your mind up!! Are you a kids show or an adults show!!" Just irks me so much that the adult Dr Who is Torchwood. I want an adult Dr Who! More drama, more stuff about the timelords, stop hinting damn you! :D
You appear to have put the same pic in twice. :confused:
Nah, there is less ear hair in the first pic.
27-12-2006, 16:20
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ;D
That made me lolololololol.
Stan :)
"Sontarans are humanoid, with a squat build and distinctive dome-shaped head." (
That looks remarkably like the object that I flushed away last night;)
Admiral Huddy
05-01-2007, 17:58
Very good Mr Feek hahaha
They used to scare the poo outa me.. back of the sofa job them!
31-03-2007, 20:14
Rhinos in New Rocks ;D
I said that to jarp :p
Although they were, admittedly, cheap knock off New Rocks...
/me sighs
I don't know about other people but I think that was a good start to the series :)
I thought "I had a cousin who worked in Canary Warf" was a bit contrived as a way of explaining the same actress playing a different role, but there you have it.
I thought that was a great line. Fandom have been speculating for months as to how there would be any explanation for her having appeared before with all kinds of complicated theories, but they dealt with it quickly and simply in one line and moved on.
I really genuinely laughed out loud at a few lines, notable ones being about the shop in the hospital and when The Doctor mouthed "Bigger on the inside".
Thoroughly enjoyed last nights episode, it was indeed a good start to the series. If they can keep the whole series at that sort of quality then it's looking good.
07-04-2007, 20:02
Kate decided to use my PC to send her friend an e-mail rather than watch Doctor Who..
She is a fool...
Rich and I LOL'd at that one. He seems to be doing a good job balancing humour and plot lines :)
"I've only got one working heart! How do you people survive!"
"and then I'll be sectioned" ;D ;D
Might be no Dr Who this week (
BBC One is showing Watford's clash with Manchester United before the drama, and says it will postpone the show to make way for any extra play or penalties.
bloody sport *mutter mutter mutter* :(
Dont worry. United will finish it in 90 ;)
11-04-2007, 19:11
bloody bunch of girls running around and crying because they grazed their knees *mutter mutter mutter* :(
fixxored ;)
Hands up who got teary at the end :embarassed:
I didn't get teary, probably because he was explaining what had already been revealed back in series 1; but that episode was awesome. Included some great hints at what is to come this series too.
probably because he was explaining what had already been revealed back in series 1
Not that bit..........well I did a bit then too :embarassed: :embarassed:
hey! I'm female - I'm meant to cry at stupid things :p :embarassed:
Ohhhh right I see what you mean.
Nope, but thats the first time I've seen that character.
but thats the first time I've seen that character.
:shocked: Its at least the 3rd time but just the first with Martha
:shocked: Its at least the 3rd time but just the first with Martha
:embarassed: :embarassed: I watched bits but not many of the David Tennant episodes. Saw almost all of the Christopher Eccleston ones but not all.
Hands up who got teary at the end :embarassed:
You're not kidding. I've just watched it. That last 30 seconds was nothing new but it really made an impact on me.
Just watched this weeks episode, I had giggle when they were in the box and The Doctor was fiddling - I said "he's reversing the polarity"
Oh how right I was, lovely reference back to Pertwee :D
Rich and I laughed most when he said "Lets turn it up to 11"
Perfect Spinal Tap references :D
Who was that mysterious man and what did he whisper to Marthas mum to make her slap the Doctor?
Is he the Master? If so he's a crap looking Master, he's got no evil, goatee beard.
Crap, this is Fay
I don't think he's the Master. Dym and I were wondering if it was Torchwood but then decided against that. Something was mentioned about Saxon. Eagle eyed people will have seen more than a few references to Saxon, and he's supposed to be the main story arc for this season :) There have been lots of "Vote Saxon" posters around suggesting that he's running for president. Could be interesting if he really is the Master :D
08-05-2007, 09:42
I don't think 'he' was the master but since the whole Face of Bo you are not the only one of your kind thing I have been thinking that a return for the master was probably on the cards :)
It's been suggested by Fandom that Mr. Saxon is The Master with convincing arguements both for and against.
I'd rather just watch and see!
I don't think 'he' was the master but since the whole Face of Bo you are not the only one of your kind thing I have been thinking that a return for the master was probably on the cards :)
First thing I thought when Mr Boe finally gave up his secret.
But watching Dr Who Confidential after ^^ confused me, as apparently both the Doctor who thinks he is the last of the Time Lords AND the Face of Boe who says the Doctor is not alone, are both right.
There are also murmerings that the Face of Bo was the Doctors final regeneration. See if your puny Earth mind can work that out, Muwahahahahahahaha!
There are also murmerings that the Face of Bo was the Doctors final regeneration. See if your puny Earth mind can work that out, Muwahahahahahahaha!
Hmmm.. interesting.
Reckon its a whole pile of tripe mind you, but still. Interesting.
Reckon its a whole pile of tripe mind you, but still. Interesting.
Close up of the Face of Boe?
I watched last nights episode after beer at two this morning with Dym and Garp and wasn't overly impressed with it, it seemed very much a filler.
Garp watched it again this morning in a sober mind and said that he thought it was actually quite scary, a concept I couldn't see. I need to watch it again without beer inside me.
Speaking to Mrs. Feek and YMF, they both thought it was absolutely terrifying! She was pushing herself back as far into her chair as she could and he was cuddled up to her and trying to hide behind her! He didn't go behind the sofa because he said that he wouldn't be able to see all around.
Looking forward to a re-viewing!
I loved it ( It was scary and captivating. No Dr so who would save the day? I also loved Moffat's previous episode which was the Madame Pompadue one with the mirrors. Personally I wish he'd do more epsidoes so we don't have emo darleks and things. I felt the writing was 10x better than anything else this season, apart from the previous 2 episodes which were pretty good.
Ooooooo, that was good.
Loved the interplay between The Doctor and Jack and Derek Jacobi was superb - I could have imagined him playing The Doctor like that, the clothes just seemed to fit, very Hartnellish.
Looking forward to next week :D
The last 10 mins were great. I did have a couple of issues with 100 billion years in the future and they were driving trucks, shooting our guns and generally being human. 100 billion years in the future and we're still driving the same cars?? Seemed a bit annoying. Still, John Simm should be excellent to watch next week.
16-06-2007, 22:16
Katie can confirm how excited I was towards the end of the episode....
Guessed who Derek Jacobi was about halfway through the episode :D
With all the hype and rumours about the return of The Master it was fairly obvious, but as soon as you saw his reaction to the TARDIS it became blatant.
This was the first Doctor Who I've seen since they brought back the franchise. I was totally on the edge of my seat at the end, even if I didn't quite understand the significance of The Masters return.
Having never seen any Dr Who before it was bought back I had to google for the story behind the Master (had rough idea from what people had said before in convos but the wiki page helped fill in the blanks).
And of course Jack was back :D
With all the hype and rumours about the return of The Master it was fairly obvious, but as soon as you saw his reaction to the TARDIS it became blatant.
Not for me, which was great. I knew the Master was returning as John Simm and I knew the final episode is titled "The last of the timelords" so I never expected it. I thought he was going to change into one of those Mad Max people.
That was good.. took me a little while to suss out that Derek Jacobi was The Master. Still it does now confirm that Mr Saxon is the Master, if any confirmation was needed :D
2 episodes to go from what has been a fantastic series (bar a couple of dodgy epsiodes).
I must confess I am beginning to agree with some criticism of the recent series of it. They're spending far too long on Earth.
The Face of Boe!!!!
;D ;D ;D
Anyone else get the Flash Gordon reference? :)
Was a great episode :)
That rocked. Watched it with Katie (Dym's sister) who hasn't seen a single episode yet. As she put it "Totally ridiculous, but awesome". Laughed out loud at the Face of Boreference.
The ring, Mic?
Why are we doing spoiler alerts, this thread has been full of open episodic discussion all the way through.
Thought tonights was OK but I've still not really accepted John Simm as The Master, I really feel he's played it more of a sort of Joker character than The Master as we've known him in the past.
Yep the ring Feek :)
Sam couldn't understand what I was chuckling at when it happened :)
01-07-2007, 20:05
I liked it :)
I thought it was absolutely terrible. No explanation for why things happened, they just did. I really didn't believe that an entire year had passed. It seemed like a few minutes later. The Doctor said it best I think. "What?" Blink has been the highlight of series 3 for me.
Del Lardo
02-07-2007, 01:13
Gotta agree with Peter. The first two Master episodes were great but the last one was a huge let down for me. It was just another ooh look we've got out of it again conclusion.
Revelation at the end did get a smile though :)
02-07-2007, 12:46
Martha is going to the darkside for a while and joining Torchwood for a few episodes before going back to Dr Who in the later half of next series but there will be another companion for the entire run who is yet to be anounced.
This is a bad decision, imo.
I thought Freema got much more into the role towards the end of the series, it's a real shame she's stepped down.
She was improving, for sure. I still think Sally Sparrow should be there instead.
Freema is meant to be doing 3 eps of TW and rejoining DW half way thru season 4.
Making her just the love-sick girl was a bit tedious but they had finally started to expand on her character and she buggers off :/
What with Spike having a guest spot in TW I'm slightly worried that its just going to focus on whichever new person is in for that ep and ignore the main characters.
Tate is a bad idea imo - the xmas special wasn't bad but I can't imagine her week in week out - most of the "characters" she has done annoy the hell out of me after a short period of time.
And what is with Kylie? It does seem very "lets throw some big names in just because we can" which, to me, shouldn't be what draws in DW viewers.
I can pretty much forgive anything for the Christmas Specials, they seem to be just a bit of fun really and I have no problem with them throwing names at it.
Kylie is a good thing. She used to act and has a nice bottom. ;D
I wonder if they are trying to get more people to watch TW. It needs to be far more adult tbh. Lets see some proper scary violence.
She was improving, for sure. I still think Sally Sparrow should be there instead.
100% agree. I never felt Martha Jones had any real point. She seemed like someone who fell for the Doctor and her role was basically "Not-Rose". However, the choice of Tate is terrible when Sally Sparrow was so perfect.
100% agree. I never felt Martha Jones had any real point. She seemed like someone who fell for the Doctor and her role was basically "Not-Rose". However, the choice of Tate is terrible when Sally Sparrow was so perfect.
I just popped onto an popular IT website to look at the comments on this story. Every single one is negative, no-one wants CT. Everyone is saying that 'Blink' was one of the better episodes and Carey Mulligan deserves the role.
Oh well...
Blink was my favourite this series. S2 it was the girl in the mirror. Both by the same writer. He really shows, to me, how Dr Who could really be done. Intelligently wrote, funny, and a bit scary too. "Wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff" :D I guess the problem with Sally Sparrow is that the episode was also about her relationship with video store guy. For the Dr to suddenly appear and whisk her away from that might ruin the ending of that episode.
04-07-2007, 12:11
Catherine Tate pisses me off :/
Catherine Tate pisses me off :/
Likewise :(
04-07-2007, 12:40
Bet she pisses me off more....
Dymetrie :: Catherine ****ing Tate?
KP :: just catching up I see
Dymetrie swears more
Feek :: cuss, go on, do it
Dymetrie :: worthless, talentless, piece of crap moron whose only saving grace is that she isn't Victoria ****ing ***** Beckham
Oh god. Spice Girls reformed.... they'll be in the next Christmas Special!
Catherine Tate pisses me off :/
Same :(
And I liked Martha too. I wish they'd just stick with someone tbh.
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