View Full Version : Bollocks

06-01-2007, 14:03
Just got my New Years gift from Essex Police, not sadly what I was hoping for but unfortunately what I was expecting http://forums.pepipoo.com/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif

I have 3 points from an SP50 back from September '03 I don't especially want any more but nor do I particularly wish to incur a large fine.

I've posted on Pepipoo

Sod it, it was my own silly fault it was on the way to Pigmo Pad to get changed for the party on NYE :'(


06-01-2007, 14:04
Bummer :(

06-01-2007, 14:09
Christ that came through quick !

Jamie got one the other week, well I did but he was driving so he gets to have the points .. I have enough ! :shocked:

06-01-2007, 14:12
Was it a fixed camera? Or a camera van?

Can we have the link on pepipoo it would be interesting to see how it develops. :)

Gutted to hear about that :( How fast were you going?

06-01-2007, 14:13
It's a fixed camera.

06-01-2007, 14:16

41 in a 30


06-01-2007, 14:18
:( Amazed you were going that fast, certainly didn't feel like it.
Bad luck :(

06-01-2007, 14:22
Ouch! :(

06-01-2007, 14:28
What pisses me off is they don't take your Previous clean record into account.
I had a clean license for like well over 10 years and then got done doing 30kin 9 in a 30.
They should look back at your driving record and if clean for a long time should hold the points back, then if you get done within say 3 years Then you get the 3 points plus the 3 for the new offence. There is just No reason to drive sensibly.

06-01-2007, 14:40
Surprised you didn't see it either - was it one of those bastard ones which were hidden? The weather was pretty nasty too which I doubt helped. That sucks. :(

06-01-2007, 14:45
Surprised you didn't see it either - was it one of those bastard ones which were hidden? The weather was pretty nasty too which I doubt helped. That sucks. :(

Totally missed it, if I remember the camera warnings are pretty soon or possibly even before the junction I came out of :/

I'm looking at Pepipoo and thinking it will probably be a 3point & £60, its too fast for the offer of a speed awareness course and using Pepipoo's suggestion of submitting a PACE statement would probably mean going to court with a 50:50 between 3 points & £100+ or getting off, I'm not sure its worth the gamble, the money doesn't bother me, its going to court in Essex thats the pain.


06-01-2007, 14:58
Your old points shouldn't prove to be a problem. Although they remain on your licence for 4 years but they only count for the purposes of totting up for 3 years so have effectively expired.

06-01-2007, 15:55
Surprised you didn't see it either - was it one of those bastard ones which were hidden?
It's pretty well out in the open, although it was dark and wet when we left Karyns to come back home so it's easily missed :/

06-01-2007, 16:39
Nooooo I thought everyone knew about that camera! Its on waterhouse lane just after you turn left out of beaches road :(

06-01-2007, 16:47
Nooooo I thought everyone knew about that camera! Its on waterhouse lane just after you turn left out of beaches road :(

Yes, thanks, I am now fully aware of its location! I have a special piece of paper to refer to and at the time noticed a bright light in my rear view mirror.


06-01-2007, 17:19
I've been done doing 46 in a 30 before, 3 points and £60 fine.. I honestly wouldn't worry about it Matt

When I was done doing 75 in a 50 ( on the motorway ) I got a court summons and plead guilty by post

I got 6 points and £120 fine

06-01-2007, 17:53
Bad luck :( They actually took that camera away for a while as it was where there's now a junction. We all hoped it wouldn't come back as it's a nasty one, on a downhill stretch and there are IIRC some trees there that cover it until you're not far from it.

Don't ever recall hearing of an accident there to justify the damned thing in the first place...

06-01-2007, 17:55
Sorry Matt that was less than tactful.

06-01-2007, 21:24
Would this be a bad time to mention Will hitting 80 when driving me to the station on monday afternoon?


Tough :p

*loves Will's hairdryer*

06-01-2007, 21:27
I didn't get to have a ride in the hairdryer :( Although I did ride Will (and was worried about breaking his back :embarassed: )

06-01-2007, 21:52
I have the photograph to demonstrate this. Will go up tomorrow. :)

06-01-2007, 21:59
I didn't get to have a ride in the hairdryer :( Although I did ride Will (and was worried about breaking his back :embarassed: )


Good luck with it Matt. If they have responded this quickly, then they have it all automated. No waiting for people to come back after Christmas to catch up.

I would wait 20 days, then send the PACE letter. Giving them the option of 21 days to respond. If they respond with a letter to the effect "your stuffed" then I would take the hit. If they send the NIP again, wait 20 days and send the PACE letter. Eventually, if you can string it out for 6 months, they will likely drop it as they did with me. Twice.

07-01-2007, 23:49
What's the PACE letter?

08-01-2007, 10:39
What's the PACE letter?


08-01-2007, 10:46
That is a horrible camera Matt :( As Nutcase said it's not really all that visible aompared to most. It used to be further back nearer the junction but they moved it down after adding a big junction there.

I got done for 52 in a 30 in April and got 3 points and a £60 fine. I was about 20 yards into a 30 zone and it was in the arse end of nowhere, I was surprised to get off that lightly. Im not sure if they treat ou more harshly if its a fixed camera, mine was a hand held effort.

08-01-2007, 11:13
I'm sorry, I don't normally get annoyed by this sort of thing but reading that stuff about the PACE letter has given me the ache a bit.

The bottom line is that it's trying to find loopholes in the law to get out of a speeding ticket. Lots of fancy words just to do that.

If you know you were speeding, take the hit and try not to do it in the future, or at least not to get caught. Speeding is an absolute offense, there is technically no justification for it.

Don't want the points? Don't do the speed.

I'm not trying to preach here, I speed, we all speed but to go to all the effort that people are on that website seems to me as though it's wasting not only their time, but also by cause and effect it's going to waste police time as well by having to deal with it. A common complaint heard is 'why don't the police stop hassling speeders and catch real criminals' made by someone who's been nicked for speeding and is doing all they can to get out of it and taking up more vaulable police time in the instance!

Take it, forget about it and use the tools you have (I know you have TomTom, so therefore you can have the speed camera warnings) to avoid it happening again.

08-01-2007, 11:27
I'm sorry, I don't normally get annoyed by this sort of thing but reading that stuff about the PACE letter has given me the ache a bit.

The bottom line is that it's trying to find loopholes in the law to get out of a speeding ticket. Lots of fancy words just to do that.

If you know you were speeding, take the hit and try not to do it in the future, or at least not to get caught. Speeding is an absolute offense, there is technically no justification for it.

Don't want the points? Don't do the speed.

I'm not trying to preach here, I speed, we all speed but to go to all the effort that people are on that website seems to me as though it's wasting not only their time, but also by cause and effect it's going to waste police time as well by having to deal with it. A common complaint heard is 'why don't the police stop hassling speeders and catch real criminals' made by someone who's been nicked for speeding and is doing all they can to get out of it and taking up more vaulable police time in the instance!

Take it, forget about it and use the tools you have (I know you have TomTom, so therefore you can have the speed camera warnings) to avoid it happening again.

I agree with all that apart from one bit

taking up more vaulable police time in the instance!

There are no police involved here


08-01-2007, 11:43
Speeding fines are dealt with by dedicated teams who are civilians.

Be honest though, if there was a way of getting off something, wouldn't you take it?

08-01-2007, 12:08
I don't know. Last time I was done for speeding was for 42 in a 30 and the specific Plod had a reputation that there was no way he'd drop anything once he'd got you stopped.

08-01-2007, 12:21
I don't know. Last time I was done for speeding was for 42 in a 30 and the specific Plod had a reputation that there was no way he'd drop anything once he'd got you stopped.

I went to Pepipoo to research my options, basically to see if I could slide out of a speeding ticket, yes I was speeding and yes its terrible and it kills newborn babies and little lambkins.

I'd be happy to pay a fine but I don't want the points it has a nasty effect on insurance although as I have just had the only three points I have ever had on my licence expire for totting it wouldn't be the end of the world. I drive to the current conditions of the road and I drive safely and carefully, I do speed but only when it is safe to do so, that road looked like a 40 to me, it was wide and clear and the conditions were conducive with the speed I was going.

In my opinion I got hit by a cash machine operated by the local government and not by a copper who pulled me because my driving was unsafe.

[Looking at the stats for that camera it has not in the 4 years it has been in place had any effects whatsoever on the accident rate or the severity of accidents on that stretch of road.]

If I got stopped by a copper I would put my hands up and say fair cop and be nice and polite to the guy, I would acknowledge what I had done wrong and pay. I feel differently about speed camera designed specifically to fleese drivers. By doing what I will be doing I will be making this point.

If I just pay up the money will go directly back to the camera partnership (a civvy organisation) if I use the PACE w/s then I will get a conditional offer, at this point I may roll over but if I decide to continue to fight my case the money will not go to the scamera partnership, it will be put in a different pot.

I think you know me well enough Feek that I am not the kind of person who routinely tries to get out of a situation I have put myself in, but when I not only have to pay a set fee and have points on my licence but I will also be paying an increase insurance premium for the next 5 years then I start to think about my options as I think anyone would.


08-01-2007, 12:22
I'd only try and get off it if I thought it was extremely unfair. I've got a NIP come through for speeding on the motorway. It's a fair cop so I'll take the fine and points.

08-01-2007, 12:25
Oh well I expect I'll burn in hell taunted by bunny and lambkins killed by carefull drivers who just happened to exceed the limit :/


08-01-2007, 12:55
Matt, you should know by now that if you hit a child at 30, they wouldn't die, but at the horrendous speed you were doing, they would end up a mangled mess and definitely dead.


09-01-2007, 00:49
I'd be happy to pay a fine but I don't want the points it has a nasty effect on insurance although as I have just had the only three points I have ever had on my licence expire for totting it wouldn't be the end of the world. I drive to the current conditions of the road and I drive safely and carefully, I do speed but only when it is safe to do so, that road looked like a 40 to me, it was wide and clear and the conditions were conducive with the speed I was going.

By your opinion that was the safe speed of the road. Who's to say you're a good judge of the road? I'm not criticising your driving at all, I'm putting the question forward. Almost everyone thinks they're a good driver, yet look at the number of accidents caused by unsafe driving, tailgating, speeding etc. etc. I thought I was a reasonable judge of the road, but certain recent incidents have forced me to re-consider this.
One of the reasons speed restrictions are in place is precisely because people are not capable of judging safe speeds for roads, and may not be aware of adverse conditions.
There is a section just as you enter Haywards Heath from Balcombe (a major route in) where the road curves uphill. Up until two years ago that was originally still national limit, and it was very easy to see why. Its a nice wide enough road, albeit with that curve uphill. Its a fairly gentle enough curve too. Originally the only reason anyone would ever have braked for it would be if they were local to the area and happened to know you went into a 30 just after the brow. There are few houses around until after the brow of the hill, now cars parked, and so no reason to be watching out for people running into the road or stepping out from behind an obstruction. Two years ago they moved that 30 restriction about 50 further forwards, putting at at the bottom of that section of hill. The main reason why was that due to a quirk of the shaping of the hill, fuel residues would routinely build up; invisibly. Anyone with any judgement of the road, even those who have good judgement wouldn't know and would judge that road as safe at 50 - 60. I would warrant that you'd judge it safely at 50 - 60, despite the clear 30mph sign.
What did used to happen on a frequent basis would be that someone would hit that invisible patch of fuel at 60 and flip their cars. My parents have had to help at such an incident once that I remember, and we've all seen the remains being carted away more times than I'd want to remember.
Since the limit sign has gone in back that little extra distance people are usually hitting that hill at around 40 and are making it through safely for the most part. Still some people push it to 50 and flip their cars though. They've even tried to reshape the road at one stage to stop the buildup but to no avail. Add in even the slightest bit of damp weather, much like we had on NYE and it gets worse there.
There are too many factors that affect a road condition and a lot of them are not apparent to a driver. People that ride motorbikes are often more clued up on things that us car drivers miss, but they still miss stuff.
Limits are in place for a good reason most of the time, its best to take their judgement for it, especially when driving on roads that you're not familiar with the quirks of.

Whilst I'll agree with you from the perspective of wanting the money to go into the right pot, I'm a little baffled by the bit about insurance. You've been caught speeding, which is proven to be a significant factor in the cost of accidents. Your insurance company is the one that'll have to pay out if you do have an accident. So why kick off about paying higher premiums? You did the speed, you have to accept there are certain consequences of doing such things, and one of those is higher premiums.

09-01-2007, 01:16
matt 3 points should not increase your insurance

When i was hunting for insurance a few years back when i had 3 points i tried lots of companies first i tried it with the points then with out and it made no difference

09-01-2007, 09:10
Agree with Mark, I have *counts* 9 points on mine and I can honestly say I haven't noticed an increase in my insurance

09-01-2007, 09:35
By your opinion that was the safe speed of the road. Who's to say you're a good judge of the road? I'm not criticising your driving at all, I'm putting the question forward. Almost everyone thinks they're a good driver, yet look at the number of accidents caused by unsafe driving, tailgating, speeding etc. etc. I thought I was a reasonable judge of the road, but certain recent incidents have forced me to re-consider this.
One of the reasons speed restrictions are in place is precisely because people are not capable of judging safe speeds for roads, and may not be aware of adverse conditions.
There is a section just as you enter Haywards Heath from Balcombe (a major route in) where the road curves uphill. Up until two years ago that was originally still national limit, and it was very easy to see why. Its a nice wide enough road, albeit with that curve uphill. Its a fairly gentle enough curve too. Originally the only reason anyone would ever have braked for it would be if they were local to the area and happened to know you went into a 30 just after the brow. There are few houses around until after the brow of the hill, now cars parked, and so no reason to be watching out for people running into the road or stepping out from behind an obstruction. Two years ago they moved that 30 restriction about 50 further forwards, putting at at the bottom of that section of hill. The main reason why was that due to a quirk of the shaping of the hill, fuel residues would routinely build up; invisibly. Anyone with any judgement of the road, even those who have good judgement wouldn't know and would judge that road as safe at 50 - 60. I would warrant that you'd judge it safely at 50 - 60, despite the clear 30mph sign.
What did used to happen on a frequent basis would be that someone would hit that invisible patch of fuel at 60 and flip their cars. My parents have had to help at such an incident once that I remember, and we've all seen the remains being carted away more times than I'd want to remember.
Since the limit sign has gone in back that little extra distance people are usually hitting that hill at around 40 and are making it through safely for the most part. Still some people push it to 50 and flip their cars though. They've even tried to reshape the road at one stage to stop the buildup but to no avail. Add in even the slightest bit of damp weather, much like we had on NYE and it gets worse there.
There are too many factors that affect a road condition and a lot of them are not apparent to a driver. People that ride motorbikes are often more clued up on things that us car drivers miss, but they still miss stuff.
Limits are in place for a good reason most of the time, its best to take their judgement for it, especially when driving on roads that you're not familiar with the quirks of.

Whilst I'll agree with you from the perspective of wanting the money to go into the right pot, I'm a little baffled by the bit about insurance. You've been caught speeding, which is proven to be a significant factor in the cost of accidents. Your insurance company is the one that'll have to pay out if you do have an accident. So why kick off about paying higher premiums? You did the speed, you have to accept there are certain consequences of doing such things, and one of those is higher premiums.


I was going to compose a long post but meh :/

Thanks for your support to those who offered it, this is obviously not the place to discuss this, I'd rather not be held up as a criminal mastermind who kills kidywinks and lambkins for fun.

Those people who know the area are aware that what I was doing wasn't particularly dangerous especially when the roads are deserted and your car is as comunicative as the one I drive, I don't even want to start discussing the ins and outs of insurance, I have 6 points in the last 4 years and in my experience with the insurance company I use when I got my first 3 it did cost me more I can only assume that 6 will have even more effect.


09-01-2007, 10:12
I wish you all the best and hope it doesn't affect you too badly.

Let all the tree hugging dolphin saving hippies keep their ignorant views - let the loud pedal do all the talking ;)

09-01-2007, 10:15
I'd rather not be held up as a criminal mastermind who kills kidywinks and lambkins for fun.
I don't think anybody is saying that mate :p

I can't see any reason for the camera where it is. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's the same one my old man got done by last year. He got onto the camera partnership and found out about the accident records. By todays rulings on amount of accidents etc, meaning that cameras can be installed, it shouldn't actually be there. But then the camera partnership said that if they remove it and accidents then happen, they get another bollocking, so they're in a lose/lose situation on that one.

I'm on your side Matt, in that I hate speed cameras and wish there were more actual police on the roads to enforce dangerous driving. But if I get a speeding ticket then I'll take it on the chin.

09-01-2007, 10:17
Open again, following the request of a member.

Sorry if I am defensive this probably wasn't the best place to post, I didn't realise we had quite so many people here who were so law abiding, but it just goes to show.

Yes I break the speed limits I don't do it habitually but I do have a very good understanding of road conditions and I drive very defensively.

I believe that the camera I was caught by was in an area will an unreasonably low speed limit and that makes me unhappy. The fact I haven't had a major road accident and have only ever had one speeding ticket in my eyes makes me one of two things; a good driver who only speeds when it is safe to do so and consiquently in areas the police don't continiously monitor or a very very lucky bad driver.

Anyway, I should never have posted this but as I have been told I was wrong (and other things) to close it then I will leave it to reach its natural conclusion


09-01-2007, 10:35
If you re-read my original post which I believe started the controversy you'll see that I never claimed to be 'so law abiding'. I specifically said that I speed as well.

My point was that if you're speeding and get caught then you should accept it and take the punishment for it. This doesn't just apply to you, Matt but to everyone.

09-01-2007, 10:41
I'm on your side Matt, in that I hate speed cameras and wish there were more actual police on the roads to enforce dangerous driving. But if I get a speeding ticket then I'll take it on the chin.

I agree wholeheartedly with your first point.

I suspect I will take it on the chin too but using the PACE w/s will enable me to see what I will be offered without incriminating myself straight away, if its 3 points and £60 I'll almost certainly cave in and just pay for my crimes.

PACE does raise an interesting point independantly of the question of using it to potentially escape a speeding endorsement.

People who recieve a speeding ticket are asked to incriminate themselves in a crime without a caution, according to the system in this country that isn't right, when you sign an NIP declaring you did the deed the are using a confession without a caution to pass a sentance. Right now that is being investigated by the European Court of Human Rights because its not in keeping with European Law. Makes for an interesting case and they have a good point. If in the future they rule in favor of the PACE w/s question we will a reduction in unmanned speed cameras in this country in favor of ones which have an operator who has some personal judgement in the matter, which I believe is a good thing, especially if it means there are more police on the road monitoring dangerous driving. Allowing unmaned speed cameras to monitor our roads does not take into account the large number of people who drive dangerous vehicles or drive dangerously whilst still under the speed limit. More police on the road covers all these aspects and more.


09-01-2007, 10:47
I speed always. I'll get caught one day, if it's a fair cop I'll accept it. If it's an open road with no hazards but a stupid camera places which offers nothing but revenue for the local authorities I will fight it. Just like I fight any parking ticket which I feel has been unfairly given, as well as congestion charging, and bus lane violations. If I genuinely made a mistake, I'll be the first to say Mea Culpa. However, I shan't be bullied by bull**** rules which are there designed to catch you out.

I am a good driver, I'm not the best in the world, but I'm very observant and do have a high level of skill - furthermore I don't take unnecessary risks. I slow down around schools, I don't assume anyone has seen me, and I open up the throttle on big roads - I take my risks at my own responsibility, I don't drive like an arse with someone in the car - except for Leon who loves some sideways action ;)

09-01-2007, 10:47
Now that makes more sense (what MB said)

09-01-2007, 13:41
If in the future they rule in favor of the PACE w/s question we will a reduction in unmanned speed cameras in this country in favor of ones which have an operator who has some personal judgement in the matter, which I believe is a good thing, especially if it means there are more police on the road monitoring dangerous driving. Allowing unmaned speed cameras to monitor our roads does not take into account the large number of people who drive dangerous vehicles or drive dangerously whilst still under the speed limit. More police on the road covers all these aspects and more.


Spot on ! .. I will happily take the punishment if I have done wrong and been driving dangerously but one of my speeding tickets was for doing 36 on a 30 on an open road which I knew very well having lived near ir for over 20 years

We need to have humans deciding whether the speed is dangerous for the road because speeding just isn't black and white. A little old lady pootling along at 15mph can sometimes be more dangerous than an experienced driver doing 35-40 on the same road yet who will get punished by the camera ??

09-01-2007, 13:51
My Dad is the only person I know who's been overtaken at a speed camera (30 limit) and the overtaker was still slow enough not to trigger it.

My dad considers himself to be a safe driver, but he does not keep up with the flow of traffic and often sits ~10mph below the limit in clear dry conditions. I think he is more dangerous people who are a few mph over the limit.

09-01-2007, 14:15
There's a difference between speeding and driving too fast.

People crash because they lack education and training.

09-01-2007, 18:20
People crash because they lack education and training.

Thats a bold statement to make which i have to disagree with

When i wrote off my focus it was pouring down with rain, i was doing 30MPH in a 60MPH zone due to the road and weather conditions.
I had no way of seeing the puddle that i was about to hit with both front wheels (OK so i could have pulled to the side of the road till the rain slowed but then i would have been risking being hit up the arse by another car)
The puddle was so deep i lost control of the front end with no way of steering due to the aquaplane effect, as the puddle was on the crest of a corner i ended up on the other side of the the road which would have been OK had there not been a car coming the other way which i ended up tearing down the side of.

With high in sight i would have never made that journey but if you have to be somewhere then you just have to go out.

So to sum up, i think your statement is a little to broad

that is all

09-01-2007, 19:23
I never denied there were genuine accidents. Accidents do happen. However in general I think it is fair to say that people cause accidents through lack of practice, and experience.

The test only teaches you to pass the test, not to drive. I still believe everyone should have mandatory "probation" period when having just passed, and absolutely have advanced driving lessons. Even better, shove everyone on a motorbike for year. ;)

However my point still stands. :)

09-01-2007, 19:53
ahhh if you put it like that then thats different ;)

09-01-2007, 20:17
ahhh if you put it like that then thats different ;)


10-01-2007, 01:10
There's a difference between speeding and driving too fast.

People crash because they lack education and training.

...or if they aren't paying attention?

Sorry to hear you got caught MB, though if you didn't spot a fixed camera even at the last second I do have to wonder if you would have seen a potential victim? :undecided:

It certainly isn't speed which kills, it just reduces the time you have in which to react - though that's no use if you haven't seen what you are supposed to be reacting to.

I'm a self confessed speeder and have so far been lucky <touches wood> though I'm sure that's just a matter of time - like you I drive to the conditions and the situation but that just so happens to often be a little faster than they'd like :embarassed:

I have to add though that on my trip back from Bristol on the M5 the other night I was at a much lower risk of causing an accident doing well over the speed limit on my own in lane 3 than the pockets of tailgaters in lanes 1 & 2 - however if there were any cameras/plod around I would certainly be the one getting a letter through my door (and that's just silly) :lipsrsealed:

10-01-2007, 08:50
...or if they aren't paying attention?

Sorry to hear you got caught MB, though if you didn't spot a fixed camera even at the last second I do have to wonder if you would have seen a potential victim? :undecided:

Unless they can leapfrog instantly thirty feet between the verge and the middle of the road I think they would have been OK.


10-01-2007, 09:13
...or if they aren't paying attention?

Not paying attention in my book constitutes to dangerous driving, and would fall under lack of experience and training. Frankly people who don't pay attention - and I spot them everyday (more so on my bike) I keep well clear of. They shouldn't be on the road.

You're driving a 1 tonne killing machine really - you've got to drive with respect.

10-01-2007, 09:18
I had no way of seeing the puddle that i was about to hit with both front wheels

In which case I'd argue that you were still driving too fast for the conditions.

10-01-2007, 09:36
Unless they can leapfrog instantly thirty feet between the verge and the middle of the road I think they would have been OK.

Ahh, but the Police can have strange ideas.

The last time I was stopped for speeding it was just after midnight and I was returning to the office after an event we'd done at the Marks Tey hotel. I was driving through a deserted industrial estate and suddenly I saw a single white headlight appear behind me. I carried on, pulled into the yard and the light came in behind me. I recognised the officer as the one I mentioned earlier, the one who would nick his own grandmother so I knew I was going to get a ticket.

The conversation was roughly as follows.

"Didn't you see me back there?"
"I was by the carpet place"
(Note, the carpet place entrance sits a fair way back from the road"
"No, didn't see you"
"I could have been a small child about to run into the road"
"What, at midnight?"

And the conversation went downhill from there.

10-01-2007, 09:56
Ahh, but the Police can have strange ideas.

The last time I was stopped for speeding it was just after midnight and I was returning to the office after an event we'd done at the Marks Tey hotel. I was driving through a deserted industrial estate and suddenly I saw a single white headlight appear behind me. I carried on, pulled into the yard and the light came in behind me. I recognised the officer as the one I mentioned earlier, the one who would nick his own grandmother so I knew I was going to get a ticket.

The conversation was roughly as follows.

"Didn't you see me back there?"
"I was by the carpet place"
(Note, the carpet place entrance sits a fair way back from the road"
"No, didn't see you"
"I could have been a small child about to run into the road"
"What, at midnight?"

And the conversation went downhill from there.

Fixed speed camera ISN'T plod ;)


10-01-2007, 10:10
Didn't say it was :confused:

10-01-2007, 10:32
Look guys despite the fact I reopened this thread I think I have finished with it, please use it as you see fit but I don't think I'll be posting here anymore, it was pretty daft to come and tell people I had broken the law and that I didn't particularly want to pay the price for it, so I think its better if I just leave it alone.

I'll deal with it in my own way, thanks for your input.


10-01-2007, 23:23
Dont worry MB, I loathe fixed camera sites. 2 months ago I was stung by a 'man in a van', 56 in a 40 dual carriage way. I was overtaking a truck, on a long sweeping left hander, one I passed the truck, it was all too late. Didnt really have a leg to stand on. 3pts £60 thanks very much, but it was entirely my own fault.
I have been stopped on several occasions since owning my new car, by traffic cops. Every time was to check I owned the car and had not nicked it!

I like to have a bit of a blatt in the car, but am very wary nowadays, as its SO easy to get into silly speeds just sneezing at the throttle :(

This year is the year of track days for me, I hope