View Full Version : Tomtom for Nokia E50

06-01-2007, 17:32
Wife's sister wants this, anyone have a 'special' copy?


06-01-2007, 18:24
I've got TT5 I use on my N70 :)

06-01-2007, 18:44
Cool, you think that will work on the E50? :)


06-01-2007, 18:45
Hmmmmm, no mention of E50 here :(



06-01-2007, 19:57
I can send it over to you mate to try it out, it's only a smallish file. You can then see if it runs and if so, you've got the maps to pass over :)

07-01-2007, 12:32
I wouldn't mind a special copy of this for my 6680, if you'd be so kind

i can do that for ya ;)

how would you like it :shocked:

fnar fnar

07-01-2007, 13:53
Hmm, I've got an E-50 as a company phone, it runs Symbian 6 so I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

I've not got a memory card in mine though, perhaps if someone can confirm that it's good and working then I'll get one and give it a play.

07-01-2007, 13:56
Feek if you decide to get a memory card cheapest ive found for them is here http://www.mobymemory.com great service too

09-01-2007, 05:57
E50 runs S60 3rd edition not which is a bitch to find a copy of tomtom that works for it. Theyre out there but hard to come by, months go by on Usenet before they pop up, i'm currently scouting for a version that works and has english insturctions. So in short it probably wont work Desmo, but if it does send it to me, i have the E60, and i'm still waiting! :(

09-01-2007, 10:03
I had a copy of tomtom working on my 6600 if that is any help to anyone :) which if I remember was the 2nd ed unlike the N70 which was 3rd.

09-01-2007, 10:20
OK people, here is what I have but it wont be staying on my webspace for ever due to obvious reasons :)

TT5 (http://www.jmartworks.co.uk/odds/TomTom Mobile 5.SIS)

It's a 2.2MB download and there are no maps. This is just the app.

09-01-2007, 10:59
OK people, here is what I have but it wont be staying on my webspace for ever due to obvious reasons :)

TT5 (http://www.jmartworks.co.uk/odds/TomTom Mobile 5.SIS)

It's a 2.2MB download and there are no maps. This is just the app.

Ta :)


09-01-2007, 11:08
Got it and will try :)

09-01-2007, 17:55
If anyone needs maps ;) im ya man

09-01-2007, 18:02
I've got maps too. But I'm not hosting them for download :eek: ;D

09-01-2007, 21:19
Ive got a stash on rapidshare ;)

09-01-2007, 21:50
Glad you posted that, it's reminded me that I need to take a set of maps into work tomorrow.

09-01-2007, 22:06
OK people, here is what I have but it wont be staying on my webspace for ever due to obvious reasons :)

TT5 (http://www.jmartworks.co.uk/odds/TomTom Mobile 5.SIS)

It's a 2.2MB download and there are no maps. This is just the app.

Ive been looking for this for my C550 for a while, thanks mate. :)

10-01-2007, 11:30
Just tried to install on my E-50

"Installation of 'TomTom Mobile 5.SIS' not supported"

Looks like it's not the right version :(

10-01-2007, 11:44
Ive been looking for this for my C550 for a while, thanks mate. :)
If that's a windows smartphone, it wont work. This is for the Symbian OS.

10-01-2007, 11:45
Just tried to install on my E-50

"Installation of 'TomTom Mobile 5.SIS' not supported"

Looks like it's not the right version :(
Bugger. I'll see what I can find. If anything.

10-01-2007, 11:47
I've got the full DVD for 5 now

Will have to try that


10-01-2007, 12:32
I'll also have a lookie and see what I can find.

10-01-2007, 14:29
If that's a windows smartphone, it wont work. This is for the Symbian OS.

Found that out when I tried to instal it earlier. :(

sis file extension + google search = Priest the noob :embarassed:

Thanks anyway

12-01-2007, 16:22
Just tried to install on my E-50

"Installation of 'TomTom Mobile 5.SIS' not supported"

Looks like it's not the right version :(

Yeah thats the problem i'm having it because the e50 is 3rd edition, one of the few phones that are. You need a special version I haven't fell accross yet, when i find it Feek i'll get in touch because i'm still waiting for this for my phone (e60) arg :(

Actually i've got one if you want it but the instructions aren't in english and translated don't make much sense. I've tried installing it but failed, i really need the insturctions! :mad:

12-01-2007, 16:24
I found one yesterday which I left downloading that claims to be the right version with english instructions and everything. I won't be able to try it until Monday though.

12-01-2007, 20:15
Anyone got a GPS bluetooth receiver for a nokia 6680 they don't need anymore

I've got a TomTom bluetooth GPS receiver taking up space in one of the kitchen drawers which you're welcome to.

It's one of the original receivers, looks like this:


Should work fine with a 6680, I used it for a while on my n70.

13-01-2007, 00:12
PM me your address and I'll pop it the post for you :)

13-01-2007, 11:34
I use the same unit and it's still rocking on :)

13-01-2007, 13:27
Right i've found another version now, but i'm sick of trying to see if it works, this one has instructions in another language, but its a PDF file and it has pictures if you follow the pictures i'm sure it would work, i just can't be bothered right now...

17-01-2007, 16:38
In fact, to test out how fun this can be, go to your nearest town or city centre that has a one way system. Then see how many tickets and on-the-spot fines your GPS can get you :D

You could see from my thread about my Garmin and the 100,000 miles how much my sat nav has been used over the years, and that's the latest in a long line that I've owned. I've never had one try and take me down the wrong way on a one-way system yet!

I could spend hours going round in circles if I relied on my GPS on a regular basis. It's been a godsend in so many ways but it really is a PIA when it keeps telling you to go down roads that don't exist! :D

You're using the wrong system! Don't think mine has ever told me to go down a non existant road. If I'm going somewhere I've not been before (which I do lots) I rely on it 100%.

From what I've seen of TomTom it still has a lot of work required. Garmin have been around a lot longer and really don't have any major issues. Of course it's all down to the quality of the maps and I update mine whenever a new set come out, roughly annually.

17-01-2007, 17:52
Ouch, yes I do spend a fair while off the main roads. It's a real shame it's getting this reputation as I've never been sent the wrong way with the Garmin. It's never sent me down a tiny dirt track unless I've told it to do an avoid and it's doing the eensie backroad diversion thing.

I want to play with TomTom to see what the problem is, it just sounds like it's not got it's routing properly sorted out yet and the more mature systems are better. Obviously local road changes will always confuse the systems but it sounds like a much bigger problem.

Yes, TomTom has brought sat nav to the masses, but at a cost. Not wanting to sound snobbish (but I know I will anyway), one gets what one pays for :(

17-01-2007, 18:05
What TomTom brings to the table is a user interface that Joe public can get their head around. My Grandad can use TomTom and he has trouble using freeview!

While the Garmin is useable for the technically literate, I've heard no end of Joe consumer say they just couldn't get on with x unit. Never heard anyone say that about TomTom, only that it sometimes takes interesting routes.

17-01-2007, 18:12
Yes, TomTom has brought sat nav to the masses, but at a cost. Not wanting to sound snobbish (but I know I will anyway), one gets what one pays for :(

I've got a dirt cheap Garmin i3 that's yet to send me the wrong way :D Touch wood ;)

18-01-2007, 18:27
It is common knowledge that Tom Tom use the worse maps avalible and are out of date !!!

19-01-2007, 12:35
The other problem you get is with either misinterpreting or getting confused by the instructions given. It's easily done sometimes and has happened several times that I can recall, such as taking a minor road down one side of a valley and back up the other instead of taking the main road and avoiding the valley altogether.

Of course, no map can ever be perfect either, and one classic example of this that I can remember is both Garmin and Tom Tom units point blank refusing to let people stay on the M6 toll road for about a year after it was opened - including giving persistant instructions to make U-turns from the M6 toll back onto the M6.

Sat Nav systems are a very useful tool but they don't remove the need for common sense.

19-01-2007, 12:45
Sat Nav systems are a very useful tool but they don't remove the need for common sense.

Very true.

I never had a problem with the Street Pilot refusing to keep me on the M6 Toll, sure it'd route me on the usual M6 but a simple 'off route, recalculate?' kept me on it.

Yesterday I had to visit three people at home, I had their addresses and I got to the doors with no drama. All were right off the big roads and one was surprised I found her so easy as it's a new estate. I said that I had sat nav and she commented that it's not on the TomTom maps! Garmin, \o/

Still not tried to get TomTom onto my E-50 yet, it'll be next week before I play.

19-01-2007, 12:49
On the M6 toll, my Garmin recalculated about 6 times (in each direction) before it finally gave up and accepted reality (and that was with the latest maps at the time).

19-01-2007, 13:00
And every other woman.

19-01-2007, 13:25
:huh: O RLY ?

19-01-2007, 13:56
Ya, r'ly :p

19-01-2007, 14:30
And every other woman.
Preach brother ;D;D

And very true about the common sense thing. I'm surprised at people who think having a satnav means they'll never need to think about where they're going ever again. It's just technology, after all :undecided:

19-01-2007, 14:32
Ya, r'ly :p

You know I promised to sit on your willy tonight ........

19-01-2007, 15:27
You know I promised to sit on your willy tonight ........
Nope...that was for in the morning.

But now that you've written it for this evening and it's in text it's the law ;D

19-01-2007, 15:44
hmph !

20-01-2007, 02:20
Trying to work out the movement from tomtom on an e-50 to sitting on willys ;D

20-01-2007, 05:03
This is BD we're talking about. All things are possible. ;D

30-01-2007, 04:17
Right I have a special working copy in instructions in another language, but i've worked out how to do it, not really that difficult. Comes without english maps, i'm working on that so far. You eve get a trial of tomtom plus (yes i am cheeky enough to try) for a week or something :D

This is for Series 60 3rd edition phones if anyone needs it :)

30-01-2007, 04:26
Why am i working so late? But i may have possibly solved the map problem too, just copying over to the sd card now, 10 mins to go :)

30-01-2007, 07:22
I never got around to buying an SD card so the install I've got is still untested :(

30-01-2007, 13:42
Right confirmed, i have full tomtom6 go, full GB and major WE maps, all activated, all the celebrity voices, completely upto date speed camera detailed POI (for instance Gatso_30 etc...) with warnings to match, and updated full 7 digit postcode search. My phone now have the nirvana of tomtoms.

If anyone wants it ask, and i may need to talk you through some things, it took me a while because this is literally a collection of files... You copy and paste only the bits you want but some stuff is ambiguous.

Either way it works, and total is 1.31Gb including 0.97Gb of WE maps ontop of the GB +Major WE roads...

30-01-2007, 13:55
As it's good, known and working I'd be a fool to say no.


Yes please.

(also, isn't the biggest microSD card available a 1Gb? How are you getting it all to fit?)

30-01-2007, 19:05
(also, isn't the biggest microSD card available a 1Gb? How are you getting it all to fit?)

Nay, I've got a 2Gb card in my phone.

30-01-2007, 19:24
Oh right. Crucial only sell to 1Gb which was why I thought that.

30-01-2007, 20:34
Sandisk and (I think) Kingston sell 2Gb cards.

30-01-2007, 21:40
It's OK all in all its 1.31G but you won't want the 900+mb detailed Western Eurpopean maps! Just the GB +ROI and major WE maps :)

My installed doesn't seem that big, i've got more than enough room left for podcasts/mobcasts/phonecasts on my phone...

Right guys where do i upload this to thats web based? Remember i'm behind a stupid firewall :angry:

31-01-2007, 01:21
Here are 3rd edition:

Read this for 7 digit post code, should be available to everyone, its as easy as replacing a file :)

31-01-2007, 02:56
*grumbles about not having a GPS capable phone* :(

Get lost all you rich folks!! :evil:

31-01-2007, 04:09
GPS capable phone? I don't I have a bluetooth capable phone, and a bluetooth GPS device... For what it is the e60 is diddy, although still not what the general populous seem to call small....

Can pick up a bluetooth GPS device for <£30 easily no days, and a variety of phones run tomtom, if you've got anything smartphone-ish its usually possible, i'm here to help if necessary :)

31-01-2007, 04:39
Well, I don't think there's much help for me. My phone is an LG 3280. :(

And I don't have an option of changing phones. My service provider is TracFone, which is a prepaid service and the phone has to be specifically set up for use with them. :undecided:

31-01-2007, 09:34
I couldn't believe how backwards the USA is compared to us when it comes to mobile phones. Last time I was there staying with my mate Bill he was so paranoid about the costs and he's quite a well-off person. If his mobile rang and he wasn't expecting a call he was always very cautious about answering it in case it was someone out of State because it was going to be stupidly expensive.

He couldn't believe that I was taking calls from the UK and not being worried about it.

31-01-2007, 10:07
Sorry to repeat myself, but:

Right guys where do i upload this to thats web based? Remember i'm behind a stupid firewall :angry:

01-02-2007, 22:35
Try http://rapidshare.com/
Thats tedious, but looks like thats all i can use. I don't have access to anything else web based like that. 100mb max per file, so i'm looking at 14 files :D Hopefully everyone who wants this from me has a premium account because you have to wait something like 40 mins inbetween each file transfer...

02-02-2007, 03:05
That site looks perfect, plus i've got it down to about 500mb unpacked, because i decided nobody needs the western European maps as standard, i'll upload them too but as a separate download :)

02-02-2007, 03:12
Uploading now, shouldn't take too long :)

02-02-2007, 05:07
Ok, after a fire alarm and hours of not being allowed back in the building, the files have been up for ages!

TomTom GB Maps Speed cam database, 7 digit postcode search and loads of celeb voices 384.06 Mb (http://up-file.com/download/3565ae988484/TT6S603rdGBmapCelebVoicesSpeedcam.rar.html)

Western Europe Detailed maps 858.08 Mb (http://up-file.com/download/74642c206896/Western-Europe.rar.html)

Happy to help talk anyone through the installation, or if a few people want help, i'll get off my ass and write an actual install guide!

//Edit: Thanks Harib0 for that site, its bloody good!

02-02-2007, 14:21
Oh excellent, I didn't want to buy a 2Gb card but a 1Gb will work well. Ta :)

07-02-2007, 01:40
I don't see why they shouldn't work, afaik they haven't changed the way the maps are saved, TomTom 6 is more of a front end upgrade. I'd back up your old stuff, try the new maps see what happenes, you can't really lose out :)