View Full Version : Dead Rising (Xbox 360) now with spoilers
I've had this on pre-order for a few months now, having been suitably impressed by the trailers. Whilst browsing on though I found this. (
I can't seem to find any more info about it though - are they simply charging an extra fiver for a steel box? Would have thought it'd include something extra, like a zombie's toenail or something. Google brings up very few links. Anyone seen anything else about it, or bought the similar 'special edition' 360 releases that might give some inkling as to what we can expect?
13-07-2006, 16:53
I've heard nothing about it yet, though it's still 2 months or so until release so they may still be finalising what they actually put in the special edition.
Regarding other special edition games, the only one I've bought was Oblivion, which came with a "Making of..." DVD, a replica Septim coin (the currency in the game), and a nice guide book to the entire Elder Scrolls world. Was worth the extra money I reckon (even more so when I get the time to read the book).
Regarding other special edition games, the only one I've bought was Oblivion, which came with a "Making of..." DVD, a replica Septim coin (the currency in the game), and a nice guide book to the entire Elder Scrolls world. Was worth the extra money I reckon (even more so when I get the time to read the book).
Yeah, I remembered from somewhere that the special edition had a load of extra stuff, which made me wonder if it was worth getting excited about a metal box! Think I'll stick with my pre-order for now then - should be a great game anyway.
13-07-2006, 19:08
Aye, it should be good. It's a short game (some people reckon you can finish it in about 3 hours), but it's one that can be done in several ways so I imagine there will be a lot of gameplay time in there. I know I'm definitely interested in it.
Anyone downloaded the demo off Xbox live? It's bloody hilarious!
Funniest parts for me so far have been heating up the frying pan and smacking zombie head with it, throwing cooking oil on the floor so they're all over the place, and instead of eating a pie to increase my health, lobbing it straight into the face of the undead. Bwahaha! Looking forward to the full game.
Reading about it is genuinely temping toward a 360. Daftness like this greatly appeals to me :D
That shot of your character in the kids clothes/horses head/plastic sword ensemble is probably the most random thing I've ever seen rendered ;D
Reading about it is genuinely temping toward a 360. Daftness like this greatly appeals to me :D
That shot of your character in the kids clothes/horses head/plastic sword ensemble is probably the most random thing I've ever seen rendered ;D
It's definitely my most anticipated game ever since I heard about it at the start of the year. If I didn't already have a 360 I'd seriously think about getting one just to play this and Oblivion.
The changes of clothes are great, but I do wonder if they're actually part of anything else in the game other than making the character look ridiculous. I'm really looking forward to trying out all the various weapons as well. Tried the shopping trolley in the demo and it really helps if you're just trying to clear a path, they go flying. There's still weapons in the demo I haven't even tried yet; bowling ball, golf club, katana...
And here's the screenshot for those that don't know what we're talking about:
The problem is, I don't know how much I'd use it (moreso now I have a DS). Figured I'd have more justification for one when I move out (more time on my hands, and I already have a media center PC that an XBox could be an extender for)... but then I doubt I'd have the funds for it.
The problem is, I don't know how much I'd use it (moreso now I have a DS). Figured I'd have more justification for one when I move out (more time on my hands, and I already have a media center PC that an XBox could be an extender for)... but then I doubt I'd have the funds for it.
If you do, you might find me visiting quite a bit :D
BTW funny comic regarding this game:
The demo seems ok, but I think I'd get bored after a short while.
I tried out the bowling ball, golf club and katana blade last night - nothing like slicing a zombie from shoulder to hip!
The problem with the demo is that all you can do is kill zombies. In the actual game you have to get other people past the zombies to safety and you also battle other survivors that have gone mad and will just kill you as well. Whilst the demo is good fun for fiteen minutes of smashing, I think the game will prove to be much more involving.
09-08-2006, 11:45
You used the golf club long ranged yet, great fun :cool:
You used the golf club long ranged yet, great fun :cool:
How'd you do that then? I could only ever hit things when they were about 1 foot away from me :'(
You used the golf club long ranged yet, great fun :cool:
It actually took me a while to realise that you were firing balls at the zombies, rather than just swinging at them with the club! :p
I really wanted to get this, Saints Row and TDU all on launch, however funds dictate that I will only be getting TDU at first. Dead Rising seems fun, but it doesnt excite me as much as it does some others.
I've played the demo through about twenty times now and I really can't wait until there's actually something to do other than clobber zombies. It's still fun, but the area is quite small and I've pretty much found everything there is to do.
That said, it's still hilarious when odd things happen, especially if you play with someone else in the room. I was watching my housemate play at the weekend, and he threw the sledgehammer over a counter towards a zombie but it hit the till instead. It flew in the air and came back down right on the zombie's head - I haven't laughed so much since the Alton Towers meet!
15-08-2006, 02:03
I've been playing this quite a bit today, and I'm really enjoying the demo. It's definitely a very simplistic game at heart (at least in the demo), but I still find it stupidly enjoyable killing the zombies in as many silly ways as possible (my current fave method: sticking a toy hat over their heads, taking a quick picture, then blowing their heads off with a shotgun). I'll be pre-ordering this tomorrow to get it on day of release :)
The more I've read about this, the more it's made me determined to get a 360 for Christmas :p And that will definitely be on the list :D
Reading about it is genuinely temping toward a 360.
I'M CONVINCED ( (Image is a bit racy, prolly NSFW).
30-08-2006, 20:44
I'M CONVINCED ( (Image is a bit racy, prolly NSFW).Well, her left norks going to be a bit cold. Volunteers to warm it up? :p
Wow I'd love to storm her fortress :D
I want to buy an XBox360 and Dead Rising now, and it's all MB's fault. :p :eek:
Can't afford 'em though. Spent double my 'budget' already this month, and it's barely started. :(
A guy at work is selling his 360. I think the only reason I've not bought it yet is that I left my wallet at home and don't have £300 in cash on me.
A guy at work is selling his 360. I think the only reason I've not bought it yet is that I left my wallet at home and don't have £300 in cash on me.
You can get them for £200 new now.
I want one too but don't have the cash needed. :(
Maybe if I sell my PSP and PS2 and maybe a leg :)
Stop trying to tempt me!
I most likely will end up with one, but I've just forked out £300 for Sky HD and I want to get a holiday in before the end of the year so I'll put the 360 on the back burner for a while.
07-09-2006, 13:07
Game have this on sale today in a snazzy metal box :)
Guess what I have on my desk, and its not my Johnson ;)
You can stop trying to tempt me as well. :p
09-09-2006, 19:28
This game is bloody hard and very frustrating :s
Having read the reviews, I can't say I'm surprised - having to be a certain places at certain times and dealing with some rather nasty 'bosses' (Carlito seems to be a particularly difficult individual).
09-09-2006, 19:41
Having read the reviews, I can't say I'm surprised - having to be a certain places at certain times and dealing with some rather nasty 'bosses' (Carlito seems to be a particularly difficult individual).
Hes not the half of it, I had to take on a clown who juggled chainsaws earlier, you go in close and he kills you instantly :/ I managed it and then got chomped before I could save the bloody game GGGGRRrrrrr
Yeah, I've been reading the cheat/hint pages. As you've found out, long range is the way for him. There's some interesting things you can do with his chainsaws if you get 'em. Won't give stuff away.
Damn, I've been playing this all weekend (my housemate got a copy - mine hasn't shown up!) and boy is it tough. Adam the chainsaw clown was a pain in the ass, especially as there's little food in that area and I had to save with one bar of health. Managed it eventually but it was a battle royale. The guy in the hardware store with the machete was annoying but fairly easy - he runs away too much and I was on a deadline for another mission!
Hardest so far was Isabella on the motorbike. Luckily I found a way of bending the rules which actually makes her the easiest enemy in the game though. Now I'm up to the third Carlito part with the bombs and I've given up for a bit - too difficult!
Overall I'm loving it, but there's quite a lot of niggling things that make it frustrating, not least the method of saving games. I already had to restart once because I couldn't get where I was going fast enough from the save position. Another is the stagger after you jump. If you land next to a zombie they will almost always grab you if you fail to connect with the mid-air kick.
Oh, and the guys in the jeep outside that I annihilated have just respawned. WTF?
11-09-2006, 09:11
I've been really enjoying this after a weekend's play. The save system is weird I agree, but I'm used to it now and find myself saving every time I go near a bathroom. No boss I've faced so far has given me huge trouble. I did Carlito #1 first go, and it took me 2 attempts to do him the second time you face him (only because Brad got himself killed, dumbass). Isabella was fairly tough, but I was stocked up with plenty of weaponry from the nearby gunshop so she didn't present too many difficulties.
One thing I'd suggest is that every time you pass by the food shops, take a moment to mix yourself some shakes using the foods and the blender. The shakes you make always seem to restore you health bar to full, and they will give you a bonus of some kind (though I'm still trying to figure out what they all are). Having a couple of them in stock as well as some guns and a melee weapon or two means you're generally well prepared for anyone you meet.
11-09-2006, 09:13
I wacked Carllito #2 with a hockey stick [/proud]
Damnit, I want this game :/
Wait 'til you get to the underground bombs mission - the zombie count is absolutely unbelievable. I lost two vehicles trying to get the mission done, and ended up skateboarding through thousands of zombies to get to the next bit. I still can't believe I made it!
11-09-2006, 10:23
I do find the zombie count excessive and I must admit it is kinda spoiling the experience a bit :(, its very easy to see red and just go zombie splatting and run out of time for a mission. I'm also finding it hard to find a weapon I prefer to the baseball bat/ sledgehammer.
If you mix orange juice and a pie in a blender you can make 'Untouchable' juice, which means zombies can't grab you - it's helped me out a couple of times. I find any blunt object works best - 2x4s, lead pipes, bats. Jump-kick is an invaluable method of getting through crowds as well. As you progress you get better techniques for dealing with them too - I just got the skill for picking zombies up and throwing them, and the lariat spin clears a whole bunch as well but you do lose your weapon if you're holding one and have to retrieve it!
11-09-2006, 10:34
If you mix orange juice and a pie in a blender you can make 'Untouchable' juice, which means zombies can't grab you - it's helped me out a couple of times. I find any blunt object works best - 2x4s, lead pipes, bats. Jump-kick is an invaluable method of getting through crowds as well. As you progress you get better techniques for dealing with them too - I just got the skill for picking zombies up and throwing them, and the lariat spin clears a whole bunch as well but you do lose your weapon if you're holding one and have to retrieve it!
I still haven't worked out how to do these special moves, I can do the jump kick quite effectively but thats about it :(
I seem to recall you get the lariat spin quite early on - click the left thumbpad down then press X. If you go to the skills menu it tells you how to do them. I also just got the knee plant, which I doubt I'll use but it's pretty devestating. Looking forward to the neck twist and disembowlment. :evil:
There's a rifle - I got three of them from a family of psycho hunters who were sniping at me from a balcony. At close range, frying pan > rifle.
I'm sure there's a zombie in it designed to look exactly like John the landlord as well.
11-09-2006, 15:45
There's a rifle - I got three of them from a family of psycho hunters who were sniping at me from a balcony. At close range, frying pan > rifle.
I'm sure there's a zombie in it designed to look exactly like John the landlord as well.
That's how I got my rifles, though I found using a tazer on them to be highly enjoyable :D
Jesus, I finished the 72 hours but there's loads more to do. Apparantly there are 5-day and 7-day survival achievements, and I just found a random pit full of zombies blocking a potential way out. Bloody good game - I currently have five machine guns but I'm running around in just my pants. Long story...
12-09-2006, 09:00
Bloody good game - I currently have five machine guns but I'm running around in just my pants. Long story...
Did you try it on with Isabella? :p
I currently have five machine guns but I'm running around in just my pants.
And your game character?
Did you try it on with Isabella? :p
Yes, but that's got nothing to do with it. :D The military captured me and stripped me to my boxers. :/
And your game character?
I almost typed something along the same lines myself. ;D
12-09-2006, 10:16
I just got to the snipers and killed them all with a sledgehammer :D unfortunately I died on the way back but it will be fun doing it again. I also activated the 'cult' plot line and the guys in raincoats and funny masks are all over the place :D
Now I'm a bit stronger I'm really enjoying it as the zombies are a little easier to cope with but I suspect some stronger enemies are likely to be introduced soon. It would seem that the game is designed to be restarted a few times to get the character to a level where they are a little higher at the start as the first few bosses can be a right bitch!
Oh, does anyone know how to open all these maintainance doors?
Oh, does anyone know how to open all these maintainance doors?
I might look this up - I'm sure you get the maintenance key from someone you rescue, or from a boss you kill. If you kill the machete guy in the North Plaza hardware store you get the 'empty store' key which is next door. Inside are three survivors and a couple of books, one of which is a survival book that makes food give you twice as much health. I'm also wondering if you can unweld the welded door to the security room, giving you two access points.
A little short cut I found, although it was pointed out to me by a store employee survivor so don't know if it's there otherwise, is inbetween the Wonderland mall bathroom and the Paradise Plaza bathroom. Jump up on the sink and there's a hatch in the roof, allowing instant travel from one to t'other.
Oh and I love those guys in the yellow macs, little stabby bastards!
12-09-2006, 10:53
A little short cut I found, although it was pointed out to me by a store employee survivor so don't know if it's there otherwise, is inbetween the Wonderland mall bathroom and the Paradise Plaza bathroom. Jump up on the sink and there's a hatch in the roof, allowing instant travel from one to t'other.
Yep thats one of the most usefull shortcuts as you don't have to go outside at all and get mown down by those ***** in the jeep
Just reading you guys descriptions of this is making me want to get an xbox, sounds like a right laugh :D
I now know where the maintenance key is. It's just sitting around in a room that is fully accessible. Would anyone like to know?
12-09-2006, 11:23
I now know where the maintenance key is. It's just sitting around in a room that is fully accessible. Would anyone like to know?
I would (I've added a spoilers tag to this thread btw) I'd also like to know where the gun shop is.
There must be some areas I haven't explored yet including the car park and apparently you can get outside!
OK, those who don't want to know, look away now!
Grab a vehicle from the car park above the tunnels (accessible from the central mall gardens) and head down the ramp. At the bottom, go right, then left, then right again to come to a dead end with a door. Enter the door and the key is in the far right corner of the room.
I think I've discovered how you might be able to get outside, but only by accident and not until after the first 72 hours. I'll leave that one for people to find though.
Edit: Gun shop is in the North Plaza. It looks like it's directly opposite as you enter through the main door but it is in fact down a small alleyway to the left that leads behind the row of shut-up shops. I wouldn't bother going in there unless you've saved in the closest bathroom though - the dude guarding it is a right pain and tosses you back over the counter if you go for the guns. After the 72 hours are up he's not there any more though. :)
12-09-2006, 20:06
I went to the gun shop just before the 2nd meeting with Isabella, and there wasn't anyone there, I was free to jump behind the counter and get all the weaponry I needed. Was very useful.
Oh. My. God. When will this game end?! Halfway through day five and I'm not even in the mall any more! Just got well and truly owned by a double hard bastard boss, but I don't want to give anything away. :D
14-09-2006, 09:16
I managed to get back to where I was before, just defeated Isobella but now at Level 25 and the game is much more playable now. I managed to save too late last time and couldn't get to her AND kill her before the time ran out whatever I did.
Really enjoying this now, particularly the small chainsaw with the blade and construction magazines, it seems to last for ages and if it runs out I can go and get another. One thing I have noticed is that the Uzi in the first section (on top of the awning) seems to have disappeared :(.
Will have to start going to the gun shop soon I think.
Rescueing the guy who is with the clown and opening the short cut really help you to get around without venturing into the open area in the middle :)
If you have the uzi/katana etc. in your possession then another won't respawn until you've used the first one up, although I guess you don't have it if you're searching for one! Only recently found the blade shop next to the supermarket - it has a couple of katanas and another sword in, and you can shave your head too! My character's currently running around bald in a bright yellow suit.
I've just started playing this through again having completed the main storyline and I'm finding it much easier at level 35. Killed the guy in the gun shop with about six swipes of the katana, and some of the moves you can perform at the higher levels are just hilarious. Wall jump and suplex are quite good, but my favourite so far is the hammer throw. You shove a zombie sideways and he/she runs off, arms flailing, either until they hit a wall or trip over. Apparantly there's fifty levels so still a good way to go yet - looking forward to the neck twist and disembowlment moves. My housemate also informs me that there's a mimick zombie move, which I'm not so sure about, where you behave like a zombie and they ignore you.
14-09-2006, 09:57
If you have the uzi/katana etc. in your possession then another won't respawn until you've used the first one up, although I guess you don't have it if you're searching for one! Only recently found the blade shop next to the supermarket - it has a couple of katanas and another sword in, and you can shave your head too! My character's currently running around bald in a bright yellow suit.
I've just started playing this through again having completed the main storyline and I'm finding it much easier at level 35. Killed the guy in the gun shop with about six swipes of the katana, and some of the moves you can perform at the higher levels are just hilarious. Wall jump and suplex are quite good, but my favourite so far is the hammer throw. You shove a zombie sideways and he/she runs off, arms flailing, either until they hit a wall or trip over. Apparantly there's fifty levels so still a good way to go yet - looking forward to the neck twist and disembowlment moves. My housemate also informs me that there's a mimick zombie move, which I'm not so sure about, where you behave like a zombie and they ignore you.
I've read about the zombie walk move so yes it does exist, I must admit I'm really enjoying this game now, its the only thing which has kept me away from buring loads of petrol in the new car :D
I've read about the zombie walk move so yes it does exist
Sweet - a la Shaun of the Dead.
"I'll do it on the night."
"This is the night!"
"Alright... mmmuuurrrr."
"What was that?!"
"Who died and made you king of the zombies? Go on then."
"Yeah, that's pretty good."
14-09-2006, 10:53
Bah, every time I read this thread I want to go home and play it. Only 5 or so hours to go :(
14-09-2006, 11:02
I'm glad I stuck with it to be honest because I thought it was just going to be a bit boring and slightly too hard. After the first few hours I was ready to give up but now I'm really rocking, I just need to master these special moves :).
Did someone say there is a place which shows you all the key combinations for them?
14-09-2006, 11:05
Killing cult members with the small chainsaw is easy PP btw that has to be one of the best weapons in the game :D
Did someone say there is a place which shows you all the key combinations for them?
Press Start, enter 'status' (I think) and then click on Skills. Tells you which moves you have and how to perform them. The notebook also shows which items you have - so far I only have the transceiver, map and maintenance key, no idea what the other five or so are meant to be.
Re: best weapons in the game, apparantly there's a masonry tool on some of the scaffolding that you can impale zombies on and spin then round. Not found it yet though.
15-09-2006, 09:01
Almost compleated the first part now, I've just got to get back to the chopper ALEGIDLY!
Almost compleated the first part now, I've just got to get back to the chopper ALEGIDLY!
I'm at about day three for the second time - managed to rescue a lot more people this time, and left behind the ones that caused mutinies before! Most of the bosses only take three or four hits with the clown's chainsaw to finish them off now, and I have the full speed power-ups so I'm fairly quick. I'm looking to try and get more achievements but some of them are quite difficult - to get the pimp achievement you have to escort eight female survivors in one go!
Some of these achievements are diabolical. I have over 30 of the possible 50, but a lot of these are damn near impossible. To get the five-day survivor and seven-day survivor achievements you have to play in infinity mode. You get to roam free with no tasks to do but your health drops by one bar every 100 seconds, food doesn't respawn any more so when it's gone it's gone, and you can't save! That means you have to play for fourteen hours without turning the console off. Talk about tough.
09-01-2007, 09:54
Well I can now finally play this as my VGA cable turned up yesterday. So far I've managed to kill Carlito but apart from that it's rather difficult as if I venture through the outside park area I keep being killed by the guys in the jeep. Unfortunately when I started the Carlito mission my skateboard got swapped for a gun :( So I'm stuck regarding getting round and have to brave nightfall and being shot.
I've found the gun shop but got creamed by the guy behind the counter and also found the knife shop. The katana is awesome :)
I'm only level 4 at the moment trying to find my way round to do the cloth scoop, on and wearing a hat and suit, looking very suave.
09-01-2007, 09:56
That is all!
09-01-2007, 10:00
The guy on the walkie-talkie said the rollercoaster wasn't a toy, any suggestions of where I can get onto it?
I did find that the place where the knife & gun shop are isn't completed. Oh and I've started running past zombies and not stopping to kill anything insight. Another thing too the chainsaws are awesome if a little short in running.
Whilst trying to get someone back to the main security area I noticed the xxxxx is dead appearing a bit but I had no mission to get to them and try to save them do I take it they are unsaveable?
09-01-2007, 10:03
If you have the roller coaster mission you need to turn it off at the control box which is up the stairs.
Doing this will give you access to one of the best weapons in the game :)
09-01-2007, 10:05
Cool, does this weapon re-spawn or is it something you carry with you?
09-01-2007, 10:46
Cool, does this weapon re-spawn or is it something you carry with you?
It respawns on that spot and can be made to last longer by carrying certain other items :)
09-01-2007, 10:49
Sweet, will carry on with this then, got rather frustrating last night :(
If you have the roller coaster mission you need to turn it off at the control box which is up the stairs.
Doing this will give you access to one of the best weapons in the game :)
And an easier way of getting around :)
09-01-2007, 11:00
hmmm sounds very interesting
09-01-2007, 11:08
The mission is called Out Of Control, and it starts at 9pm on the first day (be anywhere other than Wonderland Plaza to get the call from Otis). Adam the Clown can be hard to kill if you don't know the best technique for him, but when you figure him out he's rather easy.
Oh, and I would suggest ignoring the gun shop dude until you're a much higher level. His shotgun blasts hardly ever miss so you need a lot of health and a tasty weapon (and be a good shot) to take him out. I ended up using the Real Mega Blaster (unlocked by killing 53,594 zombies in one playthrough) against him and it worked a treat.
I know this game far too well :/
Edit: If the game gets frustrating, don't worry about dying and starting again. I found is frustrating to start with, but when my character got up to around level 10, and I died and started again for the 4th time (you keep your level and skills as long as you save and exit when you die), I found it much easier going. It's a game that's designed to be played through multiple times until you become more comfortable with it. I doubt anyone could go through it first time without dying and restarting it.
Should hope so with 940 points :D
09-01-2007, 11:13
Should hope so with 940 points :D
920 :p Only 4 achievements left, I hopefully only need one more proper playthrough to get 2 of them, then the potential agony of the 14 hour session in infinite mode will begin :)
920 :p
Only 920?! Oh then in that case I've lost all gaming respect for you now ;)
09-01-2007, 11:20
Only 920?! Oh then in that case I've lost all gaming respect for you now ;)
Damn, I'll have to get 1000 as soon as possible then to make sure you still respect me :p
I hate Adam the Clown :p admittedly I've not tried him since before Christmas but I reckon I'm going to start a new game up as I've learnt more since the last time I played.
It'll probably have to wait till after Enchanted Arms now though.
then the potential agony of the 14 hour session in infinite mode will begin :)
I had a quick go at it and I'm sure my face slowly dropped as I realised that nothing respawns, and your health slowly deteriorates over time. I think I gave up after fifteen minutes!
09-01-2007, 12:28
To be honest I don't really see the appeal of that final achievement.
09-01-2007, 12:29
I had a quick go at it and I'm sure my face slowly dropped as I realised that nothing respawns, and your health slowly deteriorates over time. I think I gave up after fifteen minutes!
I think if I'm well prepared then I stand a good chance. I've got the Real Mega Buster which will be perfect against the bosses, and I know the locations of the 3 food books which make the food give me 200% more health each time, meaning the food will last longer. I think it's really just a case of being ready for some boredom. From what I've gathered from people who've done it, the ideal strategy is to get the books, kill a boss and get the food they pick up, find somewhere quiet to hide, wait until your health is about to disappear fully, eat something, and repeat until the food is gone. Then go and find another boss to kill, and repeat. More tedious then anything it seems. Of course, you always run the risk of dying through poor play adn being grabbed by zombies, I'll be sure to stay away from the North Plaza and Al Fresco Plaza as much as possible, they're both hip-to-hip full of zombies at all times.
09-01-2007, 12:31
A side question if you go to the sports store can you run out of skateboards, baseball bats?
09-01-2007, 12:31
To be honest I don't really see the appeal of that final achievement.
I'll get simply as it will be the only thing left in the game I haven't done. Only Saint (saving 50 survivors in one go), Transmissionary (answering all calls from Otis, not as easy as it sounds), and the 5/7 day survivor ones to go.
09-01-2007, 12:32
A side question if you go to the sports store can you run out of skateboards, baseball bats?
Nope, not as far as I know. I hardly ever used the skateboards to be honest, though I did enjoy using the bike in Al Fresco Plaza from time to time :)
09-01-2007, 12:38
Nope, not as far as I know. I hardly ever used the skateboards to be honest, though I did enjoy using the bike in Al Fresco Plaza from time to time :)
ok cool, well to be honest I only just found the skateboard last night and have been using it to get across the grass area quickly until I can unlock the rest of the places.
09-01-2007, 13:18
ok cool, well to be honest I only just found the skateboard last night and have been using it to get across the grass area quickly until I can unlock the rest of the places.
The shutters between Paradise Plaza and Entrance Plaza will open at the start of the 2nd case (can't remember the exact time), and you can unlock the passage between Paradise Plaza and Wonderland Plaza by doing the Out Of Control mission :)
09-01-2007, 21:46
Just completed the Kent photography mission but couldn't quite figure out the last thing he wanted me to get so looked it up. Did he give anyone else an extra photo to acquire? With me he just got pissed off :D
10-01-2007, 00:43
Yup, if you managed to photograph him as desired (the first is of him taking a picture, for 500PP, the second is of him "celebrating" after taking a picture, for 700PP), you'll be asked to meet him there in 24 hours for another photo challenge. In the intervening 24 hours get an Erotica picture worth 700PP or more and you'll pass the challenge. I did it by taking an upskirt shot of Jessie when she sits on the couch in the security room :p
10-01-2007, 02:26
Yup :p
A hint for everyone playing through multiple times as well - saved photos from one game will carry on to others, so if you manage an Erotic photo over 700pp, save it and you'll never have to worry about taking another one :)
10-01-2007, 11:08
Well played a little more last night and didn't have to restart once :) So far I'm starting to enjoy it and understand how stuff works.
I actually managed to rescued Sophie from the guys in the jeep :D (once you kill them do they remain dead?) It sucked a bit I had to hold her hand and couldn't run that fast or carry her :( Also found the orange juice in the coffee place opposite the sports shop.
Had the call about the rollercoaster but currently about to get a skateboard and head over to the other plaza to try and find the people who have shut themselves in shops. Oh also found out about the queen thing so have 3, 2 left in one of the security room. Do these stay there if you leave them there or are they likely to disappear?
10-01-2007, 11:11
Prioritise the rollercoaster mission
10-01-2007, 11:13
Prioritise the rollercoaster mission
Agreed, it makes everything so much easier, even ignoring the small chainsaw (which is the best weapon in the game by a mile, will take down most bosses in 2-4 hits), the shortcut between Paradise and Wonderland Plaza is worth it on it's own :)
Prioritise the rollercoaster mission
It'll make your life harder if you miss it, and the sooner it's done the better :)
10-01-2007, 11:51
ok I'll do the rollercoaster one first then :) There isn't anything that is red they are all blue so I'm not going to have to rush for anything like the Kent guy. If things are grey there is no time limit is there?
10-01-2007, 12:35
If a survivor scoop has turned grey it means that you've found them. If you then leave them alone and go and do something else, they'll eventually die, so it's probably best to save them then if you can/want to.
10-01-2007, 12:39
oh right, I'll have to check where that person is :) other than selecting the scoop is there anyway to see who they are and where they are holed up?
10-01-2007, 13:08
You can use either the map (which shows you exactly where they are) or the watch (which tells you where they are) to select the scoop, so if you need to know exactly where they are you could use a combination of the two to make sure you know for sure where they are (the map shows a question mark which will appear irrespestive of what floor you select, so it could lead you to a shop on a floor below the one the person is actually on).
10-01-2007, 13:09
ah right I see :) I did wonder why the question marks weren't floor specific
11-01-2007, 12:29
Well played some more last night and I have to say it's a bitch running round at night, you can't really see for toffee :( I also found out my 3 queens I had collected had disappeared.
Met adam and got stonked, it's just a case of trying to work out what I need to kill him, got him down to half health which wasn't bad but then had to turn off.
I did it with just a pistol and one clip. Distance is the key, those chainsaws hurt :)
I did it with just a pistol and one clip. Distance is the key, those chainsaws hurt :)
I suspect you're a better aim than me :embarassed:
11-01-2007, 12:45
I did it with just a pistol and one clip. Distance is the key, those chainsaws hurt :)
I did try with the pistol but after injuring Carlito I ran out of ammo :( I think there is a gun on the floor around somewhere so will grab that.
Does anyone else find the aiming is rather slow?
In Wonderland there are some cops on the first floor, they carry pistols. I'm not saying shoot Adam though ;)
11-01-2007, 12:56
you saying shoot the balloons?
11-01-2007, 13:00
you saying shoot the balloons?
11-01-2007, 13:04
so shoot the balloon so he coughs then whallop him with the sledge? ;)
Not even that, if you shoot it as soon as he released them then he gets hurt. If you happen to be close then take a swipe by all means, but if you have to run to him then you'll likely get hurt.
Didn't take me long on balloons alone anyway. Just get them as soon as he's let them go for maximum damage :)
11-01-2007, 13:06
so shoot the balloon so he coughs then whallop him with the sledge? ;)
I just carry on shooting him when he's coughing, when he's got his chainsaws I see no reason to get too close to him :)
11-01-2007, 13:07
understood ;)
EDIT: it is quite annoying when he does his jumpy thing and falls off the upper floor :D I have to run down to the end so he comes back to get me.
Aiming does appear to be rather slow but I found I got much better at it later on in the game, when... non-zombies arrived. ;)
11-01-2007, 14:26
Aiming does appear to be rather slow but I found I got much better at it later on in the game, when... non-zombies arrived. ;)
Ok, I'm sure I'll get used to it, after playing Gears have people found themselves running around in this and SR automatically looking for cover? :D I know I have :embarassed:
You got your copy of gears yet mate?
EDIT: Has Mr Burble got his???
Nope, not yet. Chances of having it by tomorrow are fairly slim unfortunately.
11-01-2007, 14:37
Nope, not yet. Chances of having it by tomorrow are fairly slim unfortunately.
poop :(
12-01-2007, 00:29
Well I managed to defeat Adam tonight and have to say the weapon is awesome :)
I just can't seem to get these bloody tourists out of the shop :( I've left whats-his-face in the loos but am not sure where this "short cut" is as you can just save in the loos :(
12-01-2007, 00:34
When you take the security guard to the loos, he opens the shortcut. You need to jump on the wash basins in the corner by the mirror and you'll see the option to go to Paradise Plaza :)
Oh, and did you pick up the Japanese handbook before speaking to the tourists?
12-01-2007, 01:31
Japanese handbook
:undecided: :undecided: :embarassed: :undecided: :undecided:
I picked up a book but it was a health one
12-01-2007, 02:36
;D ;D ;D ;D
12-01-2007, 10:18
;D ;D ;D ;D
Please tell me it's in their bookshop otherwise I think they'll perish if I need to go to another one.
It's just to the right of where they are in the corner, on the floor iirc :)
12-01-2007, 11:15
It's just to the right of where they are in the corner, on the floor iirc :)
Cool was worrying I'd have to try and hall arse to another bookshop :) Need to try and find the image in the monitor thing too as it's just turned red :(
That's back in the security room. If it's just turned red, you should have time to get the Japs and head back there. Though dont save in the middle in case you dont get it right, else you'll blow the case(s).
12-01-2007, 11:17
I think for that one you just need to head back to the 'safe room' to get the mission
12-01-2007, 11:20
ok cool, I was planning on getting them and they guy I rescued from Adam back to the security room before I try to find the guy in the foodcourt. Need to stock up on orange juice and find some decent blade weapons, isn't there a katana around the coffee shop?
12-01-2007, 11:23
ok cool, I was planning on getting them and they guy I rescued from Adam back to the security room before I try to find the guy in the foodcourt. Need to stock up on orange juice and find some decent blade weapons, isn't there a katana around the coffee shop?
Yep, its on the canopy, just jump out of the window next to the juice in the coffee shop.
12-01-2007, 11:25
aww sweet, will try to balance my weapons between Adam's chainsaws & katana (well until my item number increases) and carry round orange juice :)
12-01-2007, 12:18
I think I'll rack off with the advice now, there is some information which I could give which would make things easy, but I found it spoilt some of the best part of the game which is the variety of weapons. Go out and try everything going to kill things, its great fun and can have unexpected results. If you get really stuck then come back and I'll tell you what I know.
12-01-2007, 12:24
ok cheers :) more often that not I'm actually talking to myself ;D cheers for all the advice guys, i'll see how I get on.
12-01-2007, 14:37
I love the Katana, though it doesn't last long enough for my liking. When I got the chainsaw it was pretty much the only melee weapon I bothered using, though I always enjoy warming up the frying pan on a stove and melting the faces of zombies :D
12-01-2007, 15:05
is there any way of sorting the darkness when going around at night?
is there any way of sorting the darkness when going around at night? You can equip yourself with one of those toy laser swords which gives off a glow, might be worth giving that a go?
12-01-2007, 15:39
aye maybe, it's just a little difficult to see :(
12-01-2007, 15:47
I just bumped up the TV's brightness and turned my room lights off, I had the same problem myself.
12-01-2007, 15:51
Crap thought you could use a torch like in Tomb Raider :)
15-01-2007, 11:07
Well started playing again yesterday and managed to screw up the 3pm case after getting the first aid kit for Brad :(
All there was to do was to restart and I'm not around 8pm on the 2nd day doing really well. It's so much easier now around level 26.
Took some doing to kill guys in the jeep and was gutted when boarding across the park to get the medicine when i saw they were back :( Oh also got the guys in yellow about now, my god there is a lot of them.
Oh and like the battle axe ;)
15-01-2007, 11:12
You don't need to go across the park when you have the shortcut in the loos ;)
15-01-2007, 11:49
Well no but I didn't fancy battling all the way through the north plaza to get the hatchet guy :)
15-01-2007, 12:01
I don't fight through North Plaza too much if I can help it, I just try to clear a path and go right through it :)
15-01-2007, 13:09
One thing I did wonder about was I got a couple of names appear saying they had died but there were no scoops active at the time so not sure where these people were :(
So far my weapons generally consist of katana, chainsaw and possibly a hunting knife :)
I think I now need to start looking at blending stuff as juice just doesn't fill me up. Do I need to get a book which describes what I blend together?
I'm not sure if its been mentioned but I found that getting the shotgun in the opening sequence is really useful, made killing the convicts quite simple. Also found the excavator yesterday..OMG comedy :D
15-01-2007, 14:02
yeah!! I found that too, most awesome. Still haven't visited the gun shop again after dying the first time.
I actually read a tip of Davey's mentioned on someone's blog so now know the best combo for the chainsaw ;)
15-01-2007, 14:18
When it comes to mixing stuff, just try any food combinations together, as well as things like cooking oil, and see what you get. There are only 6-7 different juices that can be made and the effects aren't always obviously useful (except Quickstep which makes you run really fast), but they give you more health than anything else so they're useful :)
Also remember that wine gives you 5 bars of health so if you're short on other items grab a few bottles from the food court and you'll be fine :)
Oh, regarding the people dying without a scoop, there are at least 6 people I can instantly think of who need saving but don't appear as a scoop. To activate them all you need to do it be in the right place at the right time. This also means you may start them off but completely miss them, hence why they died without you even seeing them :)
15-01-2007, 14:26
ah makes sense now I did wonder why this woman died and I'd not heard anything about her :D
Oh meant to ask is the 5 day survival just like 3 days just longer with more scoops?
15-01-2007, 14:52
Nope. The 5 and 7 day survivor achievements have to be done in Infinite Mode, which is unlocked by finishing the story fully (finish all case files, be in the helipad at 12 noon on the last day). Infinite Mode has no story, no scoops, it's just a challenge to survive for as long as you can. Your health drops by 1 bar every 100 seconds, so you need to eat, but there isn't enough food to last for 7 days (the food doesn't respawn), so you need to actively go out and seek the psychopaths (who could be anywhere) and beat them to get food/weapons that they drop.
Oh, and you can't save in it either. That means if you want to get the 7 day survivor achievement, you need to play for 14 hours straight (plus toilet/food breaks) to do it. As soon as I get a weekend free, I'm going for it :)
15-01-2007, 15:11
I bet that is mental. Do you do the 5 & 7 day at the level you are when you finish the game?
15-01-2007, 17:00
I bet that is mental. Do you do the 5 & 7 day at the level you are when you finish the game?
You do it at whatever level your character is currently at. Personally, I wouldn't recommend trying it unless your character is level 50 as it gives you the best chance of survival.
26-04-2008, 12:34
Thread resurrection!!
Started this again today as last night from my old save game I completely forgot what I was doing. So things were going quite well, I hadn't saved the game which was a niggle then managed to kill one suvivor with a sledgehammer instead of hitting him with a baseball bat which I thought I had selected :(
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