View Full Version : Cisco CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine: CWWLSE-1030-K9

08-01-2007, 12:08
We're going to be fitting one of these on one of the yachts to hopefully make managing the wireless networks a little bit more simple and effective.

Has anyone ever used this particular piece of kit? If so can you give me some feedback on how you felt it was to use? Do you have any comments in general?

Part number is: CWWLSE-1030-K9

Just interested in feedback really, and to find out how much of a bitch of a job I've given myself :p

25-01-2007, 16:25
Well it's a ****er to set up. The web interface is ****e. But having battled the ins and outs of the CLI (which is not my forte)... anyway it's working... but boy it's a PITA. :(

25-01-2007, 16:26
CLI > Any GUI Cisco has done really. With the exception of the VPN concentrators.

25-01-2007, 17:04
I definitely agree with you there - but it's not my expertise at all. :)