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04-10-2007, 00:03
I'm starting to feel ashamed that I've had GH2 for longer than Feek yet I'm total utter crap at medium :p

04-10-2007, 08:53
I keep failing at Psycho Billy Freakout on medium - I hated that track on easy and I hate it even more on medium.

I really like Freebird, it kicks my arse badly when I try it on hard but it's fun to play.

04-10-2007, 08:55
Freebird is one of my favourite songs to play. :)

04-10-2007, 09:01
There's one of the songs in the Face-Melters section that I absolutely despise. I can find barely any rhythm in it at all and the vocals are some gravelly death-metal dude just shouting. It's bloody awful, not music at all and if anyone on the planet bought it for real, they deserve a tech2 kick in the balls.

I've played it twice now, once on easy and once on medium and it frustrates me that I've got to play it again to get five stars out of it.

04-10-2007, 09:45
GHIII is now not out until November 23rd :(

Good job I ended up with GHII to keep me going :D

04-10-2007, 09:47
GHIII is now not out until November 23rd :(

Good job I ended up with GHII to keep me going :D
Perfect, it's my birthday the next day! :D

04-10-2007, 09:52
GHIII is now not out until November 23rd :(

30th according to play.com, but it isn't uncommon for them to have dates wrong.

Boo to the delay though! I just noticed that Unreal Tournament 2007 has been delayed until mid November too, I've had that game on pre-order since January 2006!

04-10-2007, 11:23
Play's original date was for 23rd October, so they were only a month out ;D

05-10-2007, 09:20
I threw the guitar at LMF last night and pointed her at Freebird, telling her that I didn't complete it.

She strummed on for a while then said in a sarky voice "and you failed this?"

I just smiled.

30 seconds later she cursed me.

45 seconds later she failed it!

05-10-2007, 09:22
It's easy until you get into the solos :)

05-10-2007, 09:47
Well I tried again straight after and completed it, but according to the stats I missed around 200 notes! I just hit the 100k barrier for the first time as well so it was two achievements (100k and completing Medium).

Now to finish off five stars on all songs at Easy and then try and do the same on Medium.

I'm lovin' it :)

05-10-2007, 10:15
Not sure how I did it, but I managed to finish Freebird on my first attempt. Might go back and give it another go tonight :D

05-10-2007, 10:25
Me and Davey 700k'd that on Co-Op the other weekend :cool: With a proper star power path we could 800k it I'm sure.

05-10-2007, 11:10
Me and Davey 700k'd that on Co-Op the other weekend :cool: With a proper star power path we could 800k it I'm sure.
Yeah, and without both of us making silly mistakes as well. I can 100% that song but we both only hit 96%. I'll get a proper path found before we try it next, then we'll only need to master Jessica or something on Hard to get the 1mil achievement (which I doubt we'll ever get) :)

05-10-2007, 12:17
If for no other reason than GHIII will be out by then ;D

07-10-2007, 21:58
I'm getting there.

Suddenly completing hard seems doable. Been stuck on Psychobilly Freakout for a while now, finally nailed it tonight and then proceded to do YYZ, Beast and the Harlot and Institutionalised first time followed by Misirlou at the third attempt. Had a few goes at Hangar 18 and it seems like i'll be able to do that without too much trouble although Top Gear was coming on so I had to leave it at that. Then there's just Freebird to go...

07-10-2007, 23:13
I found Psychobilly Freakout much harder than Freebird, though that may be because I played Freebird so much on medium that I was used to the note progression already. If you can nail Hanger 18 I reckon you can do Freebird :)

09-10-2007, 20:43
Hard. Done.

09-10-2007, 20:52
Well done sir :)

I can't complete the first song on hard yet so I'm still practising. Lots.

10-10-2007, 11:03
The jump from medium to hard is probably the most difficult part of the learning curve. Best way I found was to start 5*ing medium and keep dipping in an out of hard :)

10-10-2007, 22:42
The jump from medium to hard is probably the most difficult part of the learning curve. Best way I found was to start 5*ing medium and keep dipping in an out of hard :)
I'd agree with that. When I first had GH2 on the PS2 Hard was kicking my ass, but by the time I'd gone through Medium on the 360 (5 *'ing everything on the way) I was ready and able to start taking on the songs from Hard and finish them.

11-10-2007, 21:34
Right, tonight's scores....

Beast And The Harlot
Medium: 181400


OK, so it's taken me 5 months but....

198000 + change. :p

11-10-2007, 22:26
Hahahah, I'll have to go back and have another go at that, see if I can beat it :)

12-10-2007, 08:21
You should be able to. I dropped 4 notes without any good reason to so a FC (which I'd expect you to be able to do) should beat my score.

19-10-2007, 09:57
GH III Demo for the 360.


Mixed reports as to it working on unchipped 360's, but I'm gonna download and burn it anyway.

[edit]Direct link to the URL it gave me, might work for a while:


19-10-2007, 13:12
Think I'll just wait for the GHIII demo to hit the market place :)
Still got my money sitting aside waiting for a purchase :D

As for GHII, I'm currently working my way through getting 5 stars on all medium songs. Think I'm up to section 5 or 6, can't remember now.

Also, does anybody else start singing the songs in their head? I'm sitting here now playing some guitar riff over and over in my head...and I don't even have a clue what song it is ;D

19-10-2007, 13:15
Heh, all the time ;D

Had another go at Hard last night. Think I'm down to 9/10 songs left to 5*. Got more chance of doing that than Jordan or completing expert I reckon. Tried Hangar 18 again, hit 90% again, but it's just too mental.

19-10-2007, 13:16
I've slowed down a bit, partly due to YMF playing it a lot, and LMF has just got Halo 3. You've steamed ahead of me, Desmo as I'm still working on getting all the easy ones to 5*

And yes, I was sitting earlier humming a riff to myself :)

19-10-2007, 13:20
RE: the demo Des, I just cant wait to get my hands on something new. I know the GHII tracks inside out and have pretty much maxed out my skill level on it (this is as good as I'm likely to get and I'm happy with that), some new tracks and the online 2 player stuff just cant come quick enough.

19-10-2007, 13:26
I know the GHII tracks inside out and have pretty much maxed out my skill level on it (this is as good as I'm likely to get and I'm happy with that), some new tracks and the online 2 player stuff just cant come quick enough.

I thought that, but I've noticed some improvements in my playing recently, especially last night when I hit the solo in Billion Dollar Babies (on Expert) perfectly, something I've never done before. I wasn't even consciously thinking about it, which may have been why I did it, my brain wasn't getting in the way.

I am desperate for some new tracks though, GHIII should rock hard :D

19-10-2007, 13:30
I'll let you know if I can get the demo to work later :)

19-10-2007, 15:34
Fingers crossed it works :D

19-10-2007, 15:36
It's downloaded at home and I have DVD RW's ready, just gotta go and push the button!

19-10-2007, 17:38
Bah, where's Dee when you need her.

19-10-2007, 17:46
According to over there, it works for unchipped ones :)

19-10-2007, 18:17
It works fine :D

It's basically just like a normal demo disk. For anything other than games which need signing, it treats any other storage as valid sources for anything. Tis why you can throw a load of MP3's or video's on a disc, throw it in the 360 and find it under media.

The voice lip syncing is impressive. Guess they'll do that for every song.

19-10-2007, 18:34
Might be wrong be the HOPO's seem easier. I just ****ing nailed the solo on Rock You Like A Hurricane.

19-10-2007, 18:37
Apparently they're easier because they're not in a set place, like on GH2, when it had a black outline if you had to strum, and no outline if you could tap.

19-10-2007, 18:56
I just gold starred John the Fisherman on medium :eek:
First time I got 3 stars. Just had another bash in my 5 star attempts on songs and got 100% first time :D

19-10-2007, 18:56
Does the demo need burning? Or can you use a flash drive/external drive?
I assume not.

19-10-2007, 20:40
Aye, tis an ISO, gotta be burned. RW's are ok though :)

19-10-2007, 20:49
I wonder how long it'll be before someone decides to make their own songs and stick them on the demo. That'd be awesome.

19-10-2007, 22:53
Woot, it works! Hit Me With Your Best Shot = 5 stars on Hard. Great song, good cover :)

19-10-2007, 23:32
Expert is hard indeed! I managed to 4 star Rock You Like a Hurricane, though that's mainly because the verse parts are easy, the solo kicked my ass big time.

The game itself does seem more forgiving though, several times I hit HOPO's that I really didn't think I got. I actually prefer it though. The game is meant to make you feel like a rock god, so being a little more forgiving certainly helps with that :)

21-10-2007, 12:29
Easy seems to be very easy....and I'm usually crap :p
Had good fun though, but i'm not sure if I'll buy it at launch because I still have plenty to do on GH2 and there's so many other games coming out.

21-10-2007, 19:22
There's some videos on youtube now of some songs on expert. They look fun.

22-10-2007, 11:54
The Metal is quite hard on expert, still haven't passed it :( Failed Rock you Like a hurricane at one point last night, and I always do restart, showed 100%. I failed at 100%.

22-10-2007, 12:00
Looks like I'm getting the hang of it now, I finished off all easy songs at 5*, moved to medium and was upping my scores from the original 3* which I got first time round to 5* with no real problems.

Getting close to a 200k score as well on some of them, w00000t :)

22-10-2007, 14:01
Goooo Feekles :D

I don't get much time to play on it because of a certain somebody... :angry: :D but...

Is there any difference between playing on the 360 guitar and on the PS2 one? My friend is having a party and I wanna know if I can see if my 1337 skillz are easily transferable to the 360.

BB x

22-10-2007, 14:50
Guitar buttons might be spaced ever so slightly differently, but I don't think there's any real difference.

22-10-2007, 16:02
GHIII demo is hitting market place tomorrow :)

22-10-2007, 18:59
GHIII demo is hitting market place tomorrow :)
Nice one, I'll be able to put the CD away and leave my other games in :)

22-10-2007, 21:42
Couple of wierd challenges for you.

Turn lefty flip on (or off if you're a lefty), go to practice, and do Jessica on Hard. Then you can chose to do one of two things.

1. Play with your weaker hand.
or 2. Play with your stronger hand.

The second one is a lot harder imo, I got 66% and 57% respectivley.

22-10-2007, 23:40
Might give that a go tomorrow if I'm bored, but I doubt I'll do very well either way :)

24-10-2007, 10:21
I got home last night to find LMF being a real Rock Goddess. She was playing with moving the guitar around her body like they do on screen, she played it above her head, behind her back etc etc. She only got three stars but she completed SCOM on easy like that!

26-10-2007, 22:25

I'm just flat out gobsmacked. We can't even complete it yet.

27-10-2007, 02:19
People like him should be beaten over the head with the guitar, no-one should be that good!

27-10-2007, 04:35
Was browsing the achievements for GH3 a bit earlier and one of them is to complete a song on Expert with all the sound options turned off, so I thought I'd have a go. I was expecting it to be really hard, but it's actually quite easy if you do "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" as it doesn't really have a solo to speak of and the chords are pretty easy. Was weird playing with no music though, I'll only do it once to get the achievement and that'll be it.

30-10-2007, 02:42
One for Daz mainly I suppose, this is the last song on the Expert career track before the final boss battle. I'm now worried we may never complete Expert on this version as well!


30-10-2007, 11:40
What do you mean Daz mainly, cheeky bugger. ;) As long as you can alt strum and do quick ascending notes, you'll be fine :p

Also, and I know this will tempt you Davey cos it's tempting me, GH3 is region free....

30-10-2007, 12:43
You know what I mean, Daz is the only one who's as close or closer than me to finishing Expert :p

And I did hear about it being region free, but I reckon you'd be stung for import tax (it's not a small box after all) so the cost wouldn't be any less than waiting. Also, with COD4 out on the 9th I'll have something to keep me going until it comes out here :)

30-10-2007, 16:43
I saw it on play-asia, just the game for around £25. Half tempted but I've not really got the time as I have plenty of games to play as it is :D

30-10-2007, 16:46
Sod buying just the game, I want the guitar as well! Need to soundly whip LMF in battles :)

30-10-2007, 17:03
Aye, I want the second guitar too :)

30-10-2007, 19:27
Same here, the wireless guitar looks fab :)

30-10-2007, 20:33
You know what I mean, Daz is the only one who's as close or closer than me to finishing Expert :pFair enough, still, i'm level with you though :p

30-10-2007, 21:05
Fair enough, still, i'm level with you though :p
We'll see when GH3 comes out ;)

30-10-2007, 21:53
Freya completed on expert, Freebird 5*d on hard....that was a good 15 minutes :)

Edit: I'm really sorry Davey, but i'm up to tier 8 as well now. Passed Misirlou and Beast as well.

31-10-2007, 00:21
Nice one :) I stopped trying to do it ages ago, though I may go back to it to warm up before GH3 arrives. Can't have you getting too far ahead of me :p

31-10-2007, 15:02
I've just been having little bursts recently, passing Freya last night really kicked me into gear. I have no doubts that if you picked up GH now, and tried Freya a few times you'd pass it. I just waited till I absolutley needed to use star power before using it, which meant I had a full bar by the time the hard bit kicked in. I completed a few songs without sp, because I saved it for the hard bit, and it never came (Trooper).

Daz: Hanger 18 - 85%, i'm catching you :p

31-10-2007, 23:08
Not a big achievement in comparison to all you experts :p

But I just did Surrender and got 100% gold stars :D easy of course ;)

And before Rob upset me by beating my score. :D

Hee hee...

BB x

01-11-2007, 00:02
Nicley done BB :)

01-11-2007, 10:03
Well done BB :)

I've still not 100%'d any songs although LMF has done two.

01-11-2007, 10:36
I've done a couple on easy and one on medium. Still currently trying to 5 star my way through medium at the moment.

01-11-2007, 10:43
Ooooo look at the big shot Desmo! ;)

Hee hee...only joking! I will still take you on in a battle! :evil:

I am a girl after all.. I think we get given some weird 'you are a girl so you will be crap at computer games' gene at birth :(

BB x

01-11-2007, 17:25
I am a girl after all.. I think we get given some weird 'you are a girl so you will be crap at computer games' gene at birth :(

*is speechless* :shocked:

01-11-2007, 17:49
Hee hee...only joking! I will still take you on in a battle! :evil:
That may come sooner than you think ;)

Although there's only one guitar :p

01-11-2007, 21:12
Ooooooh... GHIII on Wii.... :D

Must.... not..... order......

REALLY... must.... not..... order......

01-11-2007, 21:28
You so know you want to :D

Need to let my sister know when it's out too.

05-11-2007, 00:03
I may not be able to do Hangar 18, but I just did this in quick play (appolgise for size)


Intresting doesn't really sum it up, missed loads of notes in the intro, and barely passed the RYBYRYBYRYB bit. Failed just before the outro on Hanger 18 before hand, was gutted.

05-11-2007, 00:21
Bloody well done mate, you're probably better than me at it now, I've only tried FB a couple of times on Expert and failed partway through every time. I really want to finish it before GH3 comes out, but with other games due soon (like COD4 next week) I really can't see myself putting in enough time to go back to it properly again. I'll just have to try to kick your ass on GH3 instead :D

05-11-2007, 10:25
Just pre-ordered GHIII from Powerplay Direct :D

Less than £55 all in ... bargain :)

Use PP-02-DISCOUNT to get 2% off. Not a lot, but every little helps :p

05-11-2007, 11:02

That's a good price and Quidco have 4% with Powerplay as well. I'll order that tonight.

05-11-2007, 15:03
Mmm, tasty


05-11-2007, 15:05
Are you the first to do that Creature? Oh dear, some people are going to hate you now ;D

05-11-2007, 15:08
Apart from tommy, yes I am. Please let daz know asap :p

05-11-2007, 15:10
What's all the Hangars? (and bloody well done!)

05-11-2007, 15:15
It's the suppsoed hangar where the Roswell alien is in Area 51......I think.

05-11-2007, 15:18
I bloody hate you now Chris!! When did you get so good?! :p

05-11-2007, 15:25
I didn't, I just got lucky with star power. Hit one that I never got before and it carried me through solo 8...just. I won't be able to beat it for a while now, played it 5 times in a row as well, so I don't really want to play it soon either :p

05-11-2007, 15:27
Are you done with Expert career now then or is there anything left for you to finish?

05-11-2007, 15:35

Take a wild guess.

05-11-2007, 15:35

That is all.

05-11-2007, 15:40

05-11-2007, 15:51
You may have given me fresh incentive to go back to GH2 though, I've gotta give it a try now :)

05-11-2007, 16:05
Awesome, just hope Daz decides to try again. I feel quite bad beating both of you to completion seeing as you've both always been along way infront of me.

05-11-2007, 16:12
Bah, think about how I feel being so far ahead of everyone (except Tommy) for so long, then to have Daz and then you overtake me :p

Still, I'll always have Ninja Gaiden :D

05-11-2007, 17:06
You'd still beat me on most songs, except Hangar 18 and Freebird..as i'm the only one to do them :p

05-11-2007, 17:22
If I can't manage them, as I said earlier in the thread, I'll just have to kick your ass on GH3 instead :p

05-11-2007, 17:22
I feel quite bad beating both of you to completion seeing as you've both always been along way infront of me.
Yeah, of course you do ;D

05-11-2007, 17:29
If I can't manage them, as I said earlier in the thread, I'll just have to kick your ass on GH3 instead :pI'm fairly sure you will.

Yeah, of course you do ;DWell.....:p

05-11-2007, 19:22
Well after going back to GH2 and having a quick go, I came to the realisation that I'm simply not good enough to finish the Expert career off. It's possible I could get good enough if I put the time in the practise mode, but it's not fun and I play it simply for the fun now :)

So game on for GH3 Chris. You're already better than me at GH2, I'll have to work hard to beat you at GH3 :p

05-11-2007, 19:41
Dear god (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-9ao_vOsZkg&NR=1) :o

05-11-2007, 22:21
That's just physically guitar heroingly ludicrous.

05-11-2007, 23:14
He's good....

This guys better (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw2P_gim1Gc)

05-11-2007, 23:54
He's good....

This guys better (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw2P_gim1Gc)
Seen that before, possibly the best GH player I've seen so far.

06-11-2007, 10:01
I finished a song on Hard last night, first time!

Only got $150 for three stars though, I thought that the payout on hard would be a lot higher than medium :(

06-11-2007, 10:12
I finished a song on Hard last night, first time!

Only got $150 for three stars though, I thought that the payout on hard would be a lot higher than medium :(
Nicely done Feeky :) The payout for Hard is only more than Medium if that band hasn't actually gone through Medium. The most you can earn from a song is $1800, that's either by 5 starring it on Expert with a band that's not been through career before, or by 5 starring it once on each level. :)

06-11-2007, 10:22
Ahhhh right, understood.

I'm struggling with five starring some of the mediums, I think it's time to actually use practise mode to get the sections I'm having problems with sorted.

Only bought a few songs from the store, more interested in playing the ones I'll earn money from really so that I can buy characters and guitars etc.

Great game, it really is!

06-11-2007, 10:22
Played Creature :)

Partly hate you, mostly impressed :p

06-11-2007, 11:32
Cheers Daz

Feek: Some of the songs on medium are a right pain to 5*. I've noticed that I normally get a 5* with 95% plus, which is hard to do on songs that have quick bits as you can miss a couple of notes every so often. You'll get there, you just gotta keep at it :)

06-11-2007, 13:11
Don't forget though that your star rating is based on your score, so learning when to use Star Power properly is the key to getting 5 *'s. Obviously a very high note percentage helps but the score is the main thing.

Feek, check out www.scorehero.com to see where the cut off point is for 5 *'s on the medium songs, you can see how close you are then :)

06-11-2007, 13:18
Excellent link Davey, thanks :)

06-11-2007, 15:03
My pleasure, that link helped me get 400k on Freebird on Medium by showing me the proper star power path to use. Invaluable site :)

15-11-2007, 14:52
And that's GH3 pre-ordered - £54.87 from Powerplay Direct with 4% Quidco.

15-11-2007, 15:13
Nice one Feek, let's hope they despatch on time :)
Although having said that, I'm busy with COD4 anyway so a little delay isn't a problem.

15-11-2007, 21:23
And that's GH3 pre-ordered - £54.87 from Powerplay Direct with 4% Quidco.

Is that the PS2 version? With Guitar?

BB x

15-11-2007, 21:29
Is that the PS2 version? With Guitar?

BB x


You have ordered the following item:

Description: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Including Wireless Guitar Controller)
Format: XBOX 360 Game
Qty: 1
Price: £54.87*
Status: Pre-release, item backordered

The total value of your order is £54.87

* - The value of this item has been reduced by a coupon code.

15-11-2007, 21:37
Meh... will have to have a hunt for the PS2 one.


BB x

15-11-2007, 21:47
Here (http://www.powerplaydirect.com/asp/itemdetails.asp?prodID=1543935&currsec=GA) - £41.49 :eek:

Use the code above for 2% discount on that and get another 4% via quidco.

15-11-2007, 23:10
Wireless Guitar on the PS2? Not sure about that.

15-11-2007, 23:38
Wireless Guitar on the PS2? Not sure about that.
There's been once available for ages, since before GH2 came out on the Xbox 360 :)

16-11-2007, 08:31
Ah cool, didn't know that. I assume it has a plug in part that goes on the PS2?

16-11-2007, 10:33
Thanks Feekles!!! :D :D :D

What is Quidco???

I am a noob :( do you have to register... will it take long?

BB x

16-11-2007, 10:46
Ah cool, didn't know that. I assume it has a plug in part that goes on the PS2?

Aye, plugs into the USB port I believe, like a wireless dongle :)

16-11-2007, 10:49
Thanks Feekles!!! :D :D :D

What is Quidco???

I am a noob :( do you have to register... will it take long?

BB x
Quidco is an online website which will give you cashback when you visit stores from within the website, and complete a transaction online. They charge £5 a year but they take that out of your earnings, so you never actually pay them anything. If you buy stuff from the web a lot then it's definitely worth joining up as you can get a fair bit of money back. I've already made about £40 back from stuff I've bought on the net, so it's definitely worth signing up :)

16-11-2007, 10:51
Do keep up ;)


16-11-2007, 11:20


Will have a butchers at lunchtime... spent most the morning trying for Take That tickets so should do some work!

BB x

16-11-2007, 12:06
Quidco is cool :D

I run our work purchases through it when I can for more money :D

16-11-2007, 13:35
Here (http://www.powerplaydirect.com/asp/itemdetails.asp?prodID=1543935&currsec=GA) - £41.49 :eek:

Use the code above for 2% discount on that and get another 4% via quidco.

Mr Feek! Where is your PP code?!

I canny see it on here?! :(

BB x

16-11-2007, 13:44


16-11-2007, 13:46
Thank you all!!!

Ordered hurrah!!! :D

BB x

16-11-2007, 14:05
Order placed :cool:

Does anyone know what powerplay are like for shipping pre-release stuff?

16-11-2007, 14:08
Jeez Worrall, that was quick! I barely stood outside for some lunch :p

16-11-2007, 14:21

16-11-2007, 14:25
Order placed :cool:

Does anyone know what powerplay are like for shipping pre-release stuff?

They better be good.

16-11-2007, 14:36
I've read elsewhere of delivery on day of release which is why I thought they'd be OK. If they're carp, you can all beat me up :p

19-11-2007, 10:15
I played through the first 5 songs of GH3 last night (it's available on PC already ;)), and like some of the reviews have said, there's definitely more emphasis on chord switching than single note playing. Not sure whether I think that's a good or bad thing yet, but the songs were all fun to play, though it felt really weird playing it in front of the PC.

Oh, and the GH2 X-Plorer guitar works perfectly with the PC version of GH3 :)

19-11-2007, 10:57
You don't know how tempting that is!

But only 4 more days to go....

19-11-2007, 11:02
I've only got it while my 360 is out of action, I'm still buying it on Friday, I want those achievements :D

19-11-2007, 11:35

19-11-2007, 11:54
Sounds a good thing to me Davey as I prefer playing more chords :D

19-11-2007, 11:57
I read some difficulty comparison article over the weekend and they did say that, as expected, GHIII on Hard is like GHII on Expert. Me thinks I'm going to struggle :D

Fingers crossed it arrives Friday though, would be great to have a quick blast before Liverpool.



I can actually watch the videos now.

[edit2]That Killers track really backs up what you're saying about chords Davey.

19-11-2007, 12:18
I read some difficulty comparison article over the weekend and they did say that, as expected, GHIII on Hard is like GHII on Expert.

From the first 5 tracks, I'm not sure what to think. Out of the 5, I got 4 stars on 4 of them, and 5 stars on the other. I didn't find any of them particularly hard, though they have note and chord progressions different to anything in GH2 so that'll no doubt throw people off (it did for me). I did read on IGN that they felt GH3 was easier than GH2. I may try to play through another tier or two tonight so I can compare it a bit better :)

Snuggle Ferret
19-11-2007, 17:19
Guitar Hero III will be the bain of my Hubby, friends, family's life :D:D:D:D No-one will get near the television or the PS2 .... Only 4 days to go :D But I suppose I should put it down as a Christmas pressie :D:D:D:D

Fave song has to be War Pigs by Sabbath or the two Megadeth songs :D Was disappointed with the 80's one though.

19-11-2007, 17:55
I can never remember what the songs are actually called, I just don't pay enough attention :D
I flick through the list and just listen to the intro...then I can tell you if I like it or not :p

20-11-2007, 20:44
Is it wrong to keep getting distracted by the female vocalist in the short camouflage skirt's bum as she sways it from side to side?

20-11-2007, 21:51
Is it wrong to keep getting distracted by the female vocalist in the short camouflage skirt's bum as she sways it from side to side?
Not at all. The bouncing cleavage on Judy Nails is distracting as well :D

21-11-2007, 00:30
Just 4 more days...4 more days...I haven't been this excited about a release ever, but that may be because it coincides with my birthday. Anyway, 2 songs away from 5*ing hard, Trooper and Carry me home. Both have right bastardising verses.

21-11-2007, 17:39
Davey, do you have any form of lag when playing it on the pc?

21-11-2007, 19:07
Yes, quite badly at times, despite having a rather beastly machine (Core 2 Duo, 2GB Ram, 8800GTS 640MB). I really don't understand why.

21-11-2007, 19:19
Bad port from console I guess :(

21-11-2007, 19:21
Good, not just me, had to turn the easy expert cheat on to counter it.

One is a lot of fun, hard though.

21-11-2007, 20:01
Good, not just me, had to turn the easy expert cheat on to counter it.

One is a lot of fun, hard though.
What's this cheat you speak of?

21-11-2007, 20:17
Oh your god!

GHIII gets the Halo theme tomorrow (free). Starting tomorrow, Halo fans can download the Mjolnir mix of their favorite theme song, as originally played by Steve Vai. As if that news weren't good enough, we can also confirm that the track will be free. That's 0 MS Points, no money required, zip, zilch, naught, etc. So there you have it, folks, a free Halo treat on Thanksgiving day. Pass the gravy.

I wasn't planning on getting GH3 this week cos I really want Ace Combat 6 but now.... ahhhh! I'm such a Halo fanboy and I really wanted that track for GH2.

21-11-2007, 20:22
So Rock Band is pretty fun. I do have to say that the drums are tough. And I used to play the drums in high school. So far I'm liking it better than Guitar Hero 3 though. Will be even better once they get the patch out to put Band World Tour online.


21-11-2007, 20:24
What's this cheat you speak of?Gives the notes a larger hit window. There's a thread of them over on Scorehero.

21-11-2007, 22:53
Anyone know if it'll be possible to play multiplayer cross platform with GH3? A guy at work has preordered it on the PS3.

I've not had any money taken out of my account by Powerplay Direct so it won't be delivered tomorrow as happens with some companies so I hope it arrives on Friday.

22-11-2007, 00:01
I'm not sure, but I don't think you can.

As a side, my wrist is in a lot of pain. Do not do the whole game in one go on hard, so much strumming and finger movement.

22-11-2007, 15:59
Despatched! :D


BB x

22-11-2007, 16:01
From PowerPlay BBx?

22-11-2007, 16:32

Wher'es my ****ing GHIII.

22-11-2007, 16:32
From PowerPlay BBx?
Don't forget she's getting the PS2 version.

22-11-2007, 16:33
Aye, just want to know if PP have started sending them out :)

22-11-2007, 16:42
I am delighted to let you know that your Preorder for Guitar Hero III: Legends of
Rock is now being processed. The order will be despatched by your chosen delivery
method in time to reach you for the day of release.

Rar!! (PS2 version coming from Game)

22-11-2007, 17:40
Still showing pre-release status :(

22-11-2007, 17:46
Same here. We were relatively late to the party though I guess in terms of 360 pre-orders. Or I was at least.

22-11-2007, 18:07
From PowerPlay BBx?

The one what Feek recommended... yars! :D

Worried though cos that means a trip to RM delivery office for me... grrr!!!

Dear Miss Perryman,
It is with great pleasure that we can inform you the following has been despatched today.
Order reference:--------------
Description: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Includes Wireless Guitar Controller)
Format: PS2 Game
Quantity: 1
Status: Despatched
Your item has been dispatched and should hopefully reach you within 3 - 6 working days.
Thank you for shopping with us.


BB x

22-11-2007, 23:05
Just read on HDUK

I asked in-store today how much GH3 is going to be, and found out that HMV are selling it at the lower price of £59.95 for a week. Much cheaper than anywhere else on the high street, and with student discount it's potentially even cheaper.

Is there any point in getting the new guitar?

Edit: Wireless, I see. So that makes it tempting.

22-11-2007, 23:20
Arse, it was actually HMV I was going to buy it from. Oh well, it was bought with early birthday money so I shan't complain :)

22-11-2007, 23:20
I wouldn't be too worried. I expect HMV won't know a thing about this deal come tomorrow morning :)

23-11-2007, 09:25
I've cancelled my order from Powerplay - It now says that it's expected there within 5 days on back order from the supplier.

I'm off to a shop today.

23-11-2007, 09:43
Is that HMV price confirmed on a website anywhere? I might pop out at lunchtime to Lakeside and would like to take a piece of paper with me to show them if I go there.

23-11-2007, 10:22
It was £65 on their site.

23-11-2007, 10:30
I've cancelled my order from Powerplay - It now says that it's expected there within 5 days on back order from the supplier.
My account show it's ready for picking :huh:

23-11-2007, 10:50
Likewise. Looks like it'll be despatched today I guess \o/

23-11-2007, 10:50
s'not good enough.

23-11-2007, 11:04
Seems like it is £59 (http://www.hotukdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117430&page=2) and confirmed as I just bought it for £59.99

23-11-2007, 13:03
It is with great pleasure that we can inform you the following has been despatched today.

Order reference:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Description: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Including Wireless Guitar Controller)
Format: XBOX 360 Game
Quantity: 1
Status: Despatched


Will hopefully get carded in the next couple of days, then I can pick it up from the post office Monday/Tuesday morning :D

Snuggle Ferret
23-11-2007, 13:05

Will hopefully get carded in the next couple of days, then I can pick it up from the post office Monday/Tuesday morning :D

*sticks fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA LA LA .. can't hear you therefore it won't happen LA LA LA LA :P

23-11-2007, 13:06
Seems like it is £59 (http://www.hotukdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=117430&page=2) and confirmed as I just bought it for £59.99

Aye, I called Colchester and they've got it, picking it up on the way home.

Powerplaydirect didn't even answer the very polite email I sent yesterday.

23-11-2007, 13:14

Will hopefully get carded in the next couple of days, then I can pick it up from the post office Monday/Tuesday morning :D
Ditto here :D:D

23-11-2007, 13:22
Still no sign of mine turning up yet, even though it was sent yesterday. I won't be best pleased as I paid for it to be send on next working day delivery.

23-11-2007, 13:24
*sticks fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA LA LA .. can't hear you therefore it won't happen LA LA LA LA :P
I'll post pictures of the box for you and some pics of me playing with my toy (fnarrr!!!!)

23-11-2007, 14:43
I has it! :D

Dr. Z
23-11-2007, 22:05
Petemc just showed me this vid:

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gw2P_gim1Gc :eek:

Come on Davey, you're better than that, right?

24-11-2007, 01:21
Well I'm having lots of fun with this, I've started off in easy mode just to hear the songs and get the hang of it - Got five starts on all songs so far and I've just battled and beaten Slash. Of course I had to buy him after!

25-11-2007, 02:06
Online's fun when the person you play picks Fire and Flame on hard. Beat him before the intro had finished :D

26-11-2007, 00:33
I just messed up the final battle by activating by accident. Had double note and difficulty up, adjusted something, and activated them :( Would have won as I got whammy straight away.

26-11-2007, 22:24
Well I never expected to get fed up of that so quickly :(

My copy didn't turn up until today and I've just played it for an hour. Went through the first 2 levels of hard without any bother. Got to the Tom Morello guitar battle, had a few attempts at beating it and I can't be arsed any more. I just want to play more songs not muck about with gimmicky rubbish like that.

Anybody got a quick and foolproof way of getting past it so I can just get on with enjoying the game?

26-11-2007, 22:29
Citylink tried to deliver mie today but obviously I missed them whilst at work. I was hoping it would be RM so I could pick it up in the morning. Problem now is that the CL depot is miles away and I can't wait in. Powerplay wont deliver to another address on the first delivery so I'm a bit stuck. Tried to phone CL and get some automated system that doesn't help at all and have been waiting for a call back to sort it out. Not going to happen tonight so all I can do is leave a note on the door tomorrow and hop for the best :/

26-11-2007, 22:30
Save up 3 battle powers, then hit them all at once. Usually works, especially Double note, difficulty up and amp/whammy/string

27-11-2007, 00:23
Save up 3 battle powers, then hit them all at once. Usually works, especially Double note, difficulty up and amp/whammy/string

Cheers, got past it then carried on completing every song first time until I reached the slash battle before repeatedly getting my arse handed to me. Had enough for tonight.

27-11-2007, 00:42
I'm the same now, can't beat him (expert mind). Gonna have to change tactics and use the powers is sections when he gets his.

27-11-2007, 09:52
I managed to beat both battles (on Hard) first time, and was sailing through career mode until I ran into One. Only had one go at it but failed on the solo, 81% in. I'm sure I'll get it with a bit of practise, but I was hoping to go through it all quickly so I could make a proper attempt at Expert. I can see myself beating the first several tiers, but the later ones will no doubt kick my ass.

27-11-2007, 10:47
Citylink tried to deliver mie today but obviously I missed them whilst at work.
That could explain why I've had nothing through - I dont think we've had anything from City Link yet, and there are still no road signs up.... wonder what happens if the driver cant find me? :/

27-11-2007, 11:07
I've left a note on the door today saying it can be left with neighbours. Whether that can happen or not I don't know, and if it doesn't I'm not sure what I'll do next. Taking time off work just to wait for this is a pain in the arse, although I could do some work from home.

27-11-2007, 12:41
I managed to beat both battles (on Hard) first time, and was sailing through career mode until I ran into One. Only had one go at it but failed on the solo, 81% in. I'm sure I'll get it with a bit of practise, but I was hoping to go through it all quickly so I could make a proper attempt at Expert. I can see myself beating the first several tiers, but the later ones will no doubt kick my ass.Don't use any star power till you hit the solo. It's a life saver if you have a full bar.

27-11-2007, 13:05
Our local City Link won't obey notices stuck on the door and will card rather then going next door. If it's the same delivery branch (Ipswich) then good luck, Desmo.

27-11-2007, 13:06
Don't use any star power till you hit the solo. It's a life saver if you have a full bar.
I tried but I think I mistimed my usage of it. I may not have had a full bar either, can't remember now :o I'll do it though, I refuse to get beaten by GH3 on Hard! :D

27-11-2007, 13:09
I only failed one song on hard, Raining blood...I failed it a lot though. It's the reason I have the 'Fail any song 10 times' achievement. Good luck :)

27-11-2007, 13:11
Bugger, sounds hard then! Oh well, I'm enjoying playing it currently so I don't mind failing a bit. Hopefully I'll manage it though.

27-11-2007, 14:29
Bloody hell Chris I see what you mean. I nipped home for my lunch and I got destroyed by the intro (the pull off section at the start). I played through it on practise and that's the only bit I found really hard, so if I can somehow manage to get past it, I'll be able to do the song. It'll need a fair bit of practise though, my pull offs are nowhere near as good as my hammer ons (if it were a hammer section I'd have done it first go).

Number of the Beast kicked my ass as well. Couldn't find my rhythm at all on it. Probably just need a bit of practise on that as well. The first 7 tiers were all fairly easy though, the 8th is definitely a huge jump in difficulty, harder than most songs on Expert on GH2.

27-11-2007, 14:40
The hardest thing about that Raining blood bit, is noticing it has ocassional chrords. I'm one song away from tier 8 on expert. I'm dead :(

27-11-2007, 15:08
I spotted them during the practise. It wouldn't be so bad if I had star power to get through it, but I only remember there being one section before that solo. Meh, hopefully with some practise I can get through it. I've never spent a decent amount of time in practise mode trying to perfect a section, but I think I might have to if I want to finish Hard.

27-11-2007, 18:26
There's 2 star power bits. Both are quite tricky to hit, and there's one at the start of the insane section. All tricky to hit, but if you get 2, you should be ok.

28-11-2007, 10:39
Our local City Link won't obey notices stuck on the door and will card rather then going next door. If it's the same delivery branch (Ipswich) then good luck, Desmo.
Mine's coming from Hoddesdon, which makes it a no go for me to pick up. To be fair to the driver, he noted yesterday that he tried about 8 houses near me but all were empty. The main problem has been trying to get to actually talk to someone instead of a machine to try and arrange something else. Finally got through today and will be waiting at home on Friday for delivery.

28-11-2007, 15:45
Collected mine from CityLink in Coalville last night :)

28-11-2007, 16:15

28-11-2007, 16:28
Collected mine from CityLink in Coalville last night :)

Completed it already? ;)

28-11-2007, 19:14
\o/ First expert Full combo. Got it on Closer, the easiest song to do it on. I'm -1 on Ruby and -2 on When you were young though.

28-11-2007, 22:19
This kid is insanely good...although after i watched that it made me less wanting to buy it now, it just look stupidly hard.


28-11-2007, 23:39
This kid is insanely good...although after i watched that it made me less wanting to buy it now, it just look stupidly hard.

I've seen that kid several times. I want to hit him in the face with the guitar, little bastard doesn't half make me feel rubbish :p

28-11-2007, 23:46
I've seen that kid several times. I want to hit him in the face with the guitar, little bastard doesn't half make me feel rubbish :p

I have that urge too with that guitar :D lol

28-11-2007, 23:56
There's something wrong there. I don't mean wrong in that he's not doing it, I mean wrong in that he's able to do it. It's just .wrong.

29-11-2007, 12:54
Completed it already? ;)
8th tier on hard :D

29-11-2007, 13:01
I should have got mine by now :( no card no nuthin


I assume CL drop cards through?

BB x

29-11-2007, 13:04
Yeah, I was carded twice. Depends on the driver though, some are arses.

Snuggle Ferret
29-11-2007, 13:05
Yeah, I was carded twice. Depends on the driver though, some are arses.

Carded twice ?? Are we playing GHIII or ProEvo Soccer three million ... :P

29-11-2007, 17:27
8th tier on hard :D"Today on BD GH3, we discover if Daz has the same problem on Raining Blood that everyone else does"

29-11-2007, 17:28
I shall report back tomorrow, or tonight if I have an internet connection ;D

29-11-2007, 18:03
It's a nasty bitch of a song. If I can get past the intro I'll finish the song. I remember thinking the same about Crazy On You on Expert on GH2, but getting past that proved to be very hard. Hopefully this won't take me as many attempts (which was probably over 20).

30-11-2007, 14:30
Well I'm waiting at home for this afternoon until delivery arrives. What's the betting nobody turns up today :/

30-11-2007, 14:33
If I don't have a card through my door tonight, I think I should chase PP... today is the sixth day and I haven't had nada yet. :(

BB x

30-11-2007, 15:49
Guess who's majorly ****ed off because CuntyLink didn't tell me they needed to wait for authorisation from the sender before having it out for delivery today?

So I'm sitting at home (which I can't really afford to happen today) waiting for a delivery. I decide to phone them to check it's out and it isn't.

Either PPD deliver to my work address or they can **** off an' all.

30-11-2007, 16:05
I'm glad I cancelled my order with them now after all this.

Not happy for you two though :(

30-11-2007, 16:09
To be fair to PPD, if it had gone with RM I'd be fine. But ****tyLink can't seem to get themselves sorted. I've tried phoning and all I could do was talk to a ****ing Robot. Then when I eventually through to a human, he's ****ing crap at his job.

Can you tell I'm pissed off?

30-11-2007, 16:26
I'm being all girly and don't understand :( am I sposed to do something?

I'lll speak to Mr Feek about it later as Jamie is scaring me :(

BB x

30-11-2007, 16:34
No Mei, you shouldn't have to do anything....in theory. If CityLink have tried to deliver it they should leave a card for you. I'd get in touch with PPD. Does your online account show it's been despatched?

30-11-2007, 17:00
Yup yup :( it said 3 - 6 working days... today is the 6th day!

BB x

04-12-2007, 00:15
Posting this while letting my hands cool down, because I've just made One and Raining Blood (on Hard) my bitches. Wasn't going to try for them but after a quick go on Cliffs of Dover (easily my favourite song so far) that went very well, I decided to try One. Passed it right away somehow, so decided to have a go at Raining Blood. On about my third attempt (and something like my sixth overall) I managed to get past that bloody intro (with my rating well into the red) but thankfully managed to hold it together and pass the song. About to face the final boss now, but my hands need a break as my left hand is rather sore now (and has been since Number of the Beast 2 days ago :confused:). Here's hoping I can finish the Hard career tonight, then make a start on Expert tomorrow maybe :)

04-12-2007, 00:32
Mine still hasn't arrived :(

Getting worried now. Emailing them tonight.

BB x

04-12-2007, 12:40
God luck Davey, the final boss is on par with Raining Blood :D

04-12-2007, 12:51
So I discovered! The song is hard enough without him throwing bloody lefty flip at me. I think the only way I'll beat him is to get the timing of my attacks perfect so he misses his own attack sequences, and just hope for the best. Still, I feel happier knowing that I did manage to beat Raining Blood, so perhaps with enough time I'll beat Lou as well. Then it's TTFAF!

04-12-2007, 12:56
TTFAF is harder than anything i've experienced on GH. I can't even get past 2% :(

As for Lou, he's hard because he gets his attack first, you just have to hope it's nothing too bad. Just notice that you first power up is a simple Red to orange, if you miss that, you're pretty much screwed. Difficulty up + Double notes + whammy helps a lot.

04-12-2007, 15:27
TTFAF is harder than anything i've experienced on GH. I can't even get past 2% :(

That's on Expert I hope? If you did it on Hard, how was it compared to Raining Blood?

As for Lou, he's hard because he gets his attack first, you just have to hope it's nothing too bad. Just notice that you first power up is a simple Red to orange, if you miss that, you're pretty much screwed. Difficulty up + Double notes + whammy helps a lot.

Aye, I wonder if holding onto an attack until I get a second one is the way forward. It's just a shame it actually takes a while before the attack part of the battle, I wouldn't mind repeating it if it only took a minute or so every time. It's one reason I'm so happy I passed One on my second attempt, having to play 5 minutes of song before the solo every time would have been annoying.

04-12-2007, 17:12
Getting worried now. Emailing them tonight.
Don't hold your breath. I haven't heard back from my email on Friday afternoon :/

04-12-2007, 18:31
That's on Expert I hope? If you did it on Hard, how was it compared to Raining Blood?Still hard on hard, passed 3rd attempt though.

Aye, I wonder if holding onto an attack until I get a second one is the way forward. It's just a shame it actually takes a while before the attack part of the battle, I wouldn't mind repeating it if it only took a minute or so every time. It's one reason I'm so happy I passed One on my second attempt, having to play 5 minutes of song before the solo every time would have been annoying.Yea, it's irritating, but patience is a virtue. It will happen.

Also, I got to solo C on One on expert earlier :(

12-12-2007, 12:51
ROYALLY ****ED OFF!!!! :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::

Dear Miss Perryman,

This is just to keep you up to date on the status of your outstanding order(s).

The following item(s) shown below have recently had their status updated:

Order: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ProductID: xxxxxxxxxx
Description: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (Includes Wireless Guitar Controller)
Format: PS2 Game
Price: £41.49
Status: RMA Refund
RMA Refund
The item has been returned and a refund has been processed

No reason, nothing...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**** em not using them again, the bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desmo - if you haven't heard, their claims phone number is 0870 600 6776 ask for Tim - he is the online person.

****ed off!! Better head to Zavvi on Ox St!

BB x

12-12-2007, 13:04
OK... just called them... should be with me at my work address tomorrow...

I will give them till the end of the week!

We'll see! ;)

BB x

PS I got no calling cards and apparently they tried to deliver 3 times.

12-12-2007, 13:18
I got that RMA refund email today as well. They can have it back, I'll go elsewhere.

13-12-2007, 00:28


13-12-2007, 05:18
Beaten to it ! :p

13-12-2007, 10:38
That vid is wicked Garp :D

13-12-2007, 11:26
Cliffs of Dover on expert is fun. Painfull on the wrist though.

15-12-2007, 15:49
Solo D on One :(

Edit: 99 bloody percent.

Edit 2: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5403/image181km5.jpg

15-12-2007, 17:03
Bloody hell Chris, fantastic. I really need to put some time in over Christmas to get past Hard difficulty. I'm still stuck on Lou, and though I've got really close at times, I think my timing for my attacks is all off. I'm off to Youtube to see if I can find any good tips for beating him, as it's pissing me off now.

15-12-2007, 17:09
I've started playing medium in the hopes I can get used to the Guitar better. I was playing a song the other day (I forget which one, Smashing Pumpkins I think). Played on hard with the wireless guitar, then immediately with the old wired one and added 50k to my score. There's a slight timing difference which I just cant adjust to either - I'll play a fast solo and know I'd be hitting these notes in GHII, it's annoying. Be interesting to see how I get on with Rock Band.

The track list doesn't seem as refined to me like it did in GHII, though the lack of decent speakers is probably hindering my opinion of the music so I'm trying not to pass final judgement there.

Enjoying the co-op modes a great deal though.

15-12-2007, 17:27
I've been picking at medium simply because I want to finish a career so I can unlock Through The Fire and Flames. I had a quick play on it at a friend's house and it was bloody good fun, and I want a proper go on it. Besides, I beat Hard on GH2 and went most of the way through Expert, I should be able to finish Hard on this game. I'll beat you yet Lou! :D

15-12-2007, 19:30


I've just sat here and gone through ALL the Zero Punctuation videos. :D GENIUS!