View Full Version : MCE & Divx

11-01-2007, 01:13
Help please :D :embarassed:

Finally got MCE installed on a machine over the weekend and started putting my movies, etc on the machine but none of the files play :( I can get them to play in WMP11 with no trouble but trying them in MCE I get a Video Error which claims the codecs aren't installed.

Strangely enough it won't even play WMV files either, claiming the codecs aren't installed :( any suggestions people?

11-01-2007, 01:54
I had that problem after using a 'dodgy' codec pack. Ended up reinstalling the OS. :(

My Windows MCE box plays DivX absolutely fine. It took me longer to get it to 'talk' to my video server than it did getting it to play DivX.

11-01-2007, 08:50
So I am best re-installing the OS? I've removed the all codec packs and just installed one but that meant it won't play wmvs now :(

What codec pack did you use to get it to play?? Any ideas why they play in WMV but not in the MCE player?

11-01-2007, 10:22
Get hold of BSPlayer, its much better than using wmp
Get Zoomplayer for its ogg codec abilities.
Download divx directly from the website, why bother activating unless you want to encode divx (if so download from www.btjunkie.com (http://www.btjunkie.com))
If you want every obscure codec there is inc ffdshow, xvid and other stuff, look up 'anime-supreme' and download their codec pack.... it will play everything thats out there at the moment

11-01-2007, 10:38
I checked last night and all movies are showing thumbnails in the Media Centre app so not sure why they won't play.

11-01-2007, 11:32
I no longer believe in codec packs. Period. Everyone I know who has used them has had bad things happen. Install only the individual codecs you actually need.

Zirax, I agree with your suggestions, but none of them (save ffdshow, and even that I'm not sure about) help with MCE specifically.

11-01-2007, 11:34
Yeah I agree but I tried the official divx codec and that didn't work :(