View Full Version : Finding a vehicle from the registration?

13-07-2006, 19:34
For some reason, down my road every now and again is parked an absolutely huge army vehicle. No... bigger than whatever you're thinking of right now. It has six wheels, each one as tall as me, and I actually saw it drive down the high street yesterday with someone's head sticking out the porthole at the top. It's parked up outside a house like it was the family Volvo.

Is it possible to look up what this big green behemoth is, given that I know the registration? I seem to remember it's possible but can't find a link to anything. I might try and get a pic of it tomorrow if it's still there.

Incidentally, this isn't for any other reason than curiosity.

13-07-2006, 20:16
I usually go through an online car insurance quote to get the details, or you can try the RAC.


13-07-2006, 20:26
Noooo! Just tried an insurance site and it doesn't know what it is. I half-expected it though. Will get a pic and post it in the morning.

13-07-2006, 23:54
Yep, it's TTU170H. RAC lookup, which I previously searched for and couldn't find (n00b), says:

Body type SALOON
Fuel type PETROL
Date manufactured 31 December 1969
Number of previous owners 1
Last owner change 17 October 2003

So not much help.