View Full Version : Missing my garage

11-01-2007, 22:16
Well chaps it's been two months since I started working full time and I have to say I'm missing my garage terribly. Not a minute goes past when I'm not thinking about making stuff or chopping about an old motor.

It's really frustrating, I used to spend at least two days a week down there tinkering but I don't think I have opened the garage door since Christmas. I used to get quite a lot done but now both cars have literally ground to a halt :(

My poor neglected Anglia, so close but now so far:


My Pop, maybe one day it'll take me to work:


I can tell you I'm bloody SICK of driving my g/f's car to work, it's SO DULL!!!

How the hell do you fit it in with work/commitments?

12-01-2007, 00:54
How the hell do you fit it in with work/commitments?

Take a sicky?

I've got so many projects on the go, all little things but none of them seem to get done. Ever.

*considers lobbying parliament for an extra day in the week, maybe a Saturday2*

12-01-2007, 10:35
Wait till the summer... get more light strips... do it over the weekend. Quit your job! LOL!

It sucks Jon... but it's hard to juggle the time to live your life, enjoy your life, earn a living, sleep, eat, admin, bills, look after loved ones, relax, read, do hobbies, breathe, holiday, etc... life's just too ****ing short and time is just too ****ing quick!

12-01-2007, 11:37
Yup, I think I need to get down there for a couple of late nights per week after work or nothing is going to get done.

I might shelve a couple of other hobbies to make space. Right no more reading or *ahem* masticating

21-01-2007, 20:41
I found getting laid off from work helps a little!! :p

But then again, even with 10 hours a day more available, I'm STILL not getting enough done.

But then, I have the weather to blame. It's currently -8*C outside and a 13mph wind blowing, so working 5 minutes, taking 25 minutes inside to warm up, rinse repeat means I'm not getting a lot done.

23-01-2007, 13:11
I wish I'd done more over the summer now since I had so little to do. Although I have to admit without the Pop I'd probably have a running Anglia now :embarassed: