View Full Version : I've got a new little friend!

18-01-2007, 00:33

awwwwww isn't he adorable?

1.83ghz Core Duo, half a gig of ram, 80gig hdd.

I'm well impressed with how quick it is for its size, and once I get a gig of ram in it it'll probably fly along, bless its little cotton Maccy socks.
OS X has gotten a lot nicer in the two years since I quit my last Mac Operator job, and I loved it then. Great stuff, and the remote is a very very nice touch. I'm in love with this thing.

I had a good reason to buy it too, I'm swatting up and re-acquainting myself with Mac OS and Photoshop and Quark etc, because my hunt for money has got me seriously considering stepping back in to Mac work, only in London this time.

The most impressive thing about it, I think, is the fact that my external HDD is both bigger AND louder than it! :D

18-01-2007, 00:59
That is very tiny :eek:

18-01-2007, 01:18
If the DVD slot isn't enough for comparison size-wise, that remote isn't even as big as an iPod Nano... it's about a 3/4 of the size of one, if that.

18-01-2007, 01:53
At first I thought it was a Nano. :shocked:

Joe 90
18-01-2007, 02:31
i've wanted one of these for ages...it just seems a little expensive for a student such as myself...i guess on my placement i might find some spare cash for one of these...but i need a 32" sammy first :o

18-01-2007, 05:14
Quite fancied buying one myself a while ago, but can't really give a good reason for needing it, lol

18-01-2007, 09:50
If I had any way of getting pictures off my phone I'd show you pictures I took of a pc that was pretty much no wider than a standard mouse. I'd never seen a pc so small in my entire life!

18-01-2007, 10:41
We have a Mac Mini at work. If you don't need the processing power of the iMac and already have a screen then it's definitely the sensible solution. My only bugbear is that it only has two USB ports, which you're likely to use up straight away with the mouse and keyboard unless you create an alternative solution.

Having never used a Mac until last week we had two days of training on how the basics work so we can support them at the university. I'm now saving for a Macbook Pro!

18-01-2007, 10:45

18-01-2007, 10:47
We have these tiny PC's actually strapped to the back of 15" TFT's for use in the factory. Depth aside it's not much bigger than a postit.

I'm not a Mac man, but even I know that Apple did a great job with the Mac Mini.

18-01-2007, 11:06
I'd like a mac mini but I really can't justify the expense, plus I'd probably upset all the mac fanboys and put windows on it anyway 'cos I just cba learning a new OS :p

18-01-2007, 11:16
My only bugbear is that it only has two USB ports, which you're likely to use up straight away with the mouse and keyboard unless you create an alternative solution.

There's four!

There's only two left once the kb and mouse are in though - although the mac keyboard has two ports on it.

You're right though, it's not enough. I've got my keyboard, mouse, external hard drive... that leaves one...

18-01-2007, 11:22
Ours only has two. :(

18-01-2007, 11:24
Depends what you want to use it for of course. I imagine a lot of Mini's will be bought as front ends to AppleTV and whatever else Apple bring out this year. They're ideal for sitting under the telly - they just make no noise.

18-01-2007, 21:21
I was thinking it'd be more of a novelty than a useable computer, but I'm glad to say I was wrong. This'd be fine for the average Joe to use, in fact about the only thing I feel I would't/couldn't do on it is games tbh.

18-01-2007, 21:25
We've got one at work for 'development and testing' purposes, hate the bloody little thing (well the OS more than the hardware) :/

18-01-2007, 21:30
I've had a Mac Mini since they went Intel. I looked at the G4 version but couldn't justify it, but as soon as Intel and Boot Camp turned up I was sold. I picked one up in Sheffield during the World Snooker last year. It's my fastest machine in all but games and stomps all over my old dual Xeon workstation box.

18-01-2007, 22:44
I went into an Apple Store in Seattle last year to get some new headphones. I ended up leaving with a 1.66Ghz Core Duo/1GB Ram/100Gb HD Mac Mini!

I can't hear any noise that mine makes over the external hard disc that sits underneath it.

Great little machine. I don't use it all that much, but for downloading torrents and stuff it's great - no noise!

18-01-2007, 22:48
I went into an Apple Store in Seattle last year to get some new headphones. I ended up leaving with a 1.66Ghz Core Duo/1GB Ram/100Gb HD Mac Mini!
Same spec as mine, and it gets used for similar stuff too - torrents, downloads.

Not to mention the odd bit of DC stuff, and for that I do ramp the fan up a little bit as by default the system favours quietness over temperatures. Google 'smcFanControl' if anyone wants to know how to do this. :)