View Full Version : Games rental companies

23-01-2007, 16:20
Anyone used one?
I've been considering swapgame but just wondered if anyone had personal experience with any of them :)
Seems wiser for me to go for a rental service for a couple of months than buy even a cheap game which would have been my original plan.

23-01-2007, 18:47
I used swapgame for a few months and they were very good. Always got a quick turnaround and always dispatched the games at the top of my list.

23-01-2007, 18:53
Sounds like what you need with a rental company :)
Was looking at boomerang but something about the website that puts me off and I can't pinpoint. Also figure as swapgame seems to be more famous, it must be for a reason ;)

23-01-2007, 19:10
I'm with Swapgame, and they've been great for me so far. Let me know if you decide to go with them, I'll send you a referral if you don't mind :)

23-01-2007, 19:12
Sure np :)
It'll probably be once I finish marvel, which seems to be going surprisingly fast :eek:

23-01-2007, 19:13
Marvel is great fun, it's something you'll need to go through at least twice if you want to get the majority of the achievements :)

23-01-2007, 19:15
Yeah it's good fun :) But does seem a little simple so far, going to play through it once then I think sign up to a rental company, but I'll return to it to finish up some achievements.

23-01-2007, 20:30
I know Leo is considering signing up for one, so keep us updated with how you go :)

Aye I was considering swapgame and spoke to Davey about this so will see how things go in the near future finances wise.

23-01-2007, 20:32
Yeah finances were my concerns originally but I've managed to have around £20 spare after my ebay auctions so I figure I can at least afford 2 months which will get me up to when I go back to Swansea for Easter and work, and then I can think about it after that :)

23-01-2007, 20:42
Aye a tenner a month isn't bad :) I personally was thinking of going for the 14.99 but given I have so many games already I'll probably give the 1 game at a time idea a crack :)

I think I'd stick crackdown on the list and probably lost planet. They seem like game I'd like to play but not necessarily own, can also get the original xbox games too to play :) Should be good.

23-01-2007, 20:44
I considered the £14.99 deal but I think I'd rather devote my time to justone rental game at a time otherwise I wouldn't complete them.
I'm assuming I can just go up to the £14.99 deal at any time if I change my mind though. :)

It may make me more of an achivement whore than I already am though ;D

23-01-2007, 21:41
Achievement whore? I would never do anything like that....

1 NBA Basketball 2K6 XB360
2 Madden NFL 2006 XB360
3 Fifa 2006 - Road to FIFA World Cup XB360
4 Open Season XB360
5 X Men - The Official Game XB360
6 Cars The Movie XB360They're the 6 games at the top of my rental list :embarassed:

23-01-2007, 21:43
You've got the exact same idea as me.
I'd love to judge you but I can't :(:p

I'm fairly sure I'd enjoy all of those though, just for a rental though, never to buy.

23-01-2007, 23:08
Achievement whore? I would never do anything like that....

coughbullcough ;D

23-01-2007, 23:33
You've got the exact same idea as me.
I'd love to judge you but I can't :(:p

I'm fairly sure I'd enjoy all of those though, just for a rental though, never to buy.
Exactly why I'm renting them, there's none that I'd go out and buy, but I'd spend a week on them easily, so may as well rent them :)

23-01-2007, 23:35
I think I'd enjoy them all anyway :)

Talking of achievement whores, guess who just broke 4k :cool:
Not bad considering I was behind Daz just a few days after Christmas ;D

24-01-2007, 00:17
I've risen about that much since just before Christmas :p

24-01-2007, 00:26
Yeah but you're *thinks of a good word* erm.....special, unique, an achievement whore? :p

have to try to catch you up for some competition :cool:

24-01-2007, 04:19
I've risen about that much since just before Christmas :pI don't even wanna know what mine is :embarassed:

24-01-2007, 09:08
I don't even wanna know what mine is :embarassed:
I think about 7k if my memory serves me correctly :p

24-01-2007, 16:18
I think about 7k if my memory serves me correctly :p......


24-01-2007, 16:39
This place may be worth taking a look as i was passed it as a promo and have actually used and recieved films from them. They do games but i was only in it for the Free promo. You sign up for it and get a 3 week trial which was 6 DVD's my way. Films arrived real quick and packaged to go through your letterbox. Return postage is just a refold of the envelope thingy and postage is already covered.

50+ 360 titles there, hope it helps.

Others can have a look around and test drive the free trial on the DVD's. Like i say i had 6 DVD's of them and it cost me nowt. Fill in all details including credit card details, select package, order films, send them back, cancel online, get confirmation of cancelation back real quick. Jobs a good'un.

24-01-2007, 16:48
Thanks for that Pikey, but I've already used the free trial there for DVDs so I wouldn't be eligible again :(
I'll bear it in mind though as I never had a problem with them during my trial.

24-01-2007, 23:09
I'm either well on form or got too much free time atm, just completed Marvel ;D
Was good fun though :) And I really liked the end cut scenes, nearly made me feel guilty for the odd optional mission i didn't finish.

Have to try it on hard and get the co-op achievements sometime soon.

For now though, can I have that referral link please Davey? :D

24-01-2007, 23:52
What email do you want it sent to? PM me if you don't want to say here :)

24-01-2007, 23:53
jen_jea@yahoo.co.uk is fine thanks :)

25-01-2007, 01:39
Referral sent :)

25-01-2007, 09:31
Ty :D I'll get signed up to it once I get in from my lectures.

25-01-2007, 13:21
Sorted :D
1 Open Season XB360
2 Cars The Movie XB360
3 Fight Night Round 3 XB360
4 Legos Star Wars II - The Original Trilogy XB360
5 X Men - The Official Game XB360
6 Burnout Revenge (4) XB360
7 The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion XB360
8 Fifa 2006 - Road to FIFA World Cup XB360
9 NBA Basketball 2K6 XB360
10 Viva Pinata XB360
Is my current selection :)

I'd love it if they delivered really fast and I got something for the weekend but doubt I'll get that lucky :p

25-01-2007, 14:26
How does it work then? You have to use them within a month, or you can use up to those 10?

25-01-2007, 14:29
Nope, better than that :)
You pay £9.99 a month (in my case) and can rent as many games as you like but can only have 1 game at any one time.
That's just my list atm but you can add up to 50 I think, it just tries to send whatever's first on the list first. :) Prioritising in other words.

You can pay £14.99 for 2 games at any one time but I didn't really feel I needed that.

25-01-2007, 14:45
Some good choices there. I opened my account just before Christmas so delivery was obviously a bit slow for me. If they have one of the games in stock though there's a chance you may get one tomorrow or Saturday. The last game I sent back, they sent one back out to me the same day they got the game back, so it was a really quick turnaround time :)

25-01-2007, 14:48
You can pay £14.99 for 2 games at any one time but I didn't really feel I needed that.

That's the scheme I'm on. I find I need the choice as I can't often solely devote myself to a single game, I need to swap around a bit and getting 2 at a time means I can do that. I also have some PSP and DS games on my list so I can have one of those out while still having an Xbox 360 game at the same time :)

25-01-2007, 14:50
Ah, it works cross platform then? That's good.

25-01-2007, 14:52
Yeah it offers most of the platforms :) Not the wii though.

I'm fine with sticking with one game because I only really play the 360 at the moment anyhow.
I tried to go for a good mix of achievement whorey games and good games that I want to try before considering buying :D

I'd love it if I got a game before saturday, I'm feeling a bit lost atm ;D

25-01-2007, 14:58
Yeah it offers most of the platforms :) Not the wii though.

You sure about that?



25-01-2007, 15:03
How did I miss that? :s
Never saw that even when I was looking for DS games ;D

25-01-2007, 15:05
That's good :D

Bit flawed in terms of my own game usage on the Wii though. Bar games like Zelda and maybe Metroid, most the Nintendo games released are going to be great multiplayer ones you'd want to keep. The other ported games (COD3 and the like) I'd be better off getting on the 360 anyway.

Still, good to know should I ever consider renting :)

25-01-2007, 15:08
I think it's going to save me a fair bit in the long run. There's a lot of games I'd like to play but not neccessarily own for any length of time.

25-01-2007, 16:38
I've killed their site :(

25-01-2007, 16:40
you better not say that I'm about to sign up myself :p

25-01-2007, 17:15
Oops :D

25-01-2007, 18:04
I see you fixed it again \o/

25-01-2007, 18:25
I rock and I don't even know it :cool: ;D

25-01-2007, 18:27
as soon as Davey's referral comes through I'll be sorted myself. Just need to decide what to rent first. Might go for the Moto GP game I was going to buy but decided to put that money towards 1 3/4 months membership ;)

26-01-2007, 01:15
Well I'm all registered now and my list has been put together. We'll see when the first title turns up :)

26-01-2007, 10:17
I've got a feeling I won't get a game till after the weekend now :( So I'm going to have to try to get into DR again I think. Or else it's going to be a very boring weekend!

26-01-2007, 10:47
Nowt wrong with Dead Rising, well worth getting into, start playing it today and you could have completed it several times by Monday :)

26-01-2007, 11:45
Another vote here for giving DR a go :) It is certainly worth the perceverence, a suggestion would be to actually play the game through till you are about level 11 and then re-start. That is what I did and I got through 70% of the game in a few hours after re-starting. I'm happily sat now at level 36 I think :embarassed: as I can't quite remember as I've been playing Saints Row recently.

Davey do they email you like BB do to tell you your games are in the post of do they just turn up?

26-01-2007, 11:50
They should email you when a game is sent out :)

26-01-2007, 11:56
Cool thanks, will keep an eye out on my inbox.

26-01-2007, 13:03
I was playing a bit yesterday, and did enjoy it. Just seems to take a while for me to get into it :)
But as I've not got an email from swapgame, I think it's going to have to be DR and probably a bit of GoW over the weekend to keep me entertained.

29-01-2007, 14:37
Jen anything been sent to you? I have GTA:III on the way :)

29-01-2007, 14:39
No :(
Just added some more games to the list in case that helps so got 16 on there now rather than 10. All 360 games though so not sure if that makes a difference.

29-01-2007, 15:02
i have 35 on my list :D

29-01-2007, 15:04
No :(
Just added some more games to the list in case that helps so got 16 on there now rather than 10. All 360 games though so not sure if that makes a difference.
Recently I had 29 games on my list, the first 27 being Xbox 360 games, the last 2 being PSP games. I was sent a PSP game, which shows just how popular the Xbox 360 games are currently (and perhaps a sign they need more copies in) :)

29-01-2007, 15:07
Bah I'll just have to be patient then.
Only other console I've got on the list is a DS and I just use my supercard for that. X-Box games don't really interest me at the moment.
Actually the only game I have a strong urge to play atm is FF7 which is bloody typical as I sold the PS2 and the PS1 is back in Swansea ;D

30-01-2007, 12:34
Open Season on the way :D

30-01-2007, 15:22
and you have gta waiting for you :)


31-01-2007, 11:59
Well it was there as promised :)

Stuck it in and immediately thought "hmm the graphics are rather poor and dang the controls are all wrong :p" But hey it's an older title and I think I've been spoiled with Saints Row graphics.

It GTA3 worth the effor or should I try Vice City or San Andreas instead?

31-01-2007, 12:15
I'd say Vice City and San Andreas were better personally, but I could never quite decide if I liked the GTA series as much as I felt I should.
San Andreas seemed to hold my attention the most though. :)

I'm just waiting for Open Season now, the post is pretty slow round here so hoping it's just that.

31-01-2007, 12:32
did you get mail saying it had been sent?

31-01-2007, 12:33
Yeah, got it yesterday morning.
Can't tell if the postman's been already though as we don't get much post anyhow.

31-01-2007, 14:00
Hmm lack of post by now doesn't bode well :undecided:
Which is typical as I'm in all day today and bored, and tomorrow I'm out half the day.

31-01-2007, 14:09
That is always the case :( things never arrive when you want them to.

31-01-2007, 14:15
It's like something can sense my bad mood and extreme boredom a mile off ;D

31-01-2007, 17:03
At least you've had a game sent off, I returned a game at the weekend, they got it on Monday, and they've still not sent me a new rental :/ I might email them and suggest if it's taking them this long then they should consider getting more copies of each game. I'm not paying £15 a month to spend 3-4 days at a time without a rental because they've not got enough copies of games in.

31-01-2007, 17:06
Might be an idea :) Seems like a good idea but I am a little disappointed so far :/ Especially as I'm guessing I'll probably only want it over night so I'll send it back Friday and of course be gameless till at least Tuesday.
At least I'm still in my free trial at the moment.

31-01-2007, 18:27
Leo, I'll forget to tell you so I'll put it in here (how sad?? :p) but I prefer Vice City :D

Ahh the modern day couple ;D :p

31-01-2007, 19:23
Leo, I'll forget to tell you so I'll put it in here (how sad?? :p) but I prefer Vice City :D

You never said that otherwise I'd have returned GTA3!

01-02-2007, 12:14
Hmm still no sign of it *hopes the post is just late today*

01-02-2007, 12:54
Yay it arrived :D I'll stop moaning now :p

Although......it only came from Coventry! Could have arrived a bit quicker.

01-02-2007, 15:35
At 10am this morning I still hadn't had a game sent off to me (despite them receiving mine on Monday), so I sent them off an email asking what I could do to speed things up, and perhaps they may need to consider more stock if so many games are always out (I've got about 30 games on my rental list). The mail did the trick, as Madden 06 was sent out to me before noon! \o/

Of course, I'll only have it for a day or so before I get the 1000 points (yes, I'm only renting it for the points :/), but it'll still be nice to get another rental out the way :)

01-02-2007, 15:38
Cool :)

Of course, I'll only have it for a day or so before I get the 1000 points (yes, I'm only renting it for the points :/), but it'll still be nice to get another rental out the way :)

Shame on you! I'd never do such a thing like that. I rented Open Season purely for the family goodness.......honest ;)

01-02-2007, 15:40
The mail did the trick, as Madden 06 was sent out to me before noon! \o/

You'll have to let me know how that turns out, never played a NFL game before, tried a demo but just didn't understand it ;D

01-02-2007, 15:47
You'll have to let me know how that turns out, never played a NFL game before, tried a demo but just didn't understand it ;D
Well, I already own and love Madden 07, so this strictly was an achievement point rental. I've been playing Madden games for as long as they've been out, which is about 13 years or so, so I understand American Footy inside out :)

01-02-2007, 15:53
I think I've got a Madden game on my rental list, they look interesting and somehow I've never played one. So figured worth a try :)

Open Season is surprisingly fun :D

01-02-2007, 15:59
I've heard it's good, it's number 3 on my rental list now, so I may well get it when you send yours back :D

01-02-2007, 16:02
It's very short but fun. I'm about halfway through already I think ;D
Think my cousins would love this game so might have to rent it again sometime in the summer.

01-02-2007, 16:05
Well, I already own and love Madden 07, so this strictly was an achievement point rental. I've been playing Madden games for as long as they've been out, which is about 13 years or so, so I understand American Footy inside out :)

Well I've been reading up on wikipedia about it and think I grasp it, just in the demo there were far too many buttons on screen so I didn't have a clue :p

01-02-2007, 17:26
Well, Swapgame have just gone up in my estimation :)

Hi Dave,

Thanks for your email. A new game has been sent out today, I appreciate there has been a slight wait and this has been credited to your account. Our normal turnaround time is 1-2 days.

Kind regards
Paul Stevens

Nice to see a fast response to the email :)

01-02-2007, 17:35
Very impressive customer services there :) Makes a change to see.

01-02-2007, 20:59
There's one level in Open Season that makes me swear......LOTS.
Not because it's hard to complete, but because it's infuriating to master and collect all the points to 100% the game.

It's not right when 'normal' games don't make me swear but a kids one makes me swear like a trooper :p

01-02-2007, 21:34
And 1000/1000 :D
I liked that game, it was easy but fun and mildly satisfying.

01-02-2007, 21:56
I think you'd better take the word aspiring out of your sig Jen, you've only had your 360 a couple of months and you've overtaken me. :shocked: :embarassed:

01-02-2007, 21:57
I've just got too much free time at the moment :D Give it a little while and I'll get busy or *gasp* bored of the 360 :eek:

01-02-2007, 22:03
Think there's more chance of me getting bored of beer. ;) :p

01-02-2007, 22:06
Good point :D

15-02-2007, 16:23
Well I got bored with GTA3 so returned it. Only problem now is they've dispatched KOTR2 instead of 1. Should I simply return this and wait for 1?

15-02-2007, 16:30
Well I got bored with GTA3 so returned it. Only problem now is they've dispatched KOTR2 instead of 1. Should I simply return this and wait for 1?
It doesn't make a *huge* difference, but it does make some references to the first one, and you'll get a couple of the jokes if you've played the first one through.

15-02-2007, 16:39
so keep and play in your opinion?

Oh played the first level of condemned last night and took your advice so had Kitten shouting out locations etc. From what I remember the demo was slightly different to the full game. Haven't got the blocking sorted yet though :(

15-02-2007, 17:06
You kept that for ages :shocked:
I've had 3 games in that time :embarassed:

15-02-2007, 17:12
well I didn't play on the 360 for nearly a week ;D and some people have to go to work :p

15-02-2007, 17:17
Oi :p I had lectures and Uni work to do......alright so maybe not a fair comparison ;D

15-02-2007, 17:27
heh no not a fair comparison, though hopefully over the next few weeks I'll have more time. We still up for gears at the weekend?

15-02-2007, 17:28
I won't be about. Back home for the weekend and no net for the 360.

15-02-2007, 20:59
so keep and play in your opinion?

I'd personally do the first game first, but I honestly don't think it makes a huge difference. :)

Oh played the first level of condemned last night and took your advice so had Kitten shouting out locations etc. From what I remember the demo was slightly different to the full game. Haven't got the blocking sorted yet though :(

Blocking does take some time to get right, as it all depends on what weapon you have and what they have. I never had it down perfectly myself, but I got better the more I practised :)

16-02-2007, 09:53
Well if I post it back today I'm not going to get anything till next week so might as well make a start on it over the weekend and see how I get on.

16-02-2007, 10:02
Well if I post it back today I'm not going to get anything till next week so might as well make a start on it over the weekend and see how I get on.
I'll warn you that in the 2nd game you won't get your first lightsaber for around 10 hours or so, but don't let that put you off. I really enjoyed it a lot, there are some great parts to it, especially when you get your lightsaber :)

One hint for you: You have to make trips to 4 planets (I think, maybe 5) to get the parts you need for your lightsaber. Make Dantooine your last stop, there is a crystal cave there which is useful as you can find lots of crystals for your new lightsaber, including a special, unique crystal. :)

16-02-2007, 10:16
Ok Dantooine last stop, thanks matey :) I don't mind it taking a while I remember when I was playing Jedi Knight 2 and it wasn't until the 3rd of 4th level you got your lightsaber but it was awesome when you did :)

16-02-2007, 11:20
I now have the urge to go home and play through Kotor again, will have to install it on the pc when I get home, if I can find the disk :D

16-02-2007, 12:50
Kotor is a great series :) Takes a bit to get into but really good fun and got a great storyline.

16-02-2007, 13:12
I still think the twist in Kotor is the greatest twist in video game history. You're just not expecting it in the slightest.

16-02-2007, 13:13
It's what made a good game great imo :)

16-02-2007, 13:14
I couldn't get into Kotor :embarassed: Just didnt seem to be moving as much as I wanted it to.

Maybe I should get the xbox version and see if it's better suited to console play.

16-02-2007, 13:16
How long did you play it for?
I had it on the PC originally and then switched to the xbox version and I preferred it on the xbox. It felt more suited controls wise.

16-02-2007, 13:17
Quite a few hours, I did make some progress on it. Then just stopped one day and never had the urge to get back to it.

Actually, now I think about it, it may have been about the time FFX came out ;D

16-02-2007, 13:19
That may explain it :D
It's only about £5 now or you can borrow it off me sometime if you want to try it again.

16-02-2007, 13:21
You need to persist with Kotor enough to get off the first planet. When you do that the game opens out hugely, and I must admit the first planet is a bit dull.

16-02-2007, 15:15
I still think the twist in Kotor is the greatest twist in video game history. You're just not expecting it in the slightest.

Agreed. :)

I originally played through it after Davey recommended it to me, when I got to the twist I was in complete shock/amazement, to the point I phoned soft lad up about it, think he nearly cried laughing. ;D

Since then I've played both through a couple of times, they are both in my top 10 fave games.

19-02-2007, 16:04
I've spent a large amount of this weekend playing through Kotor again on the PC, on Dantooine now and have just become and Jedi and got my first Lightsaber, Blue of course. Now I just need to find another one so I can wield two at once :D

19-02-2007, 17:09
Just about to go through it again soon, have you checked out some of the mods out for Kotor? Star Wars Knights (http://www.starwarsknights.com/) has some great visual mods, some really nice looking lightsabers & Jedi robes. :)

19-02-2007, 17:25
Just about to go through it again soon, have you checked out some of the mods out for Kotor? Star Wars Knights (http://www.starwarsknights.com/) has some great visual mods, some really nice looking lightsabers & Jedi robes. :)
I didn't know there were any mods! I should have known with it being a popular PC game there'd be mods for it. Checking them out now :)

19-02-2007, 21:13
Also have a look at Lucas Files (http://www.lucasfiles.com/index.php?s=&action=category&id=0), there are some extra missions available, I think most are for Kotor 2 but there are a few for the first. :)

{edit}RedHawke (http://www.citlink.net/~redhawke/mods.html) also has a few good mods, including a new planet and new shop on Tatooine with side missions.{/edit}

19-02-2007, 22:03
Those mods make it very tempting to get hold of cheap copies of the games on the PC :)
Best not any time soon though, I succumbed to buying Viva Pinata today :embarassed: I blame my mum for encouraging me :p

02-03-2007, 12:55
So what do you make of Open Season then Davey? :D
I really enjoyed it, might be a kid's game but it was fun. :D

02-03-2007, 12:57
I've only played it a bit, seems ok, no better than that. I'm going to blitz it tomorrow and send it back, I've got X-Men: The Movie arriving today so I may do both over the weekend so I can easily get past 20k points :)

02-03-2007, 13:00
I've just sent back Hitman. I forgot I had it on my rental list and having played the first mission, it's just not my kind of game really.
I'm playing through Oblivion at the moment anyhow which is keeping me busy. Still got Fifa: RTWC because I do want to get all the achievements, it just frustrates me too much. So it may still get returned un completed.

02-03-2007, 13:07
I got FIFA RTWC back out again to finish off the 3 I hadn't done, really easy if you set it on the lowest difficulty and 4 minute matches, I had it done in no time :)

02-03-2007, 13:10
I seem to struggle and I don't know why, besides the odd dodgy refereeing decision.
No idea why though because I've never had a problem with a football game before this :undecided:
Think it's tackling I struggle most on and getting around defenders, which is stupid because on the lowest difficulty on PES6 I can win 10-0 np :p But it acts completely differently I guess.

02-03-2007, 13:24
A good hint is getting the ball to your front men and pressing the left trigger to initiate a run. Wait for the right moment and play a through ball (presumably Owen->Rooney or vice versa), and you should be able to score one on one. As long as you don't concede 1 goal will always be enough.

02-03-2007, 13:27
I'll have a go in a bit :)
I think it just doesn't help that I really don't like the game, I play it and think 'But I could be playing PES6 instead' ;D
Got a weekend where I plan to do nothing but game anyhow.

02-03-2007, 14:31
I just got Gears and Lego Star Wars from the MB rental company :D

02-03-2007, 14:33
Can we tempt you into the GoW multiplayer thread now? :D

02-03-2007, 14:47
If I'm free when they happen then I'll join you :) Busy over the coming days with things for Dee's birthday though so we'll have to see.

02-03-2007, 15:22
Hope you can make it :)

02-03-2007, 16:06
That's weird. Not touched Fifa in over 2 weeks and just won 3 matches in a row np at all.
Although annoyingly I must have set up the tournament wrong because it didn't unlock any achievements. :(
Edit: Ah wait, no I was being a prat, ignore me :p

02-03-2007, 16:39
Your custom tournament needs 8 teams or more, your custom league needs 10 teams in it (but you only need to set it up to play each team once).

02-03-2007, 16:43
Yeah I knew that :)
That wasn't why I was a prat, I erm loaded the wrong save file ;D
I blame EA for not letting you name the save files :p
Oh and your tip is spot on, ta :D

02-03-2007, 18:56
Oh and your tip is spot on, ta :D

You were expecting it to be wrong? ;) :p

02-03-2007, 19:04
Good point :p

Now working my way through the Road to The World Cup part, still hate it but my stubbornness is prevailing ;D
The commentary is shocking, during one match when I was winning 3-0 at half time, one of the commentators stated it was an awful match, a goalkeeper saved a goal with his legs yet the ball went straight to his hands instantly, and a few other niggly things.
On the plus side I just won the international open thing because a Columbian defender seemed to shoot at his own goal during the last seconds of the game and scored, prompting me to shout 'Noob' at the screen ;D

03-03-2007, 01:18
And 1,000 points done. Now to burn the disc :p
Oh wait it's a rental, better not ;D