View Full Version : Testpattern needs your help!

23-01-2007, 19:51
At the weekend the Antipodean Midget's PC stopped working... well, part of it did...

His monitor won't stay on... We've tried changing the cable, the PSU (which didn't work) then tried it on my rig (where it worked with no problems)...

Diagnosis, the GFX card is knackered :/

Nvidia reckon a month to fix the card (joy) so he's stuck without his love, Gothic 3, until then...

So here comes the cry for help...

Does anyone have, just lying around, a spare PCI-E graphics card they could lend to him until his is sorted? He'll happilly pay for postage and will love you forever.

Thanks in advance you great, great peoples :D

The voice of the testpattern

23-01-2007, 20:10
Sorry, all I have is an old 16Mb AGP Matrox G450 Dual head. :(

And the one I'm running on right now is only slightly better as a ATI AIW 7500...

23-01-2007, 20:57
My spares are all AGP. No dice there. :(

23-01-2007, 20:57
*goes for a rummage in his boxes*

23-01-2007, 20:59
*goes for a rummage in his boxes*

:shocked: Can't you keep that kinda thing off the forum? :shocked:

23-01-2007, 21:08
:shocked: Can't you keep that kinda thing off the forum? :shocked:

After you. ;)

Anyhoo... Got a ATI X1800XT 256mb. Can't remember if it works or not. Will take it into work and try it with my workstation tomorrow.


23-01-2007, 21:12
He got all excited Simon :D

If it works (and is definitely PCI-E) then let me know and I'll get him to sort out some fundage for the postage borrow :D

23-01-2007, 21:13
After you. ;)

But...but...but...I'd never post again :( :'(

23-01-2007, 21:15
He got all excited Simon :D

What are you doing to him?! :shocked:


23-01-2007, 21:21
What are you doing to him?! :shocked:


I showed him your post and he did it himself...

Bless his little Antipodean silliness :p

23-01-2007, 21:23
I showed him your post and he did it himself...

In your room?!?!?!?!? :shocked:

I knew you were going to a gay bar tomorrow but...well...:shocked:

23-01-2007, 21:24
In your room?!?!?!?!? :shocked:

I knew you were going to a gay bar tomorrow but...well...:shocked:

He kept it all within his clothing (thankfully) there was even very little movement!

23-01-2007, 21:25
And to think...without his PC he can't even defend himself ;D ;D

23-01-2007, 23:04
I've got a PX6600 GT going spare if needed.

24-01-2007, 12:03
so does the x1800xt work then?

thanks for responses!

i'll take anything...oooh as a nun said to a bishop.

24-01-2007, 19:19
X1800 is kind of working. I think ther power connector has a loose connector in it.

Didn't have much time to try and fix it, was too busy trying to get Dell to send us the right kit. :(

Will have a play tonight to see fi I can see the problem.


24-01-2007, 19:45
Funny that, Dell sent my work colleague the wrong graphics card this week, and that was in the states, so maybe there's more to it than an individual case.

24-01-2007, 20:39
Funny that, Dell sent my work colleague the wrong graphics card this week, and that was in the states, so maybe there's more to it than an individual case.

They're chuffing useless. We're buying the rest of out kit from elsewhere now.

Ordered 12 workstations and a server.
10 workstations of a low spec
1 of a medium spec
1 of a high spec *MINE!*
1 cheap server for testing
TFT's for all - 10x19" 4x24"

We get:
12 workstations of varing spec, no 2 are the same. None are the spec we ordered either.
Oh, and 2 servers... *both better than what we ordered*
TFT screens are mostly incorrect as well. We did get the correct number of 24" screens though.
Speakers haven't turned up at all.

I was meant to spend the week configuring and installing these.

It's a bloody shambles. Unless you're orderign a certain spec machine that they have on their site with no changes...forget it. Go elsewhere.

Only plus side is, the machine that was intended to be mine is a higher spec than was ordered. :D Mmmm..8 core xeon and 8gb goodness. :D


25-01-2007, 00:44
* turns green with envy and mutters something obscene under his breath *

Aw, hell. I'll say it out loud!! SHUT THE HELL UP!! :evil:

25-01-2007, 00:53
They're for the company. I want to keep mine though. It's sooooo quick. :D

Anyhoo... went over the card with a jewellers eyepiece *i'm serious there* to see if there was any loose connections or cut traces and I can't see anything.

Will give it another go at work tomorrow, but I suspect that it's deadding itself.


25-01-2007, 07:52
Simon, I reckon that Priest's offer of a card will be good enough for the Antipodean midget...

Don't want to put you out :)

Priest, I'll nudge him later today and get him to PM you.

You guys are awesome :D

25-01-2007, 14:29
Just sorting everything out via pm, I'l try and get it in the post today, at worst tomorrow. :)

25-01-2007, 22:36
My card is toast...

I, errrr.... tried fixing it. ;)


25-01-2007, 23:36
Ouch :(

Thanks for the offer anyway Simon.

And Priest, you are awesome! Young Mark is wetting himself at the prospect of being able to play Gothic 3 again :D

25-01-2007, 23:51
Ouch :(

Thanks for the offer anyway Simon.

And Priest, you are awesome! Young Mark is wetting himself at the prospect of being able to play Gothic 3 again :D

Not a problem. Going to RMA it now. :D

You mate has serious problems tbh. Getting all 'excited' in your room, now he's wetting himself... :shocked:


26-01-2007, 00:02
The hypnotist done it guv. ;D

Or maybe not

26-01-2007, 00:03
My card is toast...

I, errrr.... tried fixing it. ;)


I had the same results when I tried fixing a half dead Zen micro, managed to make it fully dead. :embarassed:

dymetrie, no problem mate, it was just sat here doing nothing. Glad I could help. :)