View Full Version : Asking for more stuff!

25-01-2007, 09:54
So last night I had a stroll up to my friend Chris's pub, (Here, if you're interested...) (http://www.kw4.co.uk/) to have a look at his CCTV system.

Managed to get it working how he wanted and then sorted out the software to put on the PC sat next to it so he can take screenshots and short video easily :)

The problem is that he has a crappy Packard Bell PC with virtually no RAM so everything on it chugs!

Now to the begging bit :p

If anyone has half a gig of RAM sitting about (I'm guessing it's PC2700 as it's a 2.6GHZ P4) that they can spare then it would be much appreciated. Due to Chris getting the computer for free (and being a gruff northern pooftah) then he's not willing to spend any money on it but bitches about it like anything!

Considering that I spent about 7 hours drinking free Kronenbourg last night for only an hours work I'm more than happy to bung some money towards anyone for the chip(s) (I'm only asking for half a gig, but if someone has two half gig chips that'd be better :p) so that I can get his system working well for his surveillance stuff...

The machine needs a thorough clean anyway (it's loaded with soooo much crap) and I'll be doing that in the next month or so anyway but the extra RAM will be incredibly useful for it (and for running the software to see lots of gay men being bitchy :p) :)

Oh yeah, when Chris and Dave took over the pub they inherited a HOOGE box of crappy cables (network, monitor extensions, serial, other stuff I didn't see) which he's said I can have, so if anyone wants anything like that give me a yell and I'll grab it for you :)

25-01-2007, 11:46
I'll have a look around tonight mate. Not sure I'll have anything that fits the bill though :/

25-01-2007, 11:52
I've got a stick or two. There's a possibility they're dead though due to being abused, so it's up to you.

25-01-2007, 11:53
Oooo Gay pubs Trannys and boyf to boyfs ;D
So are you our resident homosexual then Dym or just confused at the mo ;D

Sorry couldn't resist as i am in one of my take the piss out of anything and everthing moods this morning.

No ram to donate. In fact i have nothing to donate exept childish comments and piss taking :undecided:

Moves off slowly hoping knowone will notice.

25-01-2007, 11:55
You were spotted, but it had to be done anyway. ;D

25-01-2007, 14:07
Hmm, I think I ad a stick lying about (new, in its pack, but I don't have a comp it will fit). BUT All my ram is now in a big box with lots of other stuff buried in another room. If you've not found something in a week or so I might have got the box open again ;D

30-01-2007, 13:31

30-01-2007, 14:13
Sorry mate, the last decent stuff I had went to replace the elastic band in Jen's gaming rig.

Stan :)

30-01-2007, 14:28
*hugs Stan again for that* :D

I haven't got any spare either I'm afraid Dym :(

Admiral Huddy
30-01-2007, 17:39
I have some PC2700 sticks floating around somewhere. I'll just have to find them becuause my workshop is in a mess at the moment as I've just moved in.. Not me the business :) although it's a good idea with the baby coming.. anyway, I will dig them out when I'm sorting it all out. Yours for a beer or two next time I see you :)

30-01-2007, 22:29
I have a 256MB stick of Corsair 333 sitting here. No idea if it's worth the postage it would take to get it over there, but it's here if you want it.

31-01-2007, 13:15
Sounds awesome Huddy :)

Darrin, could be worth a laugh :p

31-01-2007, 15:53
Whats the model number of the pc? It would be worth checking just in case its something stupid like Rambus.

06-02-2007, 13:44
I have some PC2700 sticks floating around somewhere. I'll just have to find them becuause my workshop is in a mess at the moment as I've just moved in.. Not me the business :) although it's a good idea with the baby coming.. anyway, I will dig them out when I'm sorting it all out. Yours for a beer or two next time I see you :)

Further to this could you drop me a mail on dymetrie@googlemail.com about it please sir?

06-02-2007, 20:05
I just found 1.5GB of PC3200. :eek:

That's 2x256 and 2x512.

Something just might be arrangeable. :)

06-02-2007, 20:19
How much for 2 x PC3200/512 ?

I need another gig and are they DDR ?

06-02-2007, 20:35
All PC3200 is DDR dude. :)

I'll have a think on that. It depends on whether I upgrade a rig or not (right now it's handy to have a spare set).

06-02-2007, 20:56
No worries, its not urgent, just I have 1 gig and like to get another gig to give the rig last lease of life for another year before i get a new one.