View Full Version : What MP3 player?

28-01-2007, 17:58
Since starting back at the gym, I'm noticing that my el cheapo, generic MP3 player isn't great and I'd quite like a new one. Although it's great in that it has a USB port and plugs directly into my computer so I can drag and drop files, it's difficult to use, a bit slow when changing tracks and has no clips on it so I have to shove it in my bra at the moment.

My criterea:

Drag & drop. I don't want any stupid software. (i.e. no iPods please)
Must take AA/AAA or other batteries available in the shops so I can buy rechargables and don't have to worry about losing the charger
Must have 2Gb or more of internal memory
Must be small/light enough to clip to clothing
Either have a clip on it, or have a carry case which you can buy that has a clip or armband

Any suggestions? I've been looking at the Sandisk Sansa M250+ range and they look quite good, but I can't see any clips on them, and I can't find anywhere that sells them.

28-01-2007, 18:05
I love my little Sony. It charges within minutes when you attach it to the computer. I dont know about the drag and drop thing, but I managed to put songs on it.

I have the little lighter shaped version which I believe is being discontinued (hence why I got a bargain - 2gb for the price of a new shaped 1gb) the newer version comes with a clip, but the older version doesnt. They are out there to buy though although I dont have one yet. I've not really looked for one yet.

Doesnt hit many of your criteria requirements really, but I do love it.

28-01-2007, 18:11
I will also be hunting for an mp3 player for the gym in SF ;)

Am looking at the Sony NWS202 myself... as I am anti Apple.

Let us know and we can check prices out there and if cheaper put it on the list ;)

BB x

28-01-2007, 18:53
I'm also anti-iPod (though not anti-Apple) - hence getting an X5 when they were on special.

The battery thing is going to be the biggest problem I suspect. Most players I know use Li-Ion because of the capacity/weight (and therefore size) ratio.

Dr. Z
28-01-2007, 19:08
If there are any left, Staples have these little iAudio players for a tenner (they were £100) so it might be worth popping down to have a look. Not sure of the capacity though - they might only be 1Gb :(

28-01-2007, 19:31
If you can charge them with the USB ports that's fine. I just don't want something that you have to plug in to a wall socket.

28-01-2007, 19:47
so I have to shove it in my bra at the moment.

I'm sorry, you kinda lost me right about there.

*wanders off dreaming about being an MP3 player......*

29-01-2007, 23:52
I'm in the market for one atm. I'm really liking the iRiver Clix, it has drag n drop in WMP11, 25hr battery (though as mentioned previously to get a decent player you're unlikely to find one that takes AA/AAA batteries :(), has a lovely looking display and isn't heavy (it'll be coming running with me if I get it).

The Creative Zens have come down in price, ranging from ~£75 upwards for a 2Gb one, might be worth a look :)

30-01-2007, 18:40
Thanks Mat. The Creative Zen Nano seems like a neat little player. The only thing is that it's 1GB though and I'm not sure if that'd be enough. Still, there are only so many songs you can listen to in 1 sitting aren't there :)

It takes a AAA battery too and is D&D from what I can see. Reviews look pretty good.

30-01-2007, 19:46
Can I ask why every one is so Anti Ipod/apple?
I have had (and still have!) many hard disk based MP3 players, and bought a 80gb Ipod Video last week.
I am truely stunned at how simple it is. Video looks great, sounds as good as any other I have found.
Best of all I haggled a deal at John Lewis and paid less than retail for the ipod and got a leather case and dock thrown in!

30-01-2007, 20:47
There is no denying that the UI on the iPod is fantastic. I'm not anti them as such, just not pro them. I dislike the way they restrict the formats you can use as I've got a lot of stuff in FLAC and OGG which unless I install 3rd party firmware the iPod can't play.

30-01-2007, 22:38
I don't want an iPod because I want to be able to drag and drop. That's the only reason :) I'm not anti iPod at all.

30-01-2007, 22:40
Some people seem to be liking the Zune and the battery life is rather good so I hear.

31-01-2007, 00:47
a) I don't like AppleMacs>Apple>iPods - never have since I used them at Uni for my Video modules and they caused me much stress and were so backwards in being forwards, simple and always had 'unexpected errors' with no reason... and I had to stay at Uni over Easter hols to complete my project because they kept crashing.

b) A number of people have had them and have had to replace/repair them... I think my boss is on her third.

c) OOooo its pink! I must get it! Oooo its on Sex and the city woo... ok enough already!!!

I don't doubt that Macs are great for Photoshop and Imaging/Video stuff but I just don't like them and have had many a Mac vs PC debate in my time ;)

In my lst job they all used macs but I refused so they got me a pc and I ended up having both :/

The new iShuffle ad is very good though.

BB x

31-01-2007, 01:56
I would have agreed with you up to the point the Intel Macs came out. The fact that you were then no longer tied to just running OS X on them made them a worthwhile consideration.

With you on the iPod though. Too many issues with scratching, cracked screens, whatever.

31-01-2007, 23:00
Oi, go debate whether macs are crap or not in another thread :p

Just give me more suggestions (or stear clear froms)

Ta ;)

01-02-2007, 00:03
off the wall idea.. ipod shuffle or nano. iTunes, and drag and drop :)
thats basically what I do with my iPod 80gb video. itunes is great.

01-02-2007, 13:13
Oi, go debate whether macs are crap or not in another thread :p

Just give me more suggestions (or stear clear froms)

Ta ;)

Have a go at fakesnake - he asked :p

BB x

01-02-2007, 13:58
I'm going to get myself the Creative Zen Vision : M in black with my "cigarette money" I've saved :) I love this MP3 although I think it might be a bit chunky for the gym, it'll be perfect for travelling and I've wanted it since before it even came out! :D

01-02-2007, 14:43
iTunes is bloaty crap, which is why I avoid the iPods I'm afraid. Heard good things about the irivers fwiw :)

01-02-2007, 15:36
I really don't want to have to install any additional software. My computer is full enough as it is, and I don't want to go converting formats either. I just want an MP3 player where I can literally drag my music straight into an additional hard drive.

03-02-2007, 21:31
My Archos Gmini 202xs is drag and drop and a great, small player to boot. It's got a crap little joystick thing for navigation which isn't great, but it does work. I really like the player.

03-02-2007, 23:17
Have to admit I do like Archos stuff. Got three of 'em now (battery finally died on one :()

04-02-2007, 18:40
Plenty of people have slated the iPod but I must say it isn't a bad player at all, iTunes or not. I found the software very useful as far as sorting through my god awful mess of a music folder goes and it even copied it all out and sorted it. I don't have to manually add things to the iPod, it all loads itself upon plugin - playlists, edits to track info (such as name or artist name if you realise you have it wrong), ratings, deleted songs, anything: the iPod will sort itself out :)

I will add a disclaimer that I haven't tried buying music online however, so I can't tell you how good the software is for that.

As for creative players, the only problem I've ever had with my Zen Sleek Photo is that some bastard stole it.

04-02-2007, 20:24
iTunes shop isn't too bad. Got a few free tracks before Christmas.

04-02-2007, 21:00
Paying actual real money for MP3s is worse than retarded in my opinion, anyway.

I don't see why so many people pay real money for poor bitrate, restricted use MP3s when it's the easiest thing in the world to get better ones, for free, by other means.

07-02-2007, 10:17
It has been mentioned before, but I found the Archos Gmini for £120

drag+drop and a 20gb hdd, you can't really go wrong at that price. I've just ordered one for myself

07-02-2007, 11:06
There are 2 mp3 players on offer here (http://www.scan.co.uk/todayonly/) today. 2gig for £27.

21-02-2007, 20:12
While no longer on offer, they're still available here (http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo.asp?WebProductID=498805) for only £28.

Got one myself, for the simple reason that the X5 was getting a bit of a shake, rattle, and roll while walking with it, and if there's one thing I don't like doing to HDD-based MP3 players, it's that.

Build quality is nothing special, but it's good enough for the job. It's only USB 1.1, but I doubt that'll be a serious problem. Currently filling it with files. I'll report back on sound quality tomorrow. :)

Update - sounds OK. Copes with my VBR MP3 files which I know some players don't. Seems like we have a winner.