View Full Version : Supreme commander demo

07-02-2007, 18:43
Not certain if anyone is a fan, but a demo has just been released

Uber fast link. Its looking good at the moment with this and C&C - Tiberium wars coming soon

07-02-2007, 18:52
Link dont work m8 :( i am sad.

07-02-2007, 19:44
Try this (ftp://ftp.multiplay.co.uk/pub/games/rts/supremecommander/demos/supreme_commanderdemo.zip)

07-02-2007, 20:47
Thanks petemc.

07-02-2007, 23:08
Just finished 2hrs playing. Barely scratch the surface of any real gameplay. The AI didn't really do anything for those 2 hours. It just sat there, like I was. Then boom! Giant explosions taking out not only my troops but chunks of hills too! It got very confusing when I found my boats randomly walking across the land, and then my commander blew up in a spectacular way. Loved it. Most of all I loved that it played on my near 3 year old machine.

08-02-2007, 01:51
I played it but it didn't excite me so i went off for some BF2 action, now that excited me :)
After Company of Heroes beta this felt very limited to me, I'll give it another go tomorrow though and give it a good test drive before i write it off.

08-02-2007, 04:16
1071 MB!!! :shocked:

Gonna take FOREVER at my 21.5 KB/s connection speed. :(

08-02-2007, 10:23
I played it but it didn't excite me so i went off for some BF2 action, now that excited me :)
After Company of Heroes beta this felt very limited to me, I'll give it another go tomorrow though and give it a good test drive before i write it off.

Ah. That didn't run on my machine. I LOVED Total Annhilation and this is just like it with better gfx and new units. Its pure heaven for me :D

08-02-2007, 10:47
Downloading, ta :)

08-02-2007, 10:47
Ooh I loved TA too, one of the best games ever made!

What spec's your PC pete? Wondering whether it'll manage on my old workhorse...2ghz athlon, 512mb ram....geforce4mx (onboard shuttle, niiice) :D

*edit* Hehe from reading around by all accounts I might be needing an upgrade, lol :p

08-02-2007, 11:05
It nearly ran on my laptop.... stupid gfx card drivers had a hissy fit though. I'll get some more today and then I can see how good it is :D

08-02-2007, 11:07
1071 MB!!! :shocked:

Gonna take FOREVER at my 21.5 KB/s connection speed. :(

Ouch. Took me 8 minutes on my work connection!

Now I'm just waiting for my 2GB memory stick to get here...

08-02-2007, 14:55
I've got an 2ghz A64 1gb ram and a 9800SE non pro.

08-02-2007, 18:22
Just given it a quick play and I'm not impressed. It really doesn't look all that good and feels odd, well, odd.

08-02-2007, 20:23
Just downloaded this (at a rather slow 600Kb/s) and will give it a blast later tonight.

08-02-2007, 21:13
Downloaded it yesterday and started it up last night but one of my workmates dragged me kicking and screaming to the pub literally seconds into it. I may have another look at it tonight once I'm packed.

Stan :)

09-02-2007, 01:52
I LOVED Total Annhilation and this is just like it with better gfx and new units.

If I knew nothing else about the game, that single sentence would still be enough to sell it to me. Downloading now :)

09-02-2007, 08:45
Downloaded it yesterday and started it up last night but one of my workmates dragged me kicking and screaming to the pub

Spot the deliberate mistake.

09-02-2007, 11:03
Not impressed really, this thing must have been coded my monkeys. It doesn't help that there is a bloody bug in the demo!!!

You have to kill an air patrol x3. Well I put my units in strategic positions and let rip. I downed everything, nothing airborne survived. I then sent other units in and destroyed everything else. Nothing could get on the map and not be shot at or detected. There were no units/buildings left, but in the objectives screen, 2/3 patrols destroyed.

There is a bit more strategy involved in this though, but the patrol routes and general waypoint setting was a tad lacking.

09-02-2007, 12:35
For me i have a brick wall with this game, namely Company of Heroes. You know what it's like you just cant go back and for me this feels a step backwards compared to COH. I only had COH beta an all, i chose not to buy it as obviously with me cash is limited on toys and my love for BF2 will always win out over Any online game to date.

Really appreciated the link though petemc, finally i took advantage of my connection concerning downloads and got it in minutes. Thanks mate.
O yer and i got my confirmation for your vote an all so it's all good.

09-02-2007, 12:41
Cheers :) I have heard the CoH is meant to be a step forward for RTS's. Shame the specs were uber high. I played another game last night and again got creamed, but I loved it. I spent 2 hours building up an army. I had enough units to keep the enemy from getting close to my base. I had sheilds around my base to protect against any small incursions and I had just built a nuke launcher. Everything was ready for me to nuke their base and mop up what was left... Suddenly 1 blip appeared on the radar. It wiped out my radar post and lots of power generators. My shields all failed. I sent my army to attack but they got wiped out by some giant cloaking flying blob. I had this death spider crawling around my base with a beam weapon taking out everything, and a flying blob taking out everything I tried to make. 2hrs of work destroyed in 5 mins by 2 units! Even though I got wasted, I loved watching it unfold.