View Full Version : Lame sequels

08-02-2007, 10:17
Sometimes you just know a film will suck rancid dog's fat cock big time:


I eagerly await The Goonies 2:The Return of One-Eyed Willy, Ferris Bueller's Other Day Off and The Lunch Club.

08-02-2007, 10:20
But with such an all star cast, it can't be that bad?! :shocked: ;D

08-02-2007, 10:51
Transporter 2 - shocking... but worth it for Le Hoff's best gym buddy *rubs thighs*

And Blade 2 was shocking the other night.

BB x

08-02-2007, 11:13
Blade II is good in comparision to Blade Trinity tbh, especially the extended edition ending which makes absolutely no sense :/


08-02-2007, 11:23
I quite liked Blade 2 :embarassed:

semi-pro waster
08-02-2007, 11:27
I quite liked Blade 2 :embarassed:

I'll go one better (or is that worse?) and say I quite enjoyed all the Blade films as in fact was the Transporter 2, complete brainless trash which is perfect sometimes. :)

I can't see Wargames II being any good but just maybe it won't suck the fat one and that is about as much as we can hope for I think. :)

08-02-2007, 11:27
Blade II is good in comparision to Blade Trinity tbh, especially the extended edition ending which makes absolutely no sense :/


I was going to say if she didn't like Blade 2, stay away from Blade Trinity! :D

08-02-2007, 13:40
Ok... maybe it was because I was mulitasking at the time... but I couldn't follow the storyline at all!

BB x

08-02-2007, 14:09
Speaking of Sequels..


Archaeologist action hero Indiana Jones will return to the big screen on 22 May 2008, Paramount Pictures has said.

08-02-2007, 14:42
Speaking of Sequels..


Indiana Jones and the Incontinence Pants of Doom?

08-02-2007, 14:43
I quite liked Blade 2 as well :)
A shocking sequel is Tomb Raider 2, then again Tomb Raider 1 was crap as well ;D
Ooh and The Fast and The Furious/2 fast 2 furious.

08-02-2007, 14:48
Indiana Jones and the Incontinence Pants of Doom?
It would probably be more amusing than what we actually see :D

Think I read that Ford would only be doing a cameo in the film essentially, and the story will be centred around a young relative of Indi's.

08-02-2007, 14:49
Ok... maybe it was because I was mulitasking at the time... but I couldn't follow the storyline at all!

BB x

Obviously it wasn't efficient multitasking then ;) :p

11-02-2007, 19:44
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435761/ :D

As long as the plot is good, this might not be a bad thing!

12-02-2007, 19:58
Under Siege 2, now that was ****.

I quite liked Blade 2 as well :)
A shocking sequel is Tomb Raider 2, then again Tomb Raider 1 was crap as well ;D
Ooh and The Fast and The Furious/2 fast 2 furious.

My mate was seeing a girl and claim her favorite film was The Fast and The Furious - class!

12-02-2007, 20:24
War Games 2: What a WOPR