View Full Version : 360 games you're looking forward to

17-07-2006, 12:05
Hi all,

In light of my decision to get myself a 360 I wanted to know what games people are waiting for. From my poking around IGN and other sites games which look cool are;

Gears of War
The Darkness
Saints Row

The other game I can't wait for is RE5 :) So what upcoming games are you excited about?

17-07-2006, 12:06
Mass Effect :D
When that comes out, if I haven't got a 360 by then I'll be gutted. Looks great.

17-07-2006, 12:10
Oh yeah! forgot Mass Effect, it looks awesome, saw the E3 trailer for that at the weekend.

17-07-2006, 12:14
People are going to get tired of me mentioning it, but Dead Rising looks really good. Random zombie beating is always good. I was particularly impressed by the amount of zombies on screen at one time - looks pretty smooth considering the amount of activity.

17-07-2006, 12:19
Just been reading the EA closed door thing and it appears they're making a LOTR RPG details here (http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/718/718412p1.html). Ifthey can pull it off that'll be cool.

EDIT: Been watching the Gears of War Direct Feed stuff on IGN and it looks good. Looks like a good substitute to Killzone 2 on the PS3 which I was looking forward too. With this though the graphics are in game :)

28-07-2006, 10:21
The games I'm really looking forward to are Smackdown vs Raw 2007 & Kotor 3 (if they ever get around to doing it).

SD vs Raw is looking really good, the new grappling system could be fun. :)

02-08-2006, 08:54
Just been watching stuff for Too Human too, this looks like a good laugh too.

03-08-2006, 16:41
Gears of War Shipment November 12th!!!!

Slashdot (http://games.slashdot.org/games/06/08/03/147253.shtml) article here