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29-11-2007, 10:56
I'm attempting to play Mass Effect, when it isn't coming up with a dirty disc error and crashing on me. Bloody good game so far.

Joe 90
29-11-2007, 11:16
CoD4 multiplayer
Kane & Lynch
Mass Effect


29-11-2007, 13:08
COD4 MP (of course :p)

Got it Sat night & have played around 12 hours online. I am a 2nd Lieutenant now & starting to feel at home. Don't know whether it will take over from BF2 yet, Only time will tell.

29-11-2007, 17:18
i'm playing through s.t.a.l.k.e.r. again .. found out there's "proper" endings and a level i missed so i'm playing through more carefully this time. i've bumped up to the hardest difficulty and turned the crosshair off!
just love the atmosphere in this game. i think its the best balance between looting, shooting and um spooking.

Admiral Huddy
30-11-2007, 18:07

You don't have to play the whole thing again.. Read below if you want..

If you have any save games, from your first play, the real ending is based on descisions at the end. In the power plant, there's a fight at the stair well.. Around the otherside is the door to the see the Wishmaker.. you die. Game ends.

However, there is a ladder nearby that leads to another floor. There's a short fight and a door that you should have they key to. It was a main mission from earlier.. Enter through the door and you get another level. Fight on further and you will finally find out about your existence.. Choice to join the cause and the game ends. Abort your duties and the game goes into another longer level (the real ending) and you have to escape.

Admiral Huddy
30-11-2007, 18:13
Nearly finished Airbourne.. Have to say it's quite stressful at times and my heart was pounding last night.. Not had that before... There's one point you are on a balcony and face a hord of Germans troops to get to 4 AA guns. After destroying each one.. checkpoint. However, if you die, you have to face the same barrage of enemies all over agin despite reaching a checkpoint. I thought this was a bit odd..

Admiral Huddy
16-01-2008, 10:49

After trying to get the hotfix installed, registering with Xbox live and set the controls, I actually got round to start playing Gears of War last night.

With everything on high and at 1920 x 1200, the graphics look awesome has to be said. I like the openess with the buildings and the co-op attacks, picking up tags along the way. Nice touch I thought.

The ony gripe I have so far is the control interface, which took me a while to get use to. Gone are the standard crouch and jump keys I would normally configure in favour of a cinimatic action key instead. This is most likely ported function of the xbox. On Hardcore setting, I found it impossible to kill the enemy, even during the training. I just couldn't get a shot on target.

So I tried on normal, and was still struggling. I then realised I was doing it all wrong. The emphasis is on "cover, shoot and move". Using this method made the game flow with cinimatic movements and effects. It helps to using the sight too :p After about 3 hours of gameplay, I realised it may have not been the difficulty setting after all but the way I was playing the game, which is a bit different to what I was used to.

So, after some initial teething problems, I'm finding the game awesomely different. Although I should have stuck with Hardcore :)

16-01-2008, 10:57
Nice preview Paul.

I've just bought GOW but won't be playing it for a bit as I've barely started UT3 so I'll be fiddling with that for a while yet. I only played a half hour the other night and I was pished so I can't really say what it's like yet :o

16-01-2008, 11:49
Yesterday I finished off the CSI game on the 360. Fun enough, but so glad I rented it and didn't buy it, as it's not worth £40 or whatever they're charging for it. It's simply too short to be anything other than a rental.

I've been dipping into Assassin's Creed lately as well. The sub-missions to access the assassinations are fun enough to start with, but they'll certainly get boring the more I do them, which is why I'm picking at the game and don't expect to complete it any time soon. Graphically though the game is exceptional, to the point where it could well be the most beautiful game I've ever played. I certainly can't wait to see what the inevitable sequel looks like :)

Might finally crack open Smackdown vs Raw 2008 now, had it since my birthday and figure while I'm off ill I should have a go at it, and maybe The Orange Box as well :)

16-01-2008, 12:51
Yesterday I finished off the CSI game on the 360. Fun enough, but so glad I rented it and didn't buy it, as it's not worth £40 or whatever they're charging for it. It's simply too short to be anything other than a rental.

I entirely agree there.

I've still not played Assassin's Creed hugely, it's just not drawn me in yet. It's beautiful though and I'm really looking forward to seeing it on a bigger screen soon.

I've only really been playing CoD4 and Bladestorm. Planning to cancel my games rental for a little while as I've got enough games to keep me busy at the moment so there's just no point.

16-01-2008, 13:06
I've still not played Assassin's Creed hugely, it's just not drawn me in yet. It's beautiful though and I'm really looking forward to seeing it on a bigger screen soon.

I know what you mean, and I'm the same. My 42" LG HDTV arrives on Saturday :D

16-01-2008, 13:08
I know what you mean, and I'm the same. My 42" LG HDTV arrives on Saturday :D

42??? You jammy bastard :p Just when I catch up with a 32" too ;D

16-01-2008, 13:10
Hehehe. We decided that after sitting so close to the 32" for as long as we did next door, it simply looks too small now it's in a proper room and we're further away. Found a good deal on a 42" LG TV, and as we saved hundreds on bedroom furniture, decided to buy it before we spent the money on something more sensible :D

16-01-2008, 13:14
Fair enough :D
Admittedly anything larger than 32" would be a bit overwhelming in my room. I'm happy anyhow :p Just know I'll see yours and go :shocked: ;D

16-01-2008, 14:23
Which TV you getting Davey, sounds good :)

16-01-2008, 15:20
Which TV you getting Davey, sounds good :)

Currently £800 in Currys, we got it for £617.50, and then extra Quidco on top, so less than £600 all in :)

16-01-2008, 15:50
Gone back to BF2 me for the last few weeks. Playing it every day again. Got kicked last night for Hacking ;D two rounds of constant abuse & eventually the kick came. I was at 49 kills to 1 death :shocked: Usually you have players on the other team that work out my tactics & work around them but this lot just got more stupid. In the end they just Flamed me with the usual I have been watching him he is definitely cheating bla Bla Bla, Insults & then Kick. Do people not use there UAV & Hud at all ? For me it is my main field of view & i can kill you without even seeing you so it is understandable when i am accused of cheating. I take it as a compliment & just go & get on another server. I play one round all quiet reading the enemy then the 2nd round i go Mental & Slaughter the innocent, the Guilty & the Pure ;D
I Love my BF2 :cool:

16-01-2008, 17:24
I play one round all quiet reading the enemy then the 2nd round i go Mental & Slaughter the innocent, the Guilty & the Pure ;D

This line made me pmsl ;D

semi-pro waster
16-01-2008, 19:55
After quite a while of not really playing any games I'm now playing NFS:ProStreet and Episode 1 that Karbon kindly gifted me. ProStreet is actually somewhat better than I was led to believe, it is a long way from being the best in the series (NFS:2000/Porsche Challenge) but it isn't terrible either, the handling is a bit sluggish at times and the framerate is up and down more than a whores knickers but I'm still enjoying it with the usual exception of the drag races which have always infuriated me. Drag races have always been my weakest part of the games because I don't have an analogue controller to balance the throttle with the gearchange but this time some arse has decided to remove the starting lights from about half the races so I just have to guess when it is time to go.

16-01-2008, 20:32
Guitar Hero 3 on the PC, loads of custom songs = loads of replayability \o/

16-01-2008, 21:37
Guitar Hero 3 on the 360. Turned up yesterday but still not feeling too good, been having a blast all day today as I'm off work, after fudging up a lot of songs I've finally got the hang of it :D Need to up the difficulty level soon though.

17-01-2008, 10:40
Guitar Hero 3 on the PC, loads of custom songs = loads of replayability \o/
What guitar are you using? The GHII 360 one? Or did you buy it for the PC?
Just wondering if I can aquire the PC version and use the 360 guitar...custom songs would be great :D

17-01-2008, 12:44
You probably can Des, Windows will just see the wired guitar as a generic 360 controller :)

17-01-2008, 13:03
Cool :)

I've located GH3 but not sure if it will run on the laptop or not. Will give it a whirl and see. Then I just need to track down some custom songs :)

17-01-2008, 13:05
You can definitely use your GH2 controller on the PC version of GH3, works perfectly fine :)

17-01-2008, 18:46
Aye it does. I could probably make you a couple of customs as well if you want, getting quite good at it :p

The Dragonforce song on 3 is actually quite easy compared to some of the songs I have...

17-01-2008, 19:27
Is there a good place to grab customs from? The only thing I don't like about the GH games are it's not really my taste in music. I don't mind the songs, but they're not what I'm in to.

17-01-2008, 22:30
http://www.scorehero.com You'll need to register to see the custom songs area though.

17-01-2008, 23:01
Nice one :D

Just installing it on the laptop now. Hope it runs OK as the specs looked quite high. But seeing as it's not really a graphic realted type game, I'll whack all the settings down. I cna then plug the laptop into the TV and Amp and play away :D

17-01-2008, 23:13
Poo :(

Video card not supported :/

18-01-2008, 21:28
Wehey, did a websearch for "GH3 intel 945" which is my graphics card and it came up with a site that shows you how to use another program to emulate the graphics card required for GH3 :D

It does work although it's a bit stuttery which obviously doesn't help. I'm currently updating the drivers and directx to make sure it's not that. Who knows, it may just work :)

22-01-2008, 22:39
At the moment during the commute, worms on the DS. Its at Worms 2 level and it doesn't look that bad, good easy gameplay as well. I would say its worth getting

23-01-2008, 13:05
I'm currently alternating between Smackdown 2008 and PES2008 on the 360. Both fun ways to spend part of my evening :)

23-01-2008, 13:10
I'm currently splitting my time between COD4 MP and Assassins Creed (the latter not getting much play time ;D)

23-01-2008, 13:31
I'm struggling to settle on anything at the moment :(
I've been playing Everquest 2 on the PC which has been good fun but I don't really want to get hooked like I did with EQ1 years ago.
On the 360, I've mainly been playing Boogie Bunnies (I'm the only one on my friends list that has it ;D) and dabbling with Eternal Sonata.
It's my second playthrough for Eternal Sonata so it's not really hooking me but I'd like the achievements.
I really need a new game with a compelling story I think but it seems a waste when i haven't fully completed some others like ES and Mass Effect. Need to get back into Assassin's Creed too.
Maybe I'm just going through a 'bored of games' stage :shocked: :shocked:
Nah :p

23-01-2008, 13:40
Today I will be playing a new Tomb Raider level at last! Curse these achievements...

Admiral Huddy
03-03-2008, 12:28
yay Finished GoW last night. Have to say that the boss was pretty tough. Took me near enough an hour plus a few swear words in between throwing my toys out of the pram, :D

I've just loaded Tomb Raider Anniversaries and Crysis. Not sure which to start first.

04-03-2008, 00:47
I grabbed my 73rd star on Super Mario Galaxy today.
I'm part way through final Fantasy XII as well.
Is it wrong that I've slightly got the hots for Fran? She's like a czech supermodel in a playboy bunny costume.:thumbsup:

04-03-2008, 05:15
Haven't been gaming much lately but am close to finishing Halo2 on the laptop. I've two nights left on the rig so I'd like to get it finished before I leave. Must remember to bring out something new when I come back.

04-03-2008, 16:31
I have become addicted to Mercury Meltdown Revolution on the wii :D Very silly game which somehow eats hours of my time :o

04-03-2008, 16:37
Lost Odyssey for me mainly. Also Warhammer: Mark of Chaos: Battle March but that's for reviewing :p
I'd like to go back to WoW for a bit but that's going to have to wait till my shoulder's a lot better so I can be at a PC a bit more easily :(

04-03-2008, 17:33
Only got a tape player in the jeep so I've dug my old tapes out :cool:
My 3 faves at the mo are a live recording of the first Ever Energy, How kin cool is that :p 2nd is my original Trojan reggae compilation tape & 3rd is an old Fleetwood mac album, I Love & will Always Love Stevie Nicks :o she is one of my favourite all time women of this planet. She touches me deep inside & is more emotive than a hundred standard women.

Admiral Huddy
04-03-2008, 17:34
Starts Crysis :)

04-03-2008, 17:42
;D < Well needed Laugh out loud at myself.
I think my post may be a tad O.T. ;D

04-03-2008, 18:48
Hahaha, just a litte OT Malc, but we don't care :D

04-03-2008, 19:01
I'll bring it back O.T by saying I've only been playing BF2 again :jawdrop:
I don't often lose it on BF2 but yesterday i went off my head at some **** on my team. The **** walked on to a marked claymore of mine & died then after i switched to his kit to revive him he shot me even after i had Auto Sorry to him a good few times. I weren't in the best of moods, Wrong i was in th perfect mood for Waring, not gaming Waring ;D
So I did something i haven't done in a long time & taught the lad a lesson, I've done it a few times before when someone was being a real jerk just to teach them proper.
I switch kit to Medic then i find the Dude & stab them, Then i switch to Paddles & Revive him, then i stab him then i revive him then i stab him then i revive him etc etc etc. The victim is Trapped in game & cannot even exit BF2, they have me stabbing & reviving them repeatedly auto saying "NO CAN DO" ;D It's a very cruel punishment & enough to make anyone give up gaming to be quite ****** honest but that's what you get if you be a Tard repeatedly on my team. Of course i get minus scores for TK, last night it was minus 18 for the 9 TK's until i let him up again but BF2 has never been about points to me I have just accumulated loads of points whilst i played.
It takes 30 seconds to revive in BF2, with me killing the Dude 9 times he was trapped for about 5 minutes solid with me teabagging him stabbing him & reviving him only for me to do it again. Lesson learnt Young'un :p

Admiral Huddy
12-03-2008, 11:56
Loaded Crysis and I’m a few hours in.

I have to say, I'm massively disappointed so far. After all the hype of it being a cutting edge game, it's no more detailed than HL2E2 and GoW I’ve just completed. Of course, the vastness and draw distance is impressive to say the least but that's all there is to write about really. It’s just reliving a four year old game that was once Far Cry.

The AI is practically non existent and enemies run around like headless chicken. In fact last night, whilst taking cover in a toilet somewhere, two enemies just stood there looking at me and didn’t fire until I did. I don’t call this progression. Maybe they just wanted the loo I dunno.

The Nano suit does have some useful features but nothing that hasn’t been seen before and its interface is quite fiddly.

The game is also riddled with bugs and the old “clipping “arms through closed doors is something I’ve not seen since DX8 days. It’s appalling to be honest.

With this in mind, if the design is this bad on the outside then god knows what’s going on internally with the code and begs the question; is it poor code that’s dragging the performance down to its knees? If this truly is next gen software, then my Gran is the Bionic woman. Games which provide the highest setting should be playable on the current top hardware configuration available. If that’s not the case, then what else have these games been tested on? I think both the developer and the publisher have a lot of explaining to do.

And it caused my first BSOD on my new system.. :( driver error!

12-03-2008, 12:09
Been playing TF2 recently. I love it.

"Ooo, they're gonna ha' ta' glue you back t'gether. In HELL!"

Joe 90
12-03-2008, 14:18
i be playing CoD4, Turok and maybe some PES every now'n'then

12-03-2008, 15:03
Devil May Cry 4, Army of Two, Dynasty Warriors 6, and Dragoneer's Aria (on PSP). The last two are for review purposes, the first two are for fun :)

12-03-2008, 15:14
Mainly COD4 interspersed with GH3 and PGR4.

12-03-2008, 15:30
I'm trying to play Oblivion to get the last points, but it's just not drawing me in. I only completed the main quest because of the paintbrush glitch :(

Davey, would you highly recommend Army of two?

12-03-2008, 16:22
Had an Epic round of BF2 infantry yesterday & finished 41 kills for 1 Death :evil: Got Gold with around 101 points or summit.
I wrote "My Work here is Done" & left the server ;D

12-03-2008, 18:14
Davey, would you highly recommend Army of two?

To be honest I've not even finished the 2nd mission yet so it's too early to say properly. The missions seem fun enough, but the partner AI is a little dumb at times. It's good fun on my own so far but I'd definitely say it'll be more fun with an online partner :)

12-03-2008, 19:57
Lost Odyssey for me, should hit the 3rd disc very soon. Then Lost Empire, Europa and Persona 3 for reviewing.

12-03-2008, 21:01
To be honest I've not even finished the 2nd mission yet so it's too early to say properly. The missions seem fun enough, but the partner AI is a little dumb at times. It's good fun on my own so far but I'd definitely say it'll be more fun with an online partner :)

Played it over the weekend with my mate!!! Awesome playing together really good fun and would highly recommend it if you've got someone to play with...... otherwise it's AI dependant which could irritate if it's pants AI.

12-03-2008, 21:02
Lost Odyssey for me, should hit the 3rd disc very soon. Then Lost Empire, Europa and Persona 3 for reviewing.

Is Lost Odyssey good? Is it like the FF games if so which one is it most like??

13-03-2008, 00:15
Is Lost Odyssey good? Is it like the FF games if so which one is it most like??

I'd say most like FF8, because of the trigger system in the battles. It's got an amazing story but I feel a little let down by the lack of innovation. Sure, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, but it'd be nice to see a new twist on something but I think maybe that's a fault of the genre on a whole at the moment. The battle system is very standard turn based RPG, and the magic system is lacking real upgradeability. I'd love for it to have a system like the materia or junctioning system of FF7 and 8 respectively. Currently it seems a little simplified compared to those days.

However, as the story's amazing (and brings about more emotional moments than I've ever experienced in FF games), I'm willing to forgive it :) The first 10mins are astounding technically as well.
Just a pity, it's not quite as perfect as many previews hoped it would be. But hey, there's hype for you ;)

I'd strongly recommend you buy it if you enjoyed any of the FF games :)

13-03-2008, 14:13
Decided to take a break from Super Mario Galaxy and remembered that I never finished Windwaker after moving house almost three years ago, so I've gone back to my pointy green hat and trusty boomerang. :)

13-03-2008, 14:23
Dee would approve :)

13-03-2008, 15:15
Guitar Hero 3 again. I highly recommend the Dropkick Murphys free dlc, it's awesome. On the marketplace :)

13-03-2008, 15:58
Currently revisiting Dawn of War:Dark Crusade which is good fun.

I went through a period of hammering COD4 online and had a week off and I just can't get back into the rythm of it (Read that as I am Sucking Donkey Balls at it)

Also having a dabble with Audio Surf on Steam. Good fun for $10.00

25-03-2008, 11:45
Yesterday I started playing Bully on the 360, and finding it very very enjoyable. It's typical Rockstar gaming, with over the top characters, fun missions, and a ton of stuff to do in it. Excellent humour as well, as yo'd expect. Certainly a fun little pre-cursor to GTA4 when that arrives next month.

Also finished Army of Two, which was also very enjoyable, despite the odd problem with the AI (doing some very stupid things at times). As good as it is, it'll definitely be far better going through it with someone else so I look forward to that if/when Leo gets it on rental :)

25-03-2008, 16:19
Horse farming on Dynasty Warriors 6. There are apparently 6 rare horses so trying to get them, it's quite fun.

25-03-2008, 17:18
Dawn of War Quadrilogy for me.

25-03-2008, 19:08
I've Not been playing BF2 :jawdrop:

I Have been playing lots of COD4 though :feek:
It's been nice to meet a few players that are actually Much better than me, I say that with Mucho arrogance as on BF2 there are players as good as me but nobody is more skilled we are just equal or better on the day. On COD4 i am a relative Nub & am meeting some real seasoned Vets which are kicking my Ass :cool:
This has gripped me & taken me into the realms of 3 sessions a day & my game has improved considerably. I am Always in the top 3 but now it's more skill than Madness/Luck pure Animal aggression ;D
So remember if you see a MANIAC loose on COD4 that's me :bangbang:

25-03-2008, 19:46
Yesterday I started playing Bully on the 360, and finding it very very enjoyable. It's typical Rockstar gaming, with over the top characters, fun missions, and a ton of stuff to do in it. Excellent humour as well, as yo'd expect. Certainly a fun little pre-cursor to GTA4 when that arrives next month.
I got Bully last week :) not played it much but it's quite good fun. Bit of an impulse buy really.

I've been playing bits and pieces of everything, Bee Movie (which is surprisingly good fun for a kids game :D), Simpsons Game (great ideas...poorly executed) and Thrillville (good fun).
Had an advert off Blockbuster that Halo 3 is £12.99 preowned now, half tempted to get that at the weekend if I can scrounge a lift there.

25-03-2008, 20:13
Replayed Condemned the other day and picked up all but one of the achievements - how was I to know that to 'wield' every weapon the game it meant you had to strike someone with it! Forgot how good it was both on playability and graphics, even to this day. Looking forward to the next one.

25-03-2008, 20:22
I love Condemned but I do have trouble playing it for great lengths at a time :o

25-03-2008, 20:49
*Would play Condemned but would need to invest in brown underpants*

Admiral Huddy
14-04-2008, 16:00
Right finished Crysis.. Thank **** for that. Total pile of poo!

Short (thanks god), Bugs, system meltdowns and nothing new tbh. The only part of the game I enjoyed was going through the ships corridors at the end which I thought looked really good. How on earth this scored so highly in PC gamer is beyond me. Talk about giving a game score purley on what is looks like. Are these the people that judge books by covers? Appauling and the worst game I've played.

My next game will be either COD4 or Company of Heros : Opposing fronts.. not sure yet.

What's Assassin's Creed like?

14-04-2008, 16:27
What's Assassin's Creed like?


Admiral Huddy
14-04-2008, 17:08
oh Is it anything like Thief Deadly Shadows?

14-04-2008, 17:57
Nope, not from what I remember of Thief.

15-10-2008, 12:40
A rather large bump :D
Been really enjoying the games I've been playing of late. Really renewed my interest in the 360. Lately I've been playing a bit more out of habit than anything, but recent additions have helped immensely. :)
BiA: Hell's Highway: Annoying at times but good fun when I want a challenge :D
Too Human: Really surprised by this, I wasn't sure what to expect so I waited till it was cheaper (got it for £20 new), but it feels just like the kind of game I like. :) Not sure if it'd be worth full price but for £20, it's good fun. Does seem like it'd be rather short though. I completed the first act very quickly.
Fifa 09: Playing a Be a Pro season bit by bit, started out as a reserve for Chelsea playing Attacking Midfielder. One of the best football games I've played in years :) Pity I'm not overly good at it! I suck at online in particular.
Viva Pinata: Returned to this as I felt it better to complete this before I moved onto Trouble in Paradise. It's getting a bit busy now but initially it was a nice relaxing game. I have reached a slight problem with trying to work out what to concentrate on next but hopefully the game guide will help with that :D

Been playing Sonic Chronicles for the DS too for a review, not bad but nothing overly special. Good introductory RPG for kids though :)

15-10-2008, 14:53
I finished Spiderwick chroniclse with my daughter and really enjoyed it. It was the right length (6/7 hours) and the collection achivements were actually fun to do.
I'm now about half way through Frontlines: Fuel of War and I am enjoying it in albeit in small bursts, one level at a time. The achievements for doing each mission without dying raise the adrenelin and all in all I'm glad Nokkon recommended it.
Burnout: Paradise I both love this game and hate with a passion. I've just received my Burnout: Paradise license and it's reset all the races (again). I'm not sure if I can truly be assed to do all 100+ events; I'm also rubbish at the stunt runs. Might be one I dabble in from time to time
Castle Crashers finished collecting all the animals with my daughter earlier and going to have a real push to finish it today or tomorrow. A great game :)

Of course, come next Thursday when I get my grubby mits on Fable 2 all this will be moot. I'll have but one game to play :)

Admiral Huddy
15-10-2008, 15:11
Just started Brothers in Arms : Hells Highway. Not sure how this is going to pan out since it's based on a failed allied invasion??

Also, I'm 1/4 through Tomb Raider Anniversaries. I love TOmb raider games (except Dark Angel). I've had this lying around for ages and I always enjoy playing with lara :p

15-10-2008, 15:35
Just finished the main story of Frontlines: Fuel of War and now going for the stopwatch and Ironman achievements I didn't get on the way (died 1 minute from the end of the last level :()

Still playing Rock Band but starting to get a tiny bit bored of it, as there's no challenge left in it anymore, except the drums which I can only play when no-one else is in (never)

Fifa 07 and Blue Dragon will occasionally get thrown in as well, but not much recently as I lose touch after a while and then I cba, especially with BD.

15-10-2008, 15:36

FIFA 2009 - Enjoying it quite a bit. Just playing some single player tournaments and leagues at the moment.

Wip3out HD - The Franchise and Concept that never really changes but still is pretty damn hawt with every iteration. This is no different. Multiplayer is slick

Resistance - What a steam piling of linear turd this game is. Very little variation. Without having lots of little signs here there an everywhere saying walk through this door or that door, you literally can only walk through this or that door. I think it is going to take time to transfer my crack shooter skills from Mouse and Keyboard to controller.


Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer - Still a half decent multiplayer experience in short bursts. This despite little to no community built maps or mods.

Company of Heroes - Still the Daddy of single and multiplayer RTS game in my opinion.

15-10-2008, 15:48
My main game at the moment is Fifa 09, which I'm really enjoying. I'm surprised by how quickly I'm getting good at it, as I've had to bump up the difficulty to World Class (1 level off the top) otherwise my Everton team beats everyone easily. Even on World Class I'm winning, but I'm having to work for it a lot more, only managing to beat Arsenal 2-0 with 2 late games from my star forward - me!

The other game is Lego Batman which I'm working through with Lynnie and really enjoying it. The levels are shorter than any of the previous Lego games, which I'm enjoying, and the cut scenes are perhaps the funniest yet. We've only 2 missions left (5 levels per mission) before we finish it, so after that I'll be selling/trading it and then renting it again in the future to whore all the achievements.

Of course, like Abooie that'll all change when Fable 2 comes out in just over a week, as Lynnie and I will be playing through that. Then Fallout 3 comes the week after that, then Gears 2 the week after. Having realised I've got more to sell than I thought, I'll be getting all 3 of the above on release, as well as 1 of 3 other games (Dead Space, GH: World Tour, or Sacred 2). The ones I don't get now I'll get for my birthday or Christmas :)

Von Smallhausen
15-10-2008, 15:56
Stronghold Crusader and Srat Trek Legacy.

15-10-2008, 16:00
Yay for Davey getting Gears 2 :D

In hindsight I wish I'd traded Lego Indy in shortly after finishing it, bet the value's gone down loads now :( And it's been untouched for long enough.
Definitely be getting Lego Batman when I can.

I completely forgot Fable 2 is out in just over a week :o The year's gone too fast. I need to hurry up and complete some stuff in time for it!

15-10-2008, 16:10
Glad to hear you'll be joining us for Gears 2 Davey :D

15-10-2008, 16:10
I wish I had stuff to trade, only got GH:A. The rest of my games were presents or will be worth nothing at all. The newest game I actually own is GH:A, and before that, Rock Band =/

15-10-2008, 18:51
I've been playing OpenTTD for a bit of nostalgia purposes, along side Earth 2160 and Half Life 2.

15-10-2008, 19:26
Then Fallout 3 comes the week after that, then Gears 2 the week after. Having realised I've got more to sell than I thought, I'll be getting all 3 of the above on release, as well as 1 of 3 other games (Dead Space, GH: World Tour, or Sacred 2). The ones I don't get now I'll get for my birthday or Christmas :)

As much as it upsets me I've actually resigned myself to not playing fallout 3 until probably next year.

It should be a day one title but I don't want to be distracted from Fable 2 and really want to give it the time it deserves. With Gears 2 the following week I'm going to have a lot on my plate and something has to give so I've cancelled my preorder and I'll wait.

If only I could clone myself...

15-10-2008, 19:27
That's exactly why I'm not pre-ordering Fallout 3. It just won't get the time it deserves and I'd rather Fable 2 and Gears 2. There's just so many games!

15-10-2008, 21:09
I'm lucky because I know Lynnie will be playing through Fable 2 with me, giving me my nights free when she's in bed to play Fallout 3.

15-10-2008, 21:12
I'm playing Halo 3 still at the moment, enjoying some of the more random multiplayer modes that dont exist in ranked, picking off some of the additional achievements (original 1000 all finished). I also grabbed Viva Pinata: TiP cheap from Game when I went in to pre-order a few things last weekend. More of the same for the most part but a couple of nice additions, and addictive as ever, so a welcome return after all but finishing the original last year :)

Just passing time till Gears now really.

15-10-2008, 21:13
X360: Rock Band, Worms XBLA (free on memory card), other games get a look in if I'm really bored.

PS3: WipeoutHD off the HDD and MGS4 in the drive. Not started it mind. Got a copy of Motorstorm here too...

15-10-2008, 21:15
How you finding the vision cam support for TiP Daz? Found it a bit awkward when I tried but I only tried with a couple of cards as I'm trying to resist till I finish the first one.
First one's starting to get a bit overwhelming now though! So much to do and losing track of what to do next to level up :o

15-10-2008, 21:16
Oh yeah I have Viva Pinata on rental too! :)

Must start playing that....

15-10-2008, 21:25
How you finding the vision cam support for TiP Daz? Found it a bit awkward when I tried but I only tried with a couple of cards as I'm trying to resist till I finish the first one.
Only used the card in the box as I dont want to cut the experience short by dumping everything I need into the garden with cards. Was a bit fiddly but something I imagine you'd get used to after doing it a couple of times :)

First one's starting to get a bit overwhelming now though! So much to do and losing track of what to do next to level up :o
I targeted the odd achievements around the outside (do this with this Pinata etc), and worked my way into the bigger ones. The work you do towards those counts towards the 'grow all these' and 'collect all this' achievements. Didnt use a guide, just targeted whatever I fancied at the time :) Working on the sour Pinatas as and when they showed up also seemed to work well!

15-10-2008, 22:22
Only used the card in the box as I dont want to cut the experience short by dumping everything I need into the garden with cards. Was a bit fiddly but something I imagine you'd get used to after doing it a couple of times :)

I targeted the odd achievements around the outside (do this with this Pinata etc), and worked my way into the bigger ones. The work you do towards those counts towards the 'grow all these' and 'collect all this' achievements. Didnt use a guide, just targeted whatever I fancied at the time :) Working on the sour Pinatas as and when they showed up also seemed to work well!

Glad I'm not the only one that found the cam a bit fiddly :D

I made a big mistake with Viva Pinata and didn't realise that the master romancer awards involved having 7 of each Pinata :( So I've got to go back and do all that again, grr! I've been getting each Sour Pinata when it's been possible though :D
The official guide is quite handy as it basically just lists all the pinatas and what's required, handy for the lazy person such as me ;) And I like reading stuff like that anyhow. Lovely unique game really :)

15-10-2008, 22:45
Championship Manager 2007. Yes, I'm that boring that after full completing LMA Manager, Football Manager 2006, 2007 and 2008 I've moved onto the only one left.

17-10-2008, 11:55
Wipeout HD, it's eating my life away bit by bit.

17-10-2008, 12:15
Just finished Viva Pinata - Pocket Paradise (I only really play on the DS at the mo)

What other games are similar to this on the DS? Can't get into Harvest Moon, which I thought would be similar.

17-10-2008, 15:10
I'm gonna drop Champ Man for a bit purely because it's easy to go back to and with so many other games coming out I want to get those with a story that still aren't done finished.

First games on the agenda have to be GUN and Oblivion.

17-10-2008, 15:14
Both excellent games. I thought Gun was very underrated, and I keep meaning to get it again at some point to get some more of the achievements. I really enjoyed going through it :)

17-10-2008, 15:17
Yeah, I've started it many times, must be over 5 including the PC version, but never completed it. I had forgotten just how brilliant the music is at the 'press start' menu too, one of my favourite pieces of game-score ever (up there with the Halo theme).

17-10-2008, 15:19
I think I played the demo of GUN but never got round to playing the full game. After seeing the Bio Shock 2 trailer today was looking back at that to see what I needed to complete as there are a few achievements left on that.

Currently we're working our way through Lego Star Wars the Original Trilogy.

17-10-2008, 15:37
I had a problem with Bioshock not keeping the achievements I earned so I went back through it and got them again including the ones for 43 Tonics and all Audio Diaries. Just need to complete it without using a Vita-Chamber on hard for the last 2 achievements (I completed it on Hard the first time when it lost my achievements)

Have 960/1100 on that now, so not too bad. Only did it a fortnight ago, was great fun.
I sent Jen a good guide for where all the audio diaries and tonics are if you want it, though I truly urge you to complete it without a guide the first time :).

17-10-2008, 15:40
I've done it all the way through last August so would just be going back to it to mop up the remaining achievements and enjoy it again :) If you have that guide that would be awesome!

17-10-2008, 15:53
Glad I'm not the only one that found the cam a bit fiddly :D

I made a big mistake with Viva Pinata and didn't realise that the master romancer awards involved having 7 of each Pinata :( So I've got to go back and do all that again, grr! I've been getting each Sour Pinata when it's been possible though :D
The official guide is quite handy as it basically just lists all the pinatas and what's required, handy for the lazy person such as me ;) And I like reading stuff like that anyhow. Lovely unique game really :)

I found this site: http://pinataisland.info/ invaluable for getting 1000/1000. Also having chicken pox at 33 really helped as I could barely leave the sofa for weeks.

I loved Gun and finding an achievement scam after I finished that meant I only needed to play the last scene on each difficulty level to get 1000/1000 was fantastic :)

17-10-2008, 15:58
Viva Pinata's quite easy without a guide, though admitidly it's a pain going through the menus to check requirements for each pinata. I've only got two achievements left on it now.

What I did for Master Romancer was breed and buy at the same time, and you end up making a small profit on each species which is good, though breeding is the best way as it goes towards 50 hours as well.

17-10-2008, 16:12
Viva Pinata's quite easy without a guide, though admitidly it's a pain going through the menus to check requirements for each pinata.
Likewise, haven't done either of them with a guide, just a look at what achievements there are to aim for. You're right about the menu's though, I can get to the encyclopaedia blindfolded now!

I've only got two achievements left on it now.
Just the one for me - 50 hours. Dont think I'm even at 15 hours so may not ever get that unless I want to leave the console on (which I don't).

What I did for Master Romancer was breed and buy at the same time
Yeah me too. Dont buy as many in TiP though, so I get to know the maze minigame well before I attempt the speed run (for the twins).

17-10-2008, 16:15
I found this site: http://pinataisland.info/ invaluable for getting 1000/1000. Also having chicken pox at 33 really helped as I could barely leave the sofa for weeks.

I loved Gun and finding an achievement scam after I finished that meant I only needed to play the last scene on each difficulty level to get 1000/1000 was fantastic :)

That site is great :) Found it by accident but it's brilliant. I've got the official guide too mainly because I love Prima guides :D I'd own one for every game I've played if I could afford it ;D

What I did for Master Romancer was breed and buy at the same time, and you end up making a small profit on each species which is good, though breeding is the best way as it goes towards 50 hours as well.
Thanks for the tip :)

GUN is a great game, very underrated but very enjoyable. I'd love to see a sequel one day.
Oblivion is ok, but not my kind of RPG so wasn't very memorable for me.

17-10-2008, 17:01
Likewise, haven't done either of them with a guide, just a look at what achievements there are to aim for. You're right about the menu's though, I can get to the encyclopaedia blindfolded now!

Just the one for me - 50 hours. Dont think I'm even at 15 hours so may not ever get that unless I want to leave the console on (which I don't).

Yeah me too. Dont buy as many in TiP though, so I get to know the maze minigame well before I attempt the speed run (for the twins).I'm at 40 hours I think =/

What speed runs do you mean for TiP, haven't heard anything about that?

17-10-2008, 17:21

Wossi popped over Sunday & traded me GRID & I've taken to it Big style :cool: First time played I am like WTF this is crap the cars are all over the place. 2nd time I played it I went fast enough to need the quick steering ;D & it's Awesome. I don't think I've ever played a more exciting game, It's Ultra fast with screen shake & cars literally disintergrating in front & around you. The game has clearly been designed to put you in the middle of some serious action any chance it can get, Kind of a F@*k realism lets put the player in the most dramatic film set style racing we can imagine & blow his mind :cool:

I have all my licences now even my Global about 3 million rep points & around 60 mill quids. Time to take this baby online me thinks. I did go online for a bit of Demolition derby but haven't raced tracks yet. Demo derby is Perfect, I'm rocking along in 5th sticking the back out looking for a victim when I go over the ramp & get some air, next thing I know some dudes car is hanging out my drivers window & I've been rolled about 3 times ;D;D

17-10-2008, 17:25
GRID is great fun :D Could get frustrating occasionally with some of the driving from the AI, but for the most part a good blend between fun and challenge.

17-10-2008, 17:28
What speed runs do you mean for TiP, haven't heard anything about that?
When you're romancing for your 7th Pinata in a species (or above) - when the hearts are flashing - there are 2 other goals; collect all the hearts and finish to get a wildcard bonus (achievements for getting 1 and 10 of them), and finish 'in the fastest time' to get a twin bonus (again, achievements for getting 1 and 10 of them). Never really figured out what the fastest times are for each Pinata, I just get to know the maze well on previous visits and give it a good shot. Only got 1 of those so far though :/

17-10-2008, 22:15
GRID is pretty high on my rental list, I love driving games and a lot of people think it's the best you can get on the 360, so I'm looking forward to giving it a whirl :)

17-10-2008, 22:26
I enjoyed it, it's a good game, but it does start to feel repetative.
Graphically it is absolutely stunning and the interface is second to none.

17-10-2008, 22:29
I enjoyed it, it's a good game, but it does start to feel repetative.
Graphically it is absolutely stunning and the interface is second to none.

Couldn't have put it better tbh. However i would like to add that going around a corner at 100Mph sideways in a ford mustang now matter how repetitive never gets old. Grid is as good as 3d arcade racing gets imo.

17-10-2008, 22:36
I would say Burnout Revenge tops it, but purely on a gameplay perspective, but as you said, that Ford Mustang, sideways is a joy, particularly in San Francisco and it HAS to be played on the interior view.

17-10-2008, 22:44
Burnout is on par with it imo, but it also has its niggles such as the ability to not restart races (GRRRRRR!). They're on equal footing as far as i'm concerned which is fantastic as they're both epic!

And yes, i experienced the Frisco' level in the demo on interior view with a Driving Force Pro (not the most efficient way to play, but certainly the most fun) and was utterly taken aback, the engine is just beautiful when in its element.

[EDIT] (how the crap have i racked up 21 posts already? This forum is clearly going to be the end of me)

17-10-2008, 22:48
Erm he said Revenge not Paradise :p

The former being waaaay better than the latter and having the race restart option :p

17-10-2008, 22:49
Erm he said Revenge not Paradise :p

The former being waaaay better than the latter and having the race restart option :p

Oh crud cakes, you appear to be right D:, i never played Revenge so can't comment, i'll just stay quiet now :o

17-10-2008, 22:54
Or better yet you could grab a 360, get Revenge and then get some real revenge :D

Seriously good game (and tough as nails to boot :D)

20-10-2008, 13:27
My currently playing list has changed somewhat.....

Fifa 09 is still getting played a lot, and I'm still loving it. Got more achievement points on this inside 2 weeks than I got after nearly a year with PES 2008, thanks to a much better achievement list. Maybe Konami will take stock of that and improve it next year.

Mercenaries 2 is also being played now. I picked it up for £1 after trading in a whole load of old PS2 games, and I'm enjoying it so far. It doesn't quite yet have the charm of the original, but I'm only a few missions in. Still managed to get over 200 points on it in a couple of hours though :D

Mass Effect has also gone back in the 360 for the first time in ages. Really got the urge to play it for some reason, so went through the Bring Down The Sky DLC that I bought ages ago. It's really reminded me how much I love the game, but with Fable and Dead Space this weekend I doubt I'll play it much beyond this week. I really need a few days off to go through everything I want to as there just aren't enough hours in the day, what with working as well :D

20-10-2008, 13:29
Doh, I just asked you about Mercs 2 in the other thread ;D
Definitely a game I'd like to pick up at some point.

20-10-2008, 17:55
Well I finished GUN and I'm doing the side missions which turned into a real farce, firstly my Xbox Live connection dropped so I tried signing in, this then caused my profile to sign out completely which in turn sent me back to the start menu, losing all my data for many of the side-missions (Law Man, Rescue, Poker Tournament, Ranch Hand, Pony Express and I'd bought all the upgrades bar one for the weapons).

I finally did it all again, saved, then did all the hunting missions with a friend, we then decided to play Fifa 09 and Captain Stupid here ejected the game without saving, so I lost all the progress for that which took around an hour. Ugh.

But I want the full 1k, so only have to do the hunting missions (5 of 6) and all the bounties to get the 100% completion, then onto the level select cheat to do the other difficulties (I wish they'd make all games stack :mad:)

20-10-2008, 17:58
Oooh I remember forgetting it didn't autosave and losing some progress. Bloody irritating!

20-10-2008, 18:05
Playing Resistance:FoM for the first time at the moment. I really don't see why so many people slated it, it gets off to a slow start sure but it's fairly immense now. I know loads of people gave up before the 'better' bits but it really does get very good.

20-10-2008, 18:12
Dead Space and it's scary as hell! :o

20-10-2008, 18:20
Won't be playing that in the dark ;D

20-10-2008, 18:23
I had a go at 11pm on friday whilst Mrs and baby was in bed, I thought ahhh it won't be that scary! 2 mins later an alien jumped out at me and i dropped one :o. I then promptly ran up stairs and hid under my covers till the next morning :shocked::evil:

20-10-2008, 18:39
Almost 24hours of sleep?

20-10-2008, 18:41
I never said i was asleep :p

Also i meant 11pm :o

21-10-2008, 09:40
Well I finished GUN and I'm doing the side missions which turned into a real farce, firstly my Xbox Live connection dropped so I tried signing in, this then caused my profile to sign out completely which in turn sent me back to the start menu, losing all my data for many of the side-missions (Law Man, Rescue, Poker Tournament, Ranch Hand, Pony Express and I'd bought all the upgrades bar one for the weapons).

I finally did it all again, saved, then did all the hunting missions with a friend, we then decided to play Fifa 09 and Captain Stupid here ejected the game without saving, so I lost all the progress for that which took around an hour. Ugh.

But I want the full 1k, so only have to do the hunting missions (5 of 6) and all the bounties to get the 100% completion, then onto the level select cheat to do the other difficulties (I wish they'd make all games stack :mad:)
I really enjoyed Gun, I'll have to get it on rental again at some point so I can 1k it as well. I didn't know there was a level select cheat when I had it or I would have put more effort in do it. Good story in the game as well as I remember, with good voice acting to boot.

21-10-2008, 11:12
Yep. Completed it all last night and it was a very rewarding experience and great game length. If you have a Memory Unit you could send it to me, I'll recover your gamertag and do it for you, then send you it back. Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours (including gamertag recovery).

21-10-2008, 11:15
Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours (including gamertag recovery).

Don't count on that ;D I remember Daz trying to download Davey's tag to play GH and it took forever :shocked: longer than a couple of hours.

21-10-2008, 11:18
Mine takes around 1h 40m, so it was probably a blip on the Xbox Live servers.

21-10-2008, 11:21
why does it take so long though? Surely it's dependent on your connection speed :confused:

21-10-2008, 11:23
why does it take so long though? Surely it's dependent on your connection speed :confused:

I would hazard they limit it so that if 10,000 of the millions of Xbox Live users were recovering their tags at the same time, the other millions wouldn't have their Xbox Live connections destroyed.

When you recover your tag (or any tag) it downloads all their achievement icons etc... to the HDD which is why larger gamer scores seem to take longer :(.

21-10-2008, 11:26
Fair enough, just thought I'd warn you when Davey had problems :) Never recovered mine before so don't know how long it would take, then again I don't have that many achievements.

21-10-2008, 11:28
Fair enough, just thought I'd warn you when Davey had problems :) Never recovered mine before so don't know how long it would take, then again I don't have that many achievements.

8,000 is a fair whack. I'd hazard it would take over 20 minutes.
I had a nightmare recovering Creatures before, took ~2hours.

It guess it depends on the time and usage of Xbox Live at any one time perhaps, but as I'm up til ridiculous O'Clock most nights it would make sense for me to do anything at that time :).

21-10-2008, 12:44
Yep. Completed it all last night and it was a very rewarding experience and great game length. If you have a Memory Unit you could send it to me, I'll recover your gamertag and do it for you, then send you it back. Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours (including gamertag recovery).
That's a very kind offer, but I'll wait until I get it on rental I think as I'm in no rush to get the achievements :)

Admiral Huddy
21-10-2008, 14:16
had some problems with Hells Highway - No sound.. turned out to be just the Creative SB drivers :)

Anyway, sorted.. After about two hours gameplay, I have to say, not playing any of the previous chapters, the game is a refreshing change. There is no doubt in my mind that this is more a cinimatic interactive movie than a game. That's not a bad thing but it give you an indication where the games industry is headibng imo.

21-10-2008, 14:43
Games are moving into the movie cinematic area.
Cinematic movies are moving into Games.

It's an odd cross-over. In good news, Max Payne was the highest grossing Box Office movie last week and is number 1 at the US Box Office.

21-10-2008, 14:46
In other news its a terrible terrible film (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/max_payne/).

21-10-2008, 15:03
From reading the reviews it seems like they are knocking the film for the reasons that it stuck to the game. I would hazard people who love the franchise already understand it and that movie critics won't "get it" because it's outside their area.

21-10-2008, 15:18
I really enjoyed Gun, I'll have to get it on rental again at some point so I can 1k it as well. I didn't know there was a level select cheat when I had it or I would have put more effort in do it. Good story in the game as well as I remember, with good voice acting to boot.

I didn't know either, I would have liked to 1k it but after I went through on insane that was enough for me and I sent it back.

As for what I'm playing right now I'm splitting my time between Warhammer Online and Call of Duty 4

21-10-2008, 17:23
In other news its a terrible terrible film (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/max_payne/).

Not a surprise, Marky Mark is fricking Max Payne!!!

Currently i am playing PES 2009 and FIFA 09. anyone wanna buy my '08's?? :p

21-10-2008, 17:31
Mark Wahlberg is awesome though. Has the right look and sound for Max Payne.

21-10-2008, 21:17
Mark Wahlberg is a diddy with a terrible voice and has been in 1 good movie, ever.

Just admit it :p

Dunno who i would have got to play MP though, Bruce Willis in his hay day. Possibly Wentworth Miller or maybe Gerard Butler

21-10-2008, 21:20
I still say David Boreanaz (Angel :))

21-10-2008, 21:20
From reading the reviews it seems like they are knocking the film for the reasons that it stuck to the game. I would hazard people who love the franchise already understand it and that movie critics won't "get it" because it's outside their area.

Interesting point. I loved the games. I remember rushing home to install it just to try out bullet time and omg it worked so well. Those crazy ass dream sequences, finding your way through the path and such. Really enjoyed it. Then there was the nudie patch for the girl in MP2...

21-10-2008, 21:20
Hmmm Currently Playing

COD 4 (PC)
SoulCalibur 4 (PS3)
and back to the PC for Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning......

Can't wait for Fable 2 :D

21-10-2008, 21:21
COD 4 (PC)

traitor!!! especially after playing the beta with us :( ;D

21-10-2008, 22:06
Interesting point. I loved the games. I remember rushing home to install it just to try out bullet time and omg it worked so well. Those crazy ass dream sequences, finding your way through the path and such. Really enjoyed it. Then there was the nudie patch for the girl in MP2...

And Half-Life 2 constantly pushed the physics time and time again only for Max Payne 2 to beat it to retail and have them first and not only have them first, but do them better!

God I love the Max Payne games. I will literally fight with anyone who says otherwise!

21-10-2008, 22:10
Mark Wahlberg is a diddy with a terrible voice and has been in 1 good movie, ever.
The Big Hit?
Three Kings?
The Departed?
The Basketball Diaries?
Boogie Nights?
I Heart Huckabees?
The Italian Job?

Which do you mean? Those are all good films.

Possibly Wentworth Miller or maybe Gerard Butler
Woah, woah, woah! You say Mark Wahlberg is a diddy then name 2 people who simply cannot act at all!

21-10-2008, 22:13
You listed the Italian Job :(

21-10-2008, 22:15
You listed the Italian Job :(


21-10-2008, 22:23
Just finished the Halo 3 meta games. God I hate the penultimate level, so bloody annoying. Maybe I can focus on playing something else now.

21-10-2008, 22:35
The Big Hit?
Three Kings?
The Departed?
The Basketball Diaries?
Boogie Nights?
I Heart Huckabees?
The Italian Job?

Which do you mean? Those are all good films.

Woah, woah, woah! You say Mark Wahlberg is a diddy then name 2 people who simply cannot act at all!

The only decent Marky Mark movie is Three kings, and that is barely passable. But as said above you said The Italian Job, and you also listed shooter, which should be a no no too. :p

TBH i wasn't listing them for their ability to get an oscar :p but tbh, i think they both have a better ability to play Max Payne.

Maybe it is just be but i can't take Marky Mark seriously and think he will ruin the MP movie. But i also think they should have got Frank Miller to do the MP movie, but it may have ran the risk of being too like Sin City, but then again, i thought Sin City was too much like MP so go figure lol

21-10-2008, 22:37
You listed the Italian Job :(

I think its awesome Soundtrack helps :D.

21-10-2008, 22:46
I don't think there would have been any harm in having Frank Miller do a MP movie. It is essentially that style. Comic book film noir. I guess he was tied up with The Spirit.

22-10-2008, 09:27
Back in gaming news (:p), I had a quick go on Saints Row 2 last night, and found it pretty enjoyable. I only did the first two missions and two activities, but it seems as fun as the first game was, and really did find that enjoyable. I'll be putting this and Mercenaries 2 back on the shelf now as with Fable 2, Dead Space, Fallout 3 and Gears 2 due out, they won't get played anyway. Might as well leave them intentionally and go back to them at Christmas when I've got 2 weeks off :)

22-10-2008, 11:12
Very sensible :D

I'm nearly finished with Lego Batman (which I still don't like at all, but can see how it'd be a fun 2 player game) then I can play a bit of Mercenaries 2 or Brothers in Arms to tide me over till Friday :D

22-10-2008, 12:21
Another yay...

Dear David Pitchforth,

We are pleased to inform you that your order has been dispatched by our team in Basingstoke.

Thank you very much for ordering from us here at gameplay, you should receive your package in 1 - 3 Working Days.

This dispatch contains the following:

Qty Description
1 Dead Space [Xbox 360]

Should make for a very enjoyable gaming weekend I think :)

22-10-2008, 12:25
Ah Dead Space, yet another game to completely scare the crap out of me :(

22-10-2008, 12:28
I'm a hard man, I'll be playing it at night in the dark with the volume as loud as I can without waking Lynnie :D

22-10-2008, 12:31
Bah, i'm a coward, never even finished the condemned demo.

22-10-2008, 12:33
I was playing DMC4 until I got to Mission 11 where the game transforms into a stupid frustrating platformer and you have to use the Devil Bringer to get over walls. I am now bored and frustrated and won't be playing it anymore, up to that point it was good though.

Also about 2/3rds of the way through Infinate Undiscovery which has now also become frustrating. I'm hoping Fable II and Fallout with there less defined storyline will be less frustrating.


22-10-2008, 12:40
After watching a Dead Space video review it turns out I need surround sound :(

I haven't played much more DMC4 since our TV was replaced need to get back to it.

22-10-2008, 13:05
That's a pity MB :( I'd only played the first couple of levels of DMC4 despite having it since launch :o

Dead Space looks good but I'd be terrified :p Need to get Condemned done first!

22-10-2008, 14:09
So jealous.

23-10-2008, 21:00
Hmmm Currently Playing

COD 4 (PC)
SoulCalibur 4 (PS3)
and back to the PC for Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning......

Can't wait for Fable 2 :D

Was a tough choice!

18-11-2008, 13:40
I've been playing the new Bond game, Quantum of Solace the last couple of days.
It's not too bad, but definitely lacking something. Treyarch have yet again managed to create a game that should be decent but seems to be lacking a certain something that I can't put my finger on. Funnily enough that's how I felt about the film too.
It reminds me a little of The Bourne Conspiracy, it has takedowns very similar to that game albeit more simple. And you do spend an awful lot of time ducking for cover, shooting, then ducking ad infinitum.

It's not bad, it's just not overly great either and with the current competition, it's got no chance of getting much of a look in by anyone. I'm only really playing it as it's a free rental from work. I've only got it till tonight so think that will do me for now, I'll rent it through my free trial at Lovefilm for longer at some point I think.

Wouldn't recommend it for purchase unless it's cheap and you've played all the really decent FPS games already out there.

Oh and on a sidenote: I like getting to combine playing games and looking at Daniel Craig :D

18-11-2008, 14:01
I'm currently playing Forza 2 again at the moment. Despite loving it and completing a lot of races, I had a really low gamerscore on it so I was determined to go back to complete some more series, and reach level 50. Up to level 41 now and really enjoying it again. Still need to do all the time trials and exhibition races at some point, but I tend to pick at them and do one here and there if I don't have enough time for a longer session.

Also playing Gears 2 from time to time. Finished on Normal difficulty with Leo in co-op, and we'll be going through it on Insane at some point. Still want to get some more private MP matches going as they were really fun in Gears 1. Nothing like taking off someone's head with a longshot and then boasting about it to them a minute later :D

18-11-2008, 14:09
I played Forza 2 loads when I first got it, good fun :D But then I think I overplayed it as it was getting boring so I've left it for a bit. Have to go back to it at some point, tad too many games to play at the moment though :o
Think it's time for a post-big release time clearout. :D

18-11-2008, 14:22
Still mostly playing WAR when I get the chance. Hit lvl 20 with my witch hunter last night and can now buy a horse. \o/

Been having a bash at No More Heroes on the Wii as well. It's utterly nuts. Between assassination jobs I've been collecting coconuts to earn cash and taking a dump at my motel to save the game.
Combat is fast and furious but a little bit button mashy for me and the camera doesn't keep up very well.

18-11-2008, 14:30
BF2 daily would you believe :confused:
I've played a bit of L4D though, Not been on GRID since completing it but did go on Forza2 the other day for a bit. I've only got a few Endurances races to do for full completion but every time I go on I do 15-20 laps & bail out for a rage on BF2. I plan on doing some online on GRID though & will continue to play FIfa08 for quite some time :cool:
I am hoping a new game will come & grab me though but then I've been hoping that for about a year. 64 man IO BF2 servers are a hard act to follow.

18-11-2008, 15:09
I should finish fallout 3 over the next couple of days. I've put in nearly 50 hours so far and just need the mrs to go to bed early to collect the 8 remaining dolls and finish the main quest. I might do this tonight as I'm tempted to stay up for NXE anyway (sad I know).

I've only completed the first chapter of Gears 2 on hardcore. I'm going to get back into this as soon as Fallout's done with. Think I'll stick with playing it on my own for now but would love a coop run with someone at some point (maybe on insane?).

I've got Lips coming later this week and this could become a firm favourite with the family as my wife sings in folk clubs etc anyway and can't wait to plug her Zune in. Add Scene it! and Dancing Stage Universe 2 and I feel we have quite a nice family gaming christmas lined up :)

I've also played the Banjo demo about 5 times with my eldest girl now and she loves it. She spent half an hour earlier collecting penguins, ducks and crabs and putting them all in the same area so she could have a party. Having sold the Wii with some her favourites Disney Princess & Super Mario Galaxy I feel I kind of owe her a game so I might pick this up first time I see it cheap.

18-11-2008, 15:14
I should finish fallout 3 over the next couple of days. I've put in nearly 50 hours so far and just need the mrs to go to bed early to collect the 8 remaining dolls and finish the main quest. I might do this tonight as I'm tempted to stay up for NXE anyway (sad I know).
You'll probably be waiting a while :D Acey says 10:00 tomorrow :)

Speaking off, I noticed a few people asking when NXE will be available - the answer is 10am UK Time (11am CET) on Wednesday November 19. After that time you'll be prompted for the update and it'll take a few minutes to download and install. It's worth the wait!

18-11-2008, 15:15
You'll probably be waiting a while :D Acey says 10:00 tomorrow :)

Nevermind, at least I'll get some sleep now!

18-11-2008, 15:39
Also playing Gears 2 from time to time. Finished on Normal difficulty with Leo in co-op, and we'll be going through it on Insane at some point. Still want to get some more private MP matches going as they were really fun in Gears 1. Nothing like taking off someone's head with a longshot and then boasting about it to them a minute later :D

And even better is the fact that kills still count towards the Seriously 2.0 achievement, meaning Private Matches are the way to go!

18-11-2008, 15:41
I am hoping a new game will come & grab me though but then I've been hoping that for about a year. 64 man IO BF2 servers are a hard act to follow.

Not thought about trying Battlefield Bad Company?

18-11-2008, 15:43
And even better is the fact that kills still count towards the Seriously 2.0 achievement, meaning Private Matches are the way to go!

are there any public achievements then?

18-11-2008, 15:45
are there any public achievements then?
Yup, but not that many, and it's only for things like winning 15 matches of a certain type. Spend a few hours playing online and they should be easy to get.

18-11-2008, 15:46
And at least there are no ranked ones :)

18-11-2008, 15:50
Yup, but not that many, and it's only for things like winning 15 matches of a certain type. Spend a few hours playing online and they should be easy to get.

I believe you can still host a player match and invite your friends before hand and if you don't have enough spaces a random player can fill up the space. :)

19-11-2008, 09:56
Mirrors Edge turned up last night and a quick 1 hour blast on it. Good lord it's hard in some places, I kept forgetting to press B to find out where the hell I was supposed to be going and I keep dying :( Good fun though.

Admiral Huddy
19-11-2008, 11:01
Started playing Far Cry 2 this weekend.

I have to say early impressions are that this is GTA in the jungle but it's impressive to say the least. It's vast environment is seamless. No loading between sections and you can go where ever you see.

There are some great physics too. I threw a grenade into a ammo hut and fireworks!! horra!

19-11-2008, 11:47
Yep, it has the best explosions I've ever seen in a game.
It's a stunningly beautiful game.

19-11-2008, 12:54
Luckily I have some pretty good gaming time at the moment. Sarah doesn't usually get home till around 6.30 and I am home around 4.30. Plus with her expecting, she's pretty knackered and is in bed for about half nine most nights. So currently playing on Loki's

Fallout 3 - PC
Big Mahoosive game. Lots of open spaces, Lots of running around on your own between quests. Enjoying it but I can only do a couple of hours at a time a couple of hours a week

Little Big Planet - PS3
Nothing more needs to be said other than good pick up and play fun.

Madden '09 - X360

Been playing this for a few days now and it's a shame there isn't any other real NFL franchised game out there. It's ok, looks good and plays well but other than the franchises being updated its no big leap forward from previous incarnations

Gears of War 2 - X360

Out of all my recent purchases, I am liking this the most. Still struggling with the whole shooty shooty bang bang thing but I'm getting there :p Good story, fantasti eye candy and the sound is terrific. 9/10 for me upto now

Fifa 09 - PS3 & X360

Now this is a weird experience. All I can do is put it down to the controller really. On PS3, I am pretty handy online and even in single player tournament mode I am doing ok. X360 is a complete different kettle of fish. I just cant seem to win a game. Now I know the AI is going to be that different nor should the quality of players. Anyway facts are there for all to see this year, it is literally wiping the floor with Pro Evo.

SingStar - PS3
Love it. Try and sneak the odd track in here and there after work or a family thing before X-Factor (Yeah sad I know). Downloaded Alice Cooper - No More Mr Nice Guy and the Communards - Don't Leave me this way. Hells Bells the Communards is hard :D

19-11-2008, 12:59
I found it the complete opposite way around on Fifa 08. The deadzone on the sticks on PS3 drove me mental, you just couldn't be precise about tricks.

19-11-2008, 18:35
Nethack \o/ A superb game as ever, and still under active development. If you've never played it, give it a shot. (folks my age or older may remember the old classic 'Rogue' incarnation)

I can't help but wonder why no one has picked this up for doing a 3D Skin for it. Vultures Eye isn't that good in my view, isometric just doesn't cut it these days and means you have to play using the number pad a lot. Given there are 3D engines on Sourceforge, and the game handles the level design completely, I'd have thought someone would be trying to get two to talk to each other.

edit: oohh.. noegnud looks like a start.

19-11-2008, 18:57
Nethack \o/ A superb game as ever, and still under active development. If you've never played it, give it a shot. (folks my age or older may remember the old classic 'Rogue' incarnation)

I can't help but wonder why no one has picked this up for doing a 3D Skin for it. Vultures Eye isn't that good in my view, isometric just doesn't cut it these days and means you have to play using the number pad a lot. Given there are 3D engines on Sourceforge, and the game handles the level design completely, I'd have thought someone would be trying to get two to talk to each other.

edit: oohh.. noegnud looks like a start.

Just to warn you my mrs never shuts up about nethack and I've told her it's had a mention so she might be on later...

19-11-2008, 18:57
Nethack's brilliant :D

20-11-2008, 14:24
The girlfriend was a bit poorly at the start of the week so I gave her a christmas present early - Trauma Center : Second Opinion.

Had a little go last night and it's oddly compelling although the twee dialogue inbetween operations is a bit annoying. The Wii controls are fun to use though. Especially the first incision with the scalpel.
The only thing missing is the option to get a nurse to mop your brow when things get tense. :D

20-11-2008, 15:40
My friend who's just started working at my local hospital as a doctor (can't remember the exact term now :o But whatever it is when they've graduated but they're in their first year as a 'real' doctor!) told me they use Trauma Center on the Wii as an educational tool to improve accuracy etc ;D
Scary, but it seems quite a few studies have shown it works very well :)

I've been playing Spiderman: Web of Shadows. I turned it on nearly two hours ago intending to have a quick go before playing Fallout 3, and I haven't stopped yet! It's brilliant fun, no idea what the story is and don't care, but for once Spiderman actually feels like Spiderman :D Really enjoying swinging about.
I'll have a full write up at some point as I'm reviewing it but for now, first impressions are great.

20-11-2008, 17:20
My friend who's just started working at my local hospital as a doctor (can't remember the exact term now :o But whatever it is when they've graduated but they're in their first year as a 'real' doctor!) told me they use Trauma Center on the Wii as an educational tool to improve accuracy etc ;D
Scary, but it seems quite a few studies have shown it works very well :)

Intern? Resident?

Though that is an American term.

20-11-2008, 17:29
Intern? Resident?

Though that is an American term.

I know those terms but I hate using Americanisms :p
But yes, the British equivalent of that :D

20-11-2008, 17:43
Americanisms rock! I use them all the time :p.

20-11-2008, 17:52
When you say 'media button', do you mean guide button?

Have you seen the facility to see friends grouped together in a party on the friends channel, and the option to join them. I think that's a really cool thing :D

20-11-2008, 18:09
Yeah, guide button. Bad habbit, always say media as that's what I pressed to get to the media player.

Admiral Huddy
05-01-2009, 13:00
Having given FarCry2 a rest, I decided to play the new Call of Duty release, World at War. I have to say, for the first time, I’ve bought this game on a whim not having read any reviews so have no idea how it’s going to fair up to it’s predecessors.

For the third title running, install problems are letting the platform down which a driver update appeared to fix. You would think this would be checked before the game starts to loads rather than just crashing.

Anyway, the opening scenes, set in Japan, are the typical chaotic madness that we’d expect from the Call of Duty series. However, one thing immediately sprung to mind. It was obvious I’ve been spoilt by the freeform of recent games. I was unable to flanks my enemy as in Brothers in Arms, I was unable to cut across the field like in Far Cry 2. Instead, I’m forced down the linear path of a bygone genre. How very boring by today’s standard.

Having completed the Japanese missions in hard with a few hours, I decided to pick up the next day. To my horror, the game would load, giving me an un described error. Also unlike me, I forgot to check for updates before playing from the offset. A patch fixed the problem but I was unable to play from where I left off. This is all bad stuff for PC gamers really. The ideology of start and play is become a distance relative of that of the console gamer, who enjoy pretty much trouble free gaming.

I’m just trying to shoot the sniper in a Russian mission. Apparently, I just keep wounding him.

05-01-2009, 13:08
Playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein atm!

I've got a really old PC (FX5700 card in it), so I'm playing thru all the old games.
Prob go for Deus Ex next.

05-01-2009, 13:12
Rock Band vocals and drums as I have an emptyish house for a week while I dog sit, so I got no-one moaning at me :D

Admiral Huddy
05-01-2009, 13:14
Playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein atm!

Still my bestest game ever.. Love it and still have to play it again once in a while. Normally in my workshop when I'm waiting for windows to load on someones PC :D

05-01-2009, 13:15
For me, I've been mainly playing Prince of Persia of late, and finished the story last night. It was a very enjoyable romp, if not very easy because of the simple fact that you can't die. The story was pretty predictable but still decent enough, and the light seed collection is very addictive, much like the agility orbs in Crackdown. Still some achievements to finish off, which I may do before the weekend, or I might sell it now before the value plummets any more, then rent it in the future to finish it all off. Easily worth the £18 I paid for it though.

Next on the list will be Mirror's Edge and Call of Duty: World at War, the latter being a review title which should arrive in the next couple of days. Still also have Saints Row 2, Mercenaries 2, Left 4 Dead and Grid which have either not been played or simply not been played enough. I have far too many games.

05-01-2009, 13:56
Still my bestest game ever.. Love it and still have to play it again once in a while. Normally in my workshop when I'm waiting for windows to load on someones PC :D

See, now there's a sense of irony now :p.
The company that you slagged off for taking on Infinity Ward's Call of Duty, Treyarch, are the company that made Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Grey Matter studios merged into Treyarch. ;D

05-01-2009, 14:27
Playing Valkyria Chronicles atm. A must for any PS3 owner that is a fan of JRPGs/Anime/RPGs as a whole. Really fantastic stuff though becoming rather difficult.

05-01-2009, 15:28
Playing Valkyria Chronicles atm. A must for any PS3 owner that is a fan of JRPGs/Anime/RPGs as a whole. Really fantastic stuff though becoming rather difficult.

One of the reasons why I'd quite like a PS3 :)

I'm currently playing far too many games! A combination of Prince of Persia, Mirror's Edge, PGR4, Left 4 Dead and Call of Duty: World at War. Also got MK vs DC Universe arriving tomorrow for me to review and a yet undisclosed game that I've been given.

Still at least I can't complain about being bored ;D

Admiral Huddy
05-01-2009, 15:31
See, now there's a sense of irony now :p.
The company that you slagged off for taking on Infinity Ward's Call of Duty, Treyarch, are the company that made Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Grey Matter studios merged into Treyarch. ;D

I'm shocked.. That I didn't know.

05-01-2009, 15:34
and a yet undisclosed game that I've been given.

Another review title? Not from Play is it?

05-01-2009, 15:36
Another review title? Not from Play is it?

No it's from Lisa :) You know we all had Arcade games for Christmas from her? Well my code didn't work :( So after her chasing up the publishers and finding out they'd sent her one that was already used, she said she's sent me a game with my review instead :D
No idea what it is yet and she said it's not very new, but that she thought I'd like it :)

05-01-2009, 15:42
Currently batting my way through a number of games on different systems.

Mirrors Edge(X360)It's a weird game world thats for sure. Completed lvl 1 last night and I didn't realise that until it finished my heart was really pumping away. Good game and am enjoying it more than I though I would do.

Call of Duty 5(PC)I still rate the single and multiplayer as a bit of a turkey for a number of reasons. However as with a lot of pc games, the modded content is somewhat better than the standard fayre. So me and my buds are putting in a good shift on the Zombie mod. Basically a 4 player coop that gets pretty intense as you keep lvling up. Loads of custom maps out there

Left 4 Dead(PC)Not touched the single player yet. Another enjoyable game and well worth the £20.00 off Steam. The achievment system really does work well with this. I think that there being new content coming out for it is a good thing as I expect that this game could get boring pretty quick.

SuperMario Galaxy (Wii) About an hour into this. Now getting this into a bit of context, it isn't the high hitting visual eye candy of the other consoles or PC. But again it's pretty damn good fun.

Guitar Hero World Tour & Singstar(PS3) I just can't get enough of these two games, I love em. So easy to pick up and play. Really chuffed I hit a 347 note streak on Hotel California over the holidays.

Also got SingStar for Shane Ward - Thats my Goal. Taxi for one ..........................


05-01-2009, 16:13
No it's from Lisa :) You know we all had Arcade games for Christmas from her? Well my code didn't work :( So after her chasing up the publishers and finding out they'd sent her one that was already used, she said she's sent me a game with my review instead :D
No idea what it is yet and she said it's not very new, but that she thought I'd like it :)
Awesome :) I've still not used the MS points I got from her yet, going to get a Rock Band or Lips song with it I reckon, which is awesome sauce :D

05-01-2009, 16:14
Awesome :) I've still not used the MS points I got from her yet, going to get a Rock Band or Lips song with it I reckon, which is awesome sauce :D

:D Think you got the best thing there, flexibility of what to buy.

05-01-2009, 16:20
honestly, I'm playing nothing :shocked: The xbox hasn't had a game in it for around 2 weeks :(

05-01-2009, 16:26
honestly, I'm playing nothing :shocked: The xbox hasn't had a game in it for around 2 weeks :(
Get playing through Bioshock again then :)

05-01-2009, 16:29
I did start it :D will put some time aside this week to play either mirror's edge or pop.

05-01-2009, 16:31
PoP was really enjoyable, and short as well. Did it in under 12 hours over 3 days, the main story anyway. Still got around 350 light seeds to collect, a few speed runs left, the weapon achievements, then to go through it one final time dying less than 100 times.

05-01-2009, 16:32
if you can't die, how can you play through dying less than 100 times?

05-01-2009, 16:32
I've not touched PoP properly yet, admittedly last time I played I wasn't entirely sure where I was meant to be going :o;D

05-01-2009, 16:35
if you can't die, how can you play through dying less than 100 times?
I say die, as every time you're about to die (falling of a ledge for example), you get saved and put back on the last solid platform you stood on. You need to make sure you're saved less than 100 times in the game for an achievement :)

05-01-2009, 16:35
I've not touched PoP properly yet, admittedly last time I played I wasn't entirely sure where I was meant to be going :o;D
Assuming Elika is with you, just press Y and she'll guide you :)

05-01-2009, 16:36
Assuming Elika is with you, just press Y and she'll guide you :)

Cheers :D Should probably read the manual really ;D I've only played it twice and both times I was pretty tired so that didn't help :o

05-01-2009, 16:37
if you can't die, how can you play through dying less than 100 times?
A 'death' is what would have happened if Elika didnt save you - the achievement is for being saved less than 100 times in a play through :)

[edit]WELL slow. Damn work!

05-01-2009, 16:38
admittedly last time I played I wasn't entirely sure where I was meant to be going :o;D

That happened to me in GTA IV. I think I might re-start when I come back to it because I have no idea what is going on any more :o

05-01-2009, 16:40
That happened to me in GTA IV. I think I might re-start when I come back to it because I have no idea what is going on any more :o

I need to go back to that too :D eeeek so much to play, I need to skip sleeping I think, waste of time :p

05-01-2009, 16:49
That happened to me in GTA IV. I think I might re-start when I come back to it because I have no idea what is going on any more :o
I hate it when I have to re-start a game, especially if I was a fair way through the game. I often get bored going through the same stuff and never finish the game :/

05-01-2009, 16:51
I'm not sure if I am going to re-start. Will give the game a go and see if I need to find out what is going on :)

05-01-2009, 17:07
honestly, I'm playing nothing :shocked: The xbox hasn't had a game in it for around 2 weeks :(

I noticed this. Keep looking to see who's online and it's never you :/. At least you have picked Mirror's Edge up etc... tonight, yeah?

05-01-2009, 17:10
I will try to give it a bash tonight :D

My live sub has expired so I'm just sorting out membership so it's just single player for now :)

06-01-2009, 01:41
Just finished GTA IV on the PC...fun times all over (and extra achievements to boot :D) - shooting is crazy fun with the mouse.

Slight downer with a crappy camera angle in the last mission though....

06-01-2009, 13:31
Part of me hates Last Remnant more than any other game I've ever played....


I'm Battle Rank 85 (kind of overall level), I've completed every side quest up up to where I am and I've hit the bases near the end of the game.
There are 6 bases and each must be stormed then there's a boss fight.
The outside fight takes between 15-30 minutes and is pretty easy, there's no save after it, then there's the boss, this take 30 more minutes and they're bloody hard with cheap tricks.

I've probably tried about 8 times now and I've beaten 2 of them. One of the boss fights (base 4) took me 45 minutes and this was my 2nd go.
Base 6 I've tried 3 times. Each time I've got the boss to critical health and he then throws a cheap overdrive spell that kills every member of all my parties in 1 turn.

To make matters worse after completing bases 4 and 5 yesterday I read that I actually needed to talk to a specific npc between all the bases to unlock an extra mission basically, without going into detail worth 400 achievement points. So I've spent today redoing those two to get back to where I was yesterday.

Lol, sorry, just needed to SCREAM!!!

So that's what I'm doing ;)

06-01-2009, 13:41
After reading your posts about this, the achievement whore in me is telling me to steer well clear of this. Looks like far too much work for the points. How have you enjoyed it generally though?

06-01-2009, 13:45
That sounds long winded!
I'm selling my copy, just not got the time or inclination for it.

06-01-2009, 14:07
I completed Dead Space last night. Very good game, however once you get a few weapons it becomes a cake walk. Good story and has some excellent monster placement (ie not immediately obvious). It is setup so that you can't get everything on the first play through. While its good, I don't think I will play through it all again.

Currently I'm blasting through Painkiller and loving every moment of it. Currently on a mission where you are fighting undead zombies and can only use the stake gun. Oh the hardship :D :D Especially when you pin a couple of them to the wall, never gets old.

06-01-2009, 14:07
Just started PoP, enjoying it so far. I think this is going to be the last game I play buy in a long time. Just lately I've found when I buy a game I haven't really got the desire to pop the seal.

I think I've got bored of it all a bit, even when I'm starting a game I'm thinking I'm wasting rockband time ;)

06-01-2009, 15:00
It happens to us all Danny. Some days I sit there and just can't be bothered and that's usually the case when I get more games at the same time, I end up not playing any.

Abooie, that sounds a little nasty to be honest. Are you able to unlock that mission though, and do you need to unlock that one mission to get 100% game completion?

Admiral Huddy
06-01-2009, 15:05
Currently I'm blasting through Painkiller and loving every moment of it. Currently on a mission where you are fighting undead zombies and can only use the stake gun. Oh the hardship :D :D Especially when you pin a couple of them to the wall, never gets old.

Painkiller is one game I wanted to play at launch but never did.

06-01-2009, 15:39
Abooie, that sounds a little nasty to be honest. Are you able to unlock that mission though, and do you need to unlock that one mission to get 100% game completion?

I've redone both the missions I needed so I'm back to where I was anyway. :)

If you complete every side quest you get a final mission worth 200 points and then access to a final final boss worth another 200. If you don't you haven't access to them. As I've already sunk 80 odd hours into it and have completed every side quest up to the points I'm at I decided not to take the risk, so I redid them. The problem is I won't know if I've unlocked this mission until after all the bases, then the base strong hold then after another area. So fngers crossed. If I don't get it though I'm not going to lose any sleep I'll settle for 600/1000 :)

Davey: For the most part I've really enjoyed the game. I like the turn based tactical combat and for the most part boss fights can be saved at just before so it's not a pain to re do them. It's certainly not one for points whoring though.

On another note my mate was back so we did some more Gears of War 2 and we're now up to Act 5 Ch. 3, Great stuff :)

06-01-2009, 23:14
I completed Dead Space last night. Very good game, however once you get a few weapons it becomes a cake walk. Good story and has some excellent monster placement (ie not immediately obvious). It is setup so that you can't get everything on the first play through. While its good, I don't think I will play through it all again.

Currently I'm blasting through Painkiller and loving every moment of it. Currently on a mission where you are fighting undead zombies and can only use the stake gun. Oh the hardship :D :D Especially when you pin a couple of them to the wall, never gets old.

Painkiller is made of awesome.

Get on with the electric shurikens too :p

07-01-2009, 01:01
Painkiller is one game I wanted to play at launch but never did.

Huddy, its stood the test of time well. Even now if you crank the settings up it doesn't look that bad. Its something like Quake (original) meets Serious Sam.

Painkiller is made of awesome.

Get on with the electric shurikens too :p

Yep that's a laugh. Now on Chapter 4, had serious trouble just killing them all in Chapter 3..... fire rate wasn't high enough :D

07-01-2009, 01:06
Currently playing...


Have absolutely no games installed and the Wii is away for repair - I dropped it from about 4ft and the drive no longer accepts disks. Arse.

07-01-2009, 01:13
Just been playing Left 4 Dead in Versus mode with 2 friends I play football with. Much laughs were had.

07-01-2009, 01:36
I've just finished playing Viva Pinata on the PC. Viva Pinata underneath its cutesy exterior is incredibly addictive :D

07-01-2009, 02:05
Hmmm PC

Left 4 Dead
Warhammer online

Wipeout (HD)

If I find the disc again Fable 2 will be completed on the 360

07-01-2009, 03:23
Guitar Hero 3 Legends of Rock & Yes I ROXXXXXXXXX ;D
I am sitting here now ****** off because I can't really play it now as I have my telly up to loud when I am playing & don't like to make to much noise & disturb my neighbours through the night.
I also have Fifa09 to get used to though so will prob get into that or the Orange box to play through, It's nice to have a decent choice of games to play on my 360 & forty :cool:

07-01-2009, 08:49
Well I'm finally playing Mirrors Edge and it is fun :) Some parts are rather furstrating :(

Joe 90
08-01-2009, 04:56
At the moment I am playing CoD5 online and (although not for a few weeks) Madden 09 - both on my PS3 :)

08-01-2009, 09:35
I've just finished playing Viva Pinata on the PC. Viva Pinata underneath its cutesy exterior is incredibly addictive :D

I loved it (hence the 1000/1000). I had it to play when I had chicken pox early in 2007 and it just about kept my head above the water. :)

As for me... Last Remnant .. put another 20+ hours in, I'm past all the bases and the I've done the side quest I was talking about. I now need to grind up some levels (currently 97) to about 110 to take on the Fallen before finishing the next part of the main story. The bulk of the achievements are in sight!

08-01-2009, 09:49
C&C3 on the PC atm :)

Bit of a slideshow with my old machine as it is - new gfx card tonight hopefully :)

08-01-2009, 10:17
Fifa 09 has been my game of choice the past couple of days while I wait for CoD5 to arrive. Thinking of upping the difficulty to Legendary as World Class is generally becoming too easy (my Everton team full of 70-something rated youngsters, along with a star striker, was able to comfortably beat a full strength Liverpool team).

08-01-2009, 14:52
I Rox.

That is all.

(I am also playing a bit of Fifa09 but am doing it quietly for now until I get some Skillz)