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15-02-2009, 20:29
Trying to play through Lost for the points but it's very bad and might just send it back to Lovefilm.

No one ever listens to me... :huh:

15-02-2009, 22:53
Started playing left 4 dead with a mate and I just dont get it. Weak ass shooter. I know loads of people like it but it just feels so shallow to me.

Ebay bound.

16-02-2009, 00:13
Supposed to be something like 400/800 new questions isn't it!?

300 according to the press release. :/ I knew it'd repeat soon enough but a bit longer than 2 games would have done!

16-02-2009, 00:16
Well I am just over halfway through FEAR 2. Absolutely loving it :D I think the sound effects really make the game. It is one that you really need to crank up a bit. Really happy with the AI as it will try and flank you as I've mentioned before and its damn sneaky about doing it.

A nice touch is that you really do need to take cover (unlike most where you can stand there and blast away). Gotta be one of the better shooters I've played recently.

16-02-2009, 00:53
Started playing left 4 dead with a mate and I just dont get it. Weak ass shooter. I know loads of people like it but it just feels so shallow to me.

Ebay bound.

Not so fast :p

PM headed your way :)

16-02-2009, 01:53
300 according to the press release. :/ I knew it'd repeat soon enough but a bit longer than 2 games would have done!

Odd, from Xbox.com
Scene It? gets Award Winners
Take the new Pop Quiz and muse over 900 new questions!

16-02-2009, 01:57
Sure that's not just for the pop quiz? I can see how the pop quiz section could have 900 new questions (as it's a new section on the whole and they're just true or false questions).
The rest of the game definitely doesn't seem to have many questions though so 300 seems likely there.

16-02-2009, 11:23
Started playing Flower on PS3. Picked it up for £6.29. Not something that I would usually go for but it really blows you away(No pun intended:p ). With all the action that accompanies games these days it was a real visceral pleasure just to sit down and play a game and go Ahhhhhhhhhhhnd..........................relax

Wiki Link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_(game))

In a dark, damp city apartment, a single golden flower stands wilted in a pot by the window. On the other side of the glass, tall, black tower blocks blot the skyline, while the incessant whirr of an extractor fan is the only sound breaking through the silence.

The flower, like many of us, has a dream. A dream to leave the monotony of daily life and fly high beyond the city, over the stream of passing cars, their lights blurring into one mess of yellow and red; out to lush green fields and the open air.

This poetic, romantic ideal is not the result of an interpretation of a beautiful oil painting or some deeper meaning behind verse or song, but the opening of a video game.


16-02-2009, 11:43
It does look fantastic and it would be a day one purchase if I had a PS3.

Stuck in with the girls for half term so we've been playing some community games this morning. CarneyVale Showtime is tremendous and I'm tempted to buy it, hangman is hangman and Word Soup is also excellent. We also played some co-op Buko Suduko. At just 4 I'm quite impressed she can actually comprehend and figure out a 6 x 6 grid, with a little help of course. Now she's playing The Maw, which I'd wholeheartedly recommend.

I'm nipping down to Cex in Hull tomorrow (wife's b'day on Wednesday and she has a couple of days off) and I'm trading in QoS and Halo 3 for Lego Batman (to play coop with my girl) and Battlefield Bad Company.

I've also got Fifa 06 Road to the World Cup coming today... ahem...

16-02-2009, 11:49
I'm playing Nowt :confused:
Missing out on Thursday nights time & time again has pissed me off & I can't be arsed with single player at the mo.
Hopefully now the weather has broken I will be playing Allotment :cool:

16-02-2009, 11:50
Sony really do have that kind of game in abundance, the chilling, peaceful games, fl0w is another that comes to mind. Love that trailer and the idea behind Flower.

Battlefield Bad company is brilliant Abooie, I actually woke up this morning thinking of that game.

16-02-2009, 12:05
Hopefully now the weather has broken I will be playing Allotment :cool:

Ahh, good man. I dug half my garden over last year and grew quite a bit. I have plenty I need to be getting on with now too. :)

16-02-2009, 14:28
Started playing Infinite Undiscovery last night....could do with having a bit more health most of the time =/

16-02-2009, 14:30
I snagged the Awakening Bracelet from that bird btw, thanks for the tip - very handy :)

16-02-2009, 16:38
Good lad :) If you need any more, just gimmie a shout.

16-02-2009, 16:40
Just completed Suikoden II, ahhh oldschool goodness. Gonna get into this flower malarky; i had a quick bash and it was a truly different experience in amongst the throngs of violent shooters that populate the majority of the gaming world.

16-02-2009, 17:12
Ahh Suikoden 2, what a classic :D
Although I did prefer Suikoden 1. I've yet to play newer Suikodens, must get round to that at some point.

16-02-2009, 18:44
Getting very bored of Championship Manager, still have to do 4 other challenges:
Promotion (get a team promoted to the top league within 2 seasons). National Champions (Take a good, but not great team and turn them into Champions in 3 seasons). Champions of Europe (Take a mid-table side to European Champions within 4 seasons). Benefactor (Take a team from the lowest league to the top league in 6 seasons).

They all have to be done individually with different teams, so I couldn't pick up Promotion along the way of getting Benefactor for example. It's a lot of work for a mere 60g. Really want the 1k on Championship Manager, but it's a real PITA as it's simply nothing near the quality of Football Manager.

16-02-2009, 18:55
Ahh Suikoden 2, what a classic :D
Although I did prefer Suikoden 1. I've yet to play newer Suikodens, must get round to that at some point.

As did i, Suikoden II was all a bit lovey dovey, the characters also lacked background in comparison to the original. The combat system didn't work as well either, enemies in the first game were all about hard hits against single characters resulting in you needing to heal tactically, in Suikoden II all the enemies just had AOE spells so you basically had to just use a mass healing spell at the start of every turn. This was clearly evident to the developers who decided to give your main character a rune that had shed loads of mass healing spells and little else. The cursed rune in the first game was far more interesting, boasting a variety of spells. I think i'm gonna replay Suikoden I and get all 108 stars, apparently there's a vastly different ending if you copy your save across from the first game and collect all 108 stars in Suikoden II, one of these differences being the ability to recruit McDhol (the main character from the first game) into your army.

Didn't suikoden 3-5 only come out in the US? I've never ever seen them in the UK but would instantly snap any of them up in a heartbeat.

16-02-2009, 19:05
I think I've seen newer Suikodens on ebay before that were PAL. I may be wrong though as it's been a while since I looked. My Mum's borrowed my PS2 so I don't get much of a look at it anymore so I don't look at PS2 games.

Edit: Looks like 4 and 5 are available in Europe but not 3 :/

16-02-2009, 23:44
NHL 3v3 is a joy to play. Excellent fun against friends :)

17-02-2009, 11:00
Rapala fishing 1000/1000. Whores rent with extreme caution.

So much potential, but a very lazy game.

17-02-2009, 11:37
Thanks Danny, I'll add that to my whoring rental queue I think (I have 2 Lovefilm lists, one for good games, one for whoring points) :)

17-02-2009, 11:59
It's painfull tbh. No joke if you play for 6 hours 2 hours will be loading screen. It could have been great but all you do is what the tension bar and steer left and right. Adding and removing line reduces tension but does nothing for the length of line out :huh:

Left/ Right let the fish run out of steam and pick out of the water.

Thats it, I've cleared my list down now completely of whored games. I can't be arsed anymore to play a game for purely for points.

17-02-2009, 23:38
I completed CoD:WaW earlier after about 4 evening sessions of it. I didn't get a huge amount of achievements, but despite nearly being at 74k, I couldn't be bothered to go back to finish up a few achievements. It just didn't do it for me, it felt lacking in something, that special magic that CoD2 and 4 had.

I've got LoTR:Conquest on the way to review which should be with me Thursday, so between now and then, I'll probably just play a bit of Prince of Persia as I tend to find it only holds my attention for a day or two as I'm bored of seed collecting now.

19-02-2009, 12:47
Disney Sing It attacks Pride with cheesy catchy songs.

Critical hit, manliness points are reduced to zero.

19-02-2009, 14:15
Just started playing Medieval II Total War again.

Such a good game.

19-02-2009, 14:19
I love Medieval II, always go back to it now and then as it really is great fun.

22-02-2009, 21:47
I had a go of Flower on the PS3 at the LAN I've just been to and what a fantastic experience it is, I say experience because it doesn't feel like a game as such, but it is fantastic, beautiful and has a great, calming sound track. For me it's definitely the best title released on PSN, arguably in the top 3 exclusive games on PS3 full stop (others being Uncharted and MGS4).

22-02-2009, 21:50
Playing street fighter IV with the PS3 pad, the pad with what i have now noticed has an incredibly jagged D-pad.

I have a blister on my thumb, honest to god.

22-02-2009, 22:01
Only ever had that happen once and that was playing Killer Instinct on the Nintendo 64 because the joystick has ridges, so I know how it feels. :(.

23-02-2009, 09:07
With my wifes birthday and the girls being off on half term I really didn't get much chance to play anything last week but I did manage to Finish Fifa 06 over the weekend.

You did all warn me how bad it was so I've only got myself to blame; but still, it's another 1k.

Going to get into Battlefield Bad Company this week but I've decided I must get back into and finish Rise of the Argonauts first.

I did start Lego Batman which I'm playing exclusively coop with my daughter. Great to game together and I'm enjoying it a lot so far.
I'm not looking at points as I don't want to spoil the experience though I'll no doubt whore it in my own time when we're done though.

23-02-2009, 13:54
Go for Madden 06 next. Good to play and listen to music at the same time. Few hours for the 1k.

23-02-2009, 14:48
I'm currently playing Skate 2 in between towel wrapping sessions. Still can't believe wrapping the stupid console in a towel has managed to fix it enough for me to put around 4-5 hours into the game so far. Really enjoying it as well, everything the first one was with extra tricks and more challenges. Hoping the Xbox lasts long enough to put a good few hours more into it and review it soon :)

Admiral Huddy
23-02-2009, 15:19
I'm back to Far Cry 2 for a bit.. Has anyone actually completed this? I'm getting bored with it now.

23-02-2009, 16:52
Running through COD4 for the second time. Such a fantastic game, rescuing the downed chopper pilot, scrambing into the rescue chopper and then watching the nuke catch you up. Epic.

23-02-2009, 20:47
I spent most of the weekend playing Prince of Persia. Completed it now, although I've still got a fair few seeds to collect. Was quite good fun although a bit irritating in places. Excellent ending though.

Now I'll be mostly playing LoTR:Conquest for the 360 and Panzers Cold War for the PC for reviewing purposes.

23-02-2009, 21:53
I'll be adding Deadly Creatures on the Wii to my playlist soon, also for review purposes :)

23-02-2009, 21:57
You'll have to dust off the wii :shocked:

23-02-2009, 21:59
It still gets played occasionally, be nice to have a reason to play it more :)

23-02-2009, 22:03
Ahh mine just sits there :( But I don't have the heart to sell it. The problem is neither do I have the heart to buy something like Mario Galaxy for it which I really should do :o
Handy babysitting tool though when my cousins descend :D

24-02-2009, 08:28
I sold mine; I almost got back what I payed for it.

I did complete Super Mario Galaxy first though ;)

24-02-2009, 10:13
Playing FEAR 2 on the PC.

Very good so far, but would have preferred it not to be a Steam game. :angry:

02-03-2009, 10:26
After finishing nearly all of the single player activities in Skate 2 this weekend (only a few bonus challenges and some pro skaters to beat), I went back to some old games I've not played for a while.

Started with Guitar Hero 2, had a quick go at the Expert career again, and have finally made it to the final tier. Failed on Misirlou and Hangar 18, but I'm finally closer than ever to getting my ass handed to me by Freebird!

Then went back to Rock Band 2 as I was in the mood for more geetar playing. Unlocked all the venues now and started making some inroads into all the challenges.

Yesterday we found naff all to watch on TV, so Lynnie was happy to sit and watch me play Devil May Cry 4 for half the day. Haven't played it in nearly a year and when I did I'd only played the first 3 missions, so decided to start again as I couldn't remember any of it anyway. After a good concentrated session I went through the first 7 missions and really enjoyed it. Was nice to see more of the story and I'm going to try to go through it more and finish it off. Absolute bitch of a game for achievements though, I'll be happy to end up with a couple of hundred points in the end!

02-03-2009, 15:22
I'm currently playing Mirror's Edge, I've completed the game, got all the achievements from Time-Trials and collected all the bags.

Yesterday was a bitch though, I was playing, had 26 out of the 30 hidden bags, as I picked the last one up it came up with a 0/3 (level) and 0/30 (total), which was odd, but I finished the level and quit game, when it went back to the main menu I only had the option for "New Game" and had lost the options to "Chapter Select" and "Continue Game", I had also lost the option to "Speed Run" in the Time-Trial menu. I figured an Xbox Live disconnection had triggered a signing out in some bug you'd expect in an early Xbox360 title, but I wasn't, I was still signed in and on Xbox Live.

I turned the system off, checked my Memory settings and my save was there, booted the game only to be greated with the same "New Game" only option. My save had actually disappeared as I was in it and with it I'd lost "Speed Run" mode which I got from completing the game and all my Time Trials were pad-locked shut again (thankfully I had made the 50*'s the night before). The biggest loss was losing 27 out of the 30 bags I'd picked up, so I completed the game again last night with the 30 bags collected and am now only left with the Speed Run achievements on Chapters 1-9 as I've already completed the prologue. Still undecided on whether to get the DLC though. At the moment I think I would enjoy it, but after frustratingly failing several Speed Runs to come I expect doing more time-trials is the last thing I'll need :p.

My goal at the moment is to attempt to finish off more games rather than recklessly throwing myself in to new games. I'm also trying to continue on the 1 or 2 story driven games at a time only, so I am still going through Fallout 3 where I have completed around 60% of the missions, found 12/20 bobbleheads and discovered around 30% of all the locations(!). I'm around 58 hours into that now, so it really does show its scale if you're speaking to everyone, saying everything and reading everything - it's truly genius.

After Mirror's Edge I'm a little torn as to whether to get Prince of Persia done or go onto Tomb Raider Underworld which is still in its celophane wrapping. The completionist in me is saying to finish Prince of Persia but the gamer in me is saying Tomb Raider Underworld.

On another note, my ankle feels pretty awesome this morning Davey, so I'll be taking a walk down to the Post Office tomorrow and sending you Dead Space back recorded to your office address, sorry about the delay but I really didn't want to hurt myself further. If there is anything you would like to borrow, just let me know.

02-03-2009, 15:34
Cool, thanks Karl. I don't think there's anything I need at the moment game wise, got more than enough to play myself and still have a few games on my shelf which I've not even played yet :o

02-03-2009, 22:48
Just won the Tomb Raider DLC, Beneath the Ashes from a code given out by AceyBongos on Twitter, which was nice, saved me 800 points, so I guess Tomb Raider is next on the agenda.

02-03-2009, 23:36
Nice one :D

03-03-2009, 00:48
lucky goit :p

I'm stuck playing sodding Mafia Wars on FB :o

How sad :(

03-03-2009, 09:51
COD5 :confused:
So it was a freebie from Lovefilm & initially I will say make sure this is only a rental as it is the shortest game you'll play single player, Shocking how short it is, I started it 1 day & played it for under 2 hours, maybe an hour & a half, Then the next day I thought sweet I'll get into COD5, I fired it up & was around half hour in when it finished :shocked: + :'(
I've started it again on Veteran just to get a bit more single player as I do have to admit to liking it :shocked:
I do love 2nd world war weapons though as I think that the rate of fire/reload suits online gaming perfectly. Saying that I only tried online for about ten minutes before I got a phone call & a visit that dragged me away from my gaming :angry:
So I like the game & have high hopes for the online play but still haven't gotten over how short it was :angry:

Best bits are the banzei attacks & being able to stab them in the throat at the last minute, Excellent extension to the melee kill.
2nd world war weapons & Hopefully the online play but like I said I can't really comment until I've done a few hours online.

Fallout 3.
What the **** :huh:
I started off in my mums womb for ***** sake :huh: I've grown to about 16 or summit & have Killed the overseer & now am stuck in the tunnel lost :(
Something tells me I maybe shouldn't have killed the overseer dude but his daughter won't talk to me any more because I beat her down 4 times in a fit of rage :o
What can I say I was revved up after killing a couple of gaurds ran into this room & some old git was nagging me, I wasted him of course & then this Doris came running in moaning an all, I clubbed her like a baby seal but the game won't let me kill her, this got me thinking a bit & then it was like Doe ;D
Maybe I should be a bit more selctive about who I kill ;D
I am lost now though & not killing anybody :(
Following the arrow thingy dont help because of the different levels, I take it when the arrow thingy is solid you are on the right floor but am ***** if I can find anywhere new to go, Kin games ;D

03-03-2009, 10:19
Burnout Paradise, the legendary car pack is awesome. Driving a Delorean around in hover mode, hitting jumps in the General Lee and driving at break neck speed in KITT :D

Can't wait for the new island now :D

03-03-2009, 10:23
I have to say, the developers of Burnout Paradise (Criterion still?) have absolutely excelled when it's come to the DLC. I wasn't too interested in the game at first but with all the DLC available I feel it's definitely worth a punt at some point. Just wish it would go back to the more linear World Tour mode where you had all the events separate rather than in an open world.

03-03-2009, 11:07
It's still Criterion. The sheer amount of DLC is awesome, although now you can actually buy all the cars instead of earning them in races. Which I'd rather do, as you feel like you have accomplished something.

03-03-2009, 19:49
Following on from my no whoring pledge, I spent the last few days playing demo's trying to find what to get next. I enjoyed the demo's of both Halo wars and Civ Revolution.

Gonna try to bag a cheap ebay copy of civ and pick up halo wars when it's cheaper. Got dead space coming through on rental but I'm not sure I actually want to play it. Might just send it straight back.

03-03-2009, 20:23
Why are you not keen on dead space?

After briefly losing my sanity on Avatar and Fifa 06 I'm back to just playing good games again.

I had NBA 06 in my 360 for 5 minutes before realising what I was doing, cancelling my lovefilm whore list and sending it back. I've basically not played much else this last 2 weeks.

I did however started Battlefield Bad Company a couple of nights ago and I'm loving it.

03-03-2009, 20:25
Dead Space is possibly my 2nd favourite game from last year Danny, so I'd definitely give it a go. It's superb.

As for Civ Revolution, not normally my kind of game but I REALLY enjoyed it when I played it late last year, a bit of a pleasant surprise. It's a game I'll buy when it goes dirt cheap in the future to finish up the achievements. I also really enjoyed the demo of Halo Wars, but simply cannot afford it at the moment.

03-03-2009, 20:26
Why are you not keen on dead space?

After briefly losing my sanity on Avatar and Fifa 06 I'm back to just playing good games again.

I had NBA 06 in my 360 for 5 minutes before realising what I was doing, cancelling my lovefilm whore list and sending it back. I've basically not played much else this last 2 weeks.

I did however started Battlefield Bad Company a couple of nights ago and I'm loving it.

But NBA 06 is actually a good game...

03-03-2009, 21:25
Why are you not keen on dead space?

After briefly losing my sanity on Avatar and Fifa 06 I'm back to just playing good games again.


Because I'm scared. I'm not normally great with scary games ;D

I know what you mean regards games, you occasionally stumble across a decent one but recently I questioned myself why I was bothering knocking out crap game after crap game.

3 years from now MS might stop making consoles and then I will be left with a profile that means nothing. Well kids your daddy once had 100,000 points on xbox.

A really good mate of mine is obsessed with it, what I've played which ones where easy. If he see's me playing something he will comment on xboxachieves rating on how hard the 1000 is.

I then became a little obsessed with staying ahead of him, it winds him up.

It's a bad gaming habit i'm slowly kicking. Take PGR4 for example, I played that for as long as it took me to whore 800 odd points. In my gaming days before the 360 I'd have perfected that game over the years it took for a sequel to come out.

Dead Space is possibly my 2nd favourite game from last year Danny, so I'd definitely give it a go. It's superb.

As for Civ Revolution, not normally my kind of game but I REALLY enjoyed it when I played it late last year, a bit of a pleasant surprise. It's a game I'll buy when it goes dirt cheap in the future to finish up the achievements. I also really enjoyed the demo of Halo Wars, but simply cannot afford it at the moment.

Civ you can get for £14 ish now new. Just got sniped for one on ebay for £8.50 :'(

03-03-2009, 22:57
I never really found Dead Space *that* scary, there were a few occassions where I jumped, but the whole game plays on atmosphere rather than just having random things jump at you from nowhere (that's not to say this doesn't happen), but it plays out really well.

04-03-2009, 08:02
I'd rate dead space as an action horror. It has scary moments, especially at the start, but after time it just becomes a fun game to play without the scare factor. Doesn't stop it being one of my favourite games of last year.

Currently playing killzone 2 (unsurprisingly), i like.

04-03-2009, 08:49
I found dead space pretty scary and nearly gave in after the first few chapters but I'm so glad I persevered as it's one of the classiest games of last year.

I'd really recommend you give it a go; heck, even play it with the lights on and some lighter mp3s. :)

04-03-2009, 10:40
Just have to say that Heavenly Sword is a great game! Loving it :cool:

04-03-2009, 14:40
I'd rate dead space as an action horror. It has scary moments, especially at the start, but after time it just becomes a fun game to play without the scare factor. Doesn't stop it being one of my favourite games of last year.

Currently playing killzone 2 (unsurprisingly), i like.

Have they fixed the button delay from the demo. Worst delay I've ever experienced in a game, it's at least 1/2 a second.

04-03-2009, 15:25
Mostly playing Fallout 3 at the moment, and I'm starting to really get into it :shocked: Can't see it becoming one of my all time favourites as it has a few niggles that bug me, but glad I'm enjoying it more now :)

04-03-2009, 15:51
You'll have to help me out with this one jen as I am about to use it as a coaster :(
I have to go back to it one more time but if it don't grab me then envelope & lovefilm it will go.

I've killed the overseer :angry: Does this matter ? Should I have killed him ? Should I start again & show mercy or what ?
Also how the **** do I find my way around when the levels go up down in out around & around :angry:

I may be to old for this game especially seeings I have No memory at all :(

Also why is my sig game locked ? I haven't changed any settings ? Confusion sweeps over me once again.

Also sig = mark of the Beast wooooooo scarey ;D

04-03-2009, 16:12
It doesn't matter if you kill the Overseer or not, it just has an effect on a storyline later on when you can return to the Vault. I killed him and had no problems as a result (I was playing as an evil bast though so I didn't care :D).

As for finding your way around, I don't remember having any real problems. If you're inside a building then I would simply search everywhere and make a mental note of where the stairs were. If I needed to go up or down then I knew where to go. There aren't that many times when you'll be in buildings though, generally you're out in the Wasteland somewhere.

04-03-2009, 16:28
I've found it's taken me a very long time to get into Fallout 3 so it might be the case for you too JSB. Slightly a slow burner for me. If I'd been renting it I probably would have sent it back too but as it came free with my Mum's 360, I stuck at it.

One thing I can suggest though is http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_Wiki Excellent site for helping you figure out wtf's going on although there are spoilers. Many people have told me to just go with the flow but I prefer using the website and knowing what to aim for :p

04-03-2009, 16:31
Bah, you ruin half the fun that way :p

04-03-2009, 17:42
Peoples... are there any good old fashion point and clickers about on the xbox? You know, ye olde LUuuuuuuuuuCass Arrrrts styley Sam and Max/Day of the Tentacle fun?

I miss those games :( They were my favourite :(

04-03-2009, 17:56
Sadly PnC's don't sell enough copies any more to warrant the cost of making them :(.

04-03-2009, 18:11

If only I was rich. I'd buy them all :D

04-03-2009, 18:15
There's been a fairly recent trend towards episodic point-and-clickies. The new Sam & Max games didn't get received very well but they're an option (and from what I've heard, the adventure side of things is still good, it's just the jokes that aren't there). Penny Arcade Adventures got a fairly good reception but I assume you'd need to know a bit about the PA universe to get all the references.
Sam & Max is available on Xbox soon; Penny Arcade is on it now. Both are, of course, available on the PC, platform of kings.

04-03-2009, 18:18

Mister Brigden, if I find the money somewhere, I shall buy you an xbox and show you the light :D

04-03-2009, 18:48
Both are, of course, available on the PC, platform of kings.
Only because they're the only people who can afford them these days!

04-03-2009, 20:29
Bah, you ruin half the fun that way :p

It's the only way it's been fun for me lately ;D

Pheebs: Sam and Max when it's on the 360 Arcade would be ideal I'd say :D If I get any more PC Point N Clickers to review, I'll send them on to you :)

04-03-2009, 21:16
Oooh and there's a Wallace and Gromit adventure game coming out very soon :)

04-03-2009, 21:44
Currently playing Dawn of War II on PC. Not bad and the single player campaign is ok. It has some balancing issues that really need to be addressed in a future patch. Suppression fire is rendered pretty useless against most classes. Not a bad RTS if you want to dive in for a quick mission here and there. Still not as good as Company of Heroes though

The whole Games for Windows works seamlessly and quite a few of my pro PC gamers are impressed with it

04-03-2009, 21:49
Have they fixed the button delay from the demo. Worst delay I've ever experienced in a game, it's at least 1/2 a second.

Don't know what to say really, the controls feel different but they never bothered me, i can't say i feel any difference between the full game and the demo but i never really took note. They didn't hamper me at all and i've completed the game on the second highest difficulty and nearly half way through on the unlockable highest. To put it in perspective, many people have compared it to the highest difficulty in cod4 which i'm told was very challenging, so the controls can't be that bad.

The multiplayer has the controls loosened up for more of a standard FPS feel to liven up the action. I think this controller delay people speak of was a deliberate design decision. Many don't like it but i do now after adjusting so meh.

04-03-2009, 22:29
Had a few hours on Dead Space. Done the first two levels. Its taken me 3 hours due to exploring and not knowing what I'm doing.

What a setting, what an atmosphere.

Don't know why my weapons kills haven't hit 30 yet on any weapon.

04-03-2009, 22:42
Only because they're the only people who can afford them these days!

Touché :)

04-03-2009, 22:47
Don't know why my weapons kills haven't hit 30 yet on any weapon.

I was surprised as well. I think that going through the levels you think you're killing more than you actually are. :)

05-03-2009, 00:35
Don't know what to say really, the controls feel different but they never bothered me, i can't say i feel any difference between the full game and the demo but i never really took note. They didn't hamper me at all and i've completed the game on the second highest difficulty and nearly half way through on the unlockable highest. To put it in perspective, many people have compared it to the highest difficulty in cod4 which i'm told was very challenging, so the controls can't be that bad.

The multiplayer has the controls loosened up for more of a standard FPS feel to liven up the action. I think this controller delay people speak of was a deliberate design decision. Many don't like it but i do now after adjusting so meh.

I was shocked (and frankly, apalled) by it in the demo, and it's actually stopped me buying it new it was that bad. That's not making excuses because it's a PS3 game or anything, it was that bad, and paired with the PS3 pad I think I'd end up just getting ****** off with it.

05-03-2009, 09:58
I was surprised as well. I think that going through the levels you think you're killing more than you actually are. :)

When one makes me jump I seem to really enjoy stamping on his head afterwards. Its like a clam down after soiling nmyself :)

I was shocked (and frankly, apalled) by it in the demo, and it's actually stopped me buying it new it was that bad. That's not making excuses because it's a PS3 game or anything, it was that bad, and paired with the PS3 pad I think I'd end up just getting ****** off with it.

Quite a few people have told me the input lag is appalling. Yet on the clockers game thread no one seems to want to admit to that yet. What will happen like normal is when the game gets 3 months old and they calm down they will accept the flaws in the game.

Much like GTA went from the greatest game on the planet to the worst over the course of a 30 page thread ;D

I do like the look of the game and it's one of the few games for it I have seen that has had me looking at bundles.

05-03-2009, 10:42
Peoples... are there any good old fashion point and clickers about on the xbox? You know, ye olde LUuuuuuuuuuCass Arrrrts styley Sam and Max/Day of the Tentacle fun?

I miss those games :( They were my favourite :(

They've just recently announced Sam and Max series 1 and 2 are coming to the 360 :D

05-03-2009, 10:48
Company of Heroes on the PC.


COD5 2nd play through, Doing Vet this time, Pfffff kin Nazi Nubs sux my bullets like a ten bob whore.

Fallout3, Not given up yet.

L4D on PC kicked some Zombie butt tuther night big style.

BF2 coz I loves my BF2 IO 64 man wars :cool:

Enuff be gone with you Muuu ha ha haaaaaa

I Love having a job & having enough time to still have a life. What you doing Me, Playing games & smoking myself stupid but I work so **** off & leave me to it ;D;D;D

05-03-2009, 11:03
Quite a few people have told me the input lag is appalling. Yet on the clockers game thread no one seems to want to admit to that yet. What will happen like normal is when the game gets 3 months old and they calm down they will accept the flaws in the game.

The game has plenty of flaws just like any other tbh, it's too short, the final level has an insane difficulty spike, some maps are way too small for the 32 player limits most servers use, spawn camping is a bit too easy, some weapons are overpowered in multiplayer, the shotgun has a glitch that allows for pretty much 100% auto aim, experience points aren't counted if you quit before the end of a game, offline bots can be used to level up so some people are the highest rank already and some special abilities are slightly overpowered. Fortunately most of those listed are being looked into. It seems that a few people in the clockers 'clan' enjoy exploiting these design flaws in online games and thus i will not be playing with them often until they have been rectified, even people in random games seem to play fairer.

That said, the controls are not an issue in my eyes, aside from its rather short length (8 hours) the single player was really very good. The multiplayer has the controls loosened up in order to encourage faster play, but the single player has everything 'weighted'. This indicates it's a design decision and after you get used to it it's imo perfectly fine. Of course this is a completely opinionated matter, some people hate the way Half Life 2 controls but i think it's the best example of control in an FPS. If people dislike the control method that's totally their decision to make, i just don't see me ever 'accepting' there's a problem with the controls as i don't think there is one.

05-03-2009, 12:12
COD5 2nd play through, Doing Vet this time, Pfffff kin Nazi Nubs sux my bullets like a ten bob whore.

There's apparently a glitch on CoD5 that will make it think you're playing on veteran and give you the achievements for it when you're actually playing on Rookie.

Read it in a mag whilst standing around in WHSmiths the other day. Xbox Gamer I think the mag was or maybe 360 gamer.

05-03-2009, 13:37
I’ve become a little bit addicted to PuzzleQuest: Challenge of the Warlords on DS. It’s the kind of game that lends itself to a quick 10 minute play, but that 10 minutes always seems to turn into an hour or more.
In a nutshell it uses the Columns/Zookeeper dynamic of switching blocks to match and clear lines of three – the neat twist is that the puzzle is used as the combat mechanic in a sword and sorcery RPG epic. Clearing coloured stones builds mana to power spells. Clearing skulls bashes your opponent. Clearing stars builds XP and clearing gold lines your pockets.
It’s simple but compelling, and that’s just scratching the surface you can also capture enemies and interrogate them back at your citadel to learn their spells and abilities, or ride captured monsters around as a mount, or craft your own gear using gathered runes….the list goes on.
It seems to be available on almost every platform going, but seems way better suited to portable gaming than pc or xbox.

05-03-2009, 14:40
Some people hate the way Half Life 2 controls.

I was the first person on OcUK to say that too :p.

05-03-2009, 15:51
I'm also on the side that thinks Half Life 2 doesn't have the best fps controls and I'm glad it's not much of a real shooter so it's not too detrimental. Having played through the whole game again recently incl. Episode 1 and 2 I can also say it's not something you really get used to either. I'm also struggling a little with Battlefield Bad Company though I can live with it.

From COD2 onwards this series has the tightest fps controls imo and should act as a benchmark for how to get it right.

For the record the worst fps controls have to be in Perfect Dark Zero; shockingly bad.

I'd love to get the chance to play Killzone 2 (should do soon) so I'll reserve judgement.

05-03-2009, 18:13
Have had to give up on the dont get too cocky kid achieve shooting asteroids. Couldn't get a decent script for love nor money.

05-03-2009, 18:33
It's the only way it's been fun for me lately ;D

Pheebs: Sam and Max when it's on the 360 Arcade would be ideal I'd say :D If I get any more PC Point N Clickers to review, I'll send them on to you :)

They've just recently announced Sam and Max series 1 and 2 are coming to the 360 :D

YaaaaaYYYYYYy :D Thank you Jen!!

Oooh and there's a Wallace and Gromit adventure game coming out very soon :)

YAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaay Yaya YAYAYayYAY! :D

After all this ponderage on point and clicking games I now want to play Monkey Island for the billionth time. ;D

Oooh. Any point and clicky type games for the DS? Just played and completed The Curious Village! Nice little game that (though the moosic really started to grate on me by the end... and there were a few puzzles which were flawed/pants... but most were ace :D)

I vote bring back the likes of Grim Fandango!

05-03-2009, 20:37
I vote bring back the likes of Grim Fandango!

I still have it if you fancy loaning it for a while?

05-03-2009, 21:11
You're more than welcome to borrow my Grim Fandango and Broken Sword 3 if you'd like (I gave 1 and 2 away).

05-03-2009, 22:01
Broken Sword is on the Gameboy Advance which works on the DS.
Also there's a new Broken Sword 1 that's been revamped for the DS coming soon, next month or so iirc.

05-03-2009, 22:14
Your right about this dead space. Just finished level 5 in what has so far been the best game I've played (non musical) since I finished Vegas.

Blind panic not knowing what to do the first time I met Mr Regeneration.

This is exactly how they should make an alien game. The feeling that your about to run out of ammo and health. More survival rather than taking it to them guns blazing.

Top stuff.

05-03-2009, 23:38
really must grab it at some point :p

Just been playing some Burnout Paradise with a friend (who doesn't post here enough :p) and having some seriously good fun :D

06-03-2009, 01:43
I've just picked up GH:WT from work for a couple of days. So I'll be mostly playing that till Saturday evening :D
I'd rent Dead Space but doesn't seem much point for only 2 nights.

06-03-2009, 02:09
Pssst rent Rock Band 2 right after :p

06-03-2009, 08:38
I have Grim Fandango :D It's ACE! Though my poota probably wouldn't like playing it for me.

Thanking you kindly though!! I meant I want similar ones to come out :D Neeeeeeeewbie ones :D

06-03-2009, 09:41
GTA IV : The Lost and Damned is really impressing me at the moment, I always like GTA IV though.

I think it's cool how you get to ride in biker gangs when doing missions, it puts more of a spin on them.

I haven't played it much yet but I can only seeing it getting better.

06-03-2009, 11:42
Pssst rent Rock Band 2 right after :p

Blockbuster don't rent Rock Band :p

06-03-2009, 17:46
Naughty Blockbuster :(

09-03-2009, 00:42
woo double post :D

Been getting no end of stick today from my dad (who was happily playing GTA IV) for plaing Viva Pinata.

It's curiously addictive but I'm not very good at it :(

It's on rental from Lovefilm though (only had it on my desk 3 months) so at least I got round to it :p

09-03-2009, 00:44
Viva Pinata's excellent fun :D I've got both games on the 360 and the first on the PC too ;D

09-03-2009, 10:33
Finished the Prince of Persia DLC last night. Very, very short if you're not taking your time (reloading) for the < 20 saves achievement. I did a second play through in about an hour and 15 minutes going for the Fresco's, and I only had to because it was a little glitched.

Even at 800 points it was probably too expensive. Enjoyed it though :)

10-03-2009, 00:45
Pity it's 800 pts otherwise I'd have been tempted. I've sold Prince of Persia now but I might rent it sometime to finish off the 1k.

I'm currently playing Shellshock 2 and Fallout 3.

Shellshock 2 is what I'm currently reviewing. Early impressions are really not very good! But I'd heard some pretty terrible things about it so that's why I wanted it. Just to see how bad it was. Seems some easy achievements at least.

Finally got into Fallout 3, although still don't think it's the world's greatest game ever or anything :p But it's decent fun and I like the satisfying headshots.

10-03-2009, 02:12
Jen, you can borrow my Prince of Persia if you ever wanted.

10-03-2009, 11:10
It's a fairly easy 1250 too, for you score whores out there :D

10-03-2009, 11:45
Jen, you can borrow my Prince of Persia if you ever wanted.

Thanks :)

10-03-2009, 15:16
I finally own a copy of dead space which i shall promptly fire up this evening! I was a bit norty and pirated it originally, i got to the 4th chapter and felt guilty so uninstalled it and waited for the price to drop.

So now, i can finally complete it, yay! Was so shocked at how great it is.

10-03-2009, 15:18
got back into GTA IV at the weekend and it felt like i'd never left :)

10-03-2009, 15:23
Currently loving:

Saints Row 2
Civilisation Revolution
Fallout 3
Need For Speed Underground.

After that got:
Mirrors Edge to continue,
Dead Space,
Sonic Unleashed
Alone in the Dark.

10-03-2009, 15:31
I'm currently between review games at the moment, so went back to Devil May Cry 4 last night, only 4 levels to go before I finally finish my first DMC game. From an achievement point of view the game is an absolute bitch, I'm not even on 100 points yet but I hope by the time I'm done I can have 200-300. It's not something I'll ever get the full 1000 points on, I just don't have the time or patience to put in the 100+ hours that it will probably take to do it all.

Still got tons of games I want to go back to as well....

Saints Row 2 co-op
Fallout 3 DLC
Mirror's Edge, only done a few chapters so far
Dead Space, Impossible difficulty playthrough

10-03-2009, 15:36
In DMC4 i'm a god with Nero but useless with Dante, it's such a pain. I made it to the switch-over point in Dante Must Die difficulty without issue, but then can't even make it past the second level of Dantes section.

Neros fully charged pistol shot is just utterly brutal and when chained with a level 3 overdrive move will wipe just about anything off the map (which isn't easy to do mind, but it's there). Dante is great for bosses as his gloves of pwn do stupid amounts of damage, but you can only use that when they're stunned, he has little/nothing to use against agile enemies which results in a swift death.

Shame really, if you were allowed to use nero i would have owned that game bigtime. Sadly i'm stuck halfway through on the highest difficulty, never to complete it again.

10-03-2009, 16:40
Have you gone through the Bloody Palace mode at all? Is it any good?

10-03-2009, 16:59
Still trying to get my hands on Darkfall. waiting for 7pm again..

10-03-2009, 17:03
Have you gone through the Bloody Palace mode at all? Is it any good?

Is that the thing were it's 100 levels of fights? If so i've attempted it and made it to 50/60. It's damn challenging and apparently only a handful of people have completed it without the 'ultra' version of nero/dante. I'm ok until they start throwing 2 blitzes at you at once with a few normal enemies, i hate blitzes. Other than that it's very fun, just be prepared to get your ass kicked.

The ultra version of the characters gives you infinite demon gauge so you can stay in your demon form permanently which makes you more powerful and regenerates your health. To get it you have to complete the game on dante must die.

10-03-2009, 17:28
Still got tons of games I want to go back to as well....
Plus a couple of hours on Crackdown :D

10-03-2009, 17:56
I finally own a copy of dead space which i shall promptly fire up this evening! I was a bit norty and pirated it originally, i got to the 4th chapter and felt guilty so uninstalled it and waited for the price to drop.

So now, i can finally complete it, yay! Was so shocked at how great it is.

Best game in a long long while. Use the money glitch in chapters 3 and 4. I wish I'd known about it before I got past level 4 :) Would save atleast one more playthrough on the same level.

The credit glitch is on youtube.

10-03-2009, 17:56
I forgot how scary dead space was... *wimper*

Obsidian suit looks sexy as hell but it's like super armour? I assumed it would just be a new skin, which it is but it's also a huge upgrade. I don't want to use it as i feel like i'd be cheating.

Such a shame, looks far cooler than his default leotard suit.

Joe 90
10-03-2009, 18:03
as of tomorrow i shall be playing SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals - Confrontation \o/

despatch email went out this morning!

10-03-2009, 18:45
Playing Lego Batman with Caitlin (daughter) and having a great time. Enoying it more than Lego Starwars and can see me going for 1000/1000 eventually.
Still playing Rise of the Argonauts and really enjoying it; I seem to differ from many reviews (like games(tm)'s 4/10) and think the dialogue and story are what makes the games.
Also playing Battlefield Bad Company which is a great game to fall into when I'm in the mood.

Still planning on getting L&D but haven't found the time yet.

Looking forward to Peggle and the Sqaure game tomorrow as I've never played a Desktop Tower Defence game or Peggle before.

10-03-2009, 18:51
Armourd Core 4!

10-03-2009, 21:18
Currently playing peggle on the pc. Since it was only £1.28 I figured why not and I'm loving it :D

10-03-2009, 22:43
Finished Dead Space. Will be starting CIV Rev tommorow.

Will come back to Dead space next year for another play.

10-03-2009, 22:58
Been giving Quake Live a blast over the last few days. Seems to have got a lot better since the beta, and it's so well executed. Brings back a few memories too.

11-03-2009, 12:11
I've got quantum of solace coming through on rental. Worth playing or not? It's the last game on my rental list and I must cancel the trial soon as the 90 days is nearly up.

11-03-2009, 12:19
I really enjoyed it :) Nokkon did too iirc.
Play it on Hard for maximum points if that's what you're after.

11-03-2009, 12:54
I really enjoyed it :) Nokkon did too iirc.
Play it on Hard for maximum points if that's what you're after.

I really enjoyed it too. As Haly says play it on hard as there's only a couple of tricky bits.

11-03-2009, 15:58
Best game in a long long while. Use the money glitch in chapters 3 and 4. I wish I'd known about it before I got past level 4 :) Would save atleast one more playthrough on the same level.

The credit glitch is on youtube.

There's a credit glitch? :(.

11-03-2009, 16:00
I've got quantum of solace coming through on rental. Worth playing or not? It's the last game on my rental list and I must cancel the trial soon as the 90 days is nearly up.

Very good, I really enjoyed it and it surpassed my expectations at every level. Myself, Haly and Abooie all thoroughly enjoyed it.

11-03-2009, 18:41
There's a credit glitch? :(.

Yep two. One on level 3, you open a node door which has a 5k credit in. Kenetic it out run to a save point it beeps, turn around run back and you get another 5k. Repeat. Same on level 4 except it works with medkits as well as the 5k.

They are both on youtube and work really well. I got 200k on the first one before I got bored ;D

Very good, I really enjoyed it and it surpassed my expectations at every level. Myself, Haly and Abooie all thoroughly enjoyed it.

Awesome might play it through then :) Then I really should get stuck into what I already own.

11-03-2009, 19:18
Dead space certainly doesn't pull any punches. Decided to play on medium for my first playthrough, hadn't even been touched until i hit the med bay, wiped out the guys up top easily, went down and was suddenly surrounded. Panicked a bit but killed them all after taking 3 hits, looked at my health and realized i was near death!

They're not difficult to kill, but then neither are you.

12-03-2009, 00:26
Yep, 3 or 4 hits by most creatures. 2 by some.

12-03-2009, 01:44
Rather pleased to have found all 20 bobbleheads in Fallout 3 earlier on :)
Tomorrow I think I'll be finishing the game off then sell it on. I can't afford the DLC at the moment and it seems a waste to have it sitting there when I could make a few quid.

The bad thing is as I'm typing this I'm still thinking 'but I could probably just about scrape together the £8.50 to buy the points for the DLC'.....Nope must resist :D

Funny, for the first 10hrs or so I really didn't like Fallout 3 but enjoying it now. About time really!

12-03-2009, 01:45
The weapons and armour you get from Operation Anchorage do rock...

12-03-2009, 01:48
Too late, the angel on my shoulder's kicked back in and realised that's a daft amount to spend on relatively little DLC that will be entirely pointless and non-redeemable once I finish it :p

12-03-2009, 03:07
lol, all DLC is none-redeemable! :p. Seems like you have another 2 months until all the DLC is out for it anyway, and by then there's something wrong if I haven't 1,350/1,400 gamerpointed it (whatever the DLC is adding), so you can borrow it. I can't see it being a game I can sell.

12-03-2009, 09:41
Dead space certainly doesn't pull any punches. Decided to play on medium for my first playthrough, hadn't even been touched until i hit the med bay, wiped out the guys up top easily, went down and was suddenly surrounded. Panicked a bit but killed them all after taking 3 hits, looked at my health and realized i was near death!

They're not difficult to kill, but then neither are you.

Yeah Level 4 it cranks up a notch, then again at about level 10. I stopped my 2nd play through as I was getting bored. Left it for a year or so as I don't want to ruin what is the best game out there by over dosing.

Very good, I really enjoyed it and it surpassed my expectations at every level. Myself, Haly and Abooie all thoroughly enjoyed it.

How many hours to finish SP on hardest level? Trying to work out If I have time to get it in before my 90 days is up ;D

12-03-2009, 10:06
lol, all DLC is none-redeemable! :p. Seems like you have another 2 months until all the DLC is out for it anyway, and by then there's something wrong if I haven't 1,350/1,400 gamerpointed it (whatever the DLC is adding), so you can borrow it. I can't see it being a game I can sell.
I sold Fallout 3 and nearly instantly regretted it. It's now sitting on my shelf again and I'm debating whether to do the Operation: Anchorage DLC now, or wait till all 3 pieces of DLC are out and then restart the game as a good character and knock off the achievements I didn't get the first time through. Decisions decisions.

12-03-2009, 10:25
Just do it now, it's an extra bit of gametime, plus, it's a fortnight til the next DLC, "The Pit" is out :p.

12-03-2009, 10:25
How many hours to finish SP on hardest level? Trying to work out If I have time to get it in before my 90 days is up ;D

Took me 2 days, around 8 hours perhaps. Not long.

12-03-2009, 12:05
lol, all DLC is none-redeemable! :p. Seems like you have another 2 months until all the DLC is out for it anyway, and by then there's something wrong if I haven't 1,350/1,400 gamerpointed it (whatever the DLC is adding), so you can borrow it. I can't see it being a game I can sell.

I know all DLC is non-redeemable :p But I make sure to remind myself of this regularly so I don't waste points like I used to.

Thanks for the offer though :D I just can't afford to keep it if it's just going to sit there for a while.

16-03-2009, 12:12
Back to an oldie this past weekend, as I went back to The Godfather. Finished off all the storyline missions which were very enjoyable, so just all the side missions to do, fronts to take over, and compounds to blow up. Thought I may as well go back to it now with the sequel due out next month, as I'd probably not bother if I get the sequel.

16-03-2009, 12:14
I started playing Condemned Saturday night at last. Had it about a year and a half and not played it due to being a wimp.
Good fun so far, nice and atmospheric. Bet it'd be great with 5.1 sound.

Also picked up the first Naruto game for £5 so that should be arriving soon :D

16-03-2009, 13:08
Back to an oldie this past weekend, as I went back to The Godfather. Finished off all the storyline missions which were very enjoyable, so just all the side missions to do, fronts to take over, and compounds to blow up. Thought I may as well go back to it now with the sequel due out next month, as I'd probably not bother if I get the sequel.

Must go back to that myself. I was absolutely loving what I had played. I find it a much superior game to GTAIV, I just wish it looked as good.

16-03-2009, 21:01
Back to an oldie this past weekend, as I went back to The Godfather. Finished off all the storyline missions which were very enjoyable, so just all the side missions to do, fronts to take over, and compounds to blow up. Thought I may as well go back to it now with the sequel due out next month, as I'd probably not bother if I get the sequel.

I've been a bit quiet lately! The Godfather was something I always fancied and after reading this I might try and pick this up now :)

I'm still playing Rise of the Argonauts, B:BC, Lego Batman and Peggle; no change. Must get on with them but been rather busy with other stuff of late.

16-03-2009, 21:18
Currently playing RE5 and loving it.

16-03-2009, 21:22
Just spent the past 2hrs playing Shellshock 2......a red hot poker in the eye is preferable :D

16-03-2009, 21:26
I can just can't get into games at the minute. CoD 4 was the last game I really enjoyed, I pop back onto WoW from time to time but other than there is nothing really to play.

I am looking forward to Starcraft 2.

16-03-2009, 23:29
Kreeeee? :p

17-03-2009, 10:59
Make way evil! I'm armed to the teeth and packing a hamster!

'nuff said.

http://www.minscandboo.com/quotes2/A_den_of_stinking_evil.WAV Just to make it clearer (if necessary)

17-03-2009, 11:49
Also the voice of Monterey Jack in Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers

/random trivia

17-03-2009, 13:15
I'm currently replaying Half Life 2 on the PC, just entered Ravenholme and it's even scarier on max graphics settings, 2.1 speakers and a 22" monitor :eek:

17-03-2009, 14:08
I'm now free of the abomination known as Shellshock 2 :D
Most conveniently, my swapped copies of Naruto: Rise of the Ninja and PDC World Championship Darts have arrived today so I'll be playing one or both of those later i think :)

17-03-2009, 15:05
I've still not got any review games through yet, though I'm hoping to get Race Pro through soon, that'll keep me going for a while.

17-03-2009, 16:31
Didn't realise you'd finished the Skate 2 review yet, wondered what was going on with that :)
I'm hoping to get Silent Hill next :D

17-03-2009, 16:34
I sent it to Lisa a week ago, but she had problems with her email so I sent it to her other address on Wednesday I think it was.

17-03-2009, 16:38
Ahh, she's probably just got behind on the backlog after being offline. I sent my Shellshock 2 review in earlier, so glad to be rid of it ;D

17-03-2009, 16:48
Oooh, really fancy that Race Pro myself, though I'd really want to play with the wheel.
I wish I hadn't sold the Xbox360 wheel now :(.

17-03-2009, 16:50
Ahh, she's probably just got behind on the backlog after being offline. I sent my Shellshock 2 review in earlier, so glad to be rid of it ;D
That's what I'm thinking, she's bound to have a lot to catch up with :)

17-03-2009, 18:50
I spoke too soon, Race Pro was waiting for me when I got home :) I'll be giving that a couple of hours tonight I think :)

17-03-2009, 18:53
Nice :D

17-03-2009, 19:33
PDC Darts... I'm starting to get worried ;)

17-03-2009, 19:34
PDC Darts... I'm starting to get worried ;)

;D It's for whoring points :p I swapped it with someone for my copy of Quantum of Solace :D

17-03-2009, 19:39
;D It's for whoring points :p I swapped it with someone for my copy of Quantum of Solace :D

Heh :)

How is it? How do the mechanics work?

17-03-2009, 19:40
You use the left stick to position and the right stick to aim :) Move the right stick back and let go for power while trying to keep it straight so it lands straight.
That's about it really. It's not bad fun but I think it could have been executed better.

17-03-2009, 20:02
Let me know how it is Davey. When you're done with it, if I have some cash, I'll take it off your hands.

17-03-2009, 21:45
A variety of everything for me today, 4 achievements in 3 different games as well =/

17-03-2009, 22:06
Back to Resident Evil 5 again now :).

17-03-2009, 22:11
Let me know how it is Davey. When you're done with it, if I have some cash, I'll take it off your hands.
Will do, should have a go in an hour or two :)

18-03-2009, 01:46
Just completed Dead Space



18-03-2009, 01:56
lol Streeteh
I totally sharted!

18-03-2009, 01:59
Is it really that scary? :shocked:
Considering giving it a go at some point. Certainly after I've finished Condemned and reviewed Silent Hill and Resident Evil 5 so next month sometime.
I think I must be facing my fear of scary games by shock tactics ;D But no way am I missing out on reviewing those two :D

18-03-2009, 02:07
Is it really that scary?

I'm still clenched.

[Incredibly minor spoilers follow, no plot spoilers, just an explanation of my feelings on the scare factor etc]

It is the scariest (and best) survival horror i've played since resident evil 2 (Resi 4 was NOT survival horror!). I'm a big wimp and i'm the first to admit it but some moments in that game shatted me up as much as the moment where the arms burst through the wooden slats in the police station in resi 2, that's what? 10 years of gaming between those two moments of pant-replacement, which just signifies how utterly brilliantly done this game it.

It gets a bit samey towards the end and therefore less scary, but tbh the sense of urgency that takes over the game in the last two chapters is helped along by the change of pace in combat. The ending was short, but the story explained itself perfectly while playing the game so all it needed to do was conclude which it did well.

10/10 from me! Best game since... well killzone 2 actually but errr, i had waited for a long time before killzone 2 for a game this good. When it rains it pours eh.

18-03-2009, 02:55
Erm, I wouldn't say the game is that scary, it's definitely atmospheric and it, for me, has the best lighting I've ever seen in a game (and you can count Killzone 2, Crysis and Far Cry 2 in that).

Most importantly, and this is certainly an important thing for me as it's what I do, it has an almost perfect environment. I'd rate the "Planet Cracker Ishimura" (It even sounds bad-ass) as the most believable environment since the Black Mesa compound in Half-Life (and for those who don't know, that's the reason I wanted to be an Environmental Artist - so it's kind of a big deal). The most surprising aspect was how professional the whole thing was, rarely can a game be recognizeable for its cinematography, but Dead Space is certainly one of them, the way the camera works in the cut-scenes, or short pull-aways from the player (particularly the one in the final battle - I was actually slackjawed at the direction).

The story is the best I've experienced since The Darkness/Bioshock, the models, textures, lighting are so intrinsic to the experience that everything just feels real. Even better is the upgrade system in the 4 areas that are upgradeable (weapons, air, rig and kinesis) adds an almost RPG element to it as each become incredibly important, do you go for shooting power or suit? Taking into consideration enemies can take up to 6 hits, but also kill you in 2 or 3... it can be quite a tense choice. In that respect it's second to none in this genre.

The controls are pin sharp, the button layouts are perfect and even after a month I find myself pressing the buttons from Dead Space in Resident Evil 5 and grimacing thinking how much better Resident Evil 5 would be if they'd simply duplicated the controls. Honestly, Resident Evil 5, whilst I am truly enjoying it at the moment, at times feels so archaic in comparison that it's hard to believe that Resident Evil is the recognized franchise and for more than a decade, the widely regarded king of Survival-Horror.

I would go one further than Streeteh and say it's the best Survival Horror game I've played since Resident Evil (1) or Silent Hill, it's even possibly superior to both, it's that good. I don't think I'd be stretching it to say it currently holds the crown of Survival Horrors and that it was THE surprise game of 2008 in the same way The Darkness was the surprise game of 2007.

I know dannyjo recently mentioned on here that it's the best game he's played since Rainbow Six Vegas, and that's a pretty big compliment. Streeteh originally "acquired" the game and liked it so much he purchased it. I liked it so much I completed it 3.5 times back to back and I could play it again right now if I had it infront of me. The game isn't limited to being a one trick pony like so many others, especially in this genre, and whilst I did jump a few times, I never once felt like I couldn't play it any longer, I was so wrapped up in the moment from the atmosphere and the completely compelling story (I can't think of another Sci-Fi game of this ilk that has such a complete story), I found it impossible to put down, even rarer is the fact that often the next level surpassed the one before it.

It's one of a few games I've played in the last 5 years where I genuinely feel everyone should play it for their own benefit, whether or not it is your cup of tea is obviously up to the end user, but it should be tried.

For me it's a 9.5/10, it's very close to perfect and for me, second only to Resident Evil, though I'm not ignorant to the fact that, that may just be sentimentality speaking.

Oh, and I know this post may, and probably does feel all over the place as you read it, I apologise, I was watching TV and went back to comment on things. I'm sorry, hopefully you get the gist.

18-03-2009, 09:06
I've got battlefield bad Company & Burnout paradise on its way to me from Lovefilm. Most on the 360 can't understand why I haven't tried Bad company yet & I have No answer for that :p
I like a driver so Burnout had to be tryed sooner or later. I'll post back once I've tried them.

18-03-2009, 11:57
Hmm tempted by Dead Space, might get it in work sometime.

BF:Bad Company is good from what I played of it JSB :)

18-03-2009, 12:37
Just spent the past 2hrs playing Shellshock 2......a red hot poker in the eye is preferable :D

One of my mates said the same. It didn't stop him whoring out the full 1000 in a couple of days ;D

I know dannyjo recently mentioned on here that it's the best game he's played since Rainbow Six Vegas, and that's a pretty big compliment. .

I agree with just about every thing you wrote. I think everyone should play it. I really didn't like bioshock and for me this game was much better. The only thing that stops the game being my favourite game in the last 5 years is the weapons. The balancing needed a bit of tweaking because if It wasn't for the achieves I wouldn't have used anything other than the Plasma cutter with a line cutter as back up.

A minor point. The melee was also pretty poor.

18-03-2009, 12:53
I don't know, the Line Gun and Force Gun were absolutely awesome too. The Ripper wasn't powerful enough and the flamethrower was a bit of a joke. But the Line Gun and Force Gun are definitely as good as the Plasma Cutter in other ways.

It's also good that the Plasma Cutter is the best weapon because it takes the longest to upgrade. I think Melee was in line with damage against an actual shot. Jen mentioned in her Shellshock 2 review that Melee was more powerful than shots from a shotgun, and the more I think back about other games, it seems often the case. But when enemies in this take 4-8 shots each it's only right it takes about 10 melee's! :p

18-03-2009, 13:07
One disappointment is the fact that now i'm replaying it for trophies it's not at all scary. Whether this be down to the utterly god-like level 6 armor or the fact that as soon as i got to my first store i bought 30 power nodes (i haven't used any exploits btw! Got all the money from hoarding medium med-packs and then selling most) and upgraded the pulse rifle and line cutter to their maximum i don't know.

Still really enjoying trying out the other weapons; i went for the one gun trophy from the get-go (didn't realize the trophy existed, i just happened to think it was best to concentrate on upgrading one gun to save money) so hadn't even seen them till today. The flame thrower is woeful though, i'll give you that. Also the mele is good if used correctly, shoot out a necros legs with the plasma cutter then run up before he recovers and stamp on his head, this is an instant kill against normal necros on medium, takes two or three against the black ones though so is not to be recommended.

18-03-2009, 13:10
Dunno if you saw my post on OcUK, so I'll copy it across...

Bit disappointed with some of the later enemies so far, it's basically black versions of previous enemies which is fine i guess, but then the new enemies are almost comical. The dudes with the explosive thing on their arms make noises like daffy duck

You won't think they're so comical on Impossible difficulty when they sneak up behind you and kill you in 1 hit every time...

18-03-2009, 13:12
Hmm, that would make them more scary i guess yeah, i got blown up by one once iirc, and that only took off a couple of bars of health on normal which kinda decreased their threat somewhat.

Are enemies just as easy to kill on impossible? Or do they not only make you die in one hit but make them much tougher? There were some situations in normal where i thought if the enemies were tougher i'd have been screwed, also before you upgrade your armour you are incredibly vulnerable, even on medium.

18-03-2009, 13:14
Makes the enemies hit harder. They still die just as quick.
But you start again with default weapons and no kick-ass suit/weapon upgrades, so they do take a while to die to begin with.

Dunno how many times I died at the section where you have to push the 4 meteors into the beam to break them up.

18-03-2009, 13:16
Been reading about exploits, from what i can tell it's possible to get crap loads of money in one chapter (tempted to use this to just get upgrading my weapons out of the way on this play through) but more interestingly, apparently it's possible to glitch the game so you start impossible mode with the military suit.

Tempting, but i don't like cheating...

I'm glad the enemies are still just as easy to kill on impossible; i could count the number of moments where i actually took a hit in medium on both hands so hopefully it won't be TOO impossible.

18-03-2009, 13:43
I've got battlefield bad Company & Burnout paradise on its way to me from Lovefilm. Most on the 360 can't understand why I haven't tried Bad company yet & I have No answer for that :p
I like a driver so Burnout had to be tryed sooner or later. I'll post back once I've tried them.

I'm playing through BF:BC atm and loving it. I'm playing it through on hard first without looking at collectibles/gold and then I'll play it through again on normal with a guide to get them all.

I need to get back to Burnout: Paradise. I got my Elite lisence but fancy going through it all again for the final achievements.

18-03-2009, 14:19
Day of Defeat Source : 64 player maps :D

Suprisingly fun and good quality multiplayer for the couple of quid I bought it for :D

18-03-2009, 14:42
Forgot I even had DoD: Source. Bought it when it came out, not played it since the first night!

18-03-2009, 14:58
Had a few races on Race Pro last night and already found something I don't like. Like most racing games it has a racing line option which shows you the best line to take, and it changes colour to indicate when to speed up and slow down. All good so far. The only problem is that this racing line doesn't take into account what you're driving or how fast you're going, nor does it adjust itself if you're going faster or slower than it expects. It's just a static racing line. In Forza for example the racing line will chance to green if you're already going slow into a corner, and likewise will get even redder if you're going too quick.

The problem with this is that it basically leaves you to try and figure out where you should use the racing line as a guide, and where you should use it as a very rough estimate. It caused me to nearly lose two races as I broke as early as the line suggested, which turned out to be too early in my Mini Cooper, and I was overtaken.

Only a minor annoyance I think, especially if you don't use the racing line, but it's still poorly implemented.

18-03-2009, 15:42
I think there are 2 sides to that coin Davey. It's there to help people understand what line should be taken, but it's not going to hold your hands on an all out simulator which will seperate the men from the boys so to speak in online play. It would be annoying if you were to want to perfect the game, but you have people being helped to the point of making online a bit too easy to grasp.

18-03-2009, 16:02
Oh without a doubt, but when every other game has a changing racing line for you it throws you off track when it doesn't change when you're expecting it to.

18-03-2009, 16:54
Arse crackers.

Sacred 2 has slipped again to May 13th. This was to be my next big game and I really thought we'd be seeing it the end of this month.

18-03-2009, 18:02
"big" game? I wasn't aware it was thought of so highly. Heck, I thought it would be a "little" game and only pre-ordered it because you told me to Steven. It best be good! :p.

18-03-2009, 18:49
Remember I'm a big wrpg nerd who thought Two Worlds was great. :)

18-03-2009, 18:50
Bad company & Burnout Paradise.
Well what can I say :confused: If these were the 2 games I had to judge the 360 by then I would pack it all up & sell it tomorrow, Thank god they were free rentals. I'll try to play them through but honestly there was no new game buzz or anything just a plain Meh from me :(
If it gets better then I'll post back but after a play through of those 2 I had to go BF2 IO for an hour just to restore my faith in gaming.

19-03-2009, 00:10
Sacred was a shambolic failure of a game, why are people looking forward to the sequel? Have i missed something?

19-03-2009, 01:52
Abooie is an RPG nerd, he looks forward to every RPG there is :D

19-03-2009, 01:55
And he made me buy it because it was cheap like the budgie.

19-03-2009, 09:33
Just two levels to go now on QOS. Found it a tad boring TBH. Its my last game on rental though so I'm going to finish it. I don't like on 007 mode how sometimes you can't even pop out without getting killed instantly. The grenades they lob at you are rubbish. I don't even bother avoiding them. You can also blind fire most weapons with as much accuracy as if you pop out.

Had a lot of trouble on the science exterior level clearing the roof and doing the helicopter. That took me as long to do as the previous 6 levels or so put together.

19-03-2009, 13:46
Burnout Paradise.
I've been back to it & am slightly warming to it, Yes it is Arcade & Yes the cars have absolutely No feel at all to them but man are the crashes great fun ;D
I still would have been Gutted to have paid good money for it but as a free copy to blast through it's ok.

Bad Company, Not been back to it at all & don't really want to, I know I have to just to give it a fair shot but for now it's Meh.

19-03-2009, 13:49
Nokkon's playing Shellshock 2 despite my warnings, feel free to point and laugh at him :D

19-03-2009, 13:49
we don't need a reason :p

19-03-2009, 14:40
Nokkon's playing Shellshock 2 despite my warnings, feel free to point and laugh at him :D

Thats cos it's a very easy 1k. :p

19-03-2009, 14:41
Been uber busy with work for a few days so my gaming has been limited to Peggle this week :) One of the best 800 pointers on Arcade I reckon, and typical Popcap - simple premise, cleverly layered strategy... addictive like crack!

Finished TLAD, one more achievement to knock off there and... well, I dont know really. Mass Effect and Blue Dragon are still in the shrink wrap, and Lost Odyssey is still there. Saints Row 2 and Crackdown are floating around for some co-op action where necessary, and I'm overdue some L4D I reckon.

Any suggestions?

19-03-2009, 16:04
Crackdown with me at the weekend for some co-op ;)

19-03-2009, 16:04
I'd go back to Lost Odyssey personally :) My favourite out of the 3 RPGs (although not touched Blue Dragon hugely).

19-03-2009, 16:15
I've heard good things about Peggle

19-03-2009, 16:22
I just downloaded the hasbro games. I didnt realise the full game was free, in case anyone else didn't either.

19-03-2009, 16:23
Which games are they?

19-03-2009, 16:28
Isn't it just the launcher that's free but all the games are 800 points each?

19-03-2009, 16:55
Oh yeah I'm an idiot.

19-03-2009, 17:32
I've been playing Marble Blast Ultra. Still my favourite arcade game, and i've just done all levels under par, including taking Shachenfraude from 32 minutes, to 5 mintues, to 1 minute in 3 attempts. Only the MP ones to go now :D

19-03-2009, 17:57
Sacred was a shambolic failure of a game, why are people looking forward to the sequel? Have i missed something?

To be fair it's really just me looking forward to this.

The PC version has had favourable coverage and it just ticks a lot of the right boxes for me. Fantasy, open world, lots of quests, lots of loot, levelling; sounds great.

Heh, probably is just me though :)

19-03-2009, 18:02
Yeah it's just you :p

19-03-2009, 19:19
Bad Company, Not been back to it at all & don't really want to, I know I have to just to give it a fair shot but for now it's Meh.

Looking at your profile, you've hardly touched it. Did you even try it online? There are some superb maps!

19-03-2009, 19:22
Looking at your profile, you've hardly touched it. Did you even try it online? There are some superb maps!

I will go back to it mate & did say it was just dissapointing out the box.

19-03-2009, 19:34
I would have thought the humour of the team and the blowing massive holes through walls would have been right up your street. I think you need to remember this is a console only release and isn't made to be compared to Battlefield 2, it's both a SP and a MP game and neither feel that much alike.

19-03-2009, 19:44
I consider myself told :o
I will give it a decent chance next time I play it :)

19-03-2009, 21:00
Crackdown with me at the weekend for some co-op ;)
Spiffing! :)

19-03-2009, 21:18
As Haly already poitned out, currently playing Shellshock 2: Blood Trails on Xbox360 which has been loaned to me under the pretense of it being the worst game on the console. Is it wrong her damning review just made me want to play it more?

22-03-2009, 03:51
Nokkon's playing Shellshock 2 despite my warnings, feel free to point and laugh at him :D

And it's now on 1000/1000. :D

22-03-2009, 09:35
And it's now on 1000/1000. :D

I don't know whether to congratulate you or pity you :)

I've finished Rise of the Argonauts with 885/1000. I might get round to getting an extra 15 points later today but I'm not going to play through again to get the full 1k. It was good but not that good.

22-03-2009, 12:11
I'd pity him personally!

22-03-2009, 12:12
I'd pity him personally!

For playing Shellshock 2 or just in general ;D

22-03-2009, 16:10
Still on The Godfather currently. All compounds have been taken over, as well as most of the warehouses and transport hubs. Still a good number of businesses left to extort till I become The Don of NYC. Not sure whether I'll bother going for respect level 50 (the highest you can get) as apparently it's a bit of a grind as it takes absolutely ages. Will see how close I am to it when I've taken everything over.

22-03-2009, 17:01
TBH, I played the second run through of Shellshock 2 whilst watching Two and a Half Men on my PC, so it wasn't bad at all, only took 2 hours and wasn't anywhere near as painful as it was first time through.

On Easy it's not *that* bad of a game, on Hard it's one of the worst I've ever played because it's inadiquacies really shine through. I'd give it 2/10.

22-03-2009, 23:24
Really getting unhealthily addicted to Street Fighter IV at the moment. The game just has such depth hidden under the shroud of simplicity.

Also in chapter 2 of my Dead Space insane difficulty playthrough, not so bad at the moment but i can picture some of the later sections being very challenging.

23-03-2009, 01:00
My friends off to Tokyo on Wednesday, I've asked him to keep an eye out for one of those Street Fighter joypads for Xbox360, if he can get one I'll buy the game. Really want it, but refuse to play it on the Xbox360 pad.

23-03-2009, 01:00
My friends off to Tokyo on Wednesday, I've asked him to keep an eye out for one of those Street Fighter joypads for Xbox360, if he can get one I'll buy the game. Really want it, but refuse to play it on the Xbox360 pad.

23-03-2009, 01:48
Oh yeah I'm an idiot.

You want support or reassurance? ;)

23-03-2009, 09:58
Just started KOTOR on the pc. Started playing it a while back on the orignal xbox but kept getting frustrated as I wasn't used to rpg's. Loving it now though. Also have KOTOR 2 to get through afterwards.

23-03-2009, 12:10
Just started KOTOR on the pc. Started playing it a while back on the orignal xbox but kept getting frustrated as I wasn't used to rpg's. Loving it now though. Also have KOTOR 2 to get through afterwards.

I should do the same. I never played more than 3 hours into it, despite buying it brand new for both Xbox AND PC.

23-03-2009, 12:55
I'm trying to finish off Oblivion, but everytime I play it, I just get reminded of how stupidly repetative each quest is. I must have rented it about 5 times since it came out, and I still haven't finished the guild quests. I just don't have the patience to do 20 very samey quests.

I've also been playing a lot of arcade games as my DVD drive is still playing up.
- Finaly finished Marble Blast Ultra, including the dlc for 100% completion.
- Completed the time trial on Feeding Frenzy, and now trying to 100% that.
- Downloaded and completed The Maw storyline, and now trying for 100% eaten in all levels.
- Atempting to get 10 A's on Boom Boom Rocket to 100% that.

I've also finally finished Mirrors Edge twice, just need the speedruns and TT's now =/

Busy few days really.

23-03-2009, 13:04
Are you okay to play disc based games if you install it first?
The Speed Runs and Time-Trials are definitely the best part about Mirror's Edge, so you'll enjoy those.

23-03-2009, 13:13
I have 1gb of space left, I can't install games :p

SiD the Turtle
23-03-2009, 13:34
I'm playing Mass Effect again to pick up some of the other achievements. Then I realised that, including this attempt, I need to complete the game three times to get all of them >_<

23-03-2009, 13:38
I'm playing Mass Effect again to pick up some of the other achievements. Then I realised that, including this attempt, I need to complete the game three times to get all of them >_<

lol. I'm halfway through my first playthrough. Loaned it to my friend and moved onto something else, got it back and never went back. Should really, nearly did yesterday but opted to finally rip the celophane from Tomb Raider Underworld.

I even bought Bringing Down The Sky when it came out, but haven't even booted up Mass Effect for over a year. Bit of a silly buy, even though I do love what I've played of Mass Effect.

23-03-2009, 13:41
I have 1gb of space left, I can't install games :p

If I delete rubbish from my HDD then I have plenty of space, I even had Mirror's Edge and Fallout 3 installed just after Christmas and still had plenty of space for saved :p.

23-03-2009, 13:44
I only have a 20gb hdd, I have 7gb of Rock Band Downloads, and 20 arcade games, I have nothing to delete :p

SiD the Turtle
23-03-2009, 13:54
Tomb Raider Underworld

Though I loved Legend and Anniversary, I've not got on with Underworld. I think this was partly because I played it after completing Prince of Persia so I was making risky jumps that the game won't let you get away with, but also because it felt like more of the same so I got bored after a couple of levels. Lara's Shadow is meant to be very good. I'm sure I'll get back to complete it at some point, but I'm in no rush!

If Assassin's Creed's Altiar, the Prince from Prince of Persia and Ms Croft could form some crazy love-child, I'm sure I'd be in adventure gaming heaven!

23-03-2009, 14:25
I know what you mean about TRU, I think it's because you have a lot more control over characters, where as Prince of Persia is very on-rails to a degree. It was almost strange being able to turn and move quickly in Tomb Raider.

I have heard it's not as good as Tomb Raider Legend, but then again, I really didn't think it would be.

23-03-2009, 15:48
I just got KillZone 2 off a mate at work so I will be giving that a whirl this evening

23-03-2009, 17:19
I quite enjoyed TRU once I got past the first chapter. Too many collectibles though.

25-03-2009, 13:51
Grinding on Rumble Roses Double X. In the middle of going for my 3rd achievement of the day. Should hopefully get all the singles titles done by the end of the week, then I can start going through the costume ones....woo. Should have 1k by the end of the year =/

25-03-2009, 14:23
It really is a ridiculous grind.
Seems to be the case with fighting games though. Dead Or Alive 4 and Street Fighter IV look the same!

25-03-2009, 14:59
Street fighter 4 actually isn't that bad tbh, the longest achievement i've seen is the 500 online matches, but i managed to churn those out by just playing casually over the course of a month. The 10 wins in a row is the only half-difficult multiplayer achievement.

Single player doesn't seem to have many grinds, i can see the trophies for challenges taking a while however you dont have to repeat the same challenge more than once.

The rest is just completing the game on different difficulties with different characters. I'm not capable of this though as i can only play Abel half-decently.

25-03-2009, 15:46
I'm bouncing between a few games at the moment.

First up is Race Pro, my review game. Despite the excellent physics in place for the racing, I'm not enjoying it as much as I hoped I would. There is no fanfare for your achievements, neither for winning a race or even winning a series. The AI seems overly aggressive at times for a supposed "simulation" racer, and I've been intentionally spun by someone as I was leading going into the final corner. The racing line as previously mentioned is static and doesn't change depending on your car or speed. It's obviously meant as a guide as Nokkon said, but it's often so far out that it's practically useless, forcing you to decide yourself when the braking points are. It's very obviously aimed at the more professional racing gamers out there (the default difficulty is the highest) but I don't feel it caters well enough to everyone else.

Thanks to Daz, I've also gotten back into Crackdown again. I forgot how much fun it is simply jumping around from building to building, orb hunting and blowing people up. It really is a near perfect example of what a sandbox game should be.

Still picking at The Godfather here and there. All the missions are done so it's now just a case of taking over every business and robbing all the banks, etc. Not something you can really settle into for a few hours as it can get boring with no missions to break it up, but I really want to get it all done at some point.

Also went back to Rock Band 2 the other day, finally unlocking and defeating the Impossible Guitar Challenge, and slowly working my way through the world tour mode. Still about 430 stars away from unlocking the Endless Setlist 2 so that'll take me some time to get to I think.

25-03-2009, 15:52
Much like Davey, I'm also bouncing between games.

Purely for fun, I'm playing Condemned and PGR4. I'm only playing a level or so of Condemned at a time so even though it's quite a short game, it's taking a while for me to finish. PGR4 I've had since Christmas and play in short bursts, good fun, but with most racing games, I can't play them obsessively. I dip in and out of them instead.

Review wise, I've just finished Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebee (excellent fun if you ask me!), and now onto Drakensang for one site. It's an RPG, looks a bit like Baldur's Gate which is right up my street. :) Not played it much yet though.

Also got Silent Hill: Homecoming which is very creepy and unsettling but the combat is awful which is a terrible shame.
And currently got a few iPhone games on the go too as I've branched out into that, busy times :D

Finding I can't settle into a game since Fallout 3, I need something with a strong storyline again I think. :( I want a new RPG but I've played everything that's currently available :/

25-03-2009, 16:33
Uncle is coming this weekend and bringing Resistance 2. Time to get Streeteh's copy of Resistance 1 completed and sent back! \o/.