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13-06-2009, 17:46
I got Call of Duty WaW when it first came out and have yet to play it myself really. Played some MP over Christmas, which I really liked, but have yet to start the Campaign outside of co-op.

13-06-2009, 19:02
Finished Wheelman today. The game has some interesting ideas with the vehicle combat, and some of the missions are fairly enjoyable, but it suffers too much from generic gameplay and sidemissions, forgettable characters, and a story that's not nearly fleshed out enough. It's not strictly a bad game, but there are so many better games in the genre that it's really hard to recommend it unless you can find it dirt cheap. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is my next review game and I really enjoyed the demo, so looking forward to giving that a blast next week hopefully :)

14-06-2009, 01:04
I found the last shard!

14-06-2009, 01:36
Im currently playing Gemcraft (http://armorgames.com/play/3527/gemcraft-chapter-0), a mate gave me a link to it when i was trying to find a Tower Defense game for my G1 mobile phone. Im hooked, level115 unfortunately... its quite a good version of the old Tower Defense genre... Still havent found anything good for the G1 though. :'(

15-06-2009, 13:28
Currently playing my way through UFC2009. Absolutley love it. I think it could quickly become boring but upto now, I'm enjoying career mode although I got my ass handed to me by Wanderlei Silva last night. Shame he couldn't do it on Saturday night for UFC 99

17-06-2009, 16:16
Zee Infamous is platinumed, huzzah!

Now finally moving on to Mirrors Edge.

17-06-2009, 16:26
Mirror's Edge is amazing.

17-06-2009, 17:00
Not entirely getting along with it so far, but i'm putting it down to my lack of knowledge of the controls and how used to the Infamous freerunning controls. I keep pressing X to jump and half expect faith to grind rails at 100mph with electricity flying out all over the place.

17-06-2009, 17:45
hah, no, you'll get used to it. Once you have it conquered, the time-trials and speed runs are amazing. I really enjoyed the challenge.

17-06-2009, 17:46
Currently playing Prototype and I'm really starting to like it. The cut-scenes aren't as good as they should be which really limits story progression, but the fighting and abilities, as well as different events really help.

17-06-2009, 17:54
Currently playing Prototype and I'm really starting to like it. The cut-scenes aren't as good as they should be which really limits story progression, but the fighting and abilities, as well as different events really help.

How are the controls? that seems to be peoples biggest complaint.

17-06-2009, 17:59
With my brief encounter with prototype i found the controls surprisingly fluid, however the storyline in general was just pants. With that said, the game is clearly designed like the Hulk game that the same developers produced; smash the crap out of everything and ask questions later (but this is better than the Hulk game).

It's very good at what it's designed for, but sadly i'm not particularly into open games with very little direction like prototype. I'm more of a linear, storyline driven kinda guy.

17-06-2009, 18:01
How are the controls? that seems to be peoples biggest complaint.

I find the controls very sharp and very fluid. Not a single problem with them really, it's the best thing about it.

17-06-2009, 18:02
It's very good at what it's designed for, but sadly i'm not particularly into open games with very little direction like prototype. I'm more of a linear, storyline driven kinda guy.

The idea behind story progression is actually very clever, but the cut-scenes are often so short or cryptic that you don't get as drawn in as you could have.

17-06-2009, 18:32
You do surprise me, a lot of folk on podcasts I've listened to over the last couple of weeks have marked Prototype down on the controls and the bland textures.

I look forward to playing it myself though.

17-06-2009, 18:38
The control for running up buildings can be a bit... funny, but to be honest it never put me in a situation where i felt i would die stupidly, it just takes a while to get where you wanted to go, just like assassins creed and infamous, it just tacks onto stuff you didn't originally intend.

The graphics are very bare, but no more bare than games like crackdown, both games offer incredible scale in return; it's just a necessity with these sorts of games.

17-06-2009, 18:39
Sounds good dude, I hope Boomerang hook me up with it soon :D

17-06-2009, 20:12
Americas Army 3.
It's being activated now with file verification & it's available Free on Steam.
I'll post back what I think once I've given it a fair test.

17-06-2009, 20:46
Ooh be interested to hear what you think of it. I've never played the others but they seem to get mentioned everywhere you look.

17-06-2009, 21:39
Oooh if it's anywhere as good as AAO I will be giving 3 a try!

17-06-2009, 23:15
You do surprise me, a lot of folk on podcasts I've listened to over the last couple of weeks have marked Prototype down on the controls and the bland textures.

I look forward to playing it myself though.

The textures are definitely poor, as are the models, but the controls are actually really well done for movement. Only thing I don't like is not being able to move the camera once I'm locked on an opponent (camera switches to lock-on toggle).

17-06-2009, 23:19
Still inFamous (or was until the controller ran out of juice). Piss poor design of console/software though - under heavy fire, out of batteries and controller disconnects.

Game was still running in an unpausable state though....

17-06-2009, 23:37
Completed Wanted the other night. Shortest game i have played in a long time. Wish i'd played on hard too as i didn't die once on Normal mode. Extremely mediocre game. It was wash, rinse and repeat stuff with the same enemy characters time and time again.

17-06-2009, 23:55
How much did you pay for it Kenny?

18-06-2009, 14:03
I just rented it Karl. Do not buy Wanted. Seriously. :)

18-06-2009, 14:24
I'm still playing ... Duh duh duh... Sacred 2

Played through it twice now with my dryad (Bronze and Silver difficulty) and I'm 77% through the dark campaign with my Shadow warrior. All in all I've racked up about 60 hours....

It's mindless, addictive, a huge time sink and I'm suprised how much I'm still into it. If you liked Diablo you could do a lot worse than pick up a copy.

I'm also still on track for the 1k. I'm currently on 705/1000 but have a long way to go yet... :/

I'm going to take a little time out and pick up Magic: The Gathering tonight. The mrs and I used to play a little and after I mentioned it she said this was a must buy.

My god, Sacred 2 and M:TG; this has got to be the geekiest post I've ever made, ever. I'm not that bad, honest.

18-06-2009, 14:26
I've got Sacred 2 in front of me now :) I'm reviewing it which is handy as I quite fancied it :D

Currently (as in it's paused in front of me) I'm playing Wolverine. It seems quite mindless but excellent fun and extremely violent. :) An ideal rental so far.

18-06-2009, 14:27
I used to play the CCG of Magic: but haven't played in a long time.

18-06-2009, 14:30
I just rented it Karl. Do not buy Wanted. Seriously. :)

Always quite fancied it. Bah, I'll wait til it's super cheap and I can buy and sell without losing anything. Probably about 12 months time when the drought is on.

18-06-2009, 14:30
My god, Sacred 2 and M:TG; this has got to be the geekiest thread I've ever made, ever. I'm not that bad, honest.
And Star Ocean in waiting...

19-06-2009, 14:17
Just had Resident Evil 5 delivered from Boomerang. Will try give it a bash later :D

19-06-2009, 14:38
Just had Resident Evil 5 delivered from Boomerang. Will try give it a bash later :D

Play it in co-op with someone if you can. Such a better game for it.

19-06-2009, 16:18
Yeah I heard nothing but bad things about the single players A.I control of Sheeva (sp?). My mates gonna rent it too just for COOP with me. Also got Ghostbusters for PS3 arriving tomorrow. If the postal strikes don't halt it's progress. :)

19-06-2009, 18:27
Woah, what?! Postal strikes? Work half days and they complain?!

19-06-2009, 18:34
Woah, what?! Postal strikes? Work half days and they complain?!

Not wishing to take the thread OT, but afaik they're not striking over working hours, they're striking over job cuts that they see as unfair.

19-06-2009, 22:13
Yeah I heard nothing but bad things about the single players A.I control of Sheeva (sp?).

I actually found Sheeva a fantastic AI partner and I've no idea where the talk of her being a liability has come from...

19-06-2009, 22:22
Woah, what?! Postal strikes? Work half days and they complain?!

Seem's to only be London and Scotland affected by strikes and turns out only 120 are actually going on strike in Scotland. So i should get Ghostbusters tomorrow. Sadly i'll be busy tomorrow. Out with the missus to see The Hangover and dinner. :D

I actually found Sheeva a fantastic AI partner and I've no idea where the talk of her being a liability has come from...

Heard it on various podcasts mate. 1up's Listen Up, GiantBomb etc etc. I do know these reviewers play multiplayer games heavily compared to your average Joe like me. Hence why i think they can single out faults of single players that bit more.

I will be trying Single Player till my mate gets it.

20-06-2009, 00:09
I found the single player AI a bit dodgy, much preferred the co-op experience. Just made things less frustrating especially on higher difficulty levels!

20-06-2009, 00:16
I still haven't finished it, in fact I'm only around 40% done, the AI has 'managed', but hasn't been amazing so far, she does make a cracking gun mule though :)

Your never going to beat having a real person play CO-OP with you I'm afraid.

20-06-2009, 09:30
I actually found Sheeva a fantastic AI partner and I've no idea where the talk of her being a liability has come from...
I only found her to be a problem in one particular area, but generally I found her to be very useful. Would use the best weapon she had, would reload after every fight to make sure she didn't get caught out, she'd save me whenever I was in trouble. She's possibly been the best AI partner I've ever had in a game. Not as good as a real partner I'm sure, but still excellent IMO.

20-06-2009, 14:04
Did some trading Friday & Finally got myself UFC & it is worth every single penny of the 39.99 even though I only had to part with 8 of my quids with my exchanges.
The learning curve this game has is Massive, You can potter about getting all sweaty throwing a few punches & kicks but you'll soon get flattened by a skill move. Once you do start to learn the other moves the game comes alive & the fighting is Immense.
If you dream of how you want a UFC game to be this meets that & surpasses it. :cool:

The only kicker really is the drawn out single player menu screens that are just to many. Other than that this game is a Must have.
I've yet to master the Training for my Created fighter & he puffs & blows like an old derv van at the mo but I am rushing through it as I am gagging to bust peoples faces open & generally ground & pound some opponents. ;D

20-06-2009, 14:12
Just loaded up Ghostbusters for a small go before I head out but it seems great fun. Voice acting is good and all the original soundtrack is there. Which is superb! :D

21-06-2009, 03:35
Still playing inFamous as my good guy :(

9 shards short :(

21-06-2009, 03:39
Decided to batter Fallout 3 today in preparation for the DLC on Tuesday. Ended up hitting level 30 4 times - 3 times the quick and easy way (using the Here and Now perk at level 29, then using the Karma perks to get the achievements), then going back through it properly so that I can get the perks I actually wanted. Still have at least 4 quests to do, not counting the upcoming DLC, so if any future DLC ups the level cap again I've got some stuff to help me towards it :)

21-06-2009, 11:59
I need to buy more MS Points for Fallout 3's Point Lookout on Tuesday. This games turning out to be the most expensive purchase yet. Damn it for being so good! :( :D

21-06-2009, 12:28

Damn this game is hard, Hard is good in my book though & I cannot wait until I can do the moves I want instinctively. I'm giving myself a target of at least an hours play a day with this game so that I don't fall into my usual trap with games & not give them enough time repetitively to learn the controls as well as I want/need to. Trouble with me is my head memory sucks & if I leave a game for a week I need to re learn it, Not completely of course but I lose that instinctive button press you need & it frustrates me enough for me to switch off & go back to BF2. Does that make sense to anyone but me. ;D

I've had some Mad fights :evil: Still single player only as I fight like a gay. ;D
I picked Arlovski & Battered Frank Mir whilst all the time telling Frank staffy dog that HE was getting some serious licks. ;D
Then I took Arlovski onto Tim Sylvia & gave him a Damn good beating as well, Head kick to the Temple soon sorted Timothy out. ;D
Kin Loving this game I can tell ya !
Loads of Blood & Cuts, Great moves, Superb control (so far early days tho to judge whether its me or game)

So far I would say that UFC is the Best sports/copy type game I've played. Can't think of the words so explain myself :confused:
Say your a fan of Golf & you wish for a Golf game, Or a fan of F1 & you wish for an F1 game. Well if you are a fan of UFC & wish for a UFC game & buy this it surpasses what you would have dreamt of, SERIOUSLY !!! :shocked:

The screens the music teh fighting the gore the involvement, Every last detail is Perfection, I feel like I am in the God damn UFC for ***** sake. ;D;D;D

Joe 90
21-06-2009, 13:25
I'm playing inFAMOUS & Prototype (till that goes back to blockbuster on friday)

I can't believe how similar these two games are, both great though. lovin it :D

21-06-2009, 23:24
I agree with you Malc, UFC is fantastically done. As I said before, after playing it I've never played a better fighting game. It's the best standup fighting game I've played and the best ground game I've played and it brings both in. If I could change anything it would be the stick rotation system as sometimes it's not as sharp as I would wish, but I understand why it was employed.

The whole striking system, either from afar and leaping in, or up close elbows and dirty boxing is so well realised it's at times like watching real UFC and you can tell this game was developed with real love and attention for detail. I actually felt myself getting agressive as I'd play it muttering things like 'cut his ****ing face open!!' as I was firing elbow after elbow in ground and pounds.

It's hard to really knock a single area of it, after all, it has around 80 fighters. Name another game that offers that!

This is one game where you could really perfect it and it really tells online. I've had people that I've taken down, bossed them completely, every time they'd try and wriggle out I'd just throw them back down and their stamina would be shot, I'd ground and pound or make them tap, usually the latter with almost all my wins coming from submissions. Of course, knockouts really make online fights tense. I've gone in there swinging windmills against a guy who was doing the same and also spent 3 rounds trading well picked shots. A personal highlight for me was a 5-second, 1 punch fight online against a guy from Ireland. I checked his past record and info sheet and saw he was a ground and pound and takedown specialist (if you've ever watched UFC, you see 3 items of info before every fight, they've actually included this for online and it learns your styles - seriously cool) and figured he'd shoot from the off, I was right, 1 half step back and banged him with a right hook to the chin, good night.

22-06-2009, 00:16
Argh 2 shards short :(

22-06-2009, 09:36
One that is nearly always missed psy:

Go to zekes apartment. Jump off and go right, along the coast line, eventually (around 1/5th of the way around) you will see a broken pier with a shard right at the end. This pier is too long to appear on your map so you have to rely on spotting it by eye.

22-06-2009, 11:31
Uno: Rush and Sam and Max for me, arcade fest has begun! Though I'll definitely pick up Overlord II sooner rather than later, it's reviewed well and I loved the first, enjoyed the demo too. Win.

22-06-2009, 14:21
One that is nearly always missed psy:

Go to zekes apartment. Jump off and go right, along the coast line, eventually (around 1/5th of the way around) you will see a broken pier with a shard right at the end. This pier is too long to appear on your map so you have to rely on spotting it by eye.

I'm too observant for that one :p

Some of the ones over water are almost impossible to see on the minimap.

Funny thing is I don't have the 50% shards trophy yet either....

22-06-2009, 15:25

22-06-2009, 15:44
I reached out & nearly picked up Arma2 (PC) today, Anybody here playing it ?

22-06-2009, 21:18
Still working my way through Ghostbusters and not really sure now what to think of it. I feel i'm forcing myself to like it because i find the film so good. The game is charming. Graphically good and funny in places. It can be quite clunky though control wise and it just has a feeling of wash, rinse and repeat.

I'll plod on though! :D

22-06-2009, 21:50
I think the controls are really sharp, though it's hard to follow enemies around on screen, but that's a good thing. I like the way the achievements are being delivered, I've not checked the list so it's a pleasant surprise, but I do really like it and it's been a pleasant change for me for sure.

22-06-2009, 21:52
I'm assuming the Trophy's are the same but yeah their cool. Even got great titles for them. :D

22-06-2009, 22:01
I've been playing Wolverine the last few days, and just completed it. Really enjoyed it. It's ideal for renting as it has no replayability whatsoever but it's good mindless fun and has a decent spread of achievements. It is a bit flawed at times, few irritating camera angle moments and can get a bit repetitive, but for the most part excellent fun.
For the achievement whores, in one playthrough I got to 650/1000 without going out of my way. Managed to miss one collectible so it would have been 680 otherwise. It'd be easy to 1k I'm sure, but I'm quite happy to leave it at that as I don't fancy grinding through another playthrough as I think it would get dull with 2 playthroughs so close together.

Next up: Sacred 2 :D ooh and sorry Abooie for vanishing offline earlier :o Had to go fast :(

22-06-2009, 23:18
Currently working my way through Gears of War 2, albeit slowly due to work being insanely busy :(

22-06-2009, 23:26
It rocks so bad now that you have an Xbox360!

23-06-2009, 00:50
It rocks so bad now that you have an Xbox360!

Was about time I got another, not owned one for 3yrs now? Plenty of catching up to do :)

23-06-2009, 01:09
There really is. Have a look at my past games on Xbox.com and let me know which ones you'd like to play, if I still have them you're more than welcome to either borrow them or buy them cheap. :).
Also, when it's game season on here it's great getting together. Halo 3 in 4-player co-op is still probably the most fun I've had on Xbox Live, and my most enjoyable achievement was actually a 0gp one on the Vidmaster challenge with Haly, Daz and Leo from here.

Good times. I'm almost getting emotional ;).
I really can't wait for Halo 3 ODST, it's gonna rock so much.

23-06-2009, 02:28

Park in the middle of The Neon, under a bridge if your interested Streeteh :)

Now hard/evil playthrough focusing on stunts/getting 50% shards....

23-06-2009, 08:26
Next up: Sacred 2 :D ooh and sorry Abooie for vanishing offline earlier :o Had to go fast :(

Heh, no problem. I saw 'Haly playing Sacred 2 in Menu' and just thought go go go to grab you to get my last mp achievement.

There are 3 mp achievements. 1 is trade with someone else (i.e. 1 gold), 1 is fight with 3 other players (just join a game with 3 people in) and 1 is have someone join your game (which is what I need).

It'll only take a min and I can return the favour. We could even have a longer play if you want so you can comment on it for your review :)

23-06-2009, 08:59
I really can't wait for Halo 3 ODST, it's gonna rock so much.
Me either mate. 4 player co-op on legendary :cool:

23-06-2009, 10:06
I still need to go through Halo 3 on Legendary in co-op. Might see if anyone here hasn't done it yet and go through it at some point.

23-06-2009, 10:12
COD WAR asuch a brilliant Multiplayer game, haven't tried single player and have no intention to play single player.

Love ww2 fps. Far far better than modern fps games. weapons in modern games are just to powerful (explosive type weapons) rather than guns. They just don't have balanced game play,

23-06-2009, 11:09
Heh, no problem. I saw 'Haly playing Sacred 2 in Menu' and just thought go go go to grab you to get my last mp achievement.

There are 3 mp achievements. 1 is trade with someone else (i.e. 1 gold), 1 is fight with 3 other players (just join a game with 3 people in) and 1 is have someone join your game (which is what I need).

It'll only take a min and I can return the favour. We could even have a longer play if you want so you can comment on it for your review :)

Yeah, definitely :)

23-06-2009, 11:24
Well I downloaded Americas Army 3 on PC. Despite it runningon the Unreal 3 engine it's still as clunky as ever in my opinion. I think that will be deleted from my Steam Games tonight.

I also took advantage of this weekends Steam off; Empire Total War for £14.99. Essentially the single player campaign follows the birth of America and the Civil War, key battles with the French etc etc. It's a lot more challenging than it first looks as you can't just whore your resource into building Armies and try and defeat the Indians by brute force alone. If your on a decent set up then zooming in to ground level to see some of the battles pan out is fantastic.

I keep looking at my Xbox with the intention of turning it on and playing it but nothing is really grabbing me at the moment for some reason, it's just collecting dust, am getting a lot more time on the PS3 for some reason. Played the Infamous Demo and will be ordering that at the end of the week. I still have GoW2 to finish, Mirrors Edge and Mass Effect to start.

23-06-2009, 12:05
As you've probably noticed, i love infamous very much. Despite platinuming it i'm gonna keep the disk as i can see me replaying it if (when!) the sequel comes out. You're in for a treat.

Really not getting along with Mirrors Edge, i think it's partly because the weathers just too nice to play computer games however :p

23-06-2009, 12:16
I still need to go through Halo 3 on Legendary in co-op. Might see if anyone here hasn't done it yet and go through it at some point.

Well I will definitely do it again. If we can get 2 more we're laughing.

23-06-2009, 12:17
I keep looking at my Xbox with the intention of turning it on and playing it but nothing is really grabbing me at the moment for some reason, it's just collecting dust, am getting a lot more time on the PS3 for some reason. Played the Infamous Demo and will be ordering that at the end of the week. I still have GoW2 to finish, Mirrors Edge and Mass Effect to start.

What are you playing on Ps3 that you can't on Xbox?

23-06-2009, 12:17
Well I will definitely do it again. If we can get 2 more we're laughing.
I know my mate John wants to go through it on Legendary as well, so we just need one more really.

23-06-2009, 12:18
Get John back on BD :p

23-06-2009, 12:20
If we can get Daz that would be a lot easier. He knew exactly what to do, where the skulls were etc..

23-06-2009, 12:27
If I still have it I'll be up for it, even on legendary it will seem like a piece of cake without that bloody Iron skull ;D

I wont take the place of someone who needs the achievements though :)

23-06-2009, 12:44
What are you playing on Ps3 that you can't on Xbox?

Nothing too much and I am not averse to playing on Xbox. I think it's because that PS3 is probably more integrated into the home entertainment system. It's almost as integrated as much as Sky HD. During the day Sarah has it on streaming via Vidzone, When Alexander gets home from school he may stream a movie over via TVersity and when I get chance to get near the TV it's easier for me to just launch a disk as the system is running.

As I say not averse to X360. I think when I play Xbox I feel compelled to go for achievements and point whoring than actually than enjoying the narrative of the game world. Plus it sounds like a SeaKing taking off when the optical drive is in use :p

23-06-2009, 13:05
See the noise doesn't bother me because my PS3 is just as loud. Of all 3 PS3's I've had, this is easily the loudest.

The reason I asked is because almost all multi-format games are superior on Xbox360. Didn't you get a 60gb Xbox360 model? If so, you could always install.

23-06-2009, 14:12
See the noise doesn't bother me because my PS3 is just as loud. Of all 3 PS3's I've had, this is easily the loudest.

The reason I asked is because almost all multi-format games are superior on Xbox360. Didn't you get a 60gb Xbox360 model? If so, you could always install.

Nah it was 20gb.

I have never really found the PS3 loud for some reason :s

23-06-2009, 14:28
Some are, some aren't. My first one was brilliantly quiet. Third one is annoying.

23-06-2009, 15:06
It's the same for both the 360 and PS3, some units are loud, others are whisper quiet, you just tend to find slightly more 360s fall in the loud category hence why it has received the reputation as 'the jet engine'

23-06-2009, 16:54
Yep. I've only heard a few loud PS3's, just a shame I have one.
Quietest console is Wii, whether this is because it's genuinely quiet or because no self-respecting gamer plays then is yet to be decided.

23-06-2009, 19:44
Yep. I've only heard a few loud PS3's, just a shame I have one.
Quietest console is Wii, whether this is because it's genuinely quiet or because no self-respecting gamer plays then is yet to be decided.

Funny you should say that, my Wii is my loudest console, but the optical drive is shafted in it and the only person that uses it is my wife for her Sports Active thingy.

My 360 on the dashboard is one fan level up from my PS3 on the XMB, so it's not so bad, but christ when I put a Game or DVD in it literally sounds like I'm in a wind tunnel, I can get around that easy enough by installing the game to HDD, just a bit of a pain.

23-06-2009, 19:48
I can get around that easy enough by installing the game to HDD, just a bit of a pain.

You've set yourself up for it, but:
'You should be used to that after years of the PS3'.

23-06-2009, 19:52
You've set yourself up for it, but:
'You should be used to that after years of the PS3'.

Yeah I'm happy to install games to the HDD, I'm not one of these that's ever had a problem with it, if it speeds up load times and keeps things quiet I am all for it!

23-06-2009, 20:12
I'd do it if I had the space :p.

23-06-2009, 20:27
I'd do it if I had the space :p.

Yours is a 20GB then I take it dude?

23-06-2009, 21:32
Yeah, launch day HDD. Pitiful 20gb :p.

23-06-2009, 22:43
Ah the joys of the 120GB drive :D

23-06-2009, 22:44
60gb is quite nice too :D Tend to have 30gb spare without much trouble.

23-06-2009, 22:49
Yeah, launch day HDD. Pitiful 20gb :p.

My lounge 360 is a 20GB and it's just not enough....

I've played Magic: The Gathering ranked matches all night and it's certainly been an eye opener.

There's an achievement for winning 5 games and for some reason the developer decided that if someone quit it would count towards your tru-rank skill but not towards this. So when on my >>>>12th<<<< fecking win I finally got it I sent the guy the nicest message I've probably ever sent, thanking him for not quitting.

It really has been an eye opener for quitters on random ranked xbla and I can't quite believe it tbh; far worse than I imagined and a good reminder why I generally only play against mates.

Saying all this, I did have some genuinely great and memorable games tonight and did meet a few really nice guys and it's also probably now my favourite xbla game; just a shame about the ***'s


24-06-2009, 10:06
I had a quick blast of Resident Evil 5 last night. I have to say it looks superb. It's very detailed. I only played it up to chapter 2-1 though. I'm struggling badly with the controls. Especially trying to track and shoot the dogs that appear at the Docks. I can only hope I'll get better.

Sheva seems to be doing an adequate job so far. She can get in the way now and again but it's not a problem.

24-06-2009, 13:28
60gb is quite nice too :D Tend to have 30gb spare without much trouble.

I run a 60GB HD & average about 21GB free, 60GB suits me perfectly but I did upgrade from a 20 that wasn't enough.

24-06-2009, 20:45
60gb is quite nice too :D Tend to have 30gb spare without much trouble.

I know what you mean, my PS3 has a 160GB HDD, and I've never had more than 40GB of stuff on their, but I'm a bit of a tidy freak and delete stuff when I've watched/completed it.

25-06-2009, 19:18

What did you think? You haven't said yet? Worth waiting for or a load of fuss about nothing?

25-06-2009, 19:33
Fight Night 4 Baby.

25-06-2009, 19:33
I really enjoyed it. It's not that long, but long enough for it not to feel like it's a waste of money. I found it a very sweet experience with great graphics, great voice work, great story, lots to collects, different ways to kill enemies.

If you love Ghostbusters then you'd love this. It's unmistakeably from the Ghostbusters universe both in terms of story and presentation and graphic style, it's really brilliant in that respect.

It's about 6-8 hours long, requires two playthroughs, there is MP (which I've not tried yet), plenty to collect and great achievements. Very good.

26-06-2009, 02:11
Back on Streeeeet Fiiiiighteeer Fooooouuur

As much as i wanted to break away from this infuriating game, it just keeps pulling me back. I was reminded quickly of why i gave it a break after a couple of fat 'gief players but also reminded why this is one of the greatest games of this generation shortly after when i had nearly a two hour session with a randomer where we just kept picking different characters and just generally had a bit of a giggle.

I was then quickly reminded of why i hate capcom when the session ended due to a random connection drop :p

Either way, utterly sublime game.

26-06-2009, 09:52
Even though I have FN4 I never played it last night, Played it in the afternoon but couldn't be arsed late night.
Should give some indication of how I rate it as I'd play UFC till the cows come home.

27-06-2009, 23:53
Still inFamous - had a busy week at work and thus not racked up the desired playtime :p

Hard/Evil playthrough now but really struggling with the 'Air Sticky Bomb' stunt.

Still can't be bad - killing is fun. Have to say I enjoyed the Hero powers more though....

28-06-2009, 00:28
Still working on Gears of War 2, inbetween MP CoD4 sessions, loving that game all over again!

Having the odd go on PGR4

Rented Battlefield 2: Modern Combat, that lasted around 30mins before I turned it off and put it back in the envelope.

Also my current guilty pleasure is Sega Superstars Tennis, a nice refreshing change from my regular gaming.

28-06-2009, 00:30
Sega Superstars Tennis is quite good fun :D I rented it a while back and it certainly made a refreshing change from the usual.

28-06-2009, 08:20
I've just completed the first playthrough mass effect. Long way to go before its 100%ed though!!
Before going back to it, I've got broken steel to go through and maybe point lookout for fallout 3. I shall be interspersing some more fable 2 with this, as I've got my evil character to complete the game with for some variation, and the DLC to go through.

28-06-2009, 08:25
Nokkon - how come you have ghostbusters in your 360 gamer profile?! Its not out yet is it???!!

28-06-2009, 10:46
Nokkon - how come you have ghostbusters in your 360 gamer profile?! Its not out yet is it???!!

It's region free so you can import it.

28-06-2009, 10:52
Nokkon - how come you have ghostbusters in your 360 gamer profile?! Its not out yet is it???!!

It's out in North America. Sony bought timed distribution rights in Europe, which has seen it released on Playstation 3 and not Xbox360, I believe the Xbox360 release is coming in October.

However, what Sony didn't count on was Ghostbusters being released as a Region Free game on Xbox360, so people are just importing it.

28-06-2009, 11:17
I'll be buying it in Florida in August, as well as copies for Leo and John as it should be quite cheap over there by then with a bit of luck :)

28-06-2009, 11:28
It's out in North America. Sony bought timed distribution rights in Europe, which has seen it released on Playstation 3 and not Xbox360, I believe the Xbox360 release is coming in October.

However, what Sony didn't count on was Ghostbusters being released as a Region Free game on Xbox360, so people are just importing it.

This is a misconception. Sony buying exclusivity rights wasn't anything to do with trying to get an exclusive over MS; if it was they would have bought the rights in the US as well or demanded Atari made the game region locked.

The issue lies with the fact that Atari have ceased nearly all publishing in the EU and handed over to (iirc) Namco Bandai, this switch over which happened very recently has resulted in a change over process that has slowed the release of several games; Ghostbusters being one of them. Sony wanted the game to be released along side the Blu-ray movie globally so bought the publishing rights in the EU for the PS3 (as it wouldn't make sense for them to publish it for competing consoles) and released it. Atari will have the game published (by Namco) later in the year after the changeover delays have passed.

No one has one upped anyone, it's all down to Atari losing shed loads of money in the past year.


28-06-2009, 11:37
Arma II, got it for me birthday :D

28-06-2009, 12:31
Well as Karl seen lastnight. I was playing RE5 until the wee hours trying to get it finished. The final battle with Wesker though was proving extremely frustrating due to the lack of ammo! I had to leave it after 3am and go back to it this morning. Gladly i finished it!

I have to admit, i rubbished this game after the demo due to it's "tank" controls ( although a tank can shoot on the move ;) ) but i'm glad i rented it. Took a bit of getting use to. It's a very good game. Some levels look superb. If i owned it, i would have went through it again no doubt for unlockables. Oh well, one day. :D

Now to finish Ghostbusters 3 on the PS3 :)

28-06-2009, 12:35
Arma II, got it for me birthday :D

Don't have a pc fit to play it on at the moment but I am looking at picking it up soon.

Cheapest price online is Amazon at £22.62 or I could get it through Steam for £29.99.

Not sure if all the fuss over getting the right patches for ArmA (after it was released via a million methods) is worth the discount over getting through Steam and not having to worry if you've got the right patch.

28-06-2009, 23:56
Did a bit of shopping today and picked up a few games

Sega Superstar Tennis (XBOX) Good laugh and pretty easy to pick up and play. Not bad for £7.00

Siren: Blood Curse (PS3). Oh I managed a whole minute and a half of pooping myself so that went quickly back in the box for a rainy day :p

Infamous (PS3): Graphics have been ever so slightly sacrificed for the game engine which is superb. In as much as the story line is very linear, there are plenty of opportunities to go off exploring. Really liked the first 45 mins I played of it

29-06-2009, 00:06
Back on Fallout3 and Toca Race Driver 3

About to start on Empire Total War.

29-06-2009, 00:10
Started playing Tales of Vesperia on Xbox360. Very impressive thus far. Absolutely gorgeous looking.

29-06-2009, 11:09
Here's something unusual - I'm not really playing much of anything lately. I'm messing about a little on Rock Band 2 with the odd song here and there, as well as doing a little on Fallout 3 (on my 3rd playthrough and a quest to make a "perfect" character), but beyond that, I can't really get into anything at the moment. I think I just need something new to play but as much as I want to, I can't justify buying anything new given it'll probably be £20 cheaper in a month or so.

Anyone got anything good they can loan me? ;D

29-06-2009, 11:32
Prey, RRXX, DDR:U, COD:4, Dynasty Warriors, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata.

Any of them :p

29-06-2009, 11:53
Anyone got anything good they can loan me? ;D

I've just loaned my friend Resident Evil 5 and Ghostbusters. Otherwise you could have borrowed those. Perhaps next week?

29-06-2009, 12:11
Prey, RRXX, DDR:U, COD:4, Dynasty Warriors, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata.

Any of them :p

Thanks for the offer, but I'll pass on them for now. Never really been a big JRPG fan so most of them would be wasted on me. :)

I've just loaned my friend Resident Evil 5 and Ghostbusters. Otherwise you could have borrowed those. Perhaps next week?

Already gone through Resi 5 and will be picking Ghostbusters up in Florida in 5 weeks. Thanks for the offer though :)

29-06-2009, 12:26
No problem, there's a few more games I have, just can't remember them off the top of my head.

Nokkon: I'll take a whack at Ghostbusters if the offer stands?

29-06-2009, 12:28
Yeah, of course bud :). My mate is playing through it at the moment, but I'll get it back off him and post it through next week.

Edit: Heh, Tales of Vesperia doesn't have a gamertile for the signatures yet! :x

29-06-2009, 12:52
Been playing Mirror's Edge after a long gaming hiatus, thanks to Leo!

This could have been one of the greatest games of recent times except for a few minor niggles that really put me off. Plus points for me were:

- Innovative game style. It lies somewhere inbetween FPS and sneak-'em-up with its free running aspect - you'll never come off best in a full on fight but have far superior speed and agility to get you out of trouble.

- Amazing yet simplistic graphics which give a sandbox feel despite pretty much constraining you to the set routes. Obvious setups for routes can be forgiven as using them is so much fun.

- Decent-ish story with nice animated comic-book cut scenes.

- Minimalist HUD and control system gives good flexibility and makes the game flow well.

But the bad:

- Pretty short. OK, so the levels are usually fairly big as you do a lot of running about but it would have been nice to have a bit more substance and/or more of the same fleeing across rooftops. Some of the best bits were just the parts where you're a couple of steps ahead of the enemy and making split-second decisions. These were the least complex bits with just obstacles on roofs (rooves?) and they could easily have added a few more.

- Combat. If you're up against more than one enemy, forget it. Disarming them is just too hard to do when there's another enemy shooting at you, and the fact that they're spot-on accurate unless you're moving and never run out of ammo just makes it nigh-on impossible. I would dearly love to have been able to run up to an enemy, disarm him and instantly use his weapon on the next, but the combat just has no flow to it and you'll either die or get punched down as you mis-time the disarm. There was one great bit where I slid along the ground and kicked an enemy off the rooftop, and more of that kind of thing would have been amazing. Instead you're either resigned to running away and getting shot in the back, or trying to machinate a situation where you isolate an enemy to get his gun then systematically take the rest out by trying to line up the reticle in cover and darting in and out, which sucks. More instances of using the environment against the enemy would have been great, but aside from that one piece of rooftop awesomeness there was simply none. Oh and once you get a gun you have about 6/7 shells or a clip of about 15 bullets before you have to discard it. Bloody double standards!

- Pipes and shimmying. In a world where speed and decision-making is key, why make it so unbearably slow to climb a pipe or shimmy across a ledge? Everything else is so quick and counts on timing your leaps, slides etc. so that you don't lose momentum. Then you have to climb a pipe like you have one wooden leg and no thumbs. With people shooting at you it really is a kick in the teeth when fighting the enemy isn't an option and running away is equally likely to get you killed.

- Precision. Having to redo parts you've already successfully finished because you just walked off a ledge is infuriating. There really ought to be more of a Tomb Raider style fall-prevention system where getting too close to the edge causes the character to scuffle and regain balance rather than just fall emotionless off the edge like a sack of zombie potatoes. Other times I found the controls oddly sporadic. Sometimes jumping off a pipe will cause you to spring gazelle-like through the air and cling to the next... and sometimes you just seem to let go and plummet. Occasionally I'd just get stuck on the edge of an obstacle and stop dead, which in this kind of game is unforgivable.

Overall I really liked the game, and will be going back to get achievements, but these things will continue to annoy me. Especially on the hard difficulty, where getting shot by multiple enemies is going to present a very big problem. My controller may be heavily dented by the time I'm finished!

29-06-2009, 13:06
A lot of those things in your negatives actually change in the Speed Runs and Time-Trials because you learn to do stuff an entirely different way, it's not as linear or as strict on a path as it seems in the story mode and at one point you pretty much need to speed disarm a guy and kill his companions, so it can be done. You can also leap from pipe to pipe quick, including leaping off a balancing beam, but it's all in the timing.

I'd give the game a 7/10 in terms of story mode, but 9/10 with the Speed Run and Time-Trials which are actually the best, and most infuriating, part of it. But I have 1000/1000 in it (not including DLC), so there's your benchmark ;).

29-06-2009, 14:12
A lot of those things I can forgive on the whole as the game is a lot of fun. Unfortunately it seems to be single areas in the game where those cons really affect the flow of the game. I'd say on average there was at least one bit per level where I had to restart 10-15 times, most infuriatingly where the first time you get pretty far, and subsequent times you keep messing up. It's just the imprecision of a jump that gets you killed, or a flock of enemies at the end of a long set of obstacles which means you have to redo the whole section. Hopefully the time trials etc. will fare better.

30-06-2009, 02:20
Still inFamous although losing the will to live. Just finished the lamest bos fight on earth (on hard, attack spammer) only to still not got a tropy for Hard Finish or Evil Finish.

Little bit fed up tbh :(

Oh well, Tomb Raider next I think

01-07-2009, 19:48
Just completed Ghostbusters on PS3. Quite enjoyed it. Came accross a few bugs though. Biggest one was on the last level, going through a cemetery with Ray. Turns out if you don't entirely clear out an area, Ray refuses to go any further! So i triggered a cutscene and assumed Ray would be there after it finished. He wasn't but his voice was and other A.I characters behaved like he was. The last part of the level just constantly looped enemies because he wasn't there!

So had to restart it. PFT!

Good rental game though! :)

01-07-2009, 19:49
Just completed Ghostbusters on PS3. Quite enjoyed it. Came accross a few bugs though. Biggest one was on the last level, going through a cemetery with Ray. Turns out if you don't entirely clear out an area, Ray refuses to go any further! So i triggered a cutscene and assumed Ray would be there after it finished. He wasn't but his voice was and other A.I characters behaved like he was. The last part of the level just constantly looped enemies because he wasn't there!

So had to restart it. PFT!

Good rental game though! :)

Does it look as bad on PS3 as those comparison videos make out? A friend of mine says it looks like a PS2 game :(

01-07-2009, 19:58
Does it look as bad on PS3 as those comparison videos make out? A friend of mine says it looks like a PS2 game :(

I think it looks quite good. I'd seen comparison 360/PS3 pics on Kotaku and the 360 looked sharper no doubt but the PS3 pics they showed looked far worse than the game actually does. The scale of some levels looks quite impressive. Even though you follow a very linear path through most of them. It does suffer the odd bit of slowdown but it's not too often.

Certainly no PS2 looking game. ;)

01-07-2009, 20:02
I think it looks quite good. I'd seen comparison 360/PS3 pics on Kotaku and the 360 looked sharper no doubt but the PS3 pics they showed looked far worse than the game actually does. The scale of some levels looks quite impressive. Even though you follow a very linear path through most of them. It does suffer the odd bit of slowdown but it's not too often.

Certainly no PS2 looking game. ;)

Ah that's good to hear, I'll probably rent the PS3 version rather than wait for the 360 version then.


01-07-2009, 20:04
Does it look as bad on PS3 as those comparison videos make out? A friend of mine says it looks like a PS2 game :(

The developers made a post on their forums basically debunking those early comparison shots. It doesn't look as good on the PS3, but it's nowhere near as bad as those shots made it out to be. As usual with many cross platform games the PS3 just lacks the 2xAA that the xbox provides 'for free'

01-07-2009, 21:38
Ah that's good to hear, I'll probably rent the PS3 version rather than wait for the 360 version then.


My 360 version is doing the rounds. Borrow it after Creature if you'd like?

01-07-2009, 22:16
My 360 version is doing the rounds. Borrow it after Creature if you'd like?

Turned in to some gaming pimp? Pimping out your games to use and abuse? :p

01-07-2009, 22:17
Well so many people have done it for me in the past, it just makes sense, it's such an awesome bunch on here.

01-07-2009, 22:23
Thought yours was up for sale dude?

01-07-2009, 22:25
Well so many people have done it for me in the past, it just makes sense, it's such an awesome bunch on here.

Your a gent!

I'd offer my games up for services but i think most people will have them or have played them!

01-07-2009, 23:36
Lost Odyssey finally baby yeah!


02-07-2009, 01:24
Well so many people have done it for me in the past, it just makes sense, it's such an awesome bunch on here.

Lend it me seeing as Wigan has just sold you our bestest player ever FACHT

02-07-2009, 10:32
Thought yours was up for sale dude?

Opted to keep it and go back to it in the future. I really enjoyed it and figured I might as well keep it.

02-07-2009, 10:32
Lend it me seeing as Wigan has just sold you our bestest player ever FACHT

You can have him back. I'm gutted we bought him :/.

03-07-2009, 01:29
I've spent the past week solely playing Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs.
To be fair to it, it wasn't a bad game, just a little dull but then again it wasn't aimed at my age group! I did think a few parts of it would be frustrating for a child though.

So this evening was my first chance to play something else and what did I load up? Erm Monsters Vs Aliens :/ Within about 30mins I realised a) I wanted to play something that involved blood and guns and b) Monsters Vs Aliens plays very, very similarly to Ice Age, and having thought about it so did Madagascar 2! Which is a bit strange as they're made by different developers although all published by Activision.

Anyway, so I went for the gorier choice which was my untouched rental copy of Wanted. Wanted is ok but as I explained on my twitter, you'd miss absolutely nothing by not playing this. There are countless other games like this that are just as adequate or better. Still, if you've got nothing better to do, it's ok. Also seems to be incredibly quick to complete as I'm already a third of the way through it and I only played for an hour or so!

05-07-2009, 19:36
The PS3... all weekend.


Killzone 2 .. looks great, shooty shooty bang bang, unashamedly so.
Uncharted .. after all the hyperbole re. the graphics I was really expecting to be blown away and in truth I found the texture work quite average. Really enjoyed the bit of the game I played though.
Flower .. lovely, might get bored quick but really wouldn't mind.
Pixel Junk Eden .. best game I played; beautiful and would be a huge time sink if I got one.
MGS IV .. actually really enjoyed what I played even if I had no idea what was going on
Infamous .. great stuff, loads of fun, excellent.
Home ... download.. see bland room .. exit .. download .. walk across courtyard .. exit to cinema .. download .. walk through foyer .. load .. turn it off.
Little Big Planet .. amazing , unbelievably charming, lots of content, looks fantastic, not sure about stickers but... my god good stuff, why didn't every PS3 owner buy this?
Super Star Dust HD .. twin stick shooter, good but not as good as Geo Wars 2, sorry :)
Valkyria Chronicles .. loved it and would like to play it.

Other thoughts... Marketplace is damn snappy, makes me more annoyed about the lag I get on the 360 one. Installs! My god, stuck LBP in, download, install 2 30+MB patchs, Home was one long install, 2 demos we downloaded, big downloads then installs? Really makes me appreciate the way the 360 does it. Trophies, not a patch on Achievements but the lack of invasiveness was refreshing. It was nice to play games without thinking about points again.

Over all I really liked the system even if ironically with this heat it was louder than my 360 Elite and I've even checked prices to get maybe one. I think I'll wait a tad longer though for a price cut and to see what's in store with a lite.

05-07-2009, 21:27
Uncharted .. after all the hyperbole re. the graphics I was really expecting to be blown away and in truth I found the texture work quite average. Really enjoyed the bit of the game I played though.

Uncharted was developed very early in the PS3s lifecycle and with that you get the trait many other early games on the PS3 had; the graphics improve as the game progresses. It looks good at first, but as you get further into the game it becomes obvious that the developers were learning as they went, it just gets so much prettier.

Super Star Dust HD .. twin stick shooter, good but not as good as Geo Wars 2, sorry :)

You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!

05-07-2009, 21:31
Other thoughts... Marketplace is damn snappy, makes me more annoyed about the lag I get on the 360 one.

Who uses the one on 360!? Just use it online :D. I also find you don't get enough new stuff on PS3 PSN Store over time bar more rubbish for LBP and the lack of demos is absolutely criminal. I think given more time you would have realised this, it's why the Xbox360 Marketplace is streets ahead.

I also agree with Streeteh on both accounts :p.

05-07-2009, 21:41
Who uses the one on 360!? Just use it online :D. I also find you don't get enough new stuff on PS3 PSN Store over time bar more rubbish for LBP and the lack of demos is absolutely criminal. I think given more time you would have realised this, it's why the Xbox360 Marketplace is streets ahead.

I also agree with Streeteh on both accounts :p.

Agree with Streeteh on both accounts, and agree with Nokkon, PS3 should have the trial versions like the 360, we all know why it doesn't but it's a real shame :(

06-07-2009, 01:48
Been on Fifa 09 building my UT up and HL 2 OB done EP 1 on EP2

06-07-2009, 08:01
Uncharted was developed very early in the PS3s lifecycle and with that you get the trait many other early games on the PS3 had; the graphics improve as the game progresses. It looks good at first, but as you get further into the game it becomes obvious that the developers were learning as they went, it just gets so much prettier.

You go to hell! You go to hell and you die!

Good to know re. Uncharted. I'm not bashing the game at all as I really loved what I played but after having it brought up time and time again to prove 'the power of the PS3 > 360' I thought it looked decidely average with Gears, Banjo Kazooie, Killzone 2, PGR4 etc all blowing it out the water. As I said; great game though!

Heh, maybe I need to play some more SSHD!

SiD the Turtle
06-07-2009, 12:17
Just got 100% in GTA4. I've got a couple more achievements to grab but almost there.

06-07-2009, 18:58
Heh, maybe I need to play some more SSHD!

It'll grow on you, I suck at it but love the hell out of it!

I do think Geometry wars 'looks' better though, nice style!

06-07-2009, 22:48
Thanks to a burst water mains forcing my school to close early today, I've had chance to bounce between a few games today. I started with a little Sacred 2, which seems so far like a console port of Diablo. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but as I'm only a couple of hours into it I'll reserve judgement for now.

After that I popped Spider-man: Friend or Foe in. This is definitely a game for the achievement whores out there, as everything is easy and straightforward. Shame it's not very good, so I can only really play it in short bursts.

Finally I put Guitar Hero 2 back in. I've set myself the very lofty goal of 5 starring all the Hard difficulty songs. Considering I've not finished the Expert career yet it's not something I think I'll manage, but I'll give it a damn good go! :D

06-07-2009, 22:53
Finished disk 1 of Lost Odyssey, i'm worried it's not going to be as epic as 4 9gb dvds made me think, only took 10 hours and i didn't exactly skip through it (read all of the dreams etc).

Joe 90
06-07-2009, 23:00
i'm having great fun with Tiger Woods 10 & Wii Motion Plus.

currently using 'all-play' swing to ace everything and play the best golf 'in the world'

i'm 67 under after the third round of a Fed-ex cup comp, the guy in second is at a terrible 57 under, but he's further into this round than myself on the first tee.

07-07-2009, 09:01
Little Big Planet .. amazing , unbelievably charming, lots of content, looks fantastic, not sure about stickers but... my god good stuff, why didn't every PS3 owner buy this?

It becamse incredibly dull incredibly quickly for me, I was excited at first playing the beta but just got bored of it. Bought the game a while after release and got bored again rather quickly.

07-07-2009, 13:03
Going through Fallout 3 and all the DLC. Never put so much time into a game without online multi player. Also playing a lot of Gears of War 2 multi player.

07-07-2009, 18:45
Been away for a few days to Edinburgh and North Queensferry for a wedding. I finally downloaded Point Lookout for Fallout 3. I also have Dead Space, Godfather 2 and Wolverine to start on the 360. Not sure where to begin. :D

07-07-2009, 23:33
Got my hands on an import copy of Ghostbusters on 360, and cant stop playing it. If you ever wanted to be a ghostbuster as a kid, This game is perfect. Original Cast, good story, Love it.

08-07-2009, 16:27
Back into Sacred 2 after a flit with Vesperia and Soul Calibur IV; with a final drive to get the last two achievements.

I've leveled all the characters to 15 (was a little tedious if I'm honest) but I am enjoying playing my now level 69 Dryad on Platinum difficulty, even if it's quite tough at times. I'm about 60% through the campaign (will be my 5th full playthrough, plus 4 more half playthrough) and so far she alone has racked up 80+ hours (also got another 30 hours on my other chars combined). The last achievement could be a pain (wear a full set of rare armour) as rare is really really really rare but I have 70% of several sets and have started looking to trade on forums.

What's surprised me is I'm actually still enjoying it for the most part.

Responding to your twit Haly, I think the problem with Sacred 2 (and Star Ocean, Lost Odyssey, etc) is you know it could become quite a time commitment and looking at your recent games, play style it seems you prefer flitting briefly between one game and another at the moment. Sacred 2 is the ultimate commitment with the game not really getting off the ground until much later on. Also what class are you playing as I discovered from playing them all that some are really tedious and not fun (for me).

08-07-2009, 19:01
Playing a warrior at the moment but will be changing soon to check out different abilities etc. :)
Don't really get a choice with this one as I'm reviewing it so regardless I'll be playing it for many hours yet :p Unfortunate as my attention span is pretty non-existent of late, too much else on my mind so I don't think my brain can stick very well with a big time commitment. :/

09-07-2009, 14:21
History Channel: Battle of the Pacific. Awful game, just awful, can't go charging is as you'll disobey orders...and fail. You have to wait for your seargent to go in and follow him. Bloody easy game though, completed on hard in about 2 hours. Haly, this ones for you, everyone else, avoid.

09-07-2009, 14:24
History Channel: Battle of the Pacific. Awful game, just awful, can't go charging is as you'll disobey orders...and fail. You have to wait for your seargent to go in and follow him. Bloody easy game though, completed on hard in about 2 hours. Haly, this ones for you, everyone else, avoid.

Heh just had a look at the achievements, far too many online ones there - are there even people playing this online?

09-07-2009, 15:01
I had PDC Darts come through today from Lovefilm, which is something I've wanted for a while. Had a few quick matches at lunch and ended up with 160 points or so, so I hope to get 800-900 points by the end of the weekend. Won't bother with the online part of it, will likely just play the career and beat all the players on Pro difficulty to get most of the achievements :)

09-07-2009, 16:08
PDC Darts is quite fun :) Pity I found it got a little tedious after a while.

09-07-2009, 16:26
Started Spiderman Web of Shadows. Really enjoying it, would take forever for me to get the collectables so just running through the game doing the side missions and not worrying about the 2k+ collectables. Only gonna give it one play through but the movement and controls are superb.

By far the best spiderman game since the first one on the ps1.

09-07-2009, 16:27
Web of Shadows is excellent fun :) again, gets a bit tedious in the latter stages but the first half of it is brilliant fun.

09-07-2009, 17:34
Fallout 3 - exploring wastelands and trying my best to be good! *forces self to diffuse Megaton bomb*

Plants vs Zombies - light-hearted puzzler full of comedy and addiction!

Left4Dead - because zombie survival is so much better when shared with friends!

B.A.S.E. - Parachute/basejumping simulator - haven't got to grips with this free game yet, but it's certainly different and at £0.00, one can't argue with the price!

09-07-2009, 17:50
As I'm stuck in work until 7pm for an open evening (I only have to sit by the phones in case of any problems), I'm currently playing Freelancer on my laptop. I forgot just how good a game it is, and it still looks surprisingly pretty. Runs flawlessly on my Vista laptop as well.

Also installed Max Payne 2 which I'll no doubt be playing a fair bit. I'm also surprised by how well it runs on the lappy, so that should keep my occupied during my lunch hours in work :)

09-07-2009, 18:08
Web of Shadows is excellent fun :) again, gets a bit tedious in the latter stages but the first half of it is brilliant fun.

Took me a couple of reloads to beat the catwomen first time out, rather embarrasing ;D

10-07-2009, 12:33
Anyone else hitting 1sv100 at 7:30 tonight?

10-07-2009, 13:06
I don't know. Don't you have to apply to get in the slots?

10-07-2009, 13:15
Anyone else hitting 1sv100 at 7:30 tonight?

If I don't get a text back off my mate asking me to go down the pub then I'll play this.

10-07-2009, 15:33
Me and the Wife were thinking of taking a look, not sure how it all works yet though :\

10-07-2009, 16:18
Me and the Wife were thinking of taking a look, not sure how it all works yet though :\

That's what we're doing. Tis not like we ever go out anyway!

If you go to it on xbl now and set a reminder for tonight it downloads a small file and I'm pretty sure all you need to do tonight it load it up. It will decide whether you're the 1, one of the mob (the 100) or most likely one of the crowd. Will be interesting to see what it's like as everyone that's had a go so far seems to look at it favourably.

10-07-2009, 16:59
That's what we're doing. Tis not like we ever go out anyway!

If you go to it on xbl now and set a reminder for tonight it downloads a small file and I'm pretty sure all you need to do tonight it load it up. It will decide whether you're the 1, one of the mob (the 100) or most likely one of the crowd. Will be interesting to see what it's like as everyone that's had a go so far seems to look at it favourably.

Yep same here, we never go out either :)

Thanks Aboobie I'll do just that!

10-07-2009, 18:14
I'm strangely not really playing anything, yet also playing a lot :huh:
Purely for fun, I'm honestly not really playing anything. Nothing has grabbed me although I have got a copy of FUEL waiting for me to try courtesy of Lovefilm, so might try to find some time to play that this weekend.
A lot of my gaming is for reviewing's sake which is excellent, but a bit time consuming!
I've just spent the past two days playing Cocoto Platform Jumper (awesome name, I'm sure you'll agree :p) for the Wii to get a review done. I've constantly got an iPhone game or two to review as turnaround time on them is averaging 2-3 days at the moment.
I'm aiming to get a review of Sacred 2 done next week which will involve lots of playing of it in the next few days! As well as that I've got Worms 2 to review, I'll have the new Harry Potter game to review on the DS and the Wii arriving tomorrow. Plus next week I should have two DS games (Dawn of Discovery and Steal Princess) arriving from the US for me to review.

See what happens when you try to make your hobby into your career ;D No way am I complaining though, it makes me feel so much better than the day job does!

10-07-2009, 21:57
1 s 100

I have to say we both really enjoyed it and the time went by really quickly; I think there were problems with the live host as he was very intermittent for us but it was still pretty cool when he came on to know it was 'live'.

It was also good to see really up to date localised questions and after seeing the total number players at 77k+ I'm not surprised we didn't end up in the mob.

I could see us playing this every couple of weeks no problem. :)

and yes.. I picked Jeremy Beetle


And also 10 minutes before this started I hit 1000/1000 on Sacred 2. Quite an achievement if I'm honest. :D

10-07-2009, 22:22
Very nice going with Sacred 2 :D How many hours do you reckon it took you?

I played a bit of 1 vs 100, quite enjoyed it although the questions were ridiculously easy from what I saw. Hopefully they get harder for the 'proper' thing.

10-07-2009, 23:07
I left my 1 vs 100 open whilst I went to go and eat and I ended up going from 89% to 67% answers correctly, which sucks. Only got about 4 or 5 wrong in 90 minutes.

I also picked Jeremy Beetle, lol.

10-07-2009, 23:08
I enjoyed it, not sure if I could do the full 2hrs again, 1hr or 1.5hrs would be more like it for me, but I look forward to where they go with this, I will certainly be playing it, both me and Allie enjoyed it!

10-07-2009, 23:10
Very nice going with Sacred 2 :D How many hours do you reckon it took you?

I played a bit of 1 vs 100, quite enjoyed it although the questions were ridiculously easy from what I saw. Hopefully they get harder for the 'proper' thing.

It really was a quite a mammoth challenged with Sacred 2 tbh.
My main character was level 74 when I finished and on 85 hours. The final boss on platinum was level 96 and it was only because I'd planned my dryad pretty well from the start, and I'd got some pretty good gear that I was able to beat him. I've read a good target level for finishing on platinum is 100; so I'm very pleased.

10-07-2009, 23:12
I probably won't be 1king it then ;D
I finally really enjoyed it earlier :) Not sure what did it, things just suddenly clicked. :D

10-07-2009, 23:13
I played a bit of 1 vs 100, quite enjoyed it although the questions were ridiculously easy from what I saw. Hopefully they get harder for the 'proper' thing.

Yeah, they were, but every so often one would come up that was simply a case of you know it or you don't like "which won the soap of the year in 2009?" and Coronation Street and Eastenders were both options.

Looking at the schedule there are plenty coming and many have different question topics. One coming up is football related, so I really hope I am 'The One' for that.

And on the topic of the game, I found it quite sadistically funny watching people lose, like seeing someone lose out on 3,000 points by trusting the majority answer from 'The Mob'.

10-07-2009, 23:27
Playing Wolverine as i type this and it's ******* me off. I think i must be getting near the end of it and currently scaling the outside of a larger tower (tower 1?) and a poor camera angle is making what looks like a small jump, very frustrating. Keeps falling off! :facepalm:

Also had a blast of 1 v 100. Saw Nokkon beside me. He wouldn't let me copy his answers though! :p

10-07-2009, 23:29
The last few sections of Wolverine do get infuriating. Pity as I really enjoyed the game but the devs dropped the ball a few times near the end. :(

10-07-2009, 23:32
According to 1vs100 i won an xbox live game. I assume this is a lie as it's beta and i would in fact have to buy the full game to win these live titles?

10-07-2009, 23:35
Playing Wolverine as i type this and it's ******* me off. I think i must be getting near the end of it and currently scaling the outside of a larger tower (tower 1?) and a poor camera angle is making what looks like a small jump, very frustrating. Keeps falling off! :facepalm:

Also had a blast of 1 v 100. Saw Nokkon beside me. He wouldn't let me copy his answers though! :p

If your scaling the same tower that I did earlier, hate to tell you but your only just on Chapter 2 of 5 I think...

10-07-2009, 23:36
According to 1vs100 i won an xbox live game. I assume this is a lie as it's beta and i would in fact have to buy the full game to win these live titles?

No i actually think you have won one. It was announced as of today prizes would be handed out now i'm sure. The first few weeks of the U.S Beta they weren't handed out though but according to Giantbomb, as of today. Points mean prizes. ;)


Hope that don't just mean the U.S one mind!

10-07-2009, 23:38
Also had a blast of 1 v 100. Saw Nokkon beside me. He wouldn't let me copy his answers though! :p

I remember getting one very embarassingly obvious answer wrong during that period :(.

10-07-2009, 23:39
The last few sections of Wolverine do get infuriating. Pity as I really enjoyed the game but the devs dropped the ball a few times near the end. :(

I am quite enjoying it. Looks quite good in sections but i've had the off annoying section. Few frame rate issues too, mainly in cutscenes though.

If your scaling the same tower that I did earlier, hate to tell you but your only just on Chapter 2 of 5 I think...

Awwwww man! :(

10-07-2009, 23:40
If your scaling the same tower that I did earlier, hate to tell you but your only just on Chapter 2 of 5 I think...

i saw you in 1v100 :D

No i actually think you have won one.

Yay! It said it would email my xbox live email, have been keeping an eye on it but nothing yet :(

10-07-2009, 23:41
i saw you in 1v100 :D

Yay! It said it would email my xbox live email, have been keeping an eye on it but nothing yet :(

Saw you too dude, I was with Nokkon at one point earlier too!

Noticed you managed to get in the Mob :D

10-07-2009, 23:42
According to 1vs100 i won an xbox live game. I assume this is a lie as it's beta and i would in fact have to buy the full game to win these live titles?

I don't think you do buy it.
And were you in the Mob? Or were you 'The One' at any point?
Lucky sod.

10-07-2009, 23:43
Saw you too dude, I was with Nokkon at one point earlier too!

Yeah, you were totally kicking ass with the answers. The lead kept going between me and you :p.

10-07-2009, 23:45
Yeah, you were totally kicking ass with the answers. The lead kept going between me and you :p.

I got progressively worse as the night went on, it was a bit tiring doing 2hrs straight.

10-07-2009, 23:47
Yay! It said it would email my xbox live email, have been keeping an eye on it but nothing yet :(

I believe your free game code could take up to 4 weeks to be emailed to you! :confused:

10-07-2009, 23:53
Did you finish in the top 3 of the Mob?

11-07-2009, 00:07
I remember getting one very embarassingly obvious answer wrong during that period :(.

Well i didn't want to say you know :p

I got the music one wrong. Luckily Celebrity Masterchef starting saved my blushes, so i had to bail ;D

11-07-2009, 00:18
AceyBongos on his twitter said the following:

'And remember - no prizes until week two, we're just testing 1 vs 100 out at the moment'

11-07-2009, 00:19
And were you in the Mob? Or were you 'The One' at any point?

I was in the mob :D, i think it puts you in there if you're high up in the 'crowd'. I managed to get all the questions right really quickly and was shoved in there.

'And remember - no prizes until week two, we're just testing 1 vs 100 out at the moment'

Balls, wish it hadn't got my hopes up :(

12-07-2009, 03:39
Just finished Wolverine, Enjoyed that! Went on a little bit too long for me but it was fun mindless violence :D It throws Achievements at you too! - I'd recommend it to anyone as a rental or on the cheap.

So next up I'll be finishing Prototype, not really far into this one yet, and I'll probably mix that up with some MP Action on BF1943 and CoD4, must finish Gears2 SP too!

12-07-2009, 11:27
Glad you enjoyed Wolverine Dunketh :)

12-07-2009, 11:35
I'm on a snowy level on Wolverine. Currently doing a cutscene jumping from helicopter to helicopter. Have I still got a bit to go? :D

12-07-2009, 11:39
I'm on a snowy level on Wolverine. Currently doing a cutscene jumping from helicopter to helicopter. Have I still got a bit to go? :D

I think I know the bit, I'd say your about half way.

It does go on a lot longer than it really should IMO, but it is good fun if you don't think about that :D

12-07-2009, 11:48
Has anyone played Terminator Salvation and is it as awful as i'm expecting? Got a free copy turning up monday I think, wondering whether it's even worth the effort of downloading/installing.

12-07-2009, 11:49
It's awful. I played the first few levels and couldn't face any more of it. Extremely glitchy too.
I know games based on films are usually pretty bad, but this one is exceptionally so.

12-07-2009, 12:08
The only good thing about Terminator: Salvation is that it's really, really short. Still didn't bother completing it though.

12-07-2009, 12:15
Won't be wasting bandwidth on that then.

12-07-2009, 12:46
Did you get this free copy with the purchase of a new gpu Divine? :)

12-07-2009, 13:18
Terminator Salvation is on my Rental List, I want to see how bad it is :D

12-07-2009, 13:36
That was why I rented it ;D Couldn't believe it was so bad so I had to see. That was a mistake :p
I can't decide if it was worse than Shellshock 2 though, very close between them!

12-07-2009, 13:38
Did you get this free copy with the purchase of a new gpu Divine? :)

Yeah, GTX260.

Should be coming with Assassins Creed too, which I suspect will be better.

12-07-2009, 16:30
N+ I decided that 400 points really wasn't much and I've given this a right good go this afternoon.

It's entirely charming, addictive, the right balance between puzzle and challenge* and a bargain. It was also the perfect filler after finishing Sacred 2 before getting back into Tales of Vesperia.

*Well that was until I got to 14 04 "Master Control" .. the spike in difficulty for this one level was off the chart and caused muchos swearing, nashing of teeth but got me 15 points for dying 1000 times ;D and also a nice adrenelin rush when I did it.

For 400 points I'd certainly recommend this to anyone sitting on the fence; and I've not tried mp yet either.

12-07-2009, 17:26
Flight Control! Constantly!

Aside from that, a fair bit of COD:WAW, mostly Domination and Nazi Zombies, a fair bit of COD:4 (which I actually prefer for TDM/Domination/CTF etc, but my mates play WAW, and Nazi Zombies is always a winner), and just finishing off Red Faction: Guerilla, which is ace. Should be called GTA:Mars though :D

12-07-2009, 20:05
I think I know the bit, I'd say your about half way.

It does go on a lot longer than it really should IMO, but it is good fun if you don't think about that :D

You ain't kidding mate! This game just drags on and on. I keep thinking i'm getting further on and bang, i'm back in Africa. Get further, bang, back to Africa. I'm willing it to end. I've had enough hacking n slashing! :p

Unlocked three new uniforms for him though. Legendary, Classic and X-Force. Adds about 5 more seconds of fun. :D

12-07-2009, 20:26
You ain't kidding mate! This game just drags on and on. I keep thinking i'm getting further on and bang, i'm back in Africa. Get further, bang, back to Africa. I'm willing it to end. I've had enough hacking n slashing! :p

Unlocked three new uniforms for him though. Legendary, Classic and X-Force. Adds about 5 more seconds of fun. :D

To be fair, I quite liked the end, a fair few easy but fun boss battles, and it churns out the achievement points, stick with it mate ;)

12-07-2009, 22:07
To be fair, I quite liked the end, a fair few easy but fun boss battles, and it churns out the achievement points, stick with it mate ;)

I've had to give up for another night. Played another 3 hours solid. I agree though, i've came accross cool boss battles now. Boss in the supermarket for one. Just beat the boss at the casino and called it a night! :)

12-07-2009, 22:47
I've had to give up for another night. Played another 3 hours solid. I agree though, i've came accross cool boss battles now. Boss in the supermarket for one. Just beat the boss at the casino and called it a night! :)

Ah not too far now then if you have beat Gambit :)

13-07-2009, 22:01
Ah not too far now then if you have beat Gambit :)

Completed it earlier. You were right. I didnt have long left. It's certainly worth a rental for anyone who hasn't played it. :)

14-07-2009, 09:04
Wolverine will be one of my next review games, hope to get it through today/tomorrow and hammer it and have it completed by the weekend :)

14-07-2009, 11:11
I started The Godfather 2 lastnight. Only played about an hour so far but it just seems to be all roughing up shop owners for protection money. The voice acting is quite good. Graphics are "ok". So far New York looks quite bland. I just hope the missions start to vary a bit. :)

14-07-2009, 11:44
I'm sure they will. I loved the first Godfather game and got the 2nd one a couple of weeks ago, but not got around to playing it yet. The one problem is that it's meant to be quite short, but that doesn't bother me too much. There are enough 50+ hour games available already so having some short ones is fine with me :)

23-07-2009, 21:52
I completed Harry Potter today after getting back from my lil trip down to London. I don't think i even put 5 hours in to it? It chucked 750 achievement points at me and i wasn't even trying. The 1000 would be done in one sitting but i cba collecting all 150 shields in the game!

It's quite good. Sadly not as good as the last Harry Potter game. Worth a rental for sure! :)

23-07-2009, 22:38
I'm sure they will. I loved the first Godfather game and got the 2nd one a couple of weeks ago, but not got around to playing it yet. The one problem is that it's meant to be quite short, but that doesn't bother me too much. There are enough 50+ hour games available already so having some short ones is fine with me :)

Really should get the Godfather on the PC and give it a go. I heard that it was a bit of a mix of Mafia and GTA. Sounds good to me. :D

Cho Zan Wan
24-07-2009, 00:25
All my 360 is used for at the moment is 1vs100, and my PS3 is basically Battlefield 1943. Which is Awesome!

24-07-2009, 15:23
Sorry for taking so long Creature. I've posted Ghostbusters off to you today.

24-07-2009, 17:04

24-07-2009, 23:04
Splosion Man!

Shiny, quick to pick up and play, great fun and an underlying sense of silly humour throughout the game that I love :)

24-07-2009, 23:09
Still stuck into Lost Odyssey. Beginning to find it a little easy now though, haven't seen a game over screen since disk 2 :huh:

25-07-2009, 11:52
Splosion Man!

Shiny, quick to pick up and play, great fun and an underlying sense of silly humour throughout the game that I love :)
Me too :D Great fun, got a real daft feel to it :)

25-07-2009, 12:37
Nowt. :shocked:
It has literally been Weeks since I last played a game I've just been to busy & haven't fancied it. :huh:

26-07-2009, 13:58
Nowt. :shocked:
It has literally been Weeks since I last played a game I've just been to busy & haven't fancied it. :huh:

Ditto, might fire it up later on when I've watched too much BSG and get hold of N+ for a bit of Ninja action. Been playing it a lot on my laptop.

26-07-2009, 18:35
I think i'm on the finishing straight for LO now, gonna explore the 'end game', already done a few of the character specific optional quests. So far i've found/completed Ming, Seth, Jansen, Cooke, Sed, Tolten and Mack, but i'm unable to find optional quests for Kaim and Sarah. Do they have any? If so any hints as to where to find them? The items you yield for completing them are stupidly good, my immortals are now walking tanks that regenerate health and mana quicker than most enemies can take it off. At the end of each turn both Kaim and Seth restore over 600hp and my spellcasters regen about 50mp which is more than most spells use!

I'm a bit (ok very) disappointed that the major endgame dungeon is actually DLC and that in order to 1k the game you need that DLC. I won't be 1king it any time soon (finding every item in the game is just mental) but it's a shame that there's no big optional challenge, so far all of the optional quests for my characters have been a doddle and every boss from Disk 3 onwards has been a walkover.

Considering this game is often praised for it's challenging battle system, it's been a bit of a disappointment. Final Fantasy VII->XII have all had far more challenging content than anything i've encountered so far. This has had slightly more difficult storyline related content, but it just lacks the 'holy crap how am i going to deal with that!?' optional boss

26-07-2009, 19:31
Back from my Hols and Dead Rising was on my doormat from my rental place, had a quick go and enjoyed it, seemed a lot to take in but I'm sure I'll pick it up.

Looking forward to playing through that and finishing up Gears 2 either later or tomorrow, Prototype is going back to the rental place, I'm finding it so dull, maybe try it again another time.

26-07-2009, 22:36
Have you played Infamous yet mate? I view it as the game Prototype was trying to be but failed. Infamous is far more understated when it comes to super powers (well, things get pretty impressive towards the end, but for most of it it's relatively calm) but outdoes it in every other way. The storyline in particular is just brilliant.

26-07-2009, 23:01
Have you played Infamous yet mate? I view it as the game Prototype was trying to be but failed. Infamous is far more understated when it comes to super powers (well, things get pretty impressive towards the end, but for most of it it's relatively calm) but outdoes it in every other way. The storyline in particular is just brilliant.

Haven't got hold of it yet, but I am looking forward to it because I loved the demo.

27-07-2009, 20:32
I've just started Dead Space tonight. Completed the first chapter and part of chapter 2. So far i'm really enjoying it. Looks superb and the sound is top class. I've jumped a couple of times from typical monster closet moments. I feel myself always expecting it now though. I find the sound and atmosphere creates more fear though.

Thumbs up so far :D

27-07-2009, 20:57
Hope you enjoy it all the way through. I completed it 3.5 times back-to-back for the 1000/1000 points.

27-07-2009, 22:46
I managed platinum/1k in exactly 3 playthroughs which i was rather proud of, the majority end up doing it in more like 4 playthroughs so expect this title to eat up your time if you're an achievement whore :)

I'd like to add i enjoyed every moment, even on the third playthrough.

27-07-2009, 22:53
I found it great fun for the first few chapters, then it turned ridiculously repetitive and had so much backtracking :( Great idea that just didn't last. If it had been like the first few chapters the whole time, it would have been brilliant.

27-07-2009, 22:54
The backtracking was only a middle/late section of the game, maybe three chapters out of twelve. After the backtracking had passed the game actually improved immensely imo, the last three chapters were just fantastic. I cannot get over how fantastic the direction was during the final boss sequence.

27-07-2009, 22:55
3 chapters out of 12 is a quarter of the game though! And the game isn't even that long to begin with.

27-07-2009, 22:59
Not very impressed with Dead Rising's save system, lost a fair bit of progress tonight, but at least I know now, other than that I am loving this game!

27-07-2009, 23:02
3 chapters out of 12 is a quarter of the game though! And the game isn't even that long to begin with.

True but it's not as if it's like Devil May Cry 4 (which people rarely moan about) where it was the exact same level. There were always significant changes and different things needed to be achieved in the same areas. It just worked for the storyline i guess, it's unsurprising that while trying to get a ship functioning again that you'd need to return to the bridge more than once for example. Even Resident Evil 2, a game lauded as the greatest survival horror ever by many (including myself) had horrendous amounts of backtracking, it just seems to be a trend of the genre.

Meh, it just didn't bother me that much i guess! :p

27-07-2009, 23:04
I think in my case there were just too many niggles with Dead Space for me, and it just felt repetitive for more than just all the backtracking (which I agree makes sense to the story). Tbh I can't remember the main things that annoy me but that says it all really, so mediocre in my mind I can't even remember what bugged me :p
Just didn't see the fuss I guess :) Or I did, but not for anywhere near as long as everyone else did.

28-07-2009, 00:29
I have played up to chapter 4 and will resume play tomorrow. I think it's fantastic so far and i'm kicking myself i have left it this late to get round to it. I won't be following Nokkon and Streeteh though and playing 3 times through :D

I have Pure arriving tomorrow too. So will play that in between Dead Space :)

28-07-2009, 01:17
Even Resident Evil 2, a game lauded as the greatest survival horror ever by many (including myself) had horrendous amounts of backtracking, it just seems to be a trend of the genre.

RE2 is surely too short to be dubbed the best ever? It was ridiculously short, although very good. I do think it paled in comparison to Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil: Code Veronica and Resident Evil 5 (in co-op) though. Not played enough of RE4 to fully judge it.

28-07-2009, 01:20
I have Pure arriving tomorrow too. So will play that in between Dead Space :)

Pure is okay, but I'd go for playing Fuel instead, it's just more impressive, open and more to do IMO. Plus Pure has the difficulty curve from hell.

28-07-2009, 01:39
Pure is okay, but I'd go for playing Fuel instead, it's just more impressive, open and more to do IMO. Plus Pure has the difficulty curve from hell.

I have Fuel in my list too but Boomerang decided to send Pure. The game bottom of my list. :confused: :)

28-07-2009, 07:32
RE2 is surely too short to be dubbed the best ever? It was ridiculously short, although very good. I do think it paled in comparison to Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Resident Evil: Code Veronica and Resident Evil 5 (in co-op) though. Not played enough of RE4 to fully judge it.

Well apparently not as myself and many others view it as the best ever :p. As with everything it's all a matter of opinion.

I completed Resident Evil 1 quicker than i did 2, also lets not forget 2 technically had two completely different playthroughs as after you had completed it with one character you could do it with the other. I know resident evil 1 had the same sort of thing but the variation between characters was very small, whereas Resi 2 was almost like two completely different games, new enemies, new locations, new characters, new weapons etc.

Silent Hill 1 + 2 were longer, i'll give you that, but imo Code Veronica didn't deserve to be listed as one of the greatest, it paled in comparison to the others.

28-07-2009, 07:57
Not a lot as I've been very busy with the kiddliewinks and visiting parents.

But I did get Splosion Man which despite being far tougher than I expected is great fun, if in small bursts. Think n+ meets Cloning Clyde.
I also finally picked up Secret of Monkey Island SE and I've played through the first chapter; wonderful in every way.
I've also put an hour into Red Faction: Guerilla and it's blown my socks off. It looks amazing and is so much fun; I just need some time to myself to give it some real attention.

28-07-2009, 09:08
We should have a crack at the Splosion Man co-op Abooie if you're up for it :)

28-07-2009, 09:11
We should have a crack at the Splosion Man co-op Abooie if you're up for it :)

Great idea :)

Admiral Huddy
28-07-2009, 09:32
I have at last put L4D down for a bit and start Fallout 3.

I've just managed to seascape Vault 101.

I had to kill the overseer to get the password. Not sue if this is going to have an impact on the game later on as the the girl was a bit upset with my character.. ?