View Full Version : And now for something *totally* different...

Dr. Z
05-03-2007, 21:52
I got this MP3 from a legitimate free download site but a) the link is no longer there and b) I cant remember the site at all, so I have no problems rehosting it for you guys - if the mods here do object, just take down the link (but remember, I do have ways of getting to your homes ;))

Its very unusual but unlike most unusual tracks, its totally listenable and in many ways, quite relaxing despite the track itself being... well, you will have to listen to see what I mean!

Venetian Snares - Hajinal (http://www.statichiss.co.uk/hajnal__venetian_snares.mp3)

Give it a couple of listens before you pass judgement!

Dr. Z
08-03-2007, 16:39
Well, thanks everyone who told me the link was broken. Its now actually working!

08-03-2007, 17:15
Well a few minutes in and I was thinking "Hmm nice" then it went a bit O_O. Its kind of like BT or Yoko Kanno on acid. Check out BT - The Anhtkythera Mechanism (http://www.thisbinaryuniverse.com/). Awesome track. I find it a bit easier to listen to than this one. I don't think its a bad track but its a little much for me :)

10-03-2007, 12:24
Iv got three venetian snares albums! They are proper mental! Best to listen to first thing in the morning, proper wakes u up lol although i did tend to understand the music more when i smoked certain substances a little more, which is unerstandable when u listen to a whole album...