View Full Version : X-Fire

18-07-2006, 11:12
Anyone use x-fire? :)
For anyone that doesn't know what it is, it's basically an IM client you can use while playing games, it also records how long you've been playing them for.
http://www.xfire.com/profile/haly is my profile.
Anyone who wants to add me, my name is, rather originally, haly :)
Always on there as it starts up with the PC.

18-07-2006, 13:49
Don't like it, it seems quite bloaty :(

18-07-2006, 13:55
Does it? :/
Only seems to use about 7mb ram here. It's handy for me to keep in touch with counterstrike people for matches.
That and I have some weird pleasure in seeing how many hours I've spent playing something :embarassed:

18-07-2006, 14:03
It always seemed it, almost clunky in use and I just didn't get on with it.

The hours thing was scary.

18-07-2006, 14:06
Ah fair enough.
It was scary when I saw I had 500hrs or so clocked up on WoW :shocked:

18-07-2006, 14:28
Don't worry I'm on 1,826 hours over the last 13 months on Guild Wars. :eek:

18-07-2006, 14:29
Don't worry I'm on 1,826 hours over the last 13 months on Guild Wars. :eek:
Ouch :eek:
Although a few years back I'd have probably been on about the same for Everquest. :embarassed:

18-07-2006, 15:28
Ah fair enough.
It was scary when I saw I had 500hrs or so clocked up on WoW :shocked:

Nothing to worry about there, we all know WoW takes over your life which is why Kitten isn't allowed to play ;D