View Full Version : GULP!

18-03-2007, 14:34
Just spent £1668.01! Never have i spent that much in one go, but in one week i will be the proud owner of:


:D :D :D :D

Just ordered it with some inheritance money so i can properly start on my music, at a more professional level :) well excited!!!!!!!!

18-03-2007, 14:37
\o/ Hope we get to hear some once you've got used to the controls :D

18-03-2007, 14:37
Very jealous!

My poor iBook isn't even alive at the moment :(

18-03-2007, 14:48
:) u will!!! I wanted it mainly at first for my own personal music, which will be more electronic ambient acoustic guitar some vocals etc but with the right equipment i can make a good demo for my band so il post them up when theyre done!!!

Bit worried cos il be staying at bbx's on the 27th for damien rice, and have the 28th off, they said estimated delivery is "28th - 29th" do you think they'd be ok with someone else signing for it? cos if so then il just pop in and pick it up, but if not then il have to phone up and re arrange the delivery.

eeeeeek yay shiny shiny mac book pro cant wait!!! i have a feeling my pc will be left to collect dust soon!!!

Also i ordered a glossy screen, not too sure if its worth it?

18-03-2007, 14:51
Lol :D

yay! (even thought its a smelly mac :p) the last track you sent me was boooootiful!

Will anyone else be at home to sign for it? If not they 'should' just redeliver in a week or so.

BB x

18-03-2007, 14:59
nah no one will be at home,so atleats someone will deffo deffo be at work! My friend just said he got the work secretary to sign for his at work, so fingers crossed i can just pop in and get it!

hehe thanks bbx :)

18-03-2007, 16:37

18-03-2007, 16:45
Pwned by a PC. ROFL. ;D

18-03-2007, 17:23
Looks like I'll be getting the exact same model, on the exact same day, for practically the same reason! I upgraded mine to the 160GB drive though - as my parents are bringing it back for me from the US I was able to spend a bit more on it (works out at about £1400 I think, including sales tax). Exciting stuff!

18-03-2007, 17:45
Hello! Don't forget, there is an unofficial rule that women have to post pics of themsevles hugging their shiny new mac *ahem* (http://macenstein.com/default/archives/category/mac-chick-of-the-month/) ;)

Congrats by the way, they are great machines for musicians.

18-03-2007, 17:54
Looks like I'll be getting the exact same model, on the exact same day, for practically the same reason! I upgraded mine to the 160GB drive though - as my parents are bringing it back for me from the US I was able to spend a bit more on it (works out at about £1400 I think, including sales tax). Exciting stuff!

I upgraded the ram to 2gb, it was the £1349 one though that only came with 1gb. I think I have got a 120gb one as i couldnt afford to up the hd and also i can always use my external hd as i do with my pc.

You wouldnt need pictures of girls with one! The mac radiants enough sexiness as it is!!

I think i will still get annoyed at it as im so used to windows, at college the macs would do my head in sometimes (although they were old crap macs that always crashed!)

Im looking forward to getting the garage band expansion packs! World music looks well fun!x

18-03-2007, 17:57
Nice one :)
Bet you're well excited, I know I would be :D

18-03-2007, 18:09
You wouldnt need pictures of girls with one! The mac radiants enough sexiness as it is!!

Yeah they do, but its like lesbianism. A twofer. ;) If you need any help with it catch me on msn or here or in the ether :)

Truth about switching (http://utilware.com/switching.html)
10 things i wish i knew before switching (http://teenagefanboy.blogspot.com/2007/01/ten-things-i-wish-i-knew-before-i.html)
Cool things you can do on a mac (http://www.silvermac.com/2006/cool-things-you-can-do-on-mac/)
Best mac os resources (http://pbgalvin.wordpress.com/the-best-mac-os-resources/)

18-03-2007, 18:11
If you need any help with it catch me on msn or here or in the ether :)

Offering your photographic services again are you? :shocked: :p

18-03-2007, 18:23
lol i did think for a minute...is he offering to photograph me with it? but I realise now!! Cheers! I think getting used to generally using a laptop (might by a mouse for it, get annoyed at touch pads) and having to download the mac msn etc will take a while.

18-03-2007, 18:29
LOL! Er no, I meant advice getting started :) But now you mention it... ;D

18-03-2007, 18:32
Dammit I want a Mac now :(

Looks like a great purchase Holly! I bet you're really excited! :D I would be!! Look forward to hearing your creativity with it! :cool:

18-03-2007, 18:37
I upgraded the ram to 2gb

Excellent idea. Macs are notorious (apparantly) for not liking third party RAM so to upgrade later might well be a false economy, or cost a shedload to get Apple to put in whatever it is they use. Plus it's best to have all the RAM you can get with music apps.

18-03-2007, 18:44
Macs certainly like RAM. No denying that.

GarageBand is one of the apps I've never used on mine. Me? Musical? Yeah, right. /spots crack running down window. :)

18-03-2007, 23:22
I also upgraded my Macbook Pro with Kingston ram. 2x 1gb chips for dual channel. Been fine and was very easy to upgrade.

19-03-2007, 00:24
Well done Holly! Its great to see you are serious about your music and buying this just reinforces the point. Good that you aren't afraid to spend on what is really needed.

19-03-2007, 02:34
Maybe I've been fed some spin on the RAM issues then.

Mmm, spin. How bitter your aftertaste is. :p

19-03-2007, 03:29
I haven't tried upgrading my Mac Mini.

I sincerely hope I never have to even try to get the top off that. It's a complete and utter ****tard. :(

19-03-2007, 10:02
I stuck an extra gig of crucial ram in our G5 without any problems. In fact, it's got to be the easiest upgrade I've ever done on a computer. Two screws on the bottom and the whole back of the Mac just pops off.

19-03-2007, 13:27
Maybe I've been fed some spin on the RAM issues then.

Mmm, spin. How bitter your aftertaste is. :p

I bet it was that BBx again wasn't it ;D

19-03-2007, 14:07
Macs FTW! Someone buy me one please? :D :p

26-03-2007, 13:08
:party1: :party1: :party2: :party2:

ITS HERE!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Work has suddenly just got so much better! :)

26-03-2007, 13:13
I bet it was that BBx again wasn't it ;D

*rubs hands together*

BB x

26-03-2007, 13:15
Bah! Another 48 hours for mine. :(

26-03-2007, 13:16
ITS HERE!!!!! :D:D:D:D

well let's see it then!!

26-03-2007, 13:21
Im at work so cant post any pics up! But the box is extra shiny, i am scared to open it hehe yum yum!! eeee well excited!! Came 2 days early too. :)

26-03-2007, 14:07
nice one holly!

27-03-2007, 07:52
Here's some piccys hehe I was a bit overwhelmed when i turned it on and didnt know what to do, most of my musical stuff cant properly be done untill i get some more equipment, but its good for watching films on!

27-03-2007, 09:19
Awesome Holly, some pointless stuff you could do with it, the keyboard backlight can be turned into a visualiser and you can also make it a smackbook ;D

27-03-2007, 10:06
how can it be turned into a visualiser? lol a smack book? i wont be hitting any one with it! Dont want any dents in my precious! :-p
My friend showed me how to make the screen go brown! Thats the only pointless thing iv learnt so far :-p

27-03-2007, 11:39
A visualiser can be done using this (http://web.mac.com/keindesign/iWeb/Site/iSpazz.html) app and an example of it can be found here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqjwDMxykuA&mode=related&search=)

A smackbook isn't hitting anyone with it it is used for switching users or desktops ala this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uvQTTPr9Rw) with instructions here (http://www.applegeeks.com/sm/index.php?PHPSESSID=3945b42884b1cca4c6fb39bba1ecb7 13&topic=7135.msg129483#msg129483)

However if you want to be extra cool you can have a macsaber (http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/21732)

27-03-2007, 14:58
beware Holly, these are 'cool' by Leo's standards which really, well, isn't very cool at all :p

:'( :'( :'(

27-03-2007, 15:25
hehe il have a go at downloading "cool" things later :P the light thing looks cool though, not sure if i could stand my mac making saber noises at me every time i moved it. I downloaded a pretty good version of msn for it, alot better than the one my friend had! x

27-03-2007, 15:35
well if you have more than msn get Adium! The duck is the way forward

27-03-2007, 15:47
Holly, I love my mb pro
What other equipment you looking for? (i know selling is probably not good form, but I am almost at the end of dismantling my home studio.
Never used the Mac for music, the purchase of it came too far after I stopped playing :(
now I just dont get the time and envy you immensly