View Full Version : Virgin Media Update

29-03-2007, 16:30
Bloke came and fitted my VM package today, he was very polite and did a tidy job all in all it took about an hour.

First impressions are that cable is much faster than I remember the menus are almost as fast as sky and the on demand system rocks big time, theres loads of stuff on there including really good older stuff like Black Books and Drop the Dead Donkey.

He phoned and got the phone switched over in litterally seconds, demonstrated the system well and left me with it. I've left Sky plugged in for the meantime which gives us the option to record one channel and watch another on at least the basic channels :)

All in all a very good decision to swap and with the 10Mb being upped to 20Mb and still no bandwidth shaping I'm well chuffed :)


29-03-2007, 16:34
Sounds good :)
I've noticed with the menu system it seems to depend on what box you've got. In Stafford I've got a much newer looking Samsung box and it's very speedy, however my parents have some old box they've had for years and it's so slow, it's not worth using the channel guide on it.
Hoping to get something sorted about that when we call up to get an extra box put in the house.

29-03-2007, 16:36
Likewise our Samsung is well nippy, and I agree, on demand/Virgin Central has some great potential. Been watching CSI Series 1 and Little Britain on that :)

Admiral Huddy
29-03-2007, 16:43
I've always been happy with my blueyonder account.. Never had any problems in the 5 years I've had it.

We had the chap come over last week to switch the TV from sky and like you, the job took about an hour and he was very professional. Even hoovered. Quality is superb, much better than Sky... The V+ is just soo cool.. We've used it so much already.. On Monday, we paused Mobile as it recorded Prison break :)

Very happy to let sky go..

29-03-2007, 18:39
Matt you know you can record two and watch a totally diff channel?

29-03-2007, 18:53
Matt you know you can record two and watch a totally diff channel?

I don't have V+, didn't fancy paying extra for it, don't really need it this is just a little extra thing using the equipment I already have :)


29-03-2007, 18:54
V+ is well worth the extra £10.

Superb service imo.

30-03-2007, 08:55
Matt, can you post a piccy of the wall mounted virgin box? that you plug modem or TV cable into?
I want to see if its the same as the blueyonder ones (which are quite large). We are contemplating asking the installer to move our existing box upstairs, but don't want an ugly thing cloggin up the bedroom wall.

EEEeeeeEEEEE V+ tomorrow! :D

Admiral Huddy
30-03-2007, 09:43
V+ is well worth the extra £10.

Superb service imo.

I agree Robert... I got mine thrown in on the package :)

01-04-2007, 07:52
We have V+ - hurrah!!!
Pretty darn clear picture now ;)