View Full Version : Slow downloads in Opera

29-03-2007, 17:43
Ive been having a play with a few Web browsers surfing and download but for some reason Opera will not download any faster than 80KB/s

Cant find any setting to change, anyone shed any light on this ?

29-03-2007, 19:35
Opera is ok at downloading and i like its inbuilt client, but personally i dont use it too much anyway, get "FDM" or Free download manager, for anything decently big... I've tested it to extremes with 8+GB files etc... and its solid and the best out there in my experience...

For the opera problem have you tried enabling more connections per server or sometimes less (as servers dont like too many connections sometimes)?

Opera is the best browser btw ;) :)

29-03-2007, 20:19
Go to this address in opera


Scroll down to performance and expand.
Turn up the Max connections slightly.

May help.

Oh..and while you're in there, turn off the crap torrent handling.


29-03-2007, 20:23
thanx will give that a try

29-03-2007, 20:31
Got to say I've not had to change anything and I frequently get well over 1000kb/s

I do thing that Opera is the mutts love spuds though. :D


30-03-2007, 18:11
Got to say I've not had to change anything and I frequently get well over 1000kb/s

I do thing that Opera is the mutts love spuds though. :D


Thats only because IT IS!

I love it on my phone too :) Opera one heavily underrated browser because they use to charge for it (rightly so anyway!).

30-03-2007, 22:05
*hangs head in shame*

Haven't installed it on my phone(s) yet.

Keep meaning to get round to it. I am also one of the few who actually PAID for Ad-free Opera when it was pay only.

Opera > IE7 > IE6 > Firefox tbqfh! :D
