View Full Version : Books for sale at work

03-04-2007, 13:43
Found this in an ad on our company intranet, thought i'd see if there's any interest. They've been put up a couple of times already but looks like this is the last chance. If any of you want any of them let me know quickly and i'll see what I can get.

Buy them now or they get pulped!

All in superb condition !!

JRR Tolkien , paperbacks with matching black covers 50p each or all for £2

The Hobbit

The Silmarillon

The Fellowship of The ring (The lord of the rings part one)

The Return of the King (the lord of the rings part 2)

The Two Towers (the lord of the rings part 3)

Terry Pratchett disc world:

Hardback £1.50 each or all for £4
The Fifth Element
Thief of time
The Truth

Paperback 50p each or all for £4
Night Watch
Equal Rights
Feet of clay
Witches abroad

Oddities, as priced
The new discworld companion £1
The discworld map 50p (Claimed! - Sam)

04-04-2007, 13:09
Can I have the Tolkien books if they haven't gone? I can't remember which one of mine is lost, and I like them all to match :p