View Full Version : PC Case Thermaltake Agulia VD1000SWA

07-04-2007, 17:38
Hi People,
has any got the above PC case ?
As I am debating wether to buy this or the Antec P180 ! :undecided:


semi-pro waster
08-04-2007, 11:27
I don't have it but it certainly looks well designed although the special bay for a Raptor X is a bit of a nonsense. Aesthetics wise though it looks too 'busy', I find it is a problem with all Thermaltake cases, it seems as if someone has just decided to fling everything at the case and hope the end result looks cool. That said if you like it don't let me put you off. :)

09-04-2007, 20:28
Can't disagree with that. Overengineering has been a problem with Thermaltake right back to the Xaser.

09-04-2007, 21:07
It is not the most sexyest case, though it does boast alot of features !:cool:

09-04-2007, 21:25
I'm actually liking the look of the Antec Nine Hundred (http://www.antec.com/productImage.php?ProdID=15900&SetZone=en)

Plenty of cooling and not bad looking - it's currently top of the list for my new gaming rig.

Stan :)

Admiral Huddy
10-04-2007, 10:33
I think that's a nice case.. I like Thermaltake cases but it's personal choice at the end of day. As long as it has 12cm fans at front and rear it can't be too bad.

Bear in mind your upgrade otions. . . This is a midi tower so space inside may be limited.. especially if you are considering buying larger graphics cards at a latter date.. so it might be worth checking this out first...

The case (apart from the front) look identical to the Tsunami dream i've just sold.. The main problem I had with that was the limited space inside. It's a B****** getting the motherboard in and out.

If I was going for a midi case now, I'd certainly go for the P180.

10-04-2007, 21:38
Even the P180 can not take 8800 ! :angry:

Check this Link for PC cases that can and those that can not do 8800

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2007, 09:19
Yes it does.. I have seen it being used in a P180... You can move the drive cage around.

worth going through this...


11-04-2007, 10:30
Yes it does.. I have seen it being used in a P180... You can move the drive cage around.

worth going through this...


Hi, the link does not work !:'(

semi-pro waster
11-04-2007, 11:10
Replace the *s with w x3 and you get the right link (http://www.tosk.co.uk/8800/), no clue why they appear as * in Huddy's post though. :)

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2007, 11:24
Replace the *s with w x3 and you get the right link (http://www.tosk.co.uk/8800/), no clue why they appear as * in Huddy's post though. :)

Thought it best since it's setup by an OC'er

11-04-2007, 12:10
Whats the main difference between GTS & GTX ?

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2007, 12:11
Whats the main difference between GTS & GTX ?

96 (GTS) stream processors as opposed to 128 (GTX), less memory 768 (GTX) vs 640 & 320 (GTS).

11-04-2007, 12:55
96 (GTS) stream processors as opposed to 128 (GTX), less memory 768 (GTX) vs 640 & 320 (GTS).

Do you know the prices ?

11-04-2007, 14:02
Cheers that seems to work

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2007, 14:27
Do you know the prices ?

Check on-line stores for prices.. ;)

320MB GTS around £210

640MB GTS around £270

GTX around £380


semi-pro waster
11-04-2007, 14:33
Aria (http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Graphics+Cards/PCI-E/nVIDIA+GeForce+8+Series/?p=cF9zdHlsZT1saXN0JnBfcHJvZHVjdHNQZXJQYWdlPSY=) seem to have some bargainous prices on the 8800series, the Albatron range in particular are very cheap (comparatively speaking of course) but I don't know how good they are other than having use a few FX5200s in various builds for other people which were fine.

Scan (http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Products.ASP?CatID=15&Category=Graphics+Cards&Thumbnails=yes) appear to be slightly more expensive but sometimes have parts in stock that Aria don't or vice versa. :)

11-04-2007, 19:49
Aria (http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Graphics+Cards/PCI-E/nVIDIA+GeForce+8+Series/?p=cF9zdHlsZT1saXN0JnBfcHJvZHVjdHNQZXJQYWdlPSY=) seem to have some bargainous prices on the 8800series, the Albatron range in particular are very cheap (comparatively speaking of course) but I don't know how good they are other than having use a few FX5200s in various builds for other people which were fine.

Scan (http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Products.ASP?CatID=15&Category=Graphics+Cards&Thumbnails=yes) appear to be slightly more expensive but sometimes have parts in stock that Aria don't or vice versa. :)

Yeah quite agree, with aria & scan
I find Scan cheaper than OverClock, though scan's P&P can be more. Novatech more expensive than Overclock though their support side is great.

11-04-2007, 20:00
What about this case for 8800 proof, Gigabyte 3D Aurora


11-04-2007, 20:30
Fits in my Eclipse with bags of room to spare.

Stan :)

17-04-2007, 19:59
Fits in my Eclipse with bags of room to spare.

Stan :)

Can you post a pic please.

Many thanks

17-04-2007, 20:45
Apologies for the crappy phone pic.


As you can see there's about another 3" before you hit the drive bays.

Stan :)

Admiral Huddy
18-04-2007, 09:30
Nice one Stan..

Tyson, just to give you an idea of size difference between a full and and a midi tower....


18-04-2007, 18:51
Cheers guys.
I will have a few problems housing a full or even a super midi tower at home.
As at present my case is located in computer unit furniture. And even that does not go to the skirting board due to cables hanging out the back of the pc case. So then up sizing to a super midi will still cause a few problems.
I will still get a new case and worry about locating afterwards