View Full Version : Battle Stations Midway

11-04-2007, 13:57
Hi everyone,
has any played the above game, if so got any reviews :)

many thanks

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2007, 16:01
Poor I was reading

Try gamespot..

11-04-2007, 16:10
Bloke at work just bought it and is trading it in this weekend. Crap apparently.

11-04-2007, 19:19
I have a copy. I got bored whilst shopping.

It's a lot of fun, for about 10 minutes, and then it gets boring really quick. It's very arcade-ish, has no atmosphere and sits on the ground between PC and console, no-mans land.

11-04-2007, 20:20
Right that's what I thought about the general opinion was, so glad I did not buy it.
Many thanks guys

11-04-2007, 20:57
On the plus side, one of my sigs is taken from that game.

11-04-2007, 21:23
I quite enjoyed it. But to be fair all I did was fly the torpedo bomber around and sink carriers.

Flying so low that there was spray coming up from the sea was really quite cool.

Wouldnt pay more than £10 for it though.


13-04-2007, 02:51
I've got it on rental at the moment, not the best game i've ever played by a long shot, nearer the worst but it's still an okish game.