View Full Version : Bigstan's not so healthy cooking thread.

21-04-2007, 21:05
Inspired by Belmit's healthy recipe and the excellent cooking threads created by Jonny, I present Bigstan's not so healthy cooking thread. Please beware that there is mention in this thread of the likes of lard, butter and alcohol, if you are of a healthy disposition, you may wish to leave the thread now ;)

My supper:

First thing one must do is to open a bottle of plonk for the chef - this little number is a lightish, fruity chap bought from the local Spar shop.


First step is to boil the tatties. I would normally have chips with steak but I have some Kerr's Pink tatties which are delicious boiled and it would be a shame to make them into chips.

Next step is to start the steak. Steak should be cooked using a cast iron griddle pan with lard - none of your poncy George Foreman or olive oil pish.


This beauty is Aberdeenshire Angus and is just under 15oz :cool:


I like my steak rare so I cook it on full heat for 2 minutes each side then keep it somewhere warm for 5 minutes or so to rest.

At the same time, the veg goes on. For tonight's feast, I have selected 1 large field mushroom and some vine plum tomatoes - these are fried in butter.


You now have lot's of lovely lard/steak juice in the pan so we "de-glaze" the pan using.....


......you guessed it - whisky :D When the veg is cooked, add the juices from that pan too. You now have a pan with a "sauce" made from lard, steak juices, whisky, butter and veg juice - mmmmm.

I'ts now time to plate up - bung it all on a plate along with half a tin of Marrowfat peas left over from last night's tea, pour the "sauce" over the tatties and the steak, season and scoff.

Et voila:


That was lovely.

Stan :)

21-04-2007, 22:16
Wow thats a big steak...looks good :)

21-04-2007, 22:22
What a mighty beast that steak is! You can tell it's a good meal when the plate is basically obscured!

I too use a griddle for my steak but don't normally put any oil or fat in the pan, just let it cook in its own fat - is there a practical reason for it other than creating a tasty sauce?

21-04-2007, 22:22
I approve of everything but the peas!! :p

21-04-2007, 22:33
What a mighty beast that steak is! You can tell it's a good meal when the plate is basically obscured!

I too use a griddle for my steak but don't normally put any oil or fat in the pan, just let it cook in its own fat - is there a practical reason for it other than creating a tasty sauce?

I like lard :embarassed: It seems to give the steak a better colour and sheen - personal preference really.

Stan :)

21-04-2007, 22:35
I approve of everything but the peas!! :p

Philistine. Marrowfat peas rawk :p

Stan :)

21-04-2007, 22:39
Oh yea I forgot to mention...you need to get some bigger plates :D

21-04-2007, 22:42
Yeah, then you could fit more food on!

21-04-2007, 22:43
That plate's 11"x8".

If I bought bigger plates, I'd just put more food on them :D

Stan :)

Edit: You know me too well it seems Belmit.

21-04-2007, 22:43
I knew it! :D

21-04-2007, 23:14
Again that is half a cow walkking around that plate :p

21-04-2007, 23:21
Again that is half a cow walkking around that plate :p

It's rare, but its not THAT rare!

21-04-2007, 23:24
It's ok, it's stopped moo'ing - only just mind but thats the best way!


22-04-2007, 01:06
It's rare, but its not THAT rare!

It's a reference to the steak I had in a 'spoons in Edinburgh when Paula, Muban and I met up recently. I ordered the surf and turf, the steak was a decent size and I referred to my portion as a "snack" but Paula seemed to think it was half a cow :D

Stan :)

22-04-2007, 01:18
/me gets on a 'plane for Peterhead

22-04-2007, 03:02
I like me a big peace of meat. That's a mighty fine peace of meat ya got there ;-)

22-04-2007, 05:23
Mel, can I introduce you to my wife? She's practically a vegetarian, whereas I am a full-blooded Irish meat and potatoes kind of man.

I miss eating steak..... :(

22-04-2007, 08:02
It's rare, but its not THAT rare!

Cooking with Roy Walker...

22-04-2007, 10:52
Looks yum! :D

22-04-2007, 18:26
garrrrrrrrrrrrrgh steeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaak :D

Got a lovely bit of well aged beef in the freezer, must cook it soon

Mel, can I introduce you to my wife? She's practically a vegetarian, whereas I am a full-blooded Irish meat and potatoes kind of man.

I miss eating steak..... :(
:( Mine is veggie but it was agreed that I won't be giving up my meat, however yours introduced the world to her chicken and rice bake special :)
Mine has improved my diet quite a lot though, I eat better than I used to.

22-04-2007, 20:05
Mel, can I introduce you to my wife? She's practically a vegetarian, whereas I am a full-blooded Irish meat and potatoes kind of man.

I miss eating steak..... :(

Awww... I know how you feel. My ex / casual still dating partner (yeah yeah, you know how it is), doesn't eat beef, so it's very rare that we go out anywhere "meaty" for dinner. Whenever I get the chance I go out and get a nice juicy steak to grill at home, and if he's eating with me, he gets a wimpy chicken breast.

I did once play a part in turning a vegetarian back into a meat eater. His first meal was a big fat Mike's Burger!! Will knows what I'm talking about with that one..

22-04-2007, 20:07
It's ok, it's stopped moo'ing - only just mind but thats the best way!


We like mooing, we like meat, we like big meat :D we want meat :(

22-04-2007, 20:28
I did once play a part in turning a vegetarian back into a meat eater. His first meal was a big fat Mike's Burger!! Will knows what I'm talking about with that one..

So does Paul! ;)

Meat rocks. Never trust a man/woman that doesn't like meat ;)

22-04-2007, 20:59
Yeah I know so does Paul but he never reads these threads anymore!!

22-04-2007, 21:40
I know the gay boy.

22-04-2007, 21:43
Come on now Will... he's not a gay boy... he's a gay MAN

22-04-2007, 22:23
Stan you cooked that steak for faaaaaaaaaaaaaar too long!!!!

Looks nice though :D

23-04-2007, 02:04
Stan you cooked that steak for faaaaaaaaaaaaaar too long!!!!

Looks nice though :D

Ha, ha. So you're one of those that says, "Wipe it's arse and hack a slab off as it walks by."

Am I right? ;)

23-04-2007, 07:28
Ha, ha. So you're one of those that says, "Wipe it's arse and hack a slab off as it walks by."

Am I right? ;)

First - Fnar :evil:

Second - What is wrong with that? Sounds like the perfect way to serve steak to me :p

23-04-2007, 07:41
Funniest thing I ever saw was a steak house in Chicago when I was a newbie in the navy.

Several of us decided to treat ourselves to a steak dinner. We get there, are seated by a gorgeous woman waitress, and we give our order. One lad says he wants his steak rare. She asks how rare. He says he wants it to "moo" when he stabs it with his fork.

Anyways, conversation goes on, several beers are rented (yes, you don't buy beer, you rent it), and our dinners arrive. The waitress makes like she's leaving, but hangs around the table behind the lad who ordered his rare. Just as he's about to dig into his steak, she pulls something out of her apron. It's one of those toys that you turn upside down and when it's turned upright makes the sound of a barnyard animal. Hers just so happens to be that of a cow.

She timed it just perfect so that aas his fork stuck into the steak her toy made this VERY realistic "MOO"!! The look on the lad's face was absolutely priceless!! And the innocent "who me???" look of the waitress was fantastic. Of course the rest of us saw it coming and were all trying not to look like absolute idiots with beer coming out of our nostrils from laughing so hard!! :D

23-04-2007, 07:51
She timed it just perfect so that aas his fork stuck into the steak her toy made this VERY realistic "MOO"!! The look on the lad's face was absolutely priceless!!

;D ;D ;D Love it ;D ;D ;D

Problem I have is I always ask for a blue steak and some places either have no idea what that is or just won't do it that way :(
I then ask for it the be "as rare as possible then" normally glaring and making a mental note not to go back to that place again

23-04-2007, 07:58
Hahaha! That's the sort of thing I used to do when I was a waitress!