View Full Version : Well thats dead then!

25-04-2007, 20:30
My 360 has just bricked itself and gives me three beautiful red lights to prove its point.

I hadn't used it for a few days and just bought GRAW2 to play, it crashed soon after the update and now displays the dreaded red ring of death and its just a month out of warranty if that :(, I'm pretty sure I dumped the receipt recently too because I know it was out of warranty. Microsoft will want ~£100 to fix it and anywhere else will be about £50 plus transportation. How annoying :angry:

Tempted to try the 'towel' fix but I'm sure if that does work its only temporary


25-04-2007, 20:42
That sucks, sorry to hear that Matt :(

25-04-2007, 20:42
Where did you get it from? The Sale of Goods Act/Distance Selling Regulations will cover you for longer than a year, so if you can find any kind of proof you bought the 360 from them (a bank statement is enough) then you can argue that a console should last longer than a year (which is fair considering I have a Mega Drive which still works fine), and that it's still on them to fix. You don't legally need a receipt to do this as a store doesn't legally need to give you one, you just need some way to prove you got it from that particular store.

25-04-2007, 20:43
If it's a known fault the fact that it's out of warranty shouldn't matter

25-04-2007, 20:48
Can't get the bastard thing to replicate the fault, sometimes it crashes on start up, sometimes it will get into a game then crash, sometimes I get the red ring of doom and sometimes not, its a real pain. IT always crashes when trying to get into a mission in GRAW2. Bah!

I'll probably just send to these guys http://www.gtelectronics.co.uk/ they seem to have a good reputation.


25-04-2007, 21:08
That sucks :(

25-04-2007, 22:13
Hmmm, interesting.

I spoke to a woman at the support centre (in India) and she took some details, asked when I bought it, I said I thought about 11 months ago and she gave a me a reference number and told me to call back tomorrow to arrange a pick up, so fingers crossed they aren't going to ask for a receipt and will fix it under warranty :)


25-04-2007, 22:20
Hmmm, interesting.

I spoke to a woman at the support centre (in India) and she took some details, asked when I bought it, I said I thought about 11 months ago and she gave a me a reference number and told me to call back tomorrow to arrange a pick up, so fingers crossed they aren't going to ask for a receipt and will fix it under warranty :)


I managed to do that with my PS2 (18 months after I bought it) 3 times in about 4 months... Twice I broke it* and once I got a replacement where the DVD tray didn't work.

If you're nice and reasonable on the phone then you're more likely to be able to get stuff sorted

*NB: Plugging a console into a 20 year old unshielded 200 watt amplifier causes funny stuff to happen to it :embarassed:

26-04-2007, 08:42
Hmmm, interesting.

I spoke to a woman at the support centre (in India) and she took some details, asked when I bought it, I said I thought about 11 months ago and she gave a me a reference number and told me to call back tomorrow to arrange a pick up, so fingers crossed they aren't going to ask for a receipt and will fix it under warranty :)

Microsoft never asked for mine - which is handy because I never had one. My console was a free gift with my phone contract :)

They start the warranty from the date of registration I believe, so if you didnt register the console then you should be fine.

And fwiw, the turn around for my console was very good - under a week.

26-04-2007, 08:48
I always worry about my console dying. I think I'm going to get myself a memory card to transfer all my saves onto, just in case it dies. I don't mind losing themes and stuff, but some save games took ages and I wouldn't want to do them again.

26-04-2007, 09:03
It really sucks major ass that you cant copy profiles, else I'd do the same Davey.

Fwiw, the single save I did make before my original 360 bricked was fine on the new one. The hard drive doesn't seam as unreliable as the console itself!

26-04-2007, 09:26
I have my profile on my HD and my memory card I think

I just called MS, if you ever have to do this, do not do it at 9.00am sometimes they don't switch over the line from one call centre to another in time and I was on hold for ages before hanging up and trying again when I got straight through!

They are emailing me some labels and I need to package the unit and send it back, no request for a credit card number and no mention of cost so it looks like I got away with it this time! She said 15 working days but generally it seem to be quicker so as long as it comes back working and they don't try and charge me I will be a happy bunny :)


26-04-2007, 09:30
They wouldn't pick it up without saying so if there are costs incurred for getting it back, looks like you're all good :)

You potentially get an extra 90 days warranty too, depending on when it actually runs out. ('90 days or your remaining warranty period, whichever is the longer' according to the new rules (http://aceybongos.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!34EFB79E92974FD2!3992.entry)).

27-04-2007, 12:04
AAARRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! !!!No email after 24 hours, so I phone them to ask where it is, apparently they typed the email address in wrong! So she says she'll have to cancel it but I have to call back again in 2 hours as it takes that long for the cancelation to go through! Unbelieveable, this thing had better come back quickly thats all I can say!MB

27-04-2007, 12:21
Grrr that is bloody annoying!

27-04-2007, 13:31
Ohhhhhh label has arrived and UPS are very efficient, they are coming to collect it from work on Monday, still no mention of any charge so I think I'm going to get away with it.

I also seem to remember hearing that they are now giving you a full years extra warrenty after a repair?


27-04-2007, 13:35
Only if you pay for it, see the link I posted :)

27-04-2007, 13:40
Ahh I see, well if it breaks during the 90 days I can send it back and if its longer then I'll pay, I'm still getting if for free this time which is cool :)

Not sure if I shouldn't sell/ trade it when I get it back and maybe buy an Elite, if and when they are release in the UK, a black box would fit better in my hifi stand :D


27-04-2007, 13:43
Make sure you read up on all the data transfer/license gubbins before you do! You've got plenty of time to think about it though, I dont reckon we'll see it until August time.

11-05-2007, 18:11
360 is back, however now I notice that I must have left GRAW2 in when I sent it off and they haven't sent it back, in fact it looks like they've changed the drive as well as the motherboard :/

Bugger that's £30 down the drain but at last its better than the £85 they would have charged, you win some you loose some [sigh]


11-05-2007, 18:32

11-05-2007, 19:00
Traded a few old PSP and Perfect Dark (which I never played) and PGR and got another copy :)

No great loss


11-05-2007, 19:03
Least you've got a working 360, that's the main thing :D

11-05-2007, 19:15
Traded a few old PSP and Perfect Dark (which I never played) and PGR and got another copy :)

No great loss


MB its too late now, but had you tried emailing the company explaining what happened? Box, and maybe proof of purchase, and i think you'd be suprised, quite a few replace DVD's when they get scratched broken (i've not heard of lost but it would have been worth a punt!).

11-05-2007, 20:53
This is why having a trusted teknishern is vital!

Sorted out my friend John's Daughter's PC... She had left her 'Sims 2' disc in the drive...

When John picked up his daughter's fixed PC I handed him the disc in a case and said "Jade (that's her name) left this in the drive"...

Ok so he's about Matt's size, but still :p

01-06-2007, 21:23
Can I join this club?? Personally I'm blaming Mr Pitch and his copy of crackdown which has just decided to update itself and I have 3 nice red lights now!! wooo!! :angry:

Sorry guys but what do I do now?

EDIT: well I've just turned it back on now after leaving it off and it's come back on ok so I'll fire up crackdown and see if it works. Actually I can't because all I can see is a green screen :(

01-06-2007, 22:05
Call xbox support tomorrow dude, but it's probably a returns job :(

01-06-2007, 22:07
Nooo not another one! *fears for hers next*
That sucks :(

01-06-2007, 22:13
Call xbox support tomorrow dude, but it's probably a returns job :(

Is there any particular number I should call? I didn't think it would be worth calling them tonight so yes I'll make the call tomorrow. First time I can actually play on the thing and it's borked :'( *shakes fist*

01-06-2007, 22:40
Where did you get yours from Matt? If it's a high street store you should be able to walk back in with the 360 and a receipt and walk back out with a replacement console.

01-06-2007, 22:46
I bought it from Game online. Do you think I'd need the box?

01-06-2007, 22:50
Not necessarily, I'd imagine they'd just send it back to their supplier/MS for a replacement. How long ago did you get it?

01-06-2007, 22:53
I got it at Christmas from GAME onlne :)

01-06-2007, 22:58
Less than 6 months old then, you'll have no worries. As it states in the Sales of Goods Act, inside 6 months the onus is on the seller to prove the fault *wasn't* there at the time of sale. Given the rather high number of 360's to go back faulty, it's something they'd never be able to prove. I'd imagine if you rung up and explained the situation you'll have no problems getting a replacement, though whether you'll be able to go into a shop to get one or whether they'll send one, I don't know.

01-06-2007, 23:01
Well I'll call GAME tomorrow morning

02-06-2007, 10:24
Well have called the GAME stores and none have any in stock :( So I'll have to call back Monday and should be able to make a straight swap \o/ just need to find the blood slip that came in the box ;D

EDIT: Just switched it on now and it's working :huh: Still going to swap it I think

02-06-2007, 11:20
Nice one :) I'd swap it just to be sure.

02-06-2007, 11:37
Bear in mind than any licensed content will require the account used to download it to be signed into live on a new console. Bit of a pain if you have multiple live accounts.

02-06-2007, 12:09
After my post I just stuck Crackdown in and red lights again :( So I'm not going to be playing anything till next week :'(

02-06-2007, 12:15
That sucks :(
I'd be lost without mine :embarassed: And I'd be crap at arguing my point with Gamestation too.

02-06-2007, 12:19
I'm not going to touch it now until I take it apart on Monday, the guy at GAME said just bring the box in, keep everything including the HDD. I'm going to check with them that the new one I'm getting will not be included under the original warranty and it will have it's own one which will last 12 months from early next week. Don't want it busting again in 6 months and me then being out of warranty :(

We need to arrange Gears Jen :)

02-06-2007, 12:21
Definitely :)
Got a fair bit of time in the evenings atm :)

02-06-2007, 12:32
I'm not going to touch it now until I take it apart on Monday, the guy at GAME said just bring the box in, keep everything including the HDD. I'm going to check with them that the new one I'm getting will not be included under the original warranty and it will have it's own one which will last 12 months from early next week. Don't want it busting again in 6 months and me then being out of warranty :(

We need to arrange Gears Jen :)
Irrespective of warranty you should always see the company first. As you bought the console from them, the contract is with them and if the console isn't fit for it's purpose (which is to play games) then they're obligated to do something about it. They may try and argue the tack, saying that a console should only expect to last a year or so, but we all know that's bollocks (I've still got a working Mega Drive). The threat of Trading Standards and the Small Claims Court would generally be enough to convince them to help you out (especially if you're willing to make sure it's more than an idle threat).

02-06-2007, 13:07
If mine ever goes wrong, can I take you with me to the store Davey? :D

02-06-2007, 14:23
Davey, they've said they'll change it.... doesn't look like it's going to be a problem, I meant I wanted a new warranty just to back me up in case the new one fails too, 7 months down the line and my current warranty is out. I know I can just take it back, but it never hurts to have paperwork to back you up.

02-06-2007, 15:16
If mine ever goes wrong, can I take you with me to the store Davey? :D

Hehehe, if I'm needed I'll definitely help out :)

Davey, they've said they'll change it.... doesn't look like it's going to be a problem, I meant I wanted a new warranty just to back me up in case the new one fails too, 7 months down the line and my current warranty is out. I know I can just take it back, but it never hurts to have paperwork to back you up.

Oh yeah I know, I was just saying that even if it died after the year was out, you'd still be able to go back to the shop :)

04-06-2007, 12:09
Spoke to the manager Gareth in Lord Street and it's going to be swapped tomorrow :D

04-06-2007, 12:32
Excellent news Leo. Do you get to keep your Hard Drive?

04-06-2007, 14:53
Aye just take the unit in and it's a straight swap, I keep my HD.

04-06-2007, 14:54
I'd pretty much expect that as standard, being as it's what you'd get with an RMA repair. Losing your saves would be a right PITA.

04-06-2007, 14:55
Aye I just hope the HD is ok :undecided:

04-06-2007, 14:57
If the HD is obviously faulty I think you get a different red ring combo. Should be fine dude :)

04-06-2007, 16:27
If the HD is obviously faulty I think you get a different red ring combo. Should be fine dude :)

phew! Don't fancy playing all the games again :p

06-06-2007, 09:14
Changed without issue at the store. The bloke behind the counter was whinging to me because he had to send his back to MS and didn't think of returning it to the store.

Everything is ok on the HD, I updated the console and everything seems ok. It does seem a lot louder when idling though :huh:

06-06-2007, 11:45
Changed without issue at the store. The bloke behind the counter was whinging to me because he had to send his back to MS and didn't think of returning it to the store.

He works at a store and didn't even think of returning it there? Priceless ;D ;D

06-06-2007, 12:12
I know ;D

06-06-2007, 14:13
He works at a store and didn't even think of returning it there? Priceless ;D ;D

Game staff for you :p
Heh, guess where I've just applied for a job at? ;D

06-06-2007, 14:28
Game staff for you :p
Heh, guess where I've just applied for a job at? ;D

Starbucks ;D

haha well cheap game would certainly be coming your way :)

06-06-2007, 14:33
Yeah true :D
I doubt I'll get it though, I've got a feeling my gender will get in the way knowing that place :( When I went in to enquire the two lads I asked looked scared stiff that a girl was talking to them too.