View Full Version : Blue Screen of Death error message !

30-04-2007, 19:54

I was playing BF2 online multi game when the PC just shut and I had the BSOD error message, stop error

Computer symptoms

A message appears on a blue screen with error code information (for example: 0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)

the MS web site reffers to a driver for a new item of hard ware that may have been installed.
I have not installed any new hard ware ?

info any one please

30-04-2007, 20:25
I can see your problem, you're playing BF2, coded by the mokey men at EA. They couldn't make a stable game to save their life, or release it after its finished...

30-04-2007, 21:15
Is it the first time you have played the game ?

If no to the above can you think of anything you have done since you last played ...little tweaks can affect games very easly

If no to all the above look for new drivers for everything than needs them and try again

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2007, 09:33
Tyson, Have you updated your Video drivers and patched the game like i've told you 1,001 times.

You'll never stop getting BSODs.. sometimes they just occur for no particular reason. Worry when they are persistant.

01-05-2007, 09:48
You'll never stop getting BSODs.. sometimes they just occur for no particular reason. Worry when they are persistant.
Complacency ++

If a system BSOD's then there's a problem that needs fixing, not that needs living with.

01-05-2007, 09:55
I can see your problem, you're playing BF2, coded by the mokey men at EA. They couldn't make a stable game to save their life, or release it after its finished...

I've played over 1800 hours of online BF2 with 3 different rigs. The game cost 30 quid and i have played it daily since the day of release. I personally think that is Superb value for money.

To help i would need your full system specs including drivers.

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2007, 10:46
Complacency ++

If a system BSOD's then there's a problem that needs fixing, not that needs living with.

Although you are right, sometimes a BSOD can be hard to replicate, then you can end up worrying your pants off that it's a hardware error problem.

I had a BSOD a few weeks back... it's not re-occurred since so I'm assuming it was a bug in the program. I've checked the memory and ran some diagnostics etc.. showed nothing.. If it had re-occured then I would regard it as something seriously wrong.

01-05-2007, 10:49
It shouldn't be possible for a program to halt a system - it takes something at kernel level, (ie, device drivers) or hardware instability to do it. If I ever see a blue screen I analyse the crash dump and find out why. It's not something I'm personally prepared to write off.

Though maybe I'm not exposed to them as often as games player might be. Graphics drivers are ****s sometimes (unless they're Intel).

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2007, 10:59
I think drivers have a large part in this.. In this case, it was an error with the nv_disp. Surely, it depends on how the program intectacts with the API elements of the driver that could cause an error.

01-05-2007, 11:07
I must admit I can't recall the last time I saw a BSOD on either of my two home systems, and like Daz, if I got one I try to figure out why. They should never happen for no reason.

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2007, 11:14
They should never happen for no reason.

Although this is true, sometimes the source isn't so easy to find. I would normally just check that all the drivers are up to date, run a few diagostics and basic checks.. If it the problems persists, then i'd be inclined to start swapping out components etc..


This message is quite a common message.. You will need to find out which program failed.. this will give you a better idea.. Look at the logs produced in the dump.. or the event log.

01-05-2007, 11:28
Get this.

My Vista install is pernickity about booting.

When I turn the PC on, chances are when it goes into Vista it will either bluescreen during boot or will lock solid after a couple of minutes operating. After a restart it's perfectly stable and doesn't have a problem.

However, if I have 'quick boot' disabled in the BIOS so it takes a couple of minutes to go through the memory test, it works and boots into the OS absolutely fine and is stable from the start.

Work that one out!

01-05-2007, 11:30
Send me a crash dump (%SystemRoot%\Minidump by default), and I'll try :)

01-05-2007, 11:35
It's vista?

Sorry couldn't help myself, thats not even a cheap dig, even i'm using Vista now (came with the new laptop).

03-05-2007, 22:38
Although this is true, sometimes the source isn't so easy to find. I would normally just check that all the drivers are up to date, run a few diagostics and basic checks.. If it the problems persists, then i'd be inclined to start swapping out components etc..


This message is quite a common message.. You will need to find out which program failed.. this will give you a better idea.. Look at the logs produced in the dump.. or the event log.

Thanks m8, how do I look at the dump or event log ?

PS. my VGA driver is up to date ! :cool:

Admiral Huddy
04-05-2007, 22:47
Thanks m8, how do I look at the dump or event log ?

PS. my VGA driver is up to date ! :cool:
\o/ Woot

04-05-2007, 23:00
@Feek: That sounds like a power supply issue. I had something very similar that went away when I swapped out the PSU.

09-05-2007, 22:46
@Feek: That sounds like a power supply issue. I had something very similar that went away when I swapped out the PSU.

I have a Tagan 580watt PSU, which is more enough juice than I need for he PC rig I am running. So I think I must have another problem.
Which problem that might, I do not know ! :'(

Admiral Huddy
10-05-2007, 16:51
Just do a memory test using memtest86+ and CPU stress test using either prime95 or F@H.. that will soon tell you if you have a problem.