View Full Version : Urgent Help Needed - Cable related..

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2007, 10:12
I'm looking for two cables for an Audigy 2 "Platinum" Sound card:

AD-EXT cable to SB Audigy2 card (this is a 40 pin ribbon connector, not the same as an IDE connector)


SB1394 FireWire cables..

If anyone can help or point me to somewhere that can, it would be a big help.


semi-pro waster
01-05-2007, 10:21
Well, Scan (http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/Products.ASP?CatID=5&FilterCategories=227&Thumbnails=yes) appears to have 3 different products for Firewire cables - 6-4pin, 6-6pin which are both by DLink and a kit by Philex which includes both of the above and a 4-4pin. I don't know how competitive the prices are but it is an option.

Sorry I don't really even know where to begin looking for the other. :)

01-05-2007, 11:32
Finding the internal ribbon cable for Audigy's will be difficult. Im guessing this is to connect it with the breakoutbox?

The problem is, if you buy the pro you get the ribbon and breakout box. You can't buy the box separately so buying the ribbon is difficult. They might turn up occasionally on ebay, but its not going to be easy. I'd personally try and modify an IDE cable or something similar i seem to remember they're smaller than ide so try a notebook ide cable? Sorry i can't help either...

Admiral Huddy
01-05-2007, 11:41
Cheers Alex, I have the cable layout.. Might be a bit tricky and nothing on ebay :(