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View Full Version : SKY HD box just died

Del Lardo
01-05-2007, 23:21
A loud click from the HDD and then silence and now it no booty booty :angry:

Haven't lost anything important on the HDD but still a bit annoying. Now I have fun of speaking to SKY customer support tomorrow, I wonder how many stupid questions I'll get asked before I crack and tell them that I'm an FAE for STBs and can diagnose what's wrong without the need for 300 questions.

02-05-2007, 00:03
Stick an new HD in it, it's what I'm doing when the warranty runs out. 500Gb Sky+ box!!

Del Lardo
03-05-2007, 12:27
Well after 5 minutes on hold I got bored and pulled out a screwdriver. 5 minutes later I was still on hold but had a working Sky box :D

03-05-2007, 12:40
Well after 5 minutes on hold I got bored and pulled out a screwdriver. 5 minutes later I was still on hold but had a working Sky box :D


class :D

03-05-2007, 13:06
it will proabably go again, they eat disks ( espcially the standard maxtor ones )

if you have a Pace box then fit a Samsung Spinpoint and it will be better than its ever been

If its an Amstrad then maybe go wit a Sky swap out and see if you can get a pace

threaten to cancel and you should get it done for half price ( if not free )

04-05-2007, 17:11
Stick an new HD in it, it's what I'm doing when the warranty runs out. 500Gb Sky+ box!!

Am i right in thinking that when you do this the % bar doesn't adjust to the new disk size?

04-05-2007, 17:27
Maxtor drives suck ass - which is no doubt why they keep failing....

04-05-2007, 18:20
Am i right in thinking that when you do this the % bar doesn't adjust to the new disk size?

it's fine now with latest software

04-05-2007, 18:29
Ah k, might upgrade it then seeing as it's well out of warranty. Would ghosting the disk mean i can keep all my programs and settings etc?

04-05-2007, 18:48
nope , doesn't work afaik

I think there a couple of dedicated pieces of s/w about but not tried them

05-05-2007, 00:12
Am i right in thinking that when you do this the % bar doesn't adjust to the new disk size?

I did read something to that effect...

05-05-2007, 02:08
I did read something to that effect...

only woth old s/w versions

I have a 250gb in mine and the % bar works fine

05-05-2007, 06:40
Will go on my list of things to do :). I'm sure i'll get round to it at some point.

05-05-2007, 09:18
only woth old s/w versions

I have a 250gb in mine and the % bar works fine
I will read the rest of the post before replying, I will read the rest of the post before replying, I will read the rest of the post before replying, I will read the rest of the post before replying, I will read the rest of the post before replying, I will read the rest of the post before replying.