View Full Version : Milking it.... (Lost)

08-05-2007, 10:39
Surprising like stories of supermodels doing coke:


There will be three more series of Emmy-winning TV show Lost before it finally ends in 2010.
Really dont think it's going to do the franchise any good dragging it out. I mean think about it, then end of this series will only be the half way point!

Though some positives:

Each series will be 16 episodes with no mid-season break, following complaints the last series was divided in two.
I hope others follow suit with that.

08-05-2007, 10:43
Yay to no mid season break!

But 2010? I can't wait that long to find out WTF is going on!

08-05-2007, 11:15
If it's only 16 episodes a season then it's only 48 more, and more like two series worth, so in fact we're technically past halfway. Hopefully the end of this series will give us at least a small inkling as to what's going on. *Remembers saying that 24 episodes ago*

08-05-2007, 12:28
Lol, this disappoints me to think that I will be three years older when I finally find out what on earth is going on.

After hearing that I have decided to stop 'following' the show after the end of this season, and in 2010 I will decide whether to watch the last 48 shows or not.

08-05-2007, 13:28
I bet Jack wakes up in the shower at the end of season 6.


08-05-2007, 13:28
I don't think the writers know.

The writers know.. its all mapped out what is actually going on. What they hadn't been told previously was when the end of the show would be, so they've been having to expand and fill the gap with faff to bide the time until they could map out the main story arc. Its been pissing off the writers something chronic from what I've read.

08-05-2007, 14:12
Its surprising that no-one's done it the way B5 did. Write the general story before hand with a fixed end that you can write to. Now that they have an official deadline they can finish the story in a good way, hopefully. The 2nd half of S3 has been classic Lost and recent episodes do seem to hint at a story of sorts. Apparently the S3 finale will take the show in a new direction. I do get the feeling that they're moving things along and I'm glad that I stuck with it, as annoying as it can be :)

Admiral Huddy
08-05-2007, 14:45
Good grief, I'm glad I didn't start watching this. Prison break's bad enough.. I swear that each week different people from the production team convene to discuss what happens next, clkueless of what happened in the previous. I'm conviced that even they don't know what's going to happen. "Ehh something will come up".

08-05-2007, 14:45
16 episodes seems like a little copped out to me as it really should be 22 (only season 1 generally are short seasons), i didn't mind the mid season break, it gives me time to catch up with other shows.

08-05-2007, 15:01
I might have to watch lost one day.... is it good?

08-05-2007, 15:03
I might have to watch lost one day.... is it good?

Its frustrating to watch sometimes, it has tension and surprises but no satisfaction.

08-05-2007, 15:07
Hmmm... that would piss me off I reckon...

08-05-2007, 15:36
I was thinking of watching Lost at last but it sounds like a hell of a lot of time to devote to one programme :undecided:

08-05-2007, 15:48
I watched the first series, started to watch the second but then I just got bored by it.

08-05-2007, 15:53
I thought that was exactly what Jarp said they were doing?:huh:

B5 was far more structured. JMS, the writer, knew he would do 5 seasons and what would happen in each. It was a case of it would be a 5 year story and no more. From what I heard about Lost a while back was that they had an ending but they could stretch it out over 7 years if need be. To me that implies that they had a basic beginning middle and end and the rest was just random filler. I would prefer shows to be shorter if they were more entertaining. 16 episodes of great content versus 22 episodes of ok content. The first half of season 3 was basically filler. The producer of the new Battlestar series said similar things when production went from 13 episodes to 20. They had some episodes that weren't up to scratch because they needed filler.

08-05-2007, 16:05
B5 was far more structured. JMS, the writer, knew he would do 5 seasons and what would happen in each. It was a case of it would be a 5 year story and no more. From what I heard about Lost a while back was that they had an ending but they could stretch it out over 7 years if need be. To me that implies that they had a basic beginning middle and end and the rest was just random filler. I would prefer shows to be shorter if they were more entertaining. 16 episodes of great content versus 22 episodes of ok content. The first half of season 3 was basically filler. The producer of the new Battlestar series said similar things when production went from 13 episodes to 20. They had some episodes that weren't up to scratch because they needed filler.

You are right about that, towards the end of season 3 after the eye of Jupiter had a few really dull filler (The flashbacks episodes - about 3 of them!), and it was actually a chore to watch. I loved season 1 and 2 and first half of season 3 but soon as they got off that rock and started to concentrate on the characters only without the threat of the Cylon on their tails all time the tension left.

I've started to watch Buffy the vampire slayer again, up to season 4 now, it really is a much better TV show than most of the stuff out now. Even when a filler episode can be fantastic (Hush - where 95% of the episode was done without dialogue, it was brilliant to watch).

08-05-2007, 16:13
Agreed. S3 of BSG seemed to be about getting from the start to the end and most of it was a bit meh. I hear that they might just do 1 more season which imho would be brilliant. 1 fantastic end season rather than stretching it to 2. I do find it strange that everyone is doing arc based shows these days but without the proper planning. If you're going to write a story tell it properly, don't sell out.

Admiral Huddy
08-05-2007, 16:53
Why is that American producers feel that their dramas have to go on like this? They get boring and they loose the plot.. Despaerate Housewives is another.. They'd laugh in the face at some of ours, Life on Mars for example. Short 'n' sweet but effective and good viewing.

08-05-2007, 17:01
Why is that American producers feel that their dramas have to go on like this? They get boring and they loose the plot.. Despaerate Housewives is another.. They'd laugh in the face at some of ours, Life on Mars for example. Short 'n' sweet but effective and good viewing.

Money, from advertisers and selling it around the world. It's not about critical acclaim anymore, they are getting the ratings thus the money so they'll keep on writing it.

08-05-2007, 17:04
Yep. In that regard a lot of British TV has much greater integrity, and some would argue quality (in terms of plot), but are less profitable.

08-05-2007, 18:53
On the subject of Lost, I just saw episode 19 of series 3, which was a very satisfying watch.

10-05-2007, 15:08
I watched the first series, started to watch the second but then I just got bored by it.

I was the same, started watching it with downloaded episodes as it was getting towards the end so I was able to watch most of it back to back. When it came to being forced to see it weekly, I just lost interest.

They'd laugh in the face at some of ours, Life on Mars for example. Short 'n' sweet but effective and good viewing.

They're doing their own version of Life on Mars, but I saw that the first series is 22 episodes. Bear in mind that our whole run was a mere 16 over two series, I wonder what they're going to stuff in there and how bloated it's going to be. I bet it just turns out as another cop show just like Alien Nation did.

10-05-2007, 15:24
They're doing their own version of Life on Mars, but I saw that the first series is 22 episodes. Bear in mind that our whole run was a mere 16 over two series, I wonder what they're going to stuff in there and how bloated it's going to be. I bet it just turns out as another cop show just like Alien Nation did.

To be fair, they did the same with the Office, and its in season 3 already (way over 50 episodes now). It started quite awkwardly but from all I've read so far its taken its own direction and is quite good.

10-05-2007, 16:52
well it worked with 'that 70's show'. That was a 6 run crap sitcom on ITV to start off with.

Ooooooh i didn't know that :shocked: I love that show, Fez loves Candy !:D

11-05-2007, 17:21
Meh. King of queens is the only thing to watch!

13-05-2007, 18:57
Back to Lost for a moment - there's a bit of a shock ending to the latest episode. 24's was also good, there was excitement!

14-05-2007, 00:39
Lost was great today, 24 just seems to be tacking on 3-episode sections to try and get to 24 episodes. Doesn't seem as good as it used to be any more. I'll be shocked if there isn't a surprise twist following what happened at the end of Lost - that can't be it for that particular character.

14-05-2007, 11:09
Lost was great today, 24 just seems to be tacking on 3-episode sections to try and get to 24 episodes. Doesn't seem as good as it used to be any more.
See this is the first series I've seen, so it's all still new to me. I know what you mean though, the main story finished around episode 18/19, this is quite obviously filler. I'm enjoying it though.

I'll be shocked if there isn't a surprise twist following what happened at the end of Lost - that can't be it for that particular character.
Oh totally. It goes back to what I said before, if they want to they can explain (or not) anything away in two words - 'the island'. I doubt it's the last we'll see of that person.

14-05-2007, 11:17
See this is the first series I've seen, so it's all still new to me. I know what you mean though, the main story finished around episode 18/19, this is quite obviously filler. I'm enjoying it though.

You're in for a treat when you watch series 2 then! The first 12 episodes of that are superb, and one of them is probably my joint favourite episode of all time.

14-05-2007, 11:27
Gonna watch 1 first though, there are references to past events in this one that Dee's had to explain to me. Figure if I'm gonna watch them I may as well do it in order!

17-05-2007, 17:08
The latest ep of Lost was pretty darned good. If you have seen episode 20 of series 3 did you blink and miss it, or did you catch a glimpse?

17-05-2007, 17:21
Guess I blinked and missed it :/

PM tbh!

21-05-2007, 15:34
Saw 21 last night, bit of a cliff hanger if you haven't seen it yet! Are the last 2 being shown together this week? Reading a few conflicting reports.

21-05-2007, 15:35
From what I hear the US schedule is a double episode along with 2 x 24. Heroes is slightly longer than normal. Double Simpsons today too, 24 special :D

21-05-2007, 16:17
22 and 23 are a double bill on Sunday for the finalé. Only episode 22 of '24' is being shown (this is getting complicated!). Not sure if there'll be a double bill finalé for that the following week.

21-05-2007, 16:21
22 and 23 are a double bill on Sunday for the finalé.
Sunday?! Boo! Was hoping for a Friday night session (fnar etc)!

Only episode 22 of '24' is being shown (this is getting complicated!). Not sure if there'll be a double bill finalé for that the following week.
Not seen it yet but I'm sure 22 was last weeks episiode?

TV.com is showing the finale of 24 as a double bill tonight.

21-05-2007, 16:24
I guess you're talking about US episodes?

21-05-2007, 16:25
LOL, sorry, yes ;D

Basic Virgin, so no Sky One anymore :)

[edit]Virgin customer.....

21-05-2007, 16:28

28-05-2007, 21:02
Lost season finale.... the ending...... I mean WTF? It's getting even more complicated, my brain hurts.

28-05-2007, 21:29
Lost season finale.... the ending...... I mean WTF? It's getting even more complicated, my brain hurts.

Serious WTF-age!

I can't wait till Feb 2008 for the next one.

29-05-2007, 13:06
Saw the twist at the very end coming right from the start of Ep22, but quite pleased with the way they ended it - the series stands on it's own feet more than the second.

Though we're now in the unique position (Lost wise anyway) of not knowing where they're going to go next series, being aware that there's 3 more to go!

29-05-2007, 22:57
Best series yet I think. I really like the way it's going too, but having to wait so long for the next one makes me sad :( Though not for long granted...... I'll forget about it until they start putting out teasers for the new series :)

29-05-2007, 23:10
It seems to be the trend. Battlestar Galactica doesn't start up again till 2008 and that ended months back on an even more tense cliff hanger. Very very fustrating but I guess its worth it in the end.