View Full Version : Shafted again folks...

14-05-2007, 23:16
Free, Microsoft owned and developed arcade game being released on Wednesday - Though only in North America, and to gold subscribers. Real slap in the face after having to sit through all the legal/licensing blurb for things like video marketplace. Lets hope this goes the same way as the South Park episode.

Just gave away my 48 hour trial to a guy I work with as a favour, else I'd have used it to register a new gold account and see if I could grab it.

MN (http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/05/14/this-week-on-arcade-aegis-wing-free.aspx)

15-05-2007, 08:36
Just gave away my 48 hour trial to a guy I work with as a favour, else I'd have used it to register a new gold account and see if I could grab it.

With the new update I doubt you'd get it, they're clamping down on people from one region registering from another to get content they're not meant to.

Sucks though, there's no reason why we shouldn't get it. :/