View Full Version : ISO trouble

Admiral Huddy
17-05-2007, 16:10
Ok, Maybe some of you can help.

I've downloaded something :lipsrsealed: which is around 3GB. The notes say in order to install it, I must create an ISO , then apply a .ppf path to it, then burn it to DVD..

But when I try buring the image (using Nero or magicISO), nothing is on the disk. In explorer, the drive then shows as just a CD drive with a blank disk. I've tried using different DVD, erasing them, formating them etc..

It was suggested to try UltraISO and try expanding the contents.. but nothing displays..

I'm at a loss really.


17-05-2007, 16:13
What was it you actually downloaded that you're trying to create an ISO out of? A folder structure? Set of files? Single file?

What's a ppf path? :/

17-05-2007, 16:30
Searching for .ppf leads me to find that PPF-O-MATIC is good for this but it mainly seems to be related to consoles.

Never heard of it before and have no idea what it's all about.

17-05-2007, 16:31

Admiral Huddy
17-05-2007, 16:32
Sorry Daz, that should have been patch...

Yes, there's a series of directories, setup and boot files etc..

There's also a text file that describes what I mention in the OP.

There is a PPF-O-MATIC application (thanks Jim) that applies the patch (.ppf - pathtrace prt format file??) to the ISO. When done, you burn the image off on to DVD..

I have tried it without creating the ISO image.. i.e. burning the folders/files straight on to DVD.. that works fine, but I want to complete it as directed..

17-05-2007, 16:33
Found this too ... http://www.megagames.com/dc/dc_ppf.shtml#PPF-O-Matic

Admiral Huddy
21-05-2007, 16:09
any further thoughts on this?

21-05-2007, 16:14
Is there an .nfo or some other blurb you could post? Have you got a link to the torrent/news group article?

Admiral Huddy
21-05-2007, 16:16
Sure, I'll have a gander when I get home but you know what it's for, yeah ;)

21-05-2007, 16:17
Aye :D

Admiral Huddy
18-06-2007, 10:14
I got to the bottom of this.. Turns out that the Power ISO file I downloaded was corrupted.

I downloded a fresh copy, apllied the patch, created a new ISO and it burnt lovely!!! Cheers for your help guys :)