View Full Version : Jump starting psu

21-07-2006, 22:04
Ok, this should give you all a laugh. I have a second psu which I am using to power the water pump/fans.

Well to jump start a psu you have to short two wires right? Well I was thinking of using a switch to turn it on and off. I headed off to Maplin and got a nice red button push switch.... wired up and soldered, push the button... nothing happens.

After a few mins of head scratching I press and hold the red button, sodding works.... so if anyone needs to jump start a psu with a switch, you need a sodding toggle switch!! :embarassed:

22-07-2006, 18:53
Why would one want to jump start it exactly?

22-07-2006, 22:14
Yeah, found that too when making shop display cases.

23-07-2006, 21:18
Why would one want to jump start it exactly?

Because you need some way of turning it on. One PSU will be turned on when the power switch is hit but the second one won't - hence the need to jump start it or wire in another switch.

23-07-2006, 23:19
I thought that immediately after posting. I am a nonce upstairs. :D

23-07-2006, 23:43
Relay tbh... ;)

Although that does require some thinking - and circuit designing.


25-07-2006, 01:27
Yup, relay operated by power from the other PSU is the way to go. Switch will do though - just make sure it has good quality contacts (and that you remember to turn it on).