View Full Version : Anyone got a 19" rack they want rid of?

Dr. Z
22-05-2007, 16:37
If any of you know of a rack cabinet thats bigger than 24U thats going spare / for cheap, give me a shout!

Ta :)

22-05-2007, 16:40
I might know of a 48U rack going, though if it us up for grabs I'd have no idea how to get it to you. Too big?

22-05-2007, 16:40
Way OT - all that shows on the index page is "Anyone got a 19" rack" ;D

Dr. Z
22-05-2007, 17:05
I might know of a 48U rack going, though if it us up for grabs I'd have no idea how to get it to you. Too big?

I'd hire a van and come and grab it :)

22-05-2007, 17:09
Gaffer's on holiday until next week but I'll ask him then. Cant remember what he said was happening with it.

23-05-2007, 10:25
:huh::( No rooooom