View Full Version : Perfect Soundtrack moments

Dr. Z
25-05-2007, 19:50
Do you have a favourite soundtrack moment?

For me, soundtracks are amazing things - from a music-lover's perspective its phenominal how people can pick out or make music that is so so perfect, for example Williams - how he does it I dont know, but I have massive amounts of respect for him because of it. I think that the people who direct the music in films are a little undersung because lets face it, a good film with a crap soundtrack is a crap film!

So, some of my favourite moments:


The entire film! Zimmer in a masterstroke!

Fight Club

The scene at the end where Durden is looking out over the buildings being blown up. Massive Attack fitted that scene PERFECTLY. Genius!

Would be interesting to hear some others :)

25-05-2007, 19:54
Angel by Massive Attach in Snatch. Very well picked.

The whole of Requiem for a Dream

And er... Voodoo People in Hackers, but that's a bit lowbrow :D

25-05-2007, 20:02
The entire Apollo 13 film. And almost all of Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves. The one with Kostner in it.

25-05-2007, 20:13
Ooooh, this will require some thought... :)

25-05-2007, 20:36
Star Wars Episode I.

The fight between Obi Wan, Quai-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul, otherwise named "Duel of the Fates"

Say what you like about how crap the rest of the film is, but this whole scene is just superb. The haunting high pitched singing or an almost ethereal choir, the fast moving brass, rapidly dropping down a scale adding a sense of pace; combined with what was a first for the Star Wars series, full on fast speed lightsaber fights between combatants at the peak of their fitness and powers, rather than between fledglings, cripples and oaps. Its just superb, and absolute definition to me of how a soundtrack should be. When it almost cuts out entirely for the Quai-Gon vs Darth Maul duet apart from an almost sub-aural "chaaa chaaa" sound you know its an important scene and somehow makes it all the more scary.

Episode I is by all accounts a crap film, the soundtrack lifts it from absolute rubbish into a work of art in some places.

25-05-2007, 20:43
Star Wars Episode I.

The fight between Obi Wan, Quai-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul, otherwise named "Duel of the Fates"

Say what you like about how crap the rest of the film is, but this whole scene is just superb. The haunting high pitched singing or an almost ethereal choir, the fast moving brass, rapidly dropping down a scale adding a sense of pace; combined with what was a first for the Star Wars series, full on fast speed lightsaber fights between combatants at the peak of their fitness and powers, rather than between fledglings, cripples and oaps. Its just superb, and absolute definition to me of how a soundtrack should be. When it almost cuts out entirely for the Quai-Gon vs Darth Maul duet apart from an almost sub-aural "chaaa chaaa" sound you know its an important scene and somehow makes it all the more scary.

Episode I is by all accounts a crap film, the soundtrack lifts it from absolute rubbish into a work of art in some places.
Couldn't agree more, I love that scene and the music with it. Excellent choice :)

25-05-2007, 20:59
The scene at the end where Durden is looking out over the buildings being blown up. Massive Attack fitted that scene PERFECTLY. Genius!

Haven't seen it in a while, but isn't the music playing at that bit 'Where Is My Mind?' by The Pixies?

25-05-2007, 21:36
Oh yes! I totally echo Kittens comment there! I really like the scene from Return of the Jedi, when Luke and Vader are battling it out right at the end:


The side scrolling bit under the stairs, skip to about 1.25, that bit gives me goosebumps everytime :)

Edit: And I adore the end music in The Da Vinci Code, I sobbed my eyes out in the cinema :p

Dr. Z
25-05-2007, 22:42
Haven't seen it in a while, but isn't the music playing at that bit 'Where Is My Mind?' by The Pixies?

Yes it is. I just happened to be listening to Massive Attack at the time. Im going crazy :'(

26-05-2007, 02:19
Haven't seen it in a while, but isn't the music playing at that bit 'Where Is My Mind?' by The Pixies?

I was just scrolling down to say that, but as a song (no matter what its called) it fits perfectly :)

On a massive attack note i love the opening sequence for House because of teardrop.

26-05-2007, 10:33
Oh my god! How could I forget!!!!

The end scene in Oceans 11 in front of the casino fountain, the song is "Clair de Lune"

God I love that :)

26-05-2007, 11:04
For me the music that still makes my hair stand on end and rather sad is the music from The Fellowship of the Ring. It's the scene where Merry and Pippin are taken by the Orcs and Boromir is killed by Lurtz. The vocals specifically where Boromir is being shot with arrows I think is very powerful. I'll try and grab a clip of it.

Here is one I just made :D awesome music (http://www.badasszebedee.com/boromir.mp3)

26-05-2007, 11:11
For me the music that still makes my hair stand on end and rather sad is the music from The Fellowship of the Ring. It's the scene where Merry and Pippin are taken by the Orcs and Boromir is killed by Lurtz. The vocals specifically where Boromir is being shot with arrows I think is very powerful. I'll try and grab a clip of it.


Hmm... its somewhat different from the version I remember...

Original version:


Again, the cutting out of the music is quite haunting, you know whats going to happen, you just know it, then the arrow flies and you know its all done. The funeral style haunting music just goes to bolster the bravery with which he carries on fighting despite the mortal wound.

26-05-2007, 11:18
The track 'The Bridge of Khazad-Dûm' is my favourite. Starts and finishes with the really rousing main theme and has the drums and chanting in the middle. The track starts in the film at the part where Gandalf says "To the Bridge of Khazad-Dûm" and just fits perfectly with everything that happens after that. Genius.

Also, 'Can't Even Tell' by Soul Asylum at the end of Clerks. Warms my heart whenever I hear the track now.

26-05-2007, 12:34

Hmm... its somewhat different from the version I remember...

Original version:


Again, the cutting out of the music is quite haunting, you know whats going to happen, you just know it, then the arrow flies and you know its all done. The funeral style haunting music just goes to bolster the bravery with which he carries on fighting despite the mortal wound.

Aye that music does sound a little different :p

Without the video you don't get the sense of sacrifice but listening to the soundtrack you definitely get an intense sense of sorrow. Watching that clip almost made me want to cry :embarassed:

Infact I'm actually watching the Fellowship now which was a boxset Kitten bought for me at Christmas :)

26-05-2007, 15:13
Infact I'm actually watching the Fellowship now which was a boxset Kitten bought for me at Christmas :)

Best of the three IMO. I could watch the mines of Moria section over and over again. I still get a feeling of dread when the bucket goes down the well and the drum hits for the first time. :shocked:

26-05-2007, 15:38
Aye just finished the 1st film now and will watch the next 2 at some point over the holiday. I never really got on with the 3rd film to be honest, perhaps watching the extended version I'll come to like it.

26-05-2007, 15:51
The addition of the mouth of Sauron makes it better - awesome bit!

28-05-2007, 13:20
Pretty much all of the music in Babylon 5. Its been 6 years and I still cannot listen to the music from the finale episode, Sleeping in Light. Its so perfect. It captures the entire episode so well that I just can't listen to it. Pretty much anything by Hans Zimmer. He seems to be able to put a movie's essence into music. The Rock, Pirates 2 + 3, MI:2, Last Samurai, Gladiator, etc.

I've found John Williams stuff has gone a bit samey recently. When watching Star Wars I'm reminded of Harry Potter and Jurassic Park, which shouldn't happen imho. Jaws, Superman, "Welcome to Jurassic Park", Duel of the Fates.

Matrix 1, Spybreak. Serenity - Love, just as Serenity leaves atmo. BTTF - It's been real educational. The bit where Doc's running around trying to fix the cable, the car doesn't start, the lighting is going off. Brilliant stuff. I could go on for ages, I'm a sndtrack nut. I've got about 200 of them.

28-05-2007, 13:28
Most of the soundtrack to Gladiator. Goosebumps and lump in throat stuff

28-05-2007, 23:34
Dee, ITV now!!!! :D
Just watched it myself. Gunna have to source the soundtrack again. That music was lovely. I forgot I was watching the film.

semi-pro waster
28-05-2007, 23:52
Are you asking about a full soundtrack or just a scene? If a full soundtrack then Tarantino films tend to be quite good for it. If for a couple of scenes then Snatch is the one to immediately stand out: The Stranglers - Golden Brown when Brad Pitt knocks out Gorgeous George and Mirwais - Disco Science when the hounds are chasing the hare/Tyrone is being run down.

Del Lardo
29-05-2007, 00:59
Sounds track to Cruel Intentions to me stands out as one of the finest soundtracks I have ever heard and it was the first time that I really appreciated the music in a film. Counting Crows - Colorblind still sends shivers down my spine to this day :)

29-05-2007, 13:15
Bugger, what did I miss? :p

29-05-2007, 16:49
Requiem for a Dream, last 5 minutes with a Mozart's piece (I forgot what it was). It is truly the most powerful ending i've seen in cinema.

Lost in Translation - most of it, the music is wonder in that film.

Forest Gump, the title theme that played at the start and end of the movie.

Almost Famous - When the entire cast sing Tiny Dancer by Elton John.

29-05-2007, 20:02
Aw bless, thanks Kitten, but I have the soundtrack anyway :)

Hmmm, anymore I can think of...?

Entrapment - The ending scene when CZJ is sitting in the train station waiting for SC.

Forrest Gump - The "Freebird" scene with Jenny on the balcony

Shawshank Redemption - Most of this is pretty awesome

Man In The Iron Mask - When Leo goes to open the blinds to look up at the moon

Just a few there, I know theres more. I love my music, and sometimes a bloody good soundtrack can just *make* a film :)

29-05-2007, 20:06
Best moment for me was during Collaterol when audioslave's 'shadow on the sun' started playing. Seemed like the best place piece of music and at such an awesome moment.

29-05-2007, 20:20
Over the last few days I've come to realise that Teen Wolf may have the greatest soundtrack of all time. 'Win in the End' playing over the final basketball game is pure magic. :D

If anyone manages to find me the CD soundtrack I will be their friend for life. It's available on ebay, but only from Germany it seems. Or the rarer Japanese pressing is available at a buy it now of £130. :shocked:

Seriously, I want it!

29-05-2007, 20:45
Actually, for me it would have to be the entire film of "St. Elmo's Fire". Mind you, I love anything that David Foster gets involved with.....

29-05-2007, 22:36
Best moment for me was during Collaterol when audioslave's 'shadow on the sun' started playing. Seemed like the best place piece of music and at such an awesome moment.
^ This. One of my favourite films and favourite soundtracks. They went together perfectly.