View Full Version : Bioshock

29-05-2007, 14:42
This game impresses and terrifies me in equal measure. From what I've see, it should be this generations Resident Evil, and if you can spare 7 minutes have a look at this:


Some really clever things in there.

It's all gonna come down to plot now. From the looks of it, if the story is engaging, they're onto a real winner.

29-05-2007, 14:56
Didn't watch the entire clip, but what I did see looked pretty impressive. I love the electric hands ;D

Admiral Huddy
29-05-2007, 15:06
Yep - saw the video footage awhile back and have to agree. Awsome display of Physics and AI. August release but I bet it'll slip to new year.

My only worry, and this won't apply to you, is that it becomes yet another bad portal from the 360 because personally I see this as a benchmark for PC gaming. If this (and Crysis) don't live up to expectations on the PC, then I can't see myself sticking with the technology.

29-05-2007, 16:54
Think there's a thread somewhere that either Leo or Davey posted a video for bioshock, looks quite good :) Some nice touches in there.

29-05-2007, 23:18
Dear me that looks good. From what I saw, he had electric hands, fire hands, and also telekinesis. I loved the bit where he was using that telekinesis to catch bombs that were thrown at him and then throwing them back.

I just hope the story is impressive as the graphics, because it could be the next killer app for the 360, alongside GoW.

Admiral Huddy
30-05-2007, 11:15
I just hope the story is impressive as the graphics, because it could be the next killer app for the 360, alongside GoW.

ehhm ;)


30-05-2007, 12:35
It'll only be a killer app for the PC if you've got the hardware to get the most out of it I reckon :p

04-08-2007, 21:55
Was about to preorder this for the 360 but I'm torn - game.co.uk do the Collector's Edition with soundtrack CD, making of DVD and 'Big Daddy' figurine for £50, but play.com do the standard edition with free Bioshock faceplate for £40. Decisions...

04-08-2007, 21:57
Figurine :D
I'd probably forget to listen to the soundtrack or making of but the figurine would be cool :D

04-08-2007, 22:09
Well that's the quickest I've ever bowed to peer pressure. Ordered!

04-08-2007, 22:22
Ooh that faceplate is nice. I'd love to pre-order this but I reckon the only way I can afford it is by trading some old GC stuff in and a few 360 games. Looks bloody good though :)

04-08-2007, 23:01
Was in HMV the other day and saw this for pre-order. I thought about it for the PC but it's due out whilst I'm away, so I'll just wait until I get back. I'm hoping it's going to be the game to show off all this expensive hardware I've put together.

Having said that, Lost Planet looks pretty good - looking forward to playing it properly soon (just installed it and messed about a bit yesterday).

04-08-2007, 23:45
Well that's the quickest I've ever bowed to peer pressure. Ordered!

I have power :cool: :D

05-08-2007, 08:01
This is what will finally get me to buy and xbox. As much as I love gamining I just can't afford to keep upgrading my PC all the time. For this I think realistically it would be time for a whole new system. New PC or 360, I think the 360 will win.

05-08-2007, 09:15
I pre-ordered this about a month ago :) Looking forward to it!

05-08-2007, 10:06
I think the 360 will win.

woooo \o/ excellent news Muban ;)

05-08-2007, 13:14
As much as I love gamining I just can't afford to keep upgrading my PC all the time.

Same thought process as me when I first got the 360. With dual-platform games becoming seemingly more prevalent for PC and 360 you'll be saving a bundle. Bioshock and GTA IV will probably require serious PC upgrades, maybe even twice when you consider the release date for the latter. Plus Halo 3 is only on the 360 and that'll almost certainly be a must-buy game for the year!

06-08-2007, 09:59
Been interested in this for a while now. I think my aging pc could cope with a fresh install of xp, maybe. Its no surprise that these games are due at the same time as a refresh from Nvidia is coming out.

Not sure what res/quality my x1900xtx will run it at. I can see it struggling running native on my 24" dell :(

Admiral Huddy
09-08-2007, 16:57
Reviewed this month in PC Gamer.... 95% Wow!!!