View Full Version : Scrummy Chicken & Bacon Bake

30-05-2007, 21:51
Dead easy, low fat (around 450 calories per serving) and very tasty!! It comes with the Leon seal of approval.

Serves 2

4 chicken thighs, skin off (leave on if you're not watching your fat intake)
4 rashers of bacon (I use smoked because it's yum!)
7-8 small new potatoes (depending on how big they are) - Quartered
1 bulb of fennell - Chop off stalk, bottom, take off outer skin, remove woody core and chop up the rest into smallish chunks
2 red onions - halved then quartered
3-4 cloves of garlic
A couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary
juice of 1/2 lemon (around 2tbs)
2 tbs olive oil

Chop everything up.
Put in a large ovenproof dish (I had to use my big pan because none of my dishes were big enough) and mix together with your hands to coat everything with the oil.

Cover in tin foil (or put lid on)
Bung in oven for 45mins - 1hr on Gas Mark 6 (200 degrees celcius) N.B. I think my oven is a bit cool, so I don't want people to burn stuff. Keep checking it!
Take off foil, shake it about a bit and finish off for 20-30 mins sans foil to brown it off slightly and caramelise the onions. Make sure the potatoes are soft in the middle before you serve it.
Et voila


I LOVE caramelised red onions, so I left it a bit longer and they all went dark, sweet and delicious. Mmmmmm!!!!! The chicken absorbs all the flavours and just falls off the bone when you eat it too :)

Wasn't sure if I'd like this dish because I hate aniseed and I know fennel is very aniseedy when used as a fresh herb. I thought I'd give it a go though. It completely lost the aniseed flavour in the cooking, and I'm not sure if it added to the dish or not really. Might try it without next time. At least it'll save me the bother of having to hunt for it in Tesco :D I guess you could use any other vegetable instead that oven roasts nicely... carrots... courgettes etc.

30-05-2007, 21:59
Looks good! may have to try that - love chicken, and pork in the form of greasy bacon. However, 4 rashers worry me if it serves 2. may have to double up :p
(Pickers posted this..fatty)

30-05-2007, 22:03
Seriously.... it's BLOODY filling! Leon was stuffed, and he's a greedy guts.

31-05-2007, 00:05
So you didn't need to seal the chicken first at all? Looks great to me! :cool:

Add some paprika or some crushed chillis for a bit of kick :cool:

31-05-2007, 06:14
Nope, not at all. I did consider it because I was worried it'd come out dry, but I think the cooking inside the foil for a long time keeps the moisture in for most of the cooking.

I think if I'd kept the skin on, I'd have at browned that first though.

Might add some paprika next time too, thanks Will :)

31-05-2007, 08:55
Mmmmm Kate that looks lovely!!! :D

BB x

31-05-2007, 11:29
Ooo now that's quite exciting :)

I might have to experiment cooking this way, hadn't really thought about chucking it all in a paella dish and whacking it in the oven.

31-05-2007, 17:38
You can do that with loads of stuff and experiment. I do a chicken and chorizo one that's very similar and also very yummy. Everything chopped up, tossed in olive oil and then stuck in the oven to roast.

01-06-2007, 00:33
This might sound like a stupid question just is the onion still strong onion? i know when caramelised it can be a lot sweeter so I might be ok with it. As a general rule they really don't agree with me but everything else sounds soo nice I might risk it.

01-06-2007, 07:43
Think i may cook this tomorrow.

It looks so nice and i think the kiddies will also like it :)

02-06-2007, 09:57
This might sound like a stupid question just is the onion still strong onion? i know when caramelised it can be a lot sweeter so I might be ok with it. As a general rule they really don't agree with me but everything else sounds soo nice I might risk it.
Not at all Kel, as Lozza said, it's a lot sweeter than your normal spanish onion. I don't like normal onions raw, but I love red onions raw in salsa. You can barely taste the onion in it when it's cooked and caramelised. Really lovely :)

02-06-2007, 10:36
Might I suggest challots?

they roxxor :)

02-06-2007, 11:57
Shallots do r0x0r - however I'd add them more as a "seasoning" rather than a substantial part of the meal - my own personal taste/opinion of course. :) For a dish like that, red onions are the perfect choice really.

02-06-2007, 15:29
Gonna cook this tonight so i'll let you know what the fay-lom family thinks of it :D

02-06-2007, 15:31
Same here, so I'll report back on the findings of the kiddies at chateau dimtree :)

02-06-2007, 20:22
eek!!! *waits nervously*

02-06-2007, 20:28
eek!!! *waits nervously*

1 piccie so far :p

I have done 3 MAHOOSIVE chicken breasts with some whole mushrooms, chunked red onion, wedged tatties and many cloves of garlic.

I dumped them in a dish, realised it was too small so found a bigger one (:p) sprinkled with some oil, ground pepper, salt and paprika..

It's been cooking under foil for the last hour, everything is cooked good, taken the foil off and am giving it a bit longer to crisp :)

Kate (my sister, not you), says it smells great :D

02-06-2007, 21:27
Dinner has been cooked and consumed...

Photographs were taken :D

I did this...


Which became this...


And with added Mayonnaise looked like this :D


Was verr nice, but next time I'll be adding more veg and probably the bacon as well...

02-06-2007, 21:37
Glad you enjoyed :D The bacon really does make a difference IMO. I love chicken and bacon together anyway though... had chicken, bacon and "random vegetables left in the fridge" kebabs on the BBQ tonight :) Yumski!

02-06-2007, 22:37
You took the skins off!!! Heathen! :p

02-06-2007, 22:47
You took the skins off!!! Heathen! :p

I took the skin off my piece...

After it was cooked...

I don't eat skin/fat, it's part of how I stay so svelte...

and fyi Will, heathen is a pathetic insult when talking to an atheist ;)

02-06-2007, 22:50
it's part of how I stay so svelte...

Svelte? You're a skinny bastard, theres a difference :p

02-06-2007, 22:53
Svelte? You're a skinny bastard, theres a difference :p

True, but just to reassure people, this skinny bastard eats his chicken with the skin on :p

02-06-2007, 22:57
this skinny bastard eats his with the skin on :p

You are now forbidden from entering the 1st floor of this house.

02-06-2007, 23:23
I took the skin off my piece...

After it was cooked...

I don't eat skin/fat, it's part of how I stay so svelte...

and fyi Will, heathen is a pathetic insult when talking to an atheist ;)


Svelte... I like that! ;D

Heathen's just a word :p Ok how about freak?! :p

03-06-2007, 00:42
I like all the naughty bits from food though so don't worry. I love fat too - yes I'm probably going to die of a heart attack, but meh, I enjoy eating it it makes me feel happy, and I balance it with enough fruit and veg and exercise anyway.

Then again I like brussel sprouts too... There's actually not one food type that I dislike... So just ignore me, I'm weird!

03-06-2007, 00:43
I love brussel sprouts :D Don't get them often though, only usually with Christmas dinner :(

I don't like skin on chicken though.

03-06-2007, 09:20
I love chicken skin, but only when it's crispy and brown, not whilst it's still slimy. I simply took our skin off because I'm not allowed it :( Boooo! :p

03-06-2007, 11:37
I love chicken skin, but only when it's crispy and brown, not whilst it's still slimy. I simply took our skin off because I'm not allowed it :( Boooo! :p

I agree - it has to be crispy otherwise it's just not that nice to eat.