View Full Version : How to park a car..

31-05-2007, 10:43


31-05-2007, 11:04
Heard this on the radio this morning! Hilarious! :D

Admiral Huddy
31-05-2007, 12:18
haha :D how typical

Germans make me look quite sane ..

Here, they moved a manager to a new post within the bank.. but forgot to tell the bloke he was replacing that he too was being moved back to Germany.. :embarassed:

This week we had a team of BAs arrive from Munich to work on a two year global project. These guys have been temporary re-allocated from Germany for the duration of the project. Both have let out there homes and one of them has brought his wife over who has given up work to find work over here. You can imagine how they felt when they arrived Monday to find anther team was already here and they should been sent to NY:shocked:

I fit in quite nicely here :D

31-05-2007, 12:51
Lol Huddy, sounds like fun.

Someone has either been watching the Bourne identity or 28 weeks later :D

Admiral Huddy
31-05-2007, 15:10
Lol Huddy, sounds like fun.

Someone has either been watching the Bourne identity or 28 weeks later :D

I've not see either - did the same thing happen?

31-05-2007, 15:52
In 28 Days Later they inexplicably decide to drive a black London cab through a tunnel filled with crashed vehicles. They manage to drive straight up the back of the wreckage and across the roofs of the other cars. In a film full of rage-infected, zombified humans, that was the least believable part.

31-05-2007, 15:58
I can't see the problem, there's No Yellow lines is there :p