View Full Version : Britain's Got Talent
I never thought I'd type these words but anyone seeing this tonight?
It looks like complete utter rubbish much like most of the talent shows with Simon Cowell.
However, seems a guy I used to know through work is on there tonight.
Seems he's a trained opera singer so went on there when they went to Cardiff, and supposedly Cowell actually liked his singing.
The guy's a total **** that everyone that's met him can't stand because he's so obnoxious......but I'm going to video it and find the bit he's in just to have a laugh. :D
If you want to look out for him, he's a little short ugly looking bloke that sings well supposedly. You might think I was harsh but you've not met him :p
Oh, I think this is what I saw being auditoned for in Cardiff.
And there ends my interest in the prog ;D
09-06-2007, 22:41
Well we've just finished watching it and our 4 choices were the guy with the minkey, the opera singer, scouse dance troup and the batton fella.
The guy may be a **** Jen but it was an awesome song and he did it proud. At no point during his performance could you laugh at him.
Bet you didn't think I'd say this either, but...
I was too busy watching the Joseph final. :huh: :eek:
Either of them would have done a good job but the result was the right one IMO.
09-06-2007, 22:53
Joseph???? :huh: didn't even know it was on ;D
Well, I have at least been to a few musicals, so it was slightly more appropriate than Britain's Not Got Talent. ;D
Well we've just finished watching it and our 4 choices were the guy with the minkey, the opera singer, scouse dance troup and the batton fella.
The guy may be a **** Jen but it was an awesome song and he did it proud. At no point during his performance could you laugh at him.
I only managed to see 10mins of it including the performing pig and the guy I know.
He was bloody good :eek: I was seriously amazed and impressed. Just a pity he's such an annoying person! I bet he'll be selling a fair few phones this week ;D God knows how usually, he's got the social skills of a lizard which is probably mean to lizards. :p
I'm a big fan of his as you may be able to tell ;)
I do wish him well though as he is very talented it seems, although I won't be saying it to his face :D
I'll probably keep an eye on his progress actually, it's strangely compelling when you know them ;D
So a talent contest has come this way across the pond instead of t'other?
Just 'cause I can, one of the people from last year in the US that blows me away:
and the winner *shudder* who is forcing her voice way too much for her age.
semi-pro waster
10-06-2007, 12:18
Just 'cause I can, one of the people from last year in the US that blows me away:
I normally hate all programmes like this but wow is about all I can say, the look on Brandy's face as that was going on was fantastic. :)
how?! I can't even begin to understand how on earth they do it!
13-06-2007, 22:56
I bloody love this programme, it's AWESOME ! ;D
I've got to remember the semi finals start tomorrow to see how the guy does. Watched a bit of it last night and it is addictive :shocked:
Just checked the site to check Pol I mean Paul Potts is on. It's scary loading up a page and his face being the first thing you see :p
14-06-2007, 21:30
I still liked him :)
The dancers were awesome - the doggies were ****e ! ;D
The dogs were terrible :shocked:
I hope this kid's good.
14-06-2007, 21:47
Urgh - I HATE those dancing brats !
There's something very wrong with little kids acting and dressing like adults..... how MUCH makeup has that little girl got on ? :/
14-06-2007, 21:48
Oh the little boy who sang... I thought he was brilliant .. fantastic voice and a very likeable young man :)
I thought they were quite sweet, but like you, I was a bit concerned generally about them dressing like adults and the amount of make up.
I just thought 'have a childhood! You won't have it forever.'
Oh and WTF at this woman? :shocked:
14-06-2007, 21:49
Oh god, this woman is bloody awful :/
14-06-2007, 21:52
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!! Go on Simon !!
" You've probably broken 3 of those dancer's backs"
LMFAO !!! ;D
14-06-2007, 22:03
Those running dudes were impressive but they needed better props :/
Yeah they were disappointing :/ Obviously talented but didn't get to show off properly.
You see that beach for Paul Potts? That's Langland Bay for those who know Swansea beaches.
14-06-2007, 22:06
Haha Kitten predicted this song!!!!
14-06-2007, 22:07
He's got one hell of a voice :shocked:
14-06-2007, 22:08
aye certainly, 2 from tonight for me would be the bunch a scousers and singer :D (sorry Jen)
He has!
It's amazing considering the bloke it's coming out of ;D
Bet he's sold some extra phones this past week :D
Pity he's got the social skills of erm something with crap social skills :p I do want him to do well though even if it is 100k for the prize :shocked:
14-06-2007, 22:11
I really want the monkey dude to go through !
14-06-2007, 22:23
He's through!!!! good lad!!
Here's hoping MD productions go through.
EDIT: bollocks!!!
The grinning child is through!!! booooooooooooo!
Kitten's Mum says Pavarotti and Grinning Child are going through
14-06-2007, 22:27
Cheer Piggy Cheer!!
14-06-2007, 22:28
I loved the singing boy but as Piers said, the show needs variety and monkey dude's got it :)
15-06-2007, 08:05
Yep... we had a sky box :D
But it was mobile phone salesman Paul Potts who scored the most public votes and impressed the judges. The 36-year-old said: "I have to win this competition to ensure I don't end up going back to the day job."
I'm not surprised considering! I thought he was older too :embarassed:
Haven't been watching this as much as I would have liked really, but just saw the 6 year old girl and the mobile phone guy :)
I liked the breakdancers too :)
BB x
Admiral Huddy
15-06-2007, 16:31
I'm not surprised considering! I thought he was older too :embarassed:
he was brilliant.:)
16-06-2007, 20:55
Gore act were complete rubbish, singer wasn't bad but nothing new, impressionist was good, bardudes very entertaining ! :D
Little dancers got on my wick.
16-06-2007, 20:57
It's about variey and we need variety, not your usual run of the mill dancers and singers !
16-06-2007, 21:00
Aww she's so cute but she really struggled - she should have had more of a little girl's song.
I'm pleased she does still look like a little girl though, they haven't put a load of makeup on and she has a lovely little girl's dress on :)
16-06-2007, 21:04
Oops, I forgot the beat boxers .... goes to show what I thought of them ;D
16-06-2007, 21:14
What a surprise... the cute kid goes through :/
16-06-2007, 21:15
HAHAHA crying dancing kid ... am I mean ? :D
16-06-2007, 21:16
BARWIZARDS !!!!! someone put them through ffs !
16-06-2007, 21:17
Yes .. well done Simon !
16-06-2007, 21:18
haha .. Piers is gonna make Amanda choose !!
16-06-2007, 21:19
YES !! Barwizards .. WOOOOT :D
Having done dance shows before, that dancing act were complete rubbish, the same moves over and over again, was really poor :/
Glad the Bar Wizards made it, and Ive a feeling the little girl will win just cos she has the cute factor, its almost rigged :/
Watched this tonight for the first time, I think that little girl will probably win because of the 'cute' factor, but the Bar Wizards were excellent!
I also nearly wet myself at the shots of the kids crying, it was so funny so I guess I'm a bad person :)
semi-pro waster
17-06-2007, 09:24
Aww, Betty and Feek ruined it, until those posts it was just like a conversation in Piggymon's head. :p
17-06-2007, 11:31
Aww, Betty and Feek ruined it, until those posts it was just like a conversation in Piggymon's head. :p
:embarassed: ;D
17-06-2007, 11:39
We were ment to go to the cinema last night but we had to see a later showing because Martin wanted to watch most of this.
I like it too but don't tell him :p
17-06-2007, 20:02
Yay it's the final ! :D
17-06-2007, 20:13
Kombat Breakers - very good, very entertaining.
Oh dear, he hasn't changed anything.
17-06-2007, 20:21
I love the monkey dude !!!
17-06-2007, 20:27
Urgh - I hate these kiddies performing ... am I mean ? :/
That Bessie was very entertaining, thats very Royal Variety material, which is why Ill be so mad if that teeny girl wins :/
Ugh! She really rankles, but you can't get away from the fact she's got bottle.
17-06-2007, 20:40
Barwizards - got a bit sloppy towards to the end there :/ Still liked them though :)
Ive had to mute it while Connie Talbot sings, am I a bad person? Ill honestly be mad if she wins, its really just a kid singing :/
God I am such a bitch :p
17-06-2007, 20:48
She's a sweet little girl with a cracking voice BUT it's not variety !!
I'm gonna vote for monkey dude
17-06-2007, 20:50
Oh man... how cool would that be ! :D
17-06-2007, 20:58
Monkey dude or Barwizards FTW !
17-06-2007, 20:59
I love Ant & Dec, they're soo funny ;D
17-06-2007, 21:03
Just voted for Monkey dude :cool:
17-06-2007, 22:07
17-06-2007, 22:25
*chants* Monkey dude... Monkey dude !
17-06-2007, 22:27
ballbags !
Rather him than Connie! Sorry :p
17-06-2007, 22:34
Much preferred him over Connie but still a bit disappointed a singer got through :/
America's got talent next week - that should be amusing :D
Well to be fair he has an awesome voice.....
Can you believe it Jen?? You know a celeb!! ;D
Quick!! There's a job going at CarPhone Warehouse!
I know :shocked:
And as an added bonus it means my **** ex area manager now has another manager position to fill as Pol Pott will be off. He already had 2 anyway and was struggling to fill em. Mwahaha :D
I'm pleased he won :) He's off to fame and fortune, even if he has no personality at all :p
Oh and those kids were very annoying and not overly great imo.
Admiral Huddy
18-06-2007, 10:02
Deserved victory for Paul and Opera in general.
I did want him to win although quitely I really enjoyed Connie and the Monkey boy.
Much preferred him over Connie but still a bit disappointed a singer got through :/
Not just any singer.. Story telling with passion! :)
18-06-2007, 10:31
I know :shocked:
And as an added bonus it means my **** ex area manager now has another manager position to fill as Pol Pott will be off. He already had 2 anyway and was struggling to fill em. Mwahaha :D
I'm pleased he won :) He's off to fame and fortune, even if he has no personality at all :p
Oh and those kids were very annoying and not overly great imo.
Does that mean a job for you then? :D
Does that mean a job for you then? :D
I'll see what the situation is when I'm there later in the week ;) But I doubt it, as it's a manager's position, I'll have to see who goes up for it and then whether I could replace them as a sales bod.
Would be the icing on the cake though ;D
Okay, I managed to avoid the entire competition... but I did just see little Connie doing Somewhere Over The Rainbow and I was impressed. I think she's pushing her voice a little tonally to make it more adult like, but irrespective of that for a 6 year old to be pitch perfect unaccompanied is rare.
And..uhh.. yeah, Paul has an amazing voice. I presume there has been some kind of formal training behind it? If not its unusual for someone to have that level of control and projection through natural talent alone!
According to the ITV site profile:
Paul first sang opera at the age of 28 for a karaoke competition where he dressed up as Pavarotti.
He went on to perform in Barrymore’s My Kind Of Music (1999). The money he won from the show (£8000) along with his savings was spent on attending various training courses in Italy.
From his Italian opera class he was selected to sing in a master class for Pavarotti and Katia Ricciarelli – who he says were very impressed. Paul reckons he’s spent £20,000 in total to get to where he is today.
Paul has performed in four semi professional operas in the UK and some concerts. His proudest performance was with the philharmonic orchestra in a concert in front of 15, 000 people.
After having appendicitis doctors discovered a benign tumour that was removed. Two weeks after the operation he was back on stage.
A motorbike accident in 2003, in which he broke his collar bone, kept him away from performing and he got left out of the opera circles.
Since his illness, Paul has struggled with money and has never reached his potential, and this is why he has chosen to enter Britain’s Got Talent.
semi-pro waster
21-06-2007, 17:57
According to the ITV site profile:
Interesting when compared to what Ah, how Britain loves an underdog. Opera singing Paul Potts becomes a national TV star thanks to his back story of being a bullied phone salesman with a lack of confidence. Residents of Eastville, Bristol, were most surprised at his TV billing, as Potts has been a prominent local politician, confident enough to be elected a Lib-Dem Councillor in 1999. Potts told TV judges that he'd spent several months at opera school in Italy in 2000, which must have impressed the constituents who thought they'd voted for someone to represent their interests in Bristol. This plucky newcomer had also previously appeared on Michael Barrymore's My Kind of Music, sung with Bath Opera and The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and performed as soloist all over Northern Italy.
Dunno who is right but seems a bit suspect on the face of it. :)
Who knows then :dunno:
I saw something in the Observer about how he was being misreported in some places and I think it was saying he had limited experience, but I didn't read a huge deal admittedly.
Having met him though, I wouldn't say he had much confidence in social situations, work situations probably, but definitely not in social situations.
Too many situations there :D
Bloody hell.
I WON'T be seeing that before anyone asks :p ;D
Barry from Eastenders to star...
;D Excellent call there :D
Yes, of course it will be a big film. God there's some tosh about these days :D
If you want to look out for him, he's a little short ugly looking bloke that sings well supposedly. You might think I was harsh but you've not met him :p
This is a revival!
Just seen him on tonights show, he does sing well but didn't come over as a particularly charismatic person when they spoke to him after.
I hope the little girl with the sympathy vote doesn't go through though.
/edit - Well what a rubbish decision there, there's no way that kid could manage to perform at the Royal Variety Show, she shouldn't have been put through to the final, waste of a place. I think those three big gay bears should have gone through :D
29-05-2009, 22:41
Haly you know Mr Potts? The man is a God :) Buddha, maybe, but still a God :)
Stavros for the win.
This is a revival!
Just seen him on tonights show, he does sing well but didn't come over as a particularly charismatic person when they spoke to him after.
Politely put :D
Haly you know Mr Potts? The man is a God :) Buddha, maybe, but still a God :)
Stavros for the win.
Yeah I used to work with him at Carphone Warehouse. I'm not a fan :p Nor were a few of his co-workers! He does sing extremely well but he used to drone on and on about mobile phones all the bloody time which got a tad tedious to say the least :D
Glad he's doing so well now though :) And we were amazed when he had a go as no one knew he could sing ;D
Stavros for the win.
That would be awesome, I'd love to see Stavros win that competition tomorrow night.
Am I the only person to much prefer Flawless over Diversity (everyone on other forums seems to prefer Diversity)? As much as Diversity have very good choreography and they are all good dancers, they don't dance so well as a group (all imo of course). For example in a chorus in a musical you don't want a bunch of dancers with very individual ways of dancing for group dances. You want a group of people who can all do a really tight, in unison performance, no one person drawing your eye.
To me Flawless have this quality, they are far more professional, polished and tight. Of the two I think they are far superior.
Personally if I had to make a choice for a winner I would be picking either Flawless or Stavros Flatley. Flawless because they are a fantastic group of dancers, really polished performance. Stavros Flatley purley down to entertainment factor, they bring a smile to my face and an act that really does fit into what I consider to be 'Variety'... great bunch o' lads :)
30-05-2009, 20:27
Stavros Flatley were brilliant tonight.
I cant pick between Diversity and Flawless because they both have different bits I like.
And I say this in the nicest possible way, I really think Susan Boyle is cracking up, just the way she was after her performance tonight seemed like she was doing everything she could to hold herself together.
Unless shes just feeling the pressure and was stupidly nervous.
I absolutely never vote during these programmes but I've just picked up the phone and called
09011 32 22 06
for Stavros Flatley :D
30-05-2009, 20:46
Has Susan's Boyle won yet?
I hope not.
Am I the only one who thinks Amanda Holden looks like Jessica Rabbit tonight?
30-05-2009, 20:57
What should have happened tonight
Quality ;D
Unlike the prog which I got forced to watch :( Stavros was quite good tho :)
30-05-2009, 21:41
I am with you Mubs. I much prefer Flawless. To be honest the only real variety is Stavros, I don't think we need more singers.
30-05-2009, 21:44
Stavros for the win! I picked Diversity over Flawless because of their choreography and their inventiveness - the bit with the red buttons was very good. I don't think Flawless were particularly interesting, though they were very together (although not flawlessly).
Edit - don't get me wrong though, I'll still be cheering them if they beat Boyle!
30-05-2009, 21:47
I hope not.
Am I the only one who thinks Amanda Holden looks like Jessica Rabbit tonight?
Was she the one who had a post operative infection after a lip job? I seem to remember lots of jokes about her.
30-05-2009, 21:49
That was Leslie Ash iirc? Unless Amanda had one too.
30-05-2009, 21:52
Hmm, wasn't expecting that line up! Diversity for the win then.
I bet Susan boyle wins!!!!
That's a real shame, I think the mad scottish doris will win.
30-05-2009, 21:53
Yeah :( Booooo!
30-05-2009, 21:54
30-05-2009, 21:55
30-05-2009, 21:56
Thank god for that!!!
lol! Breaking news on CNN is not who the winner is, but who the winner isn't!
30-05-2009, 22:01
Pft, what a load of cack they were, and they butchered the Transformers :mad:
I caught the end of the results show and wondered what the hell the racket was! I don't think that has quite the same effect without the 'dancing' ;D
shame Stavros didn't win (we actually voted :shocked: but... glad diversity won. I liked them and Flawless - thought Flawless were technically superior to Diversity but the latter had more of the 'fun' factor so imo better suited to variety. Made up the sax guy got into the final 3, he looked like he really needed that.
Flawless's routine was good and had very 'tight' immaculate choreography, but Diversity's choreography was definitely more innovative and they certainly were the best act last night.
Stavros Flatley's last routine was better than the final I thought.
BB x
Von Smallhausen
31-05-2009, 20:29
I might enter next year ..... :D
31-05-2009, 20:31
I might enter next year ..... :D
DO IT!!!
And we can all come and be your groupies in the audience and hold banners up and scream your name repeatedly! Sorry am I getting carried away now? :o
I might enter next year ..... :D
Drinking 10 pints of Chateau 1664 while wrestling Vontavius, I can see it now!
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