View Full Version : Musical travesty

09-06-2007, 23:10
I was channel hopping earlier and happened to stumble across that Joseph talent show thing. I recognised the song being sung by some bloke as "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones so stayed on the channel until the song ended - big mistake :( .

I have always loved this song and consider it one of my all time favourites.

I was absolutely horrified by the way it was crucified by this, allegedly, talented singer (I believe the show is in it's final stages and as such, the level of talent should be quite high). The audience cheered and clapped and whistled as if this chap had performed beautifully - the guy murdered it :angry:

I am all for people covering past hits and using their own style to reinterpret them - but this chap took a classic song and added absolutely **ck all to it - he recited it as if he were a schoolboy reciting a poem in front of the class which he didn't care for and was merely reciting it because he had been asked to do so and not because he wanted to.

Any cover versions you guys can think of which should never have been done?

Stan :)

09-06-2007, 23:32
I disagree with you. I think he was good and will do a fine job in the musical. He's got the right attributes for someone who will do well in that industry.

But, and this is important, I didn't judge on how well they did the covers compared to the originals, particularly in that case because it's been so long since I heard the original that I had no basis for comparison. It may well have been a totally lousy cover, but he won't be singing that sort of thing where he's going anyway so lousy interpretation or not it didn't really matter.

I do think the other guy made a better choice of song to cover, and was the marginally better singer in that part of the competition, but he didn't seem to want to move around the stage much and he didn't do quite so well at Jesus Christ Superstar, which is a much more appropriate test, so I went for the guy you didn't like and he turned out to be the winner of the competition.

I'm not entirely convinced it was a fair contest though as he was the one with the most experience at the outset (even if that wasn't a huge amount of experience).

09-06-2007, 23:42
Having only seen 2 minutes of the entire series, I couldn't possibly comment on his ability to perform in the role for which he was being auditioned.
I concede that my impression was formed purely on the song I heard him sing tonight, in my opinion, he slaughtered the original - that does not mean to say he won't make a perfectly good Joseph.

The point of the thread was to ask if other people had been disappointed by covers of songs they particularly enjoyed.

Stan :)

10-06-2007, 00:04
I watched the first show because my parents watched it, and having done that I watched the last one. :)

As for covers as that's the topic, more than once, and it's usually in the same circumstances as tonight - 'talent' shows. There were a few examples in a 'highlights' section from the very same show.

10-06-2007, 00:16
The point of the thread was to ask if other people had been disappointed by covers of songs they particularly enjoyed.

Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, covered by Ronan Keating. Aaaaaaaaargh!

10-06-2007, 00:25
Iris by Goo Goo Dolls, covered by Ronan Keating. Aaaaaaaaargh!

Talking of Ronan Keating covers - "If tomorrow Never Comes" - a splendid song when performed by Garth Brooks but ruined by Keating :angry:

Stan :)

10-06-2007, 00:27
Everyone has to have a talent, Keating's must be to ruin other peoples songs :D Oh and to ruin his own songs too :p

10-06-2007, 00:29
;D ;D

Stan :)

10-06-2007, 07:38
There are far too many covers that are god-awful.. off the top of my head my main worst:

Numb - Scissor Sisters
the entirety of Dylanesque - Bryan Ferry

10-06-2007, 12:14
Much as I like the scissor sisters I have to agree with Garp 100% here. They took a fantastic song and didn't just ruin it, they mutilated it.

Then desecrated the corpse and p*ssed on the grave.


10-06-2007, 12:54
Walk this way - Girls Aloud vs Sugababes

semi-pro waster
10-06-2007, 13:38
The very fact that Busted had the temerity to cover Teenage Kicks irritates me, I've got to admit I've never listened to it and even left the room before because of it but there is a solid reason for that - I don't want to commit genocide if I don't have to, particularly against people not directly responsible for the musical crime.

Additionally McFly (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McFly) who combined I nominate as complete waste of DNA and oxygen, I detest them for every cover they've ever done.

However finding bad cover versions is pretty easy since most don't add anything to the original song.

21-06-2007, 00:05
Everyone has to have a talent, Keating's must be to ruin other peoples songs :D Oh and to ruin his own songs too :p

Lord knows he did that plenty enough on every single Boyzone release, but as far as If Tomorrow Never Comes, I thought he did a cracking job on it.