View Full Version : SPV M3100 stylus

13-06-2007, 00:28
(and indeed any other SPV that has a stylus)

The stylus on mine was pretty tight fitting for the first few days, but one day something moved and it's worked a bit loose. It still clicks in the last bit so it's not falling out, yet, but given that I've only had it a week and it's worked this loose already I'm worried that it'll be falling out next.

Anyone else had similar or can reassure me that it won't happen?

13-06-2007, 00:31
The M600 I had was the same...

Snug, almost worryingly tight, fit when I got it and then it loosened up...

Always clicked into place and I never lost it (until I lost the entire damn phone to some thieving ****) so I doubt you have anything to worry about :)

I assume it came with a spare, so if you do happen to lose one you're alright, plus my pen pot has an M600 stylus sat in it, which I'd guess is the same, so if you do head into stupid multi-stylus loss territory you're welcome to it :)

13-06-2007, 00:33
I have more than one spare, so I'm OK there, but you just know it'd happen when I was away from the spares if it was going to happen.

Just checking anyway given the newness of the phone.

13-06-2007, 00:35
What you should do is create a utility belt!

It could have a pouch for your phone, one for your camera, one for spare batteries and little loops for a full set of throwing stylii!

It'd be awesome!

/me is going to use his day off work constructing such a piece of awesomeness :D

13-06-2007, 00:50
ROFL. Trust you to think of something like that. Good plan though. ;D

At least I know it's probably not broke. :)

13-06-2007, 07:07
Because I got my vario from my director it came with no stylus as he'd lost both.
Mic then got a similar phone thru vodafone so I pinched his spare stylus...it was a bit loose and I ended up losing it :embarassed: so he only has 1 and I'm back to having none :embarassed:

13-06-2007, 20:03
Bleurgh. :/

I took the phone out for some musical entertainment (using my funky new bluetooth headset that I bought out of the money I saved on the phone), tried to play a CD from the storage card, and it denied the storage card even existed, then eventually said the storage card was read-only. No music for me then. :/

Got home and chkdsk'd the card to find a dodgy file, deleted it, and all is now good with the world, but I still wanted my music while out and about. :(