View Full Version : Surprises

15-06-2007, 15:17
What is the nicest surprise you have received from someone? (keep it clean people!) :p

Mine has to be my surprise Bday BBQ that Pebs organised for me at Chez Pebs this year - in fact I think it is the only surprise I have had :embarassed:

The other reason for me starting this thread is because I bought mum and dad surprise tickets for Sound of Music tonight and they are on my table in the hall.

Dad said they would be arriving at 1pm and I haven't heard anything yet :undecided:

Not sure what to do! Guess I should call em before 4pm though!

BB x

Admiral Huddy
15-06-2007, 15:19
My wife got me Rally Lessons for my 30th! 10 sessions - great fun :)

15-06-2007, 15:37
Hmm, only a little thing really but never had a big surprise, and this one was lovely anyhow.

On my last day of work last year, my workmates bought me a big bottle of some red alcopop stuff.
I always left my stuff like car keys in our kitchen type room, I went out there to get my stuff and found one of the guys had put all my stuff, along with kitchen cleaner and polish and basically everything he could find in the kitchen into a plastic bag. I thought he was just messing around so started getting stuff out the bag to find my things, and there's this bottle of drink.
Turned around and they're all there smiling at me :) Was a nice way to end the day, felt really appreciated there.

15-06-2007, 15:50
The ones that immediately spring to mind all involve people here. My presents on NYE, I was absolutely blown away, seriously!

BBx turning up on my doorstep after MtE's bull**** was revealed was something I will always be grateful for, my grasp on sanity was slipping fast and she saved the day.

MB and Aitch did a lovely thing at the Nottingham meet which was just the sweetest thing ever :)

And I've had countless lovely surprises from all the Haven girlies over the past months.

As I said, they are what immediately spring to mind, there'll be more!

15-06-2007, 15:57
MB and Aitch did a lovely thing at the Nottingham meet which was just the sweetest thing ever :)

Did we :huh: , I must have been drunk :embarassed: again!

Aitch took me to New York for my 30th, she bought me 30 prezzies and the last one was a big apple, when I asked her why she told me we were going to New York!


15-06-2007, 16:03
Awwww I feel all warm and fuzzy :)

I called my flat (after thinking maybe they didn't have my mobile/work number on them after my dad sat on his phone :/)

Turns out they were too busy putting up my curtains and cleaning my kitchen floor to call! :embarassed:

Chuffed about the tickets though so that is cool :)

BB x

PS Nottingham? Was I drunk too?!

15-06-2007, 16:09
lol it wasn't public knowledge.

15-06-2007, 16:10
lol it wasn't public knowledge.

:huh: :shocked:

BB x

15-06-2007, 16:16
:huh: :shocked:

BB x

You know!

15-06-2007, 16:53
Not really had many suprises in my life, but our postcard book that the people of BD kindly put together and donated to us was absolutely amazing. I was so touched and completely bowled over by everyone's thoughtfulness and all the lovely postcards, and then I noticed all the £20's crammed in it and I think that's when I burst into tears :embarassed: Timing couldn't have been better either, because we thought we were just about to lose our house and start all over again, and it just took our mind off it. :) *wubs*

Admiral Huddy
15-06-2007, 16:56
Wait to the day you find a grey hair.. That's bloody surprise :D I'm loosing count !

15-06-2007, 17:28
On one of my birthdays, I had to work - which pissed me off a bit. I got home from work wondering if there'd been any post.

When I got in, I though to myself "I'm sure this place looks different". It turned out that my Mam and my sister had spent all day spring cleaning my place. There was a vase of flowers on the coffee table and when I opened the fridge, there was a delicious salad on a plate and a tasty bottle of Chardonnay.

Brought a tear to my eye.

I occasionally order flowers for my Mam when I'm offshore. She loves flowers and it shows her I love her and think about her - she always cries when I do it and my brothers hate me for it as they get a hard time for days for "not being as thoughtful as Stan" :D

I've clocked up millions of Brownie points over the last couple of years.

Stan :)

15-06-2007, 17:30
Awww :)
That reminds me, while in Stafford my Mum used to send me lovely letters with cards and chocolate etc because she knew how little post I used to get :D

15-06-2007, 17:32
Dad also said he was gutted as he was going to take mum to the pub for dinner and also said he has nothing smart to wear for the Royal Circle.

Ooops! :D They liked my card though and there were a lot of thank yous :)

BB x

15-06-2007, 17:53
Gonna have to be a bunch of weirdos turning up on my doorstep for my birthday last year :) I have stopped doing things for my birthday because in the past it has always been a case if I wanted anything to happen, I had to organise it and pay for it and then everything normally went tits up anyway. Also where my birthday is so close to dads birthday I generally don't feel in the mood to organise anything. But that weekend was really good fun :)

There was also the random cafetiere and bag of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee that Burble sent me after I found out all my savings were going to be spent on replacing our windows and I couldn't get the coffee machine I had been after for ages.

There are also little random things like cards from the Haven lot and the laser cut rattie keyring from Jim after Rincewind died :)

15-06-2007, 18:22
My Birthday last year - I'm one of those annoying people that LOVE their birthdays and I get really excited about them but never really had a big party or get together because I've never really had any friends to share it with ( apart from when I had my 7th birthday party and I got a shiny new red bike... that ROCKED ! :cool: )

Anyway, a few months before my birthday one of Jamie's friends said it was her b'day a few days before so why don't we go out to Chicagos and have a few drinks. Jamie has 2 groups of friends, the school lot and the bikers. Lisa is one of the school lot.

So I get to the bowling alley where we are meeting up beforehand and there's the school crowd, I really felt everyone was there for Lisa and I was just tagging along as they're a huge group of close friends but it didn't bother me - by this point I was used to being Jamie's missus in the group :)

We'd been there for about 10 mins when a couple from the biking lot turn up and I thought how odd and how cool, maybe we could get them over and join in ... they came over and they told me they were here for my birthday ! :D Then another load turn up and they've all come out for ME ! ..not anyone else but ME !! .. I nearly cried :)

We had a lovely evening and then my actual birthday comes round the next day and Jamie has bought me flowers, a necklace and made me a card - we're going out for a meal later with his parents and mad Auntie Val.

We're getting ready and there's a knock at the door, I was forced to answer it a la Sam and hidden behind a bunch of flowers is Will ! :D I screamed like a schoolgirl !! .... But there's more - MB and H were also there :D

We had a lovely posh meal with fantastic company

I had honestly never felt so touched in all my life that a number of people had made such an effort just for me, never had that before. Jamie did a superb job of making my special day just that. :)

Birthday Surprises ROCK ! :D

Admiral Huddy
15-06-2007, 21:04
On one of my birthdays, I had to work - which pissed me off a bit. I got home from work wondering if there'd been any post.

When I got in, I though to myself "I'm sure this place looks different". It turned out that my Mam and my sister had spent all day spring cleaning my place. There was a vase of flowers on the coffee table and when I opened the fridge, there was a delicious salad on a plate and a tasty bottle of Chardonnay.

Brought a tear to my eye.

I occasionally order flowers for my Mam when I'm offshore. She loves flowers and it shows her I love her and think about her - she always cries when I do it and my brothers hate me for it as they get a hard time for days for "not being as thoughtful as Stan" :D

I've clocked up millions of Brownie points over the last couple of years.

Stan :)

Aww you soppy big fella :)

17-06-2007, 14:07
I've never really got any nice surprises tbh. Had a couple of lovely cards of the BD girlies but apart from that most surprises I get aren't the good kind! :undecided: ;D

18-06-2007, 16:49
I've never really got any nice surprises tbh. Had a couple of lovely cards of the BD girlies but apart from that most surprises I get aren't the good kind! :undecided: ;D
Same really, although I received a nice one today from the captain of my cricket team: "...arrangements in the capable hands of our new vice-captain, Rob Collie". All I need to do now is get the fine leg/long leg places the right way around...

18-06-2007, 20:45
My birthday weekend. That is all :cool:

18-06-2007, 20:52
Hmm I've never really have had any big surprises, Martin bought me flowers once which was lovely. Unfortunately I'd gone out to get my tattoo and missed getting them at the door.

18-06-2007, 21:03
Biggest one was my 21st Birthday party by my friends (whom I never see anymore :() when I was in Plymouth Uni. Basically my best friend at uni back then had the task of occupy/distract me until the time of the party, I wanted to go back home at one point (after the lecture for the day) he dragged me into a guitar store and bought a Guitar!.

All I thought I was doing that day was going to dinner with my mate and 2 other friends, which we did. But when we got back home there was a party waiting, the whole walking into the front room all quiet in the dark and someone turned on the light and everyone shouted "Surprised!". A house full of people turned up and had a great house party, plus pressies :) The best one being this.


18-06-2007, 21:15
Me neither really. Not that I can remember anyway :/
Thats what i think, if it was big then I'd definitely, probably remember it.:p

I always wanted a surprise party or something like that.

18-06-2007, 22:15
oh stop hinting will you ;D

I'm sure Leo will read this later and start looking all hurt because I can't remember something :p

I've had lots of surprise flowers, so i suppose I'm not being honest there, but I mean like, you know, a BIG surprise :D
I wasn't honest! :p I live far too far away from everyone on here for anything like that.
But yeah, I've had lots of lovely little surprises like you but nothing really huge.

18-06-2007, 22:29
Paul has given me several 'surprise' lines on my forehead.

Does that count?

18-06-2007, 22:35
Paul has given me several 'surprise' lines on my forehead.

Does that count?

Not really, you're not supposed to have any idea whats coming. ;)

18-06-2007, 22:41
Not really, you're not supposed to have any idea whats coming. ;)

Father Time. What a ****ing rotter.

19-06-2007, 10:28
Realised I was getting older... that was a surprise.

I've only really had bad surprises, and I'm not one for celebrating my own birthday or things like that, and I never really want anything from anyone bar the love and friendship that I'm already given. I don't accept gifts that well, I get very embarassed and feel a little put out by it - same with surprises I don't feel I deserve or should get any special treatment and it puts me out that people would go to an effort for me. Fortunately people know this and haven't really made a fuss but have still been there for me to offer me their friendship and time which is all I ask.

I genuinely have never had any good surprises in my life bar christmas and birthdays as a child, but I'm not upset or sad about it as I've got a few wonderful friends, and a close family and am in good health. What more do I need?

Sorry - that sounded a little sombre and sad, it wasn't meant to be at all! I'm quite happy with the status quo - I wouldn't change anything. :)

19-06-2007, 11:35
The one that I'm thinking of first is the one still fresh in my mind.

I was given two cards for Father's Day, one from Josh and one from Emma, and a bottle of Smirnoff Black. I'd been up to take my dad his card and present and when I came back to the pub Emma's parents were there and a few lads from the pool team and that. Josh ran up to me and dived on me and gave me a kiss, then Emma called him so he ran round to the other side of the bar.

When he came back he was carrying two cards and dragging a pressie bag with a bottle in. When he handed them over he whispered 'Maffew, these are for you, will you be my daddy?'

I had to go upstairs in case I started crying in front of the guys :/

19-06-2007, 12:06
I always wanted a surprise party or something like that.

Me too, but I never had. /hint lolololololololol ;)

Spud, that's lovely :)

19-06-2007, 12:17
Awww :)

19-06-2007, 12:21
I had to go upstairs in case I started crying in front of the guys :/

Christ, I almost had to do the same just reading it. I'd be made up.

19-06-2007, 13:49
....I had to go upstairs in case I started crying in front of the guys :/

I got a lump in my throat reading that:'(

19-06-2007, 14:13
Christ, I almost had to do the same just reading it. I'd be made up.

Believe me, I was. I still am in fact :)

19-06-2007, 14:35
I can think of a few but the most recently...

Being sent a wheat heating bean bag and a heat affected mugaroo :)

*huggles jen and mei uber lots*

Also all the cards/notes/bits n bobs I get through from you guys and gals. They mean an awful lot to me and surprise me everytime :)

It's the little things that keeps me smiling!

A big surprise that's always stuck out in my mind though was a surprise birthday party my Ma did for me when I was 16. It's where I first met Picky :) Despite never meeting me in RL, he travelled all the way from Cornwall just for me! :)

I love surprises - they're the best :)

19-06-2007, 15:18
Mat - that sounds incredible. I bet it's indescribable! :)

19-06-2007, 15:24
I had to go upstairs in case I started crying in front of the guys :/


My youngest has really taken to Paul. He puts his arm round him when we're out and won't leave him alone for 2 seconds!

19-06-2007, 20:48
If I had the correct address he would have had another surprise on val day :( instead someone else probably did :(