View Full Version : Yep, a new song!

18-06-2007, 22:46
After listening to the new Travis album a lot recently (I recommend you get it), I started thinking about how melodic and heartfelt all the songs are, but also how clever the lyrics are too. Inspired by this I came up with this song last week and recorded it straight away. Hope you like it. :)

Heart Attack (http://www.belmit.co.uk/songs/Belmit%20-%20Heart%20Attack.mp3)

24-06-2007, 12:44
Belmit that was great :)

I love writing. And I love writing songs, but sadly I have a singing voice that sounds better when no-one else is listening but me.

If I ever write anything I think is decent, I might ask you if I can pass it your way and see if you fancy putting it to music :)

24-06-2007, 14:50
Sure, I've never tried putting someone else's lyrics to my own music before, would be good to try it out and see what it turns out like. :)

24-06-2007, 16:36
A little too oversentimental for me ;).

That's pretty good Belmit, well done :).